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City Locáis. It should be borne in mind that when we say a thing we mean it, and the people of Washtenaw county have beoome convinoed ere this that we do juat as we agree. Please bear in mind that until July 1 ovorything in our mammoth clothing establishment will be sold ut a Krent reduction. Straw Hats at onehalf price. Light Colored Derbya and Soft Fur ITatH the ame. Now is the time to make purchases. J.T. Jacobs & Oo. I carry one ot the largest stocks of Jewelry in Washtenaw county, and feil at prices that defy competition. Jaoob HaliiBR. We design and manufaoture Book Cases, Mantles, Parlor Tables, Cabinets, in fact anything desired in the cabinet line. Koon & Halleb. Until July 1, goods must ily at J. T. Jacobs & Co's. clothing emporium. Those desiring goods in our line can save dollars by purchasing of our house. We are bound to give the people bargains, such as they have not witnessed in many a day, and our efibrts to save them money will, as in the past, be appreciated. Parties who have Parlor Furniture which needs making over, will iind it to tlieir interest to come and see us, and have an estímate made on the work. We carry a full line of Plushes, öpun Silk, and all other styles of coverings. Koen & Hallkb. Attention is oalled to tbe large stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, at niy store South Main Btreet. Prices down, down. down. Jaoob Hallek. Lost. - A pointer bitch, liver and white. The finder will please return the same to Jno. J. Walker. Hair Mattrasses, Feather Beds, and Pillows made to order on short notice. Work always guaranteed, at Koen & Hallkk'h. Wanted.- A good, young, sound horse for delivering goods. Enquire of WKBNKB & BllENNER, No. 16 South Main street. Watohes, both Gold and Silver of the best make, Chains, Ear Ripgs, Fine, Silver and Plated Ware, Opera Glasses, etc., for sale at Jacob Halier 's establishment, South Main street, Ann Arbor. Stddents ! Students ! ! Stüdents! ! ! ahd all others. The highest price paid tor all second hand Clothing und Furniture, by the old, kind, second hand dealer, Wm. Exinger, opposite the Michigan Central Depot, second door fron the JExchange Hotel, corner of Fuller and North State streete. D. F. Almendinger has three fine Pianos, one of them nis own make, to which he wants the attention of those desiring to purchase a First-class instrument. Loaning. - Money to loan on Heul Estáte Mortgage at Current ratee of Interest. Satisfactory arrangement made with capitalists desiring such inyestments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstracte of titles caref ally examimed as to legal effect. Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor Special Sale. i he undereigned, special admmistrator of the estáte of the late Wm. H. Wagner, of Soio, will, the next four weeks solí at prívate sale the following property. 1 span bay horees, 8 years oíd and weighing 1,400 each; one 1 year oíd colt; 5 good milch cowb, and several head of young cattle; also 90 good sheep. To be sold for cash or approved notes, payable in 9 months. Inquire at my farm % miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Dexter road. IsiiAHí, Kuehnle, Administrator. Sohiapacasse & Co., at their new store on Korth Main street, have a full stock of everything in the Candy line, Tobacco and Cigars. All kinds of Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, etc. Ice Oream parlors in the rear of the store. We keep for drinks, such as Qinger Ale, Pop, and California Grape Cream. Peanuts by the pint and bnshel. A. ScHIAPAOASSE & Co. Fob Sale Cheap. - A Small Soda Fouatain. See H. Granger, State st. Fob Sale.- A 5 year old mare. Inquire of Frank Henderson, at bis farm in Pittsfleld. Grossman & Schlenker keep extras for the Deering Machine, and plenty of Twine for Binders. No. 7 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Cali ón Doty & Femer, who have just received one of the largest and most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes for spring trade, ever brought to Ann-Arbor. Sell cheap and the people will buy,. O. F. Bukkdabdt has just received a large stock of Trunks, Yahses, and Shawl Straps, which will be sold at a bargain. Also a fine line of Harnesses and Bridles. I Carry the Biggest Stock of Harnesses in the County. C. F. BuBKHABDT. See Heke ! I sharpen and repair Razors, Shears and Knives on short notice, at my barber shop, North Main street, one door f rom Aston Sohiappacasse's. HabbinotonE. Johnson. Ten Thousand Men Wanted! To try Frank Minnis' Sty logra phic W riting Ink. For sale at Vale's postoffice news depot. Fabm Fob Sale. The Albert Case Farm of 140 acres, adjoining thevillage of Manchester, will be sold at a bargain. Long time given. Easy paymente. The place is well watered and has good buildings. For full particular inquire of Mrs. Ralph Whiting, Ann Arbor, Mich. Fob Sale.- The property on Miller avenue, known as the Bower homestead. One in need of a desirable home can purchase this real estáte at a remarkably low figure. Inquire of O. L. Matthews. Fob Sale. Three hundred and fifty acres of land in the northern portion of Washtenaw county, to be sold for $13 per acre, altogether or in seperate paroles. For particulars address P. O. box 1035, Ann Arbor Michigan. To Bent. - Inquire of Wm. Burke. ClAIBVOINT .fHYSICIAN. Dr. L. D. WhiteisstillintheTMiffy block, opposite the postoflice, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in his office at all hours. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sts. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaction, at Dotv & Finer's Boot and Shoe House. Mrs. Fitch has Ladies' Crimps, Frizzes, Switches, etc., for sale, over JWaynard's grocery store. First Class Hair Work done at Mra. Fitoh'a. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank is open every Saturday evening from 7 'till 8 o'clock, for savings department business only. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mrs. Fitch's Hair Emporium, over J. W. Maynard's. GEO. OLP ! PROPRIETOR OF THE New Livery Stable Boardioit and Farmers' fr'ed IJam. .Vi Baxtcr'8 Old Stand, Corner Huron and Second Street. TURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAT. Charges Reasonable. Telephone Connectlon.


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