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FliË lij! gif fra'i'" ' : : jl: .in mrwirrrrr minimin i,i 11 ? - - '.:;:-::;. ;■:..- - :■ "-"'A ■■ ::; ' ■ . :.; ; ;:. y ;;.:: . ■ : -: :-;;:: - '■■- -■■■ ■■■■ The followlng wordt, in praiso of Du. P:erce's Favorite Prescrii-tion as a rcmedy for those delicate diseases and weakDcsics peculiar to womrn, must be of Interest to evcry euffercr from such maladieg. They are fair samples of the spontaneous expreeilons wlth wblch thousands givo utteranco to iheir acuse of gratitude for the inestimable boon of health which has been restored to them ly the use of tuis world-famed medicine. """- ■- ■- 1 John E. Siqar, of Maienbeck, Va., writes: I T.,„...., I...... I Sophia F. Bosweix, Whüe Cottage.O fflAA "Mywife had been suffcriug for twoorthrco IH RE Wil WAY wrlt: "I took eleven bottles of your 'Fal&llV year wlth femalo wenkuess, and had paid ■'"-" "■ vonte Prescription ' and one bottle of your T .......... I . oat ne hundred dollars to physiciang withHFI Pellets.' I ara dping my work, and have been I HRDWN flWAY out relief. Hhe took Dr. Picrec's Favorito n..II-.__ t(r Hnmc I have had V employ lielp for '"""' ' Prescription and it did her more good tban bUPPOSTER "bout sixtcen years before I commenced tak■- ■- -■■ all the medicine given to her by the physi" ' " ing jaar medicine. I have had to wear a dans during the three years tbey had been practicing upon her." VV supporter most of the time ; this I have laid . . Mrs. George Hirqfr, of TTuDUU, N. Y.. "■ """-I - welf I ever d.d." Tur QnrirroT wrlte: " I was a great sufferer f rom lcucorMrs. Mat Gi-eason, of Kunica, Ottawa Co. Int uHLAitol rhea, bearlng-down pain, and pain contin[ WCRKS Mich., writos: "Your "Favoritc Prescription ' r n ually arross my back. Thrce boftlcs of your : " aa WOrked vronders in my case. t&RTHLY HflflN ' Fvo"c Prescription ' rpstored me to perWfltinfRQ Again she writes: "Havfnir taken sevcral bot■""""' fect health. I treated with Dr. , for nUBUtnO. tles of the 'Favorito Prescription1 I tmve re"""" nine montus, without receiring any benefit. mmm """" gainod my health woiidcrfully, to the astoniehThe 'Farorite Preaerlption ' is the greatest earthly boon to us ment of myeelf and friends. I can nr,w be on my feet all dar, poor suffering women." attending to the dutics of my houïehoid. TREATING THE WRONG D9SEASE. Many timus women eall on thcir family physicians, suffering, as thoy imagine, one from dvspepsia, another from heart disease, tnother from liver or kidnoy riisease, anothcr from ntTvoua exhaustion or prostration, anothir with piin herc or thcre, and in this way they all present aliko to thcmselvea and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, Repárate anti distinct diseas&s, for which ho proscribes iiiü pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, in re&lity, thej' are all oiily symptoms cíiusod by gome womb disorder. The physicinn, iifnorant of the cause of suffering, eneournifs bis practice untíl large bilis are made. The suffering patiënt gets no botter, but probably worse by reasün of the delay, wrong treutment and consequent oompUcatlonf. A proper mcilioine, likO Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrfption, directed to the cattóe would have. cntircly removed the discase, thereby dispelliug all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolongcd miscry. 3 Physigi&hs I íSOBSS&SbSsSI I Jealous I ocJSaníísr srY.otg34sa rliirii was a dreadf ui sufferer irom uterino troublcs. 1 ULALUUÖ I fcmalo" wc'aknesg leucorrhea and falling of the ft Li Having exhausted the sk 11 of three phyI nflnTnn I WOmb for seven years, so I had to keep my bed Biclans. I was completely discouraged, and so I ÜUblUHo. I for a gooA pttrt of the time. I doctor.d with an w?ak i V,11 with difllculty cross, the room I I of different physiciiins. and spent lar?e suras alone. I began takmg Dr. Pieree'fl Favprite Prescription and of money, but received no laeting beneflt. At last my husband using the local treatment recotnmended m hu Common Pense nersuadcd me to try your mi-iiicines, which I was loath to do, Medical Adviser.' I oommenced to improve at once In three because I was prejudlced against them, and the doctors said months I was perfectty cured, and have had no trouble since. I tiicy would do me no good. I finally told my hushand that if wrote a letter to my family paper, bneily mentloning how my ho would get me aome of your medicines, I would try them health had been restored, and pffering to send the f uil particulars aKainst the advice of my physician. He got me six bottlcs of the to any one wnting me for them, and enclnstna a tiamptil-eiv'Favorito Preseription also sii bott'.es of the 'Disooverv,' for velope for rmly. "I have received over four hundred letters. ten dollars, l took three bottles of 'Discovery' and four of In rcply. I have desenbed my case and the treatment used, Favorite Prescription,' and I have been a sound woman for four and have earnestly advised thera to do likewise. From a great years. I then gave the balance of the medicine to my sister, who many I have received second letters of thanks, stating that they was troubled in the same way, and she cured herselt in a short had commenced the use of Favorite Prescription, had sent the time. I have not had to tako any medicine now for alniost $1.50 required for the Medical Adviser ana had appliod the four years." local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were much better already." THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERÏENCE. The treatment of many thousands of cases cures nausea, weakness of stomach, indiIn prcjjnancy, "Favorit'-Prespription' of those chronic weaknesses and distressing gestión, bloating and emetations of gas. isa mothor's cordiaJ," wlicving nausea, ailmenU peculiar to témales, at the Invalids' A a sootlilng and streiiRtlieulng weakness of stomach and ofucr üistressing Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Buffalo, N. Y., nervine, " Favorito Prescription" is unsymptoms common to that condition. ]f has afforded a vast ciperienco In nieely equalled and is invaluable in all:iying and its uso is kopt up in the lattcr months of adapting and thoroughly tosting remedies subduing nervous excitability, irritability, pistation, it eo prepares the system fordefor the cure of woman 's peculiar maiadies. exhaustion, prostration, hyeteria, spasms livery as to prent ly li -esca, and maiiy times Dr. Plerce'B Favorite Proscriptlon and other distrcssing, nervous symptoins almost cntirtly ilo away with the suserings is the outgrowth, or rcsult, of this great coramonly attendant upon functional and of that trv ing ordeal. and valuable eiperience. Thousands of organic diEoasc of the womb. It induces " Favorite Precrlption,"whcn taken testimoniáis, received frora patients and refreshing sloep and relieves mental anxin connectioii wuii thf use of Dr. Pierce's from phvsicians who have tested it in the Icty and dcHpnndcncy. . Golden Medical Dlscovery.and small laxamore agravated and obstinate cases which Br. Pleroc' Favorite Prescription tive doses of Dr. Pierccs Purgativo Pellets bad b1U"d their skilL, prove it to be the t a iofritimalo ïnedioine, oarofully (l.lttle Liver Pille), oureg Livcr, Kidney and most wonderfnl remedy ever devlsed for compoundod by an (xppricneed and skillful llladder dlsensts. Thuir combincd use also the relief and cure of suffering women. It physician, and adapted to woman's delicato removes blood taints, and abolishes canls not recommended as a " oure-all," but organization. It is purely vegetable in its ccrous and scrofulous bumors from the as a most perfect Speciüo for woman's composition and prfectly hurmless üi its system. peculiar nilments. effects in a)iy comlition of the system. 'Favoritc Prceription ia the only A a powerful, invi(rorattng tonlc, "Favoritó Presoription ' I a poaU medicino for women sold, by dniggists, it impart8 stron?tfi to tlio whole system, tlve cure for the most complieatcd and under a poailive sruaranlec, from the and to the uterus, or womb and its apobstinate casos of leucorrhoa, or "whites," manufacturers, that it will give satisfaopendages, in particul:r. For overworked, excessire flowing at mom hly prriods, paintlon in every case, or mon?y wlll be reKworn-ont," frun-down." debilitated teachful menstruntion. umiaturai suppressions, funded. Tl'is guurantee has beon printed ers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresees, prolapsus or falling of the womb, wealc on the boUle-wrapper, and fmthfully car"shop-girlg," housekeepers, nursing mothback, "femalc woakness," anteversion, reri:-d out for many years. _ Lnrgre boules ers, and feeble women generally, Dr. troversion, buarinir-down sensations, chronnfjO doses) 9Ï.ÜO, or bix bottles for Pierco's Favorite Prescription Is the greatie congestión, inflnmmation and ulceration $'v22v . est earthly boon, being unequalled as an of the womb, inflamination, pain and tenïSend ten cent in stamps for Dr. appetizing cordial and restorativo tonic. It dernrss in ovarios, accompanied with "inPierce's largo, illuetrated Treatise 06Í Vromote8 digestión and assimllation of food, ternal heat." pages) on Diseasvs of women. i., Trojtr,n's TtSïF.NSRV irF,mrI, ASSOCïATIOTV. No. r,i3 TSnin Síreet. BlIFFAIO. P?.


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Ann Arbor Democrat