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Burned On The Lake

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The steamer Champlain, whloh left Chi . cago on Tuesday night, June 14, lor CUe boygan, was discoveredon firo when abou' six miles below Charlevoix and abottt i mile froin shoro on tha moining of the 17th. The ñames made their appearance so suddénly and made such rapid progresthat thero was little time for preparation, and the work of saving the passeugers by iiiiüiiis of boats and rafts seems to have been unforluuatoly managed. The passengers were all asleep, but were aroused and provided with liie preservers, and s soon as the llames had obtaiued completa mastery of the vessel they were driven 'nto the lake. Therc were from thirty to forty persons on board, mostly the crew. The iollowing is the list of those lost as near as can be ascertained: Capt. Lucas of Petoskey. Henry Brennan of Chicago, clerk, Ella Cooper Hmith of Charlevoix, uobert Wilkes of Charlevolx, George Wrisley of Lharlevoix, ISirs. M. Kehoe of Chicago, Stewurd liean's two children, aged thre and flve of Chicago, H. Kusse.l, traveling salesmun of the. a kson corset company. A numi er of deckhan s whites and ludians, uames and re-idences at present uuknown. The seoud cook undcabin boy of Chicago. A man and boy from Mil waukee, liouiid or Mackinc, names unknown, A iady !inildauc;htor from jrankfort, names uuknown. Those saved i oated in the water for at least nn hour and a-half, whcn the liglit of the burning boat attracted the attention : of per.-ous on the ihore, and boats put off to their relief and rescue. hight or ten other belioved to ba on board are. still unaccauntod for and niay swell the list o: tho lust. All the lost were drowned. It is certain none were burued. The Champlain was a passender propeller, built at Ogdensburg, N. ., in lt70, and rebuilt at the same place in 188'. t he was owned by T. J. Kline of Milwaukee and valued at $2 -,C0O. The Nonhern Michigan line, to whlob the Champlain belonged, was composed of , that steamer and the Lawienc-. ('npt. George 'lhorp. Both were upper cabin passenger propellers, and run regulany f rom C hicago to the Lake Michigan shore poiuts between F""'"frirtanLl CLeboygan.


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