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A Hiracuio 'i Escara írom :li i Grave, I nave lif en iu poor henlth with a diseased stomach una liver. causing a cankerei mouih continunlly for ton years. i kept abqu my house unt 1 a year aso last June. For threo years prior to that time I nací a tereré i aiu in the reion of my be rt nt t me secmin ; past enduran e. it nfteetel my shoulder. too i aU st engt!" from my arm; ou d ?et no re ief only by poulticing. My elomacb being odiea ed, my food caued mo great distress. My age nlso secmed to be in ihe way of my recovcry, and not theleast of my yickness í enip!oyed tho very best oí medical a si-t nnce 1 could g-t wnile in Caro, thi state but little encotiragement cou d i get Was moved to a sir nct. 1. 18 5. on n bed. givn ' me every ten minutes i tea ípoon u of I rindy ni d ico withonlf t teaspoonTul of nonriihnient at a time. I commenceii bloating soon fter arriving lure hid every nppeirance of dropy. We cal ed our ('aro phvsician lie-e, nnd he said my comiition was wore tliaij whi in C ro. n the . th of May 1 'st weca 'ed i coun -i! of doctors from Vnsar, "three ■innumber." AU of them p-onounoed mv ■cae incurable. 1 hal with the rest inammation o thebowels. and Hay almo t H eles-, nnd one of the leading pbysii ian said if I conM be restored to a sime mind ipain it would be all mv husband might expect ainl anytbinp; that would soothe me waa all thut could le done. Mv hus i and ot me some medicine t Johnson & William-oií's. drug sts at Vassar. a:i'i com:i.ence:l giving it to me. nnd in three weeks' time thev began to put n e in un easy ohir, "for a short time e.'uh day,' at which time I had no usj of my lower liint s and mv linok was QU.mb;it was a lit'le moro thnn two month-: before 1 could wa k witho;:t orutches. 1 am now fi wo I woman. luve w ilked one and n ha'f mies wit in a month c tn eat a.l kinds o" food anl en y it have gained irom -2 ))ound sin e last May. to 11 now. Cou'd 8iy more of my sickness but de icacy pre vents. i want lo say to my frieods th t 1 JRheumatic Kyr ip and i lasters are the medi'ine: thntcured me. 1 used ti nr plaste"s with the 11rt five bott'es; h: ve uscd ten bottles in all i nd am wel!. lf anyone who rends this has nv doubt a to the luthenticity f my statement, it will atTord me pleasure to refe'themlo my neighbors uil about here, f s they ■■ ast ni-i eil nt my recovêry. Itisagroai family remedy. Very truly, Mk-. Cubster Gaoe. Vaosar. Mich., Oet. 11. tS86. This is to certify that 1 have known Mrs. Gage sinco abe carne to V s-mr, and know the tacts set furt.i in lier statement above to be true. ery truly, GE'). I!. W'I.I.IAMSON, Of the lirm of Johnson aud Williamson, druggists. v'assar, Mich. The Rev. Vil iam Carlilo. a youn? London cúrate, was the founder of the "Cliurrh Arm." the Anglicau rival of the salvution army. Wi at v. i:l the Patent Medicines dol Two yeirs aco Lieut. Mozie accidentally diseóvered that a comraon fodrter lant grown nesr the equator would remove nervousnes and nervous exhaustion frotn eitlier BPX. likt' a food. at once Now, an eminent physician Ims ascertained it will remoi e the nppetite for nors and break up anintoxi ation in anhour. t iia l.ton flavord into a luclous lcverae. atid is sold in liottlei nnd through the oda fountai is bv tho drugj?ists. It is said tha rush for it by nervous women, who say the.v can do doublé work while takin? it. is 8 ing immonss. It calie.l Mo.i Nerve i ood. A New York woman made 1,509 buttonholes tor (5 cents a h n Ire 1 loi" a c oult m nufacturer aml was then obligud to sus Mm ïor her i ay. ' A Lovely Pie ure." TVe have just received trom tbe lllieu matic Syrup l'omp ny. of a kson, Mi:hiRi n. a very han l.vomu picture, thir.een by twenty-ei. ht incLes in si e oxlled "TU8 i 1 gypti:in tíirl." It is an ürientnl figure, lovelv in design and truly work of art, and it cannot fail o be np reciated by .- 11 who see it. Weaiere u" te 1 to say that they can be procured by ciiling on your drungists. Ju ca e the druggists do not I have tem incloe six cents in postnge , stampa to the l.heumatic byrup Co., of Jacks ui Mich., aud thy will send you on by relurn mail. Ninety six tl;ou-and men is the strength ol tae forcé that maltes I otinastor-Ueneral V illas the rentest general of civil employé in the uholc wor.d. Mr. A thur Bhurtleff, Parker, Dakota, writos: "St_. .liicobs i'il will cure one thing i:ot ad vi rtiseil It cured a wart on, my fïnger whlcfa 1 had for years." Price Fi ty cents. The new lridge the Ohio at Cincinnuti will Lo 1,5 0 feet in leuuth and 1 4 ' f'"'t ui ove li i h water. 'J ha center -pan wi 1 he Ml i teet long, one of tha largest in the c 'iintry. (Jount Tulstoi, the fainous Hussian bov, list. is iaid to l.elieve that bo is au export shoemaker. Kennan, hn visited nim he wouldn't care to wear the shocs made ty the novelist. At Terro Haute. Champaign County Ohio, Mr. Charles i'. Powell wa: postmaater. ond he wntes: "'I have a fine lot of l'olish Ohiol ens. I gave them St Jacobs Oil on a pill of bread for the croup. It cured tLein. The next morning I could not teil which of the hickens had been BÍCH." It is reported that the ales r f tho five leading A meriran magazines that are re:ssin 1 in Knglan'l are greator in that conntiy thun tbenggregate sale of thetwentyi:ve mngaziues publishcd in the l nited K ingdom. If afl!li.tcd with sorc eyes, use Dr. Isaac TLomjiSon s Eye Water. Drugijists scll it. 25c. Public Opinión Of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is one of the grandest preparations ever offered to the trade. L. O. Gale, druggist, Mitchell, Dakota. Two doses cured me of a severe attack of colic, after camphorund hot drops had failed. Geo. YV. Cragg, druggist, Eagle Grove, Iowa. It is an especial favorito in Ihis town nnd community. Akmstkono & Kettering, druggists, Lisbon, Iowa. It is the best preparation weever handled. It gives universal satisfaction. McEiw'AiN Bros., druggists, Yorktown, Dakota. We reeommend it beeause it is good and always pives satisfaction. Bayless & Hagensick, druggists, Eikader, Iovva. I have handled it for several years, it gíves universal satisfaction. Nouman Bennett, druggist, Mechanicsville, Iowa. My customers have uged it and will have no othor. It is quick in its action and perfectly safe. Dr. II. L. Sr. John, Howland, Mo. Last August a drayman carao in the store Kuflcring terriblv with griping pains in the stomach. Ve gave him a dose of it, and in tifteen minutes he reKuraed lus work, feelingaswell as ever. Osbohne & Franklin, driiggists, Dakota City, Iowa. While very sick with diarrhoea last Frammer, I procured a bottle of it and was eured with two or thrce doses. I pronounce it an excellent remedy. N. BltADY, Craig, Mo. I consider it the best medicine in the raarket for sutnmer complaint. John McEchron, druggist, Marne, Iowa. It is the best selling medicine, and gives the best satisfaction of any we au get. F. A Kii.borne, merchant, Fredrica, Bremer Co., Iowa. I reg ird it as ono of the safest and bost medicines before the public. W. A. Work, Secy., Iowa Traveling Men's Association. I have used it and know from cxperience, th: t it is far superior to any jthcr preparation in use. J. C. ïate, Insurance Agent, Des Moines, Iowa. I think it the best thiug of the kind on the market. L. J. Sifford, druggist, Wall Lake, Iowa. Try the remedy, and like myself you will never be without it in your home. I was troubled for years with ehronic diarrhoea and used many kinds of medicines, but nothing with permanent effect for good until I tried Cbamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Dlirrhoea Remedy. . osEpn McGuffiït, Spaulding, Union Co., Iowa. It is doing good work and the demand for it is increasing. G. T. MoClure, Chancy, Clinton Co., Iowa. It is "A No. 1." I have tried it and speak from experience. John Herriott, druggist, Stuart, Iowa. We have handled it for several years and cheorfully reoommend it tobe as good as the best. Hyatt & Dryden, druggists, Lynnville, Iowa. It is one of the best selling preparations 1 handle. B. M. Hopper, druggist, Springville, Iowa. It gives the best salisfaction of any (latent medicine I have had anything to do with. C. T. Boweh, druggist, New Sharon, Iowa. My customers all speak highly of it. John B. Playter, druggist, Bristow.lowa. I can recommend it to all as being lust vvhat they claim for it. It gives :!ie best satisfaction of any medicino I ever sold. W. H. Smitii, druggist, Brewster, Blainc Co., Neb. I have a good trale on it and never have to urge people to take it who hay e once used it. J. G. Fox, druggist, Wan beek, Iowa. I consider it the best in the market. G. C. Lanterman, druggist, Fremont, Neljraska. It bas no superior. C. V. lh( Ki.KBERRY, druggist, Tracy, Iowa. I regard it as an article of great merit. F. N. Chase, Director, Iowa State Board of Agrieulture, CedarFalls, Iowa. 1 have used it many times during the past live years, and have invariably iouiiil t a complete cure for diarrhoea dyeentery, pain in the stomach, or bowel oouipl.iint in any form. I ahvays ■ ep a bottle of this medicine in the house for immediate use, and wouldnot be without t for fifty times its cost. F. J. Young, liveryman, Denison, Iowa. Wc never handled any preparation for bowel complaints that gave better catisfaetion than Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy. The blackberry preparations are no where as comparen with it. ÜEIWITZ & CO., N. E. Cor. lOtli & Olive Sts. St. Joscpli, Aio. I have handled it ever since I have been in business, and sold it under a guarwntec nuil nover huvo bad reported n single eoruplaint. K. Ciiandlek, druggist, Omaha, Neb. Chitmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dim rhuu liemcdy girea the best satisfaction of :.ny medicine the pui-pose, that I eve becóme acquninted witb. It is a lirst class preparution. J. S. MlI.LEIt, 1S23, Nicollett Ave., Minnonpolis, Minn. At home or abroad no person can afford to bo without Cbamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Dini-rhoea Remody. Obstinate Constipation Keadily Yieldi To the regular use of Carter' Little Liver t'iils. Statisties show tbat of the blind less than ono fiftli aro un.ler 10 years of nge, showing thut blindne s is not so india miriortuno of childhood as oL lfiter years. Carter'.- Little Liver Pilis will ba fonnd an excellent remely lor sic; headache. Thousands of letters from people who h ve iised them prove this fact. Ask your druggist for them. Jubilee Jugsins, an Enfclish turfite, having recently corre into a fortune of $?,MX),0 Hl. i now thfl heaviest "plunger" on the British race track. Congcsted Liver is Frequent in the Spring, And is relieved by Carter's Little Liver PMs. Mj FOK jBESr Bjliousness, pfiF Constipation, The iore Dyftpej;s!a people feel, ïïowover liuht iuav w their meal. ShouM ner ba suiïered to i Aml breod a train of praver woes, When ■) tr'ert beaith t"-y tnnv uoure Throujih TARUAXT'S N'ELTFR safe and sure. _ PUBLIC OPINIÓN Of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcmedy. It is a perfcetly reliable remedy in all cases of bowel complaint. NT. II AI.DpiAN, llniggist, Thornburg, Iowa. _ I am positivo that it baa saved the livesof several persons in this vicinity. Chas. J. Nkwcomb, blacksmith, Lytle City, Iowa. I takc pleasure in recommending it. Gko. Bkmi)I(t, druggist, Muwvcll, Iowa. I find it infalible. A personal trial is sufficinnt to convince anjone of its superior excellence. J. M. AbmSTBONG, trarcling man, Rock Falls, 111. It is a good medicine. M. C. Gallaghek, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Itisour favorite family medicine. Sam'l P. Stewakt, blacksmith. Terra Haute, Mo. I am subject to cramping pains in the stomach, but can always depend upon Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhosa Remedy, one or two doses always cures. W. A. Baldwik, hardware merchant, Boonville, Iowa. We have sold hundreds of bottle3 and never known it to fail. J. B. Bbenton & Co., druggists, Adel, Iowa. All who use it recommend it very highly. Geo. II. DeWaters, druggist, (iarden City, Kan. It is the best I everused in my family and I can recommend it to any one. Mus. Geo. M. Ludington, Cedar Falls, Iowa. I thinkit is splendid. Have used it two years. Mrs. Alice Beebe, Central City, Linn Co., Iowa. I can recommend it with pleasure, no family should be without it. B. B. Bukley, Propr. Bnrley House, Belle Plaine, Iowa. I know of no preparation which so completely does the work. Al. A. Bebout, Eastport, Fremont Co., Ia. It is worth its weight in gold. Mrs. J. S. Lawson, Carbondale, Osage Co., Kan. We are satisfied that it is the best medicine we handle for diseases of the bowels. T. NïELY & Sos, merchants, Neely's store (P. O., Bay City,) 111. We can heartily recommend it. Mr. & Mus. Jas. R. Huffman, Publishers of The Blade, Spearville. Kansas. It gives excellent satisfaction. A. E. Van Arsdale & Co., druggists, Little River, Rice Co., Kan. It is a certain cure for alkalipoison, cramping pains and diarrhoea. Iwould not do without it for anyconsideration. O. S. Mc ('i.ain, real estáte dealer, 801- i'ith st., Denver, Colorado It is the bet medicine we ever had in the house. Amy Dicks, Pierson, Woodbury Co., Ia. It cured me of chronic diarrhoea after years standing, when it secmed I could live no longer. Alus. E. Glkason, Salem, Dent ('o., Mo. While traveling in Dakota, I was taken with cholera morbus, it cured me. No one can aflbrd to travel without it. J. A. Hansell, traveling man, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It is the "boss". I do not want to be without it. A. S. Thompson, druggist, Kenesaw, Neb. My mother was taken with a severo diarrhosa and I could find no remedy to stop it, until I got Ohamberlain's olic, Gholera and Uiarrhoea Remedy. Joseph Gakter, Savannah, Mo. It is the best medicino I ever got for diarrhoea. I believe it saved my life. C. Bowers, Toddviüe, Linu Co., Iowa. With a single dose I cured a very severo attack of diarrhoea of several weeks standing, after all other medicines and treatment had failcd. S. Stiger, druggist, Toledo, Iowa. It has saved me many doctor bilis. Joseph Dunsmoke, farmer, Near Strawberry Point, Iowa. It is one of the greatest medicines of the age. I have used it sincc it was lirst offercd to the public and would not do without it. J. A. Starbuck, merchant, Yorktown, Page Co., Iowa. It sells well and gives good satisfaction. T. H. Bowman, physician and druggist, Valparaíso, Neb. It is the best remedy I have ever used. I havo no doubt but it saved my eldest son's life. Geo. B. Bboadbere, Editor of The Mirror, Tonganoxie, Kansas. I have handled it for ten years and always found it very good, and think no family should be without it. H. C. Hansen. druggist, Des Moines, Iowa. I have known cases of diarrhoea to be cured with a single bottle of it, that had resisted all other treatment for years. S. F. Matiiku, physiciai) and druggist, Wyandotte, Kansas, I take pleasure in recommending it as it is the best in the market. Mrs. F. E. McOhbeb, Rockford, Iowa. I have used it with satisfactory rcsults, after all other remedies had failed. Wm. Toops. Defiance, Worth Co., Mo. It has proved itself very good and I highly recommend it. Mus. Emma Kpncb, Ivyville, Adams Co., Iowa. I consider it the best preparation in use for bowel complaints and diarrhoea. W. J. McAhren, Denison, Iowa. PATEWTSootnineTbyT,otiBasgCTSCo..At. toruey, Wasüiuyton.D.C. Estd 1864. Adviot irte. rt.y? A MOXTII for KM.IABI.E T% WnftSrag 1 oiiMfï Men w or l.nillet, -mw tmí TeacuereorStudentt laeacboonntr. P. W. ZIÜGLIB.ItCO., Chluag ■. [11. (tí OAfi nr leu will start 700 In a well-paj%LJ w V-v Iní njanufa-.-turin„' buMness. protrctel by p.tent. Ar.iolo re.iulrd evcrvwhero Addren Tii..uuullL m.KT, íwti and t sts., .i.x. Nui. AFREF. TO F. A. M. Fine fvlnre Enertvlnf Hl SinjtuUr Ancttnt MMonic Emblema, lu.l dlKOvertd In lli. nn ct Pmplt. Alto Urge lllulrmd CsUlogueof MMOnlcbockt nnil RrotKl with bollen pftcM. Altoojfrr oí Fi'.t-clm tratinrru. FEw oí tpiirlou. wnrk. REUDING CO., '-"aUFuM'.shr. nnd Mauíftc:ururi,13l lirodwy,NewYorit FIKi:. WIN. WATEK.od;llTMN(; I-ÜOOÏ IROIM ROOFINC for sny kind of City or Furm liiilldliiE. P REPARED PRESCRÏPTIOHS ! A ,fS', Xcrvoim iK-i.iuiy, At. Trll 1'ncHaií and 04 page l)i)Ok of Inalrucllona, tree on reri-iut of 25 cents postnge. Addre. " M THE FERII CHBHICAI. CO., Mil wuukee, Wlsconala. HA I r IM I x ' I n 1 L.I1 I O Band mude) ore tete . , ■ opinión whfther píitent crin lx' s on patenta frec. Rfer-'mÉ:s:C"i!i ente orany mher offlcljilof ti1 ü. 8. Pittnt O E. U. STOCKIXU, AMorney. C1IFS .. Washtiigtoi . !:. ''. DETECTtVES Wantod in every Cflunty. f hrewd m!n tn art umler our ins'.mct idus in our Secret Snricc. V. ïpern"ne ntit ner.r tsarT. 8eml s'aiiin f..r partirulari. (H.ANNAN DETECTIVE BUREAU, ii Arcade. Ciocinnati. O. HEWENGLAND CONSERVATQRY of MUSÍ C Boston, Mass. THE LARCEST arvlBEST EQUIPPED n tho oughlntructioni'i Toeal and InntrumfntalMuí'c, l'itno and ürjran Tunlnfí.Fi'ie Artí, Üratorv, Liifrstu'e, French.Gerluto, and Italinn I.nnuuaRe. Enelish Iíranehr, Oymnitic, etc. Tu i t ion. $.' t 4'J.j; board ina rooin with Hcctm Ilc-itand Kkctric I.ight. $5 00to$7.5Uprrwek. Fa Term rginf Scit. 8, lftw. Fot llhutrated C]endr, vithfull infomuliou. ftdareis E.TÜUXUtK, JJir.,Fraukliii Sq. BOSTON, Mt. LeadingNos, : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., Uorka: Camdeu, N. J. 26 John St., New York. nROPsy 90 TREATED FREE. llave treated Dropsy and íts complications wlth the mout u-omlerful raensti uno vcgutable remoclies eDtir b" Remove all symptom of dropsy In ciht to twenty days. Curepatfents pronounced hopeles1 by the best of physf clans, r rom the iirstdose thi'svmptoms rapidly disappear, and in ten days at tea&t two'titirüs of all symptoms ar removed. Some may cry humhuK wlthöot knowlng anything aboutit. Rememberit does not cost you anytliingto reallze the merit of our tieatment for yourself. vi% ar constantly cnring cases of long standing - cases tli." ? havo been tappcd a mimber of times and the patiënt deelarcd unable to live a week. GWeafull hUïory of QMe, name, agre, sex, how longafflicted, &c. Scnd ior freepamphlct. contatnlng testimoniáis. Ten dnys treatment frnlhed FREE by mail. If tod order trial Mud 10 cents in stampa to pay postaifp. BpHepsy (Kits) positively cured. (rFMentiün this paper.) iH. H. OREKV & SONS, M. Ds., 2504 Marietta Street, AtlaKTa, Ga. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Hcadache, Catarrh, Croup. Sore ThroaL RHEÚMATISM., Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. Tho many testinmnlnls rereivRtl by us more than provo all we claim for thls valuable retnedy. It Dut only relieves the most sevcre pins, but It Cures You. That's the Idea ! Bold by DrararicU. iïo ot. song Uíjok mnilert frea Address W1ZARD 01L COMPANY CHICAGO. Tho treatmeat of many thousands of oasea of those chronio weaknesses and liistrcssingr ailincnts peculiar to females, at tho Invalida' Hotel and Stirgical Inst.ute, liuU'ulo, H. Y., has uffordcd a vast experience in nicely adaptiag and thorouglily tosting rcmedioB for the euro of woman'a peculiar raalaUies. Dr. Viercc' Favorito rrescription is the outgTOWth, or rcsult, of thia grrcut and valuable experieooe. Thousands of testimoniáis, reoelvcd trom patienta and from physicians vho bav6 tfstxid it ia the more ag'irra vated anii obstinate cases whieh had lmnlel tlieir skill, prove it to bo tho most woutlorfuj remedy ever dovised for tho relief aud eure of sufferi'nif wonicii. It is not reconimended as a "cure-aïl," but as a most perfoet Spc-ciüe foc woman's peculiar ailments, A a puncrfal, iiiTifforating lonic, it iinparts streugth to the whole s"stem, and to the v.'omb and itó appendages ia particular. For overworked, worn-out," " run-down," debilitated teacher, niillinera, drcssuuikers, seamstresses, "shop-Kirls," housekeepere, nursinif mothers, ani feeblo vomen ecnerally. Dr. Fiorce's Favorito Prescription is the greatrsi eartba boon, beinff unequaled as an appctiziiiy: cordial and restonitivc icmic. Aa a Hootiiing; and strciigtlieiiiiig nerviuc, " l'avorite Prescription " is unequaled and is invaluable In allaying and subduin? Qörvoua excitability, irritaoiiity, exhaustion, pmstmtion, hysteria, spaems and other distressing, nervous syuiptoms commonly attendtiiit upon functional and organio disease of the womb. It induces refreslilns sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondeney. Dr. Iierco'8 Favorito Prcscription is a lccitiniato medicine, carefuHy compounuiid by an experieneed and sltiliiul physician, and adapted to woman's delicftto oranlztíou. It is purely vegetable in it eomposition and perfectly harmlega iü ita effects in condition of the e,vait'tn. For morningr sickness, or nausea, from whatcver cause arlslng, wcal: stomaob, indigvation, dys pepsia and kindred eyniptontd, ita use, in small dO8os, will prove vcry beneficial. "FavoritcPrescription " is r. poU tive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive tlowinjf painful menstruation, inmatura! suppre$guja prolapsus, or falling of the womb, wenk back, female weakness," antevereion, xvt inversión, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestión, inflammation and ulcerati of the womb, io4 üammation, pain and tenderness ín ovarles, accompanied with internal heat." As a regulator and promoter of functional action, nt tliat critical perlod of chango from prirlBood to womanhoo)', "l'avorite Prescrlption" is a perfoctly aafe rcmediul agent, and can produce only good resulta. It ia cqually efticacioua ana valuable in it effeets when taken for those disorder3 and derangrements incident to that later and most critical penod, known as "The Change of Life." "Favorito Pre8cription,"when tak op, in oonnection with the use ot Dr. Piercoa Golden Medical Discovery, and sinall la.xaiive. doses of Dr. Pieree's Purgativc l'i li( t ;i.lttlo Liver Pillsl. ourei Liver, Kidnoy nu üladder dteeases. Their combined nlso removea blood taints, and nboiihos cancero'.u uni serofulous humorö trom the system, "Favorito Proscriptiosi9' U tin; only medicine for women, sold by drují-gíts, uuder a positivo guaranteo, trorn the manufacturera, that it will ifiyoMiisUiction in every case, or money will bo i'efunded. This truarantee has hopn prlnted on the bottle-wrapperi, acd faithfully carr!ed out for many yeSrs, Largo bottles (ICO doses) $1(QQ, or ais bottlcs lor $5.00. For large, illtistratcd Treatisw en Diñases of women (100 pages, püPr-eoverecl), send ten cents in stamps, Address, World's Dispsnsary Medical issoclstíon, 663 IWain St,o, y. y.


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Ann Arbor Democrat