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The G. A. R. Frame A Bill

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Adjt.-uen. Gray of the Grand Army of the Kepubllc is buslly engaged in issuing to all the posts in thecountry a dependent pension bill. whose passage will be urged upon the next congress. It was drafted by tlie national pension committee of the (i. A. K.. composed of the following membora of 1 1 1 1; order: Geo. S. Merrill of Lawrence, Mass.; Louis Wagner of Phlladelphla; James Tanner of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; John C. Linchan of Penacook, Ñ. H., and John S. Kountz of Toledo, O. This committee was appointed by Commander-in('hicf Fairchild under a resolution of the national encampment. Sèctlon 1 of the bill provldes that in considerlng the pension claims of dependent parents, the fact and cause of death, and the fact that the soldier left no widow or minor child or children, having been shown as required by law, it shall be necessary only to show by competent and suflicient evidenoe that sueh paient or parents are or have been without other means of support than thelrown manual labor or the eontributions of others not legally bound for their support: Provided, that all pensions allowed under this si-etion of this act shall coiiimviice from date of actual dependence if claim was Bied prior to July 1, 18S0, and case of application thcreafter made, the pension shall commence from the date of the tiling of the application in the pension office, or from date of subsequent dependt-nee. Section 2 provides that all person who served thrce months in the military or naval service oí the United States and who have been honorably discharged and are sufferlng from mental or physical disability not the result of their own viclous habits shall be entitled to receive 812 per month; that persons who are now recelving pensions under existlnglaws, or whose 'claims ure pending In the pension office, may receive the benefits of this act; that no person shall receive more than oie pension for the sanie period, and rank in the ser-vlce shall uot be considered, Section 3 provides that if any Invalid pensioner has died, or shall hereafter die, leaving a widow, miuoi child or children under 18 years of age, or tn case thore be no wldow or minor chilcl or children, a dependent mother or father, sueh widow, minor chlUl or cliildren, or father or uiother, shull be placed lipón the pension roll at the ra tes establlshed by law, tol ■widows, minor children and parents, without regard to the cause of diath of such pensioner; provlded, that said widow was niarrled to the decenscd pensioner prior to the passage of this act. ïhat the increase of pensions for minor ehilden sliall be at the rate of S5 per month Instead of S2 per month, as now provided by law, and in case a minor child is insane, idiotie or otherwise lielpless. the pension shall continue during tlie lile of said child or during the period of suêh disability. Section 4 Imposes a fine of 8500 or imprisonment at hard labor not exeeeding two years, or both, In the dlscretion of the court, on agenta or attorneys aceepting a greater fee than 810, payable only upon the order of the commissioner of pensions, by the pension agent making payment of the pension allowed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat