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Over The Veto

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The University apr.ropnation bill recentty vetood by thegovernorwas tikenupthe other afternoon. Senator Bhurp read umi the governor s inaugural message a section Lommondinff to tlie legis'aiure careful c nsiderailon of the estlumtes lor laboratories at the university. Tliere was nothing in the message to indicatp his disapprov.J ot ïha appropriation, and 110 sueh disipproval was intimated in any way 11 11 1 i tije nie-sngo of juno 2. The Renator referrod to the proposition to raise the tultlon cf non resident students and suid Ihat was a matter that oiuht to be le t with the roteuts, where it had been by law for tiiirty six year-. He referred to other appropriations and said the legislatura had ihovvn no greater libera ity to tlie university than to other state tnstitutions. Senator O'Keilly said that he favored economy, but he' understood thnt sustaining tiie veto would cripple the unirersity. He would tlierolore vote yes and ieave economy for sonie other time. The LiU passed over the veto by a vote of 3U to 5. The M'iiato has settled the question of r . iiuri'd f ares i or this se eion. at least, the vote fixing the fare at two cents standing yens, 9: nays, 21. 'lhis was a f.iir test vote on the" 'J-cent proposition and was ncoepted as such bv all parties nie o ti'il. The bill then passed, leaving rnilroad fares unchanged, Dot simply pro f r the cunstruction of tunnels and their approacbes. In order to finish the job J.H. Bal coek moved to ta!;e from the ml. the ïlanly bill, whlch was the oriijinal '-'-cent bi 1. it was taken from the table and on motion of Senator Hubbell it was indefinitely postponed by a vote of 18 yeas, to 12 nays. The house the other morning went through, as fpecial order, Mr. Monroe's bill to i t'vi.o tne banking iawsoi the state. The txamination fee for a bank was changed from Ü'M to tlü anl one one hundredtii of one per cent of the y;ross assets. An ameudment wasa.iopted that bon. is of Michigan munlcipaiities may be used as by banks when the araount of bonds issued does not exreed one tenth the asse sed valuationof themunicipiUity. As the bi 1 left the senatu the limit w is one fifth of tlie asse sed v.iluntion of real estáte. After completing consideration the committee ro e and the bill passed l.y a vote of 5 to 7. Ihis bill was carefully considered by some of the leading hankers in the tate before it passed the tenate and met with general, hotu by commercial banks and savings banks. It I is to be submitted to popular volé at the 1 November election in 1S. Both himso have adnpted a ioint resolution accepting thegovernment appropriation of ï 15,100 for an experimental station at the agriciiltui al college. The Gorman bill, which has been the íUDject of much discus ion in Catboliccircles, and of many remontrances by members of thecon_regations. bas been taken trom the table in the senate, ordered printed and placed upon the general order. The obctof the bM is to place the title to C i'tho ie cliuri-hes in trustees iustead oí the bishop individually. The senate spnnt one morning sesion in the discussion of and passed the bill to con solídate t'ie Saginaws and Carroiton. The speechethioughoutthe whole debate were excellent, i ach in its line, but had not tl: e slightest e;:'ect on t,h result. Mr. Kdwards' iiineudment providin for submitting the c;ue tion to vote of the people in the three muni ipalitius interested, was voted 0own, with oniy hitnself and Mr. Harshaw in the afïirmative. The house amendment providing for con.oli'lation w is t'nen coucurred in, yea-i BU, nay Mr. Kdwards. The remite toók a recesa, and a ppeeí h from Mr, Horr wound up the Saginaw proceediugs la that body. The house rromptly ci.m urred in the one senate aniendment whi h provides thut consoiidation slull finally take etl'ect in 18..1. lioth housis of the legislature have adopted reso utions of thanks and congratulutions to the Ürchard Lako cadets lor their achievements. Tbe senate has passed the bill to nrohibit the sa'.e of intoxicating iiijrors to lnmate oí the Roldiers' home at Grand Kupi'is excepl when absent on furlough. The governor has signed the bill authori. ing probate iudges to send intigent insane ]ersons to any private asyium in the state. Tbe bill to estabiish local option by counties. elections for that purpose to be held upon request of one Ilitji ot the voters enumeiated at the last preceding election for governor, came up in the house the other day and was passed by the exact con.stitutioual ma.ority.


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Ann Arbor Democrat