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IT IS A WONDER ! That there can be found people who are satisiïed to buy an inferior quality of goods, and pay big prices, wben an establisbment like MattSÜ Has always open a stock of First Qunlity Goods and at prices tbat sbonld command attention. See tbeir NEff SPRING GOODS ! All the latest fabrica for spring and surmner wear will be shown; the products of home and foreign manufacture, in all grades ; a feast for the oyes of the ladies and a bonanza for their purees. Special bargains will be found in our Droes Goods, also in our House-Keeping Oepartmcuts, Black Drena Goods and SilkB. Mlack & Schmid. Sa ved His Life.- Mr. D. I. Wilooxlon, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was, or many years, badly atllicted with Phthisic, aleo Diabetes; the pains were almost nnendurable and would ome .mes almost throw him into convulsiona. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from firet bottle and after taking 8ix bottles, was entirely oured, and had faiued in flesh eighteen pounds. Says ie posively believes he would have died, ïad it not been for the relief afforded by Slectrio Bitters. Sold at flfty cents a jottle by EljerbacU and Son. Stranger- Does Mr. Jones live on this floor? Musical young lady - No, sir, his room is an octave higher, in the next flat. Don't Experiment. - You cannot afiord to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuino. Because he can make more profit he may teil vou he has something gust as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon etting Dr. King's New Disoovery, which is guaranteed to give relief m all Throat, Lung and Chest affect ions. Trial bottles free at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store. It must be exasperating to the city beau to read about courting by the cate, when he has nothing to lean against but the scraper. SEALED PROPOSALS ! I will receive sealed bids untll July lgt, 1887, for the material of the 1 1 til Mansión to be taken down and removed from the premisos before Dec. lst 1887. Ateo for the barn and outbuüdings, on the simeconditionsasabove, Also for the outside or road fencea Keserving the right to reject all biils. lVrmission to remove wfll be given on Sept. lst. Terms- cash, or approved notes. A separate bid will be received for each item. A. J. SAWYER, Agent. D. W. AMSDEN, (Succea8or to Henry Richards.) - DEALER IN - HASD AND SOFT WOOD - AND - COAL. - ALSO - Flour and Feedi YARD ad joinine Firaman's Hall. Old friends are Inyited to cali; and othere In want of anything in my line. D W. AMSDEN. The Palace Livery - THE - Finest and Best Tnrnonts IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE S-batXeJAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone N0.31. GRASSAR & BRAND, Pilsmi Hen Laser Mamifactured in Toledo. _. GKWIHSmSTIEIR, Has the Sole Agency, And will Deliver in Pint, and (aart Bottles, and by the Keg, to all parta of the City f REE OF CHARGE. No. 4 Detroit St, P. 0. Drawer 25. WERNER & BBENNEB, No. 16 South Main St. A l'ULI. LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES Juat Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8, SUGA1W3 and SPICES. We alao carry a full line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER&BRËNNBR. NoSideShow ■B át j 1 M í á. A. TUIT, o HAT8 TheLatestShapes Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stock Pattern wlth us and can be nad n separate pieces as well as sets and m atched for years to come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. AÑN ARBOE, - MICH. GREETIÏÏS ! We como before the people with the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirely oo numerous to mention ior the outflting of the flne dressers. And as we have the services of one of the best cutters, and also our ooat makers are unons the best, enables us to ple&se the most fashionable dressers. Now all we have to say is come in and we will guarantee you the lowest prices In the state for first-class goods. No trouble to show goods. Romember tho place, No. I O East Huron Street, four doors west of the Cook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Palace Grocery ! Have Everything in the Srocery Line ! Thai Can be Purchased. Also all kinds of Fresh Vegetables FRED T. STIMSON. Remember the hace, No. 9 North Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. EXINGER & BOES, Propriotors of the EXCHAHGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW. TEBMS $1.00 PER DAY. In connection with the Hotel are Barn Accommodations. RINSEY k SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of everythiiiK in tho Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Sutrars, In large aniounts, and at Caslb. Prices And cao sell at Low Figurus. The large invoice of Teas thev buy and sell, is good proof wat In Quality and Price the Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Craokera. Cali and see theni.


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Ann Arbor Democrat