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IT IS A WONDER ! That there oan be found people who are satisfied to buy an inferior quality of goode, and pay big prices, when an establishment like iaiMSdiÉ Has always open a stook of First Quality Qoods and at prices that shonld command attention. See their NEW SPRING GOODS ! All the latest fabrica for spring and summer wear will be shown; the proiucts of home and foreign manufacture, in all grades ; a feast for the eyes of the tadies and a bonanza for their purses. Special bargains will be found in our Dress Goode, also in our House-Keeping Departmeuts, Black Dress Qoods and 3ilks. Mack & Schmid. Conscience is said to be the voico of the soul but it does not follow that the man whose solo squeaks all the way down the broad nisle has a troublesome conscience. An End to Bonk Scbapinci.- Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: "Having received so muoh benefit trom Electric Bitters, I teel it my duty to let suffering humamty know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have to hare the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxee Bncklen's Arnioa Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bncklen's Arnioa Salve at 25 c. per box by Eberbach & Son. A machine has been inyented which will sew on buttons as fast as seven girls could do the work. Thus perif hes another induoement to commit matrimony. Good Kesült.s in Evebt Oask.- D. A. Bradford, wholeeale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seriously afflicted with a severo cold that settled on his lungs, had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely oured by use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Ooughs and Colds with best resulta. This is the experence of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles f ree at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store. A check for one cent is spo ken of in the papers as unusual, but we often see a check for one sent when the messenger boy happens oa to a dog fight. SEALED PROPOSALS ! I wlll receive sealed bids until July lst, 1887, for the material of the HUÍ Mansión to be taken down and removed (rom the premisos before Dec lst 1887. Also for the barn and outbuildings, on the sume conditions as above, Also for the outside or road fences Keserving the right to reject all blds. PermUsion to remove wul be given on Sept. lst. Terms- cash, or approved notes. A separate bid will be recelved for each Ítem. A. J. 8AWYER, Agent. ü. W. AMSDEJN, (Suecessor to Henry Richards.) - DEALEK IN - ÍARD AND SOFT WOOD - AND - COAL. W.-SU Flour and Feedi YARD ad joinint; Fireman's Hall. Old friends iro iavited to cali, and others in want of anyhing in ni y line. D W. AMSDEN. The Palace Livery THE Fiiul ai Best Turnouts IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE St3atleJAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone No. 31. GRASSAR 4. BRAND, Filsner and Bobeiian Lager Manufacturad in Toledo. .A.. a-riisrisrEïi, Has the Sole Agency, And will Deliver in Pint, andQuart Uottles, and by the Keg, to all parta of the City FKEE OF CHARGE. No. 4 Detroit St. P. 0. Drawer 25. WflBMBS & BEBMIBB. No. 16 South Main St. A FULL UNE OF FRE8H GROCERIBS Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8, SUGARS and SPICES. We also carry a full line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERMR &B RENNER. MoSide Show - m in." - - -2 i. a. mn; o í, HAT8 L- FheLatestShapes Irown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. L Stock l'attcrn wltli us and can be liad in separate pieces as well as sets and matcbed for years to come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - MICH. GREETIHIH We come before the people with the largost and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirely üoo numerous to mention for the outBtlng of the fine dressers. And as we have the services of one of the best cutters, and also our coat makers are amonK the best, enables us to please the most fashtonable dressers. Now all we have to say is come in and we will guarantee you the lowest prices in the state for first-class goods. No trouble to show goods. Rememberthe place. No. I O East Huron Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Palace Grocery ! Have Everything in the Srocery Line ! That Can be Purchased. Also all kinds of Fresh Vegetables FRED T. STIMSON. Rememberthe Place, No. 9 North Main St.i Ann Arbor, Michigan. EXINGER & BOES, Proprietors of the EXCHAHGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW. TER&IS $1.00 PER DAY. In connection with the Hotel are Barn A ccommodations. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. Teas, CofTees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at Casli IP:r?oes And can sell at Low Figure. The large fnvoice of Teas thev buy and sell, is good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cake and Crackers. Cali and see them.


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