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I.aiising is borinfi for natural gas. Boirs are uniisually uumerous in Xorth trn Michigan. Kx-lJov. Alger saus for Europe about tbe 2Oth inst. The whortleborry erop in tuis state is imply enormous. Work has beeu commenced on the new high school building at Caro. Crop in the uorthern part of the lower península are unprecedented. ïwo. hundrtd miners at the Winthrop mine near Ishpeming, are on a strike. The supreme court of the district of Columbia grants J. P. Angney another trial. Ha j. J. R. Stone, an old resident of Benron Harbor and prominent G. A. I'.,man i, dead. The Michigan knitting company will be gin ojierutions in Mason in the near future. It U reported that ex-Gov. Begola is about to engage in tbe iron business in Mexico. The Michigan shingle manufacturera! association will meet in (rand Rapids July 20. vVork upon the irou bridge acrosa the Huron river at Kawsouvillehas been commeuced. Duffany Bros.' bazar in Jaekgon, was burgarized of f 350 worth of plunder the otber nigbt. Ihe Lansing engine and iron works süipped a full carload of englnes to lowa the otber day. A terrible scourtte, resenblingdiphtheria 8 raging at Cockburn island at tbe head of Lake Huron. Tbs soldiers and sailors of central Michigan will hold their annual encapment in lonia, Aug. 16-18. Owosso has the natural gas fever, and a company w.ll be organized to searcu for the "illurainator." The Commercial and People's savings bank of Bay City has been organized, with tx. capital of $100,001). Syiiios Bros.' planiug mili at Bancroft, was damaged by fire the other uight to the nmount of $1,500. A company has been organiza to build au independent railroad between East aginaw and Durand. A Manistee snloonist bus been sued for $5,000 damages for selling liquor to three minor sous of a citizen. 'Ihe board of supervisors Oí Iosco counry have resolved to prosecute Dr. Wier to Cbe full extentof the lavv. (Jiliciais of the geological survey are a ittle dubious about tue reported gold discovery near lahpeiaiug. The proposed railroad from Alpena to Petoskey is now said to be as good as a fact and in the near future. Williara Cari, for 25 years conductor of a gravel train, was killed at the gravel pit near Hillsdale the other day. Work bas been coramenced, and is being actively pushed on the Grand RApids braneh of the D. L. & N. road. Dr. G. B. Gregory of Reed City has been sentenced to 'M d iys in the Ionia house of correction for criminal assault. Thomas McGraw, the prospector recently Lurned aliveby the Apaches in northern Mexico, forniorly lived in Jackson. Jobn Boswell, a pypsy camping near Grand Rapids, committed suicide the other day by jumping into the river. A free hospital and clinic in Detroit is being talked about. Ex'-Uov. Alger will give $10,000 toward the enterprise. The excitemeut over the discovery of gold near Ishpeming continúes. Speculators are flocking there by the hundreds. The supreme court bas sustained the action of the Otseo village board in reecting liquor bonds. Same everywhere. A new railroad project U a line to run east from Ashley through Cheianingi Flushing and Flint to Port Huron or St' Clair. M. V. Rork, a well known Michigan edu. cator, has secured the superintendency of Spokane Falls, Washington territory, city schools. William P. Wells has been appointed professor of law in the university, and Melville M. Bigelow and W. B. Hammond' law iecturers. Capt. H. W. Thompson of the steam barge Minnesota, one of the oldest navigators in the west, was drowned at Esca" naba a few days ago. John Barry, a melter in the Iron Bay fouudry near Marquette, had buth legs crushed by a 2J-ton fly wheel falling on him. He cannot recover. The Coldwater llepublican says: ■Only twenty-seven majority built the old court house in 1S47, and twenty-seven majority builds the new one in 1SS7." John Friech, who lives six miles from Reed City, was rlding a mower in his hay field, when bis team ran away, breaking his thigb, one arm and three ribs. The Michigan scoop company of Battle Creek have recently sent some bilis of goods to Christiana, Norway; Stockholm, 8 weden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. John Minckler's saw mili at Xron river was destroyed by flre recently. MrMinckler looses $3,000 worth of lumber and logs, as well as tho mili, wbicb is worth iio.too. Thtodore Luce and ïïm, Feeley of Linden have been arrested on a charge of robbery, Lee W alters claiming tbat tbey assaulted bim at Flint and took $2,500 from him. Galloway & Blackman's large mili at Baldwin, Lake eounty, empioying 100 hands, is soon to shut down, having used up all its available timber. It will be a serious blow to the town. li. L. Easterly, treasurer of Fruitport township, Muskogün couuty, is missing a is also $2,000 townshiii fuuds. 'Ibepeople there seem to think be has fled, leaving his wife and cbildren behiud him. Ed Meisner, arrested in Muskegon 1 Lhe murder of his father, has confessed ihathedid shoot him, hut saya that his iather was tryinff to cut him with a knife and he shot the old man in self defense. The state encampment of the Knights Of Macabees will be held in Grand Rapids August 9, 10 and 11. Headquarters wil} be at the Morton, and about 2 0 offlcers ana representativas are expected to be present from 105 tents in the state. Mrs. Colé, a widow aged about 65 years, residing in the west portion of Marshall, feil from a second story window at the residente of her son-in-law John McNames and received fatal injuries from which she died iq about three bours. A former Lapeer county farmer, now in Dakota, writes to a Lapeer friend: "Yes, thisis'God'a own country'- because no one else wantj it. Will be back as soon as I can raise the money. Am $UX) poorer than when we left old Lapeer two years ago. J. W. Jackson of White county, is feed'ng between 125,000 and 150,000 silk worma, and to do tho work requires the services of seven or eight persons from 12 to 1 hours a day. The worms consumes severa hundred pounds of Osage orange leaves daily. Lizzie Allen, a beautiful young woman of 22, living two miies north of Port Uope, Huron county, took strychnine July 6, and died two hours later. The only icaion given for her act is that sbe had a quarrel with a brother of 16 years. She tomen o a rougu family, but was highly respectable herself. A 4 year-old daughter of John Morris of Carrollton swallowed an ornamental hairpin some days ago. It was three inches long and had a big knob at the end, and stuck in the windpipe back of the breast bone. Drs. Ross and Freeman of Kast Saginaw successfully eztracted it by cutting into the wiudpipe. A terrible mine disaster occurred the other day in the Sturgeon river Ben at Metropolitan. A number of miners nad ust ffot a blast ready when water rushed into the mine eo fast that inany could not escape. Eight Italians are known to be in the mine and are surely dead. It will be jmpossibleto recover the bodies. A Michigan Central railroad train ran into tho broadside of a Chicago & Grand Trunk train loaded with emigrants at the uuction in Lapeer atan early hour the other morning and injured seven passongers, four of whom are seriously hurtTwo cara and the side of the depot was wreeked and the track badly torn up. At a meeting of the board of control of the state school for the blind, Prof. David Howell, an educator of fine rep tation, was chowu superintendent in place of Prof. J. J. F. McElroy. Prof. Howell served in the public schools óf Blissfield Buchanan, Three Rivers and L nsing, and' ia well knowu ia state cducational circlesThe new depot of the Michigan Central railroad at Battle Creek is to be built of Philadelphiapressedbrick with vory handsome stone trimmings. The dimensions are 135xt5 feet; It is to be in the Queen Ann style. The building is to be surmounted by a tower in which there will be an illuminated clock. The roof is to be covered with red Akron rooflng. The state bill poster' s conven tion was heldin Grand Kapids on the 2lh inst. The following offlcers were chosen for tbe ensuing year: President, James Henry, Detroit; vice-president, Geo. Leonard, Grand Rapids; secretary, Thos. Reyes, loma; treasurer. C. J. Bloomfield, Bay City. The uext meeting will bo at Jack. son on the first Tuesday in July, 1888. Dr. John L. Near, a resident of Flat Rock, Wayne county, aged 79 years, has hved at that place nearly flfty-tbree years and practijed hls profession during all , that time. His mother, at the age of 101 ; years, still Uves with a daughter at Verona, N. Y. Though sojnowhat enfeebled In body her mental faculties, hearing and pight are still unimpairedfor one of her age. The new marriage license act and all laws pertaining to marriage have been publiühed in pamphlet form, uud a copy should be in the possession of every minister or other per&on authorized to pororm the marriage cerornony. They are thore(ore request.ed to send tbeir names and addresses to toe secretary of state, Lansing, when a copy therefore will be mailed them. The ca,e ugainst ex-Nurse Downs of tho soldiers' home, who was charged with cruelty to invalid members, will be droppu d. The prosecuting attorney say there is no evidence tocouviet. The leg islature demanded that Down be prose cuted, and the G. A. R., uigoi that the reputation of the home be sustaiued and Downs given a hearing. This ends the whole subject. It is rumored that a rich vein of goldbearing qimit. has been foimd on the Ianda of tho Lake Superior iron company six miles north of Isbpeming. The ore as almost fabulousiy rich in preciou metal. YY'hen the quartz is broken the gold will hokl together. This liiscovery creates groat excitement and will have the effect of sending hundreds of explorer into the gold belt north of Ishueming and Negauuee. While switching cars on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad noar Isbpeming, a train o. cars was out in two. Wh.le one part was being baced into the 1 urnace at Iron River soon after, the train stru k tbe cars and knociied tliem trom Ihe track. eo. C. Reis, superintendent of the f ui" nace, was hit by the cara and died sooii after. n employé of tho Western Te.e graph company was teriously injured. Keis was a prominent cit.zen and highly respectod. Mrs, Dr. W. J. Calvert, formerly Sarab Rutherford of Jackson, bas brought suit for libel, asking $10,000 damages, ngainst the Denver EveningTelegram, for publish ingsix or seven columns of matter relat ng to herself and the doctor, the principal allegations being that they were not mar ried for the reason that Dr. Calvart's di vorce from his former wife had been set aside in Dakota. It is claimeJ that the doctor secure! bis paper in Colorado, and they are legal; henee the suit is brought. On the order of the governor secretar; of state bas issued the commissions o the following persons: George G. Briggs of Grand Kapids, George W. L'raw ford of Big Kapids and Peter Lenuor o Flint commissioiiers to lócate by monument the position of the Michigan regi ments at Gettysburg. George Kirby of Bois Blanc, comniissioner to lay out stat road along base line of Bois Blanc island. Jonathan J. Woodman of Paw Paw, to be member of the live stock sanitary commission for six years, vice Tliomas Mans of Berriencounty,vhodeclined to qualify. A Grand Haven theorist proposed to build a steamer with sixteen-'oot drauoh and to cost $115,000, to run on the Grand river from Grand Haven to Grand Rap'ds. The rivor will now float a boat drawiug three feet of water, and Grand Rupids pa. pers are agitating the matter of dredging Franfe Lampman, a lC-year old boy ot Butler, Branch county, was riding horseback frorn the fieid to the house, when the animal began running. The young man was thrown, and hia foot caught in tl:e ine, and he was dragged over 40 rods. He was dead when found, hU head and body being mangled in a frightful manner. Gabriel Grohe, a Finlander employed in the night shift of the Burliss mili in Mar quette, was employed as off-bearer be' ween the two circular saw-, coutrolling the machinery by foot levers. While talking to some one he forgot himself for a moment, a large log struck a cant turned and knocked him with frightful, force directly across the big cireuiarsawHe was complelely severed in twain, the saw cutting himdiagonnlly from tue right bip to the left ehou'der, splitt ng thr beart in tbe center. The scène was se sickening that the forco wa unmanned. He leaves a wife and family in Finland.


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