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Mrs. Ed Boudinot is in the city. Company A will go into camp witU 55 tneu. Major Win. ('. Stevens is in Dulutii, AÜDD. Will Stinison left Wednesday for Mackmac. Chas. S. Fall is clerk ia the Michigan Central freight olöce. Jno. Spoor, of Dexter, was in the oity Monday on business. Dr. Wood was called to Albion last Friday, in consultation. The monument on the south side ot the court yard square, cost $17.10. C. Eberbaou has the contract for putting a tin roof on the opera house. A. Wilsey's new store, when flnished, will be one of the finest in the city. Jas. S. Handy is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. R. Clark, in Battle Oreek. M. J. A. Brown is painting Mrs. Watgou's house on E. Umversity avenue. Martin M. Seabolt has resigned bis position as alderman of the fourth ward. There is hibo talk of getting up a game of ball between the fat men of the oity. Mrs. Will Payne left for her home, near Adrián, Tuesday, for a two months' visit. Miss Rebeoca Heuriques and Miss Clara Wheeler, siiiled for Europe this week. City treasurer Sorg's report shows a balance on hand on June 30, of $12,907.18. Mayor Smith is laying a tone walk in front of his residence, on East Huron street. J. T. Jacobs & Co., announce a out sale of boys' cotton and ñannel waists. See ad. Chas. Donnelly is keeping books for a wholesale boot and shoe house in Springtield, 111. Prof. H. G. Sutton, principal of the 4th ward school, is spending his vacatiou at Odor, Ohio. A chair of hygiëne has been established in the university, and it will be iilled by V. C. Vaughan. Jno. Gall, for many years engaged in the butcher business, on Washington street, has retired. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Enkermann was held friday. She ras the mother of Wm. Enkermann. The pólice made only tive arresta in June. Now if this isn't an orderly city, where do you find one? The pastor of the M. E. churoh nu nounced last Sabbath morning that tlio entire indebtedness is paid off. It is expected that quite a number of citizens will go on tue excursión Sun day to Toledo and Pre3que Isle. Edward Corselius, of Midland, was in the city over Sunday, having been called home by the death of his mother. The ladies' charitable union have in prospect the building of a home in this city, for aged and indigent people. Miss Carrie Bell, Miss Belle Huil, and Miss May Whedon, have gone on a visit to Mackinas. They went by boat. Jaoob Scbwigert, of Northtield, cut in one day, last week, twenty acres of wheat with three horses, and a self binder. S. Kosenthal's two new houses will be heateJ by tue Richmond triumph furuuce, furnished by Öchuh & Muehlig. The total business of the Ann Arbor Savings bank for the six months ending June 3üth, amounted to 6,197,aj0.13. Edward Devaney, a prominent merchant of Ft. Smith, Arkansaf, visited his sister, Mrs. Chas. Polan.l, last week. The contract for lighting the clock tower, has been awarded to the Ann Arbor gas company, for $60 per annum. It would be a shaine for the counoil to order any of the native oak trees cut down that line our public thoroughfares here and there. Schuh & Muehlig recently sent in an order for 10 of Raymond's f urn aces - the largest number the flrm says ever ordered at any one time. The third nine of the Dexter base ball club carne to the city Monday, and hung iton a nine of the Juvenile club, by beating them 14 to 10. Mrs. Barbara Laubengayer, of Scio, died Sunday, of dropsy. She was 7J years old. One daughter, Mrs. Henry Wesh, resides in this city . The dandy little store in the city is the one now occupied by Schuil .% Muehlig, in which they show a very handsome assortment of mantels. Monday there was shipped from this city, by the Amerioan expresa co., 280 bushels of berries. The largcst amount ever handled here in any one day. The coancil transacted but little business Monday evening, and adjourned on account of the intense heat. A special meeting will be held tüe first cool day. A. Riley Crittenden, collection attorney, real estáte agent, editor and pubhsher of the Livingston Herald, Howell, paid his respects to this office, Monday. Almond C. Oreene, of Dexter, was last week fined $10 and coBta by Justice Crane, which he paid, for drawing a revolver on Geo. F. Breade and Benj. Clenn. Jno. W. Butler an old resident, died Sunday, of cáncer of the stomach, aged 51 years. He was a oarpenter by trade, aud tor a long time was etnployud at the university. D. O. Fall and family, A. Wilsey and family, G. Renwipk and family, and K. Cuthburt and wife, are camping in Dunlap's grove, on the east ba.nk of Whitmore Lake. Albert Sorg is in New York City. Wm.Saundere, dent, '87, has located a Marquette. Berry pickera have been in great de mand tuis week. The harvest is about over, and wheat a very poor erop. The thermometer showed 90" in the shade, last Friday. The naxt meeting of the board of re gent will be held in Oatober. Friday last was bicycle day, and tüe boys seemed to enjoy themselves. O. O. Sorg his taken the contract to fresco and paint the M. E. church. B. B. Burt, professor of rhetorio, has resigned his position in the uuiversity. J. H. Morris has oceupied his present quartere, for a law office, over 17 years. About the finest raspberries raised in this vicinity were grown by Oweu Donnelly. Dr. Hugo Lupinski has accepted the position of health ofiieer of Qrand Bapids. If subscribers wish to receive their paper they must hand in their street and d amber, The M. E. church is now lighted by electricity, the Thompson-Hueston light being used. Mrs. D. F. Allmendinger and three ohildren, are visiting A. J. Appleton's Family, at Hamburg. . Paul Gabler was thrown from a delivery wagon Saturday, and carne near tiaving his neck breken. A barbed wire fence caused the death of a valuable young colt owned by M. T. Prout, of Manohester. Albert D. Elliott has presented to the aw department an oil painting of Judge Oooley, size 48x58 inches. Prof. de Pont will hereafter receive ftíOO salary, as seoretary of the university aculty, an increase of $200. Brp. Powers, of the YpsiJantian, paid The Demoorat a friendly visit Saturday. ïe was on his way to Toledo. Ball game at Dexter : Ann Arbor jrays 25, Dexter grays 15. Kiune and lyman battery. Booth umpire. Frank Worden, of Anderson, who wallowed a half dollar, is coming to this city to have an operation performed. Juliu9 V. Seyler, of Detroit, a musician of Rtate reputation, is spending a few weeks with his father, A. D. Seyler. J. O. Thompson, for sometime assisant eaitor of the Dexter Leader, is now loing local work on the Alpena Pioneer. C. B. MoKinstry takes the plaoe of he late L. A. Barnes, as manager of the 'eninsular paper oompany, in Ypsilanti. The oarners earn their money. Each of the four men cover 19 miles a day, ml are loaded down with mail each rip. Bradley Thompson, of Saginaw, who as been appointed lecturer in the law epartment, is said to be a pretty lively ort of a chap. Terence Burns has taken the New York edger for 23 years. We doubt if there s an older subscriber for this story paer in this vicinity. L. H. Clement has a change of ad this week. Kemember if you are in want of musical instrumenta ít will pay you to nspect his large stock. The sum of $30,000 íb to be expended n putting up a three story brick buildng, to be used for a laboratory, on the ampus, and $5,000 for apparatue, The electric light, corner of N. Iugalls nd Catharine streete, was suddenly put ut a few nights ago, about 9 o'clock, which left that pan of the city rather .Ir F. J. Sullivan, who graduatcd in the dental departmeut last moutb, has furnied a partnership with Dr. L. L. Da vis, of Eaton Rapids. He left Monday to commenoe work. Gustave A. Reuk-, Leroy A. Ellis, and Eugene 8. Upaou, all of tuis city, passed successf ully, and were awarded diplomas in pharmacy by the state examining board, last week. E. AI. Southard has opened a barber shop at Whitmore Lake. He will have tiarge of tie same. Daring his absence is shop here will be under tUe management of Larry Kahoe. The Presbyterian churoh is closed so ar as preaching is concerned, for fonr weeks, althoagn the young people's meeting and sabbath school still conenes every Sabbath. E. Donovan, wife and child, of Kansas City, Mo , O. Djnovan and wife, of ioux City, Iowa, and James Donovan, of Belleville, Mich., are visiting P. Donovan, of the fifth ward. Mary, wife of VV. Hulbert, died Tuesday, after a brief illness, of typhoid neumonía, at the age of 2(i years. Sho eaves four little cüildren, who are now eprived of a mother's care. ïhere was a very large gathering of persons from all parts of the county, Sunday, in the beautiful groves of Air. Stabler, in iScio, the occasion being the annual picnic given by the Ann Arbor turnveriae. The total amount of the contingent fund disbursed by Chicf Sipley, for the month of June was $128.49, as followsFirst wai-.l, $1U.3S; second, $5.24 ; third, $3ö.57 ; lourth, $44.67 ; üfth, $19-75; BIXth, ill !l. Cousins & Hall's greenhouse is to be heated by steam the coming winter. They have contracted with 8chuh & Aluehlig for one of Baymond's combination steam boilers. This improvement will cost $1,000. The f ree delivery system makes it lively for newspaper men. It necessitates a complete revisión of the subscription liste, as the proprietors are required to add the Htreet and number of each criber'9 residence. At the head of our local column is a tanding notice, asking subscriben t ither cali at this otüoe and give us the number of their residence and the name f the street, or cominunicate by postal ard, to ensure the delivery of their tapera . In consideration of Z. P. King's agreeng to raise the electnc light near his property to the height of üü feet, the ak tree in Monroe street, between .'wolfth street and University ave., is to be spared the woodman's axe, for the resent . D. F. Allmendinrer shipped. a few lays ago one of his make of organp to Carland, Mich. The parties wrote for )riceB, which were given, and immediitely sent a draft for an organ. In five days from lts receipt the organ was raanufactured, boxed, and sent forward. In the circuit court, Monday, Ella H . 3oyt was granted a decree of divoree rom Edward C. Hoyt. In the case of s. il. Winans against Frederick Huson, a new trial was granted the latter without costs to either Jas. H. K. McVicar was also admitted to the bar. Bills were allowed and ordered paid jy the oouncil, Monday evening, .as folowb: First ward fund, $155.64 ; second, $495.65 ; third, $21.63 ; fourth, 180.98; fiftb, $197.61; sixth, $135; general street, $307.13 ; general, $697.32 ; contingent, 8631.85; water works, $2,500. Total, $5,222.81. O. VV. Mellor, agent for the Wisconsin Central railroad, and a number of steam ship lines, has sold this season 47 tickets for European ports. He also furnished tickets for Prof. Steere and party, who are on their way to the Phihppine Islands. They arrived t Victoria, Friday last, by the way of the Canadian Pacific, and on Monday sailed for Hong Kong, on the Pacitjc mail steamer, Parthia. Melville M. Bigelow, of Boston, one of the best known lawyers ïu this country, and the author of u number of legal works, has been appointed Jay professor of law. Bradlev M . Thompson, of Easl Saginaw, was appointed lecturer, ',V. Q. Hammond, of 8t. Louis, law leoturer Wm. P. Wells, of Detroit, succeeds Hon O. l. Walker as Kent professor in the law departmeut. Tramp printers are numerous. The free oonoert haa drawn biff orowds nightly. Judge Cooley returned to Washington Tuesday. Byron Green is back again to the city of his first love. The street preacher has taken up his bed and walked. Kaoes in Detroit, July 19, 20, 21 and 22. $25,000 in premiums. Tuesday was the second hottest day of the sumnier, 97 in the shade. Jno. Sedina and Louiaa Massmau were married Tuesday evening. Robt. Butler, of Chicago, attended the funeral of his brother John, Tuesday. Prof. J. G. Pattengill left Tuesday for a six weeks' trip through the Adirondacks. Flan Campbell, of Ypsilanti, is in Detroit, working in the interest of the driving club. Prof. V. C. Vaughan oontemplates an extended northern trip about the flrst of August. Berney Corr, a former Ann Arbor boy, is the leading contractor and builder at South Lyon. E. H. Scott is preparing to build another cottage, west of G. Josenhans' residence on Ann street . Amelia, Paulena, Herman and Charles, ohildren of Fred. Huhn, are spending their vacation in the country. Chris Comiskey was hit over the eye witb. a stone Tuesday night, and that orb most beautifully disfigured. Mrs. an old Ann Arbor resident, but now of Dakota, has rented Prof. Perry's house for the summer. Chaunoey Orcutt picked one day last week 30 bushels of berries, and J. D. Baldwin the same amount Atonday. Chas Gibson returned from a week's ■visit with friends in Fentonyille, Tuesday. Mrs. G. will remain a week longer. Probate Judge Harriman was in Manchester, Wednesday, hearing claims in :he estáte of Emeline M. Waite, deceased. Will Tuomey is in Marysville, Mo. He is expected home neit week, and will resume his duties as Balesman with Blitz & Langsdorf. Last Saturday night sorae 15 couples, r-oiing people, indulged in a dance in E. Oesterlin'e unfinished residence on West Hurón street. .1 . 1!. Beal's picture adorna the Sunday News. We doubt if any one would be able to identify the young editor, if not or his name which is printed below. Martin Vogel, tor the past eight years with Henry Matthews, will open a meat market in the building adjoining Gaspar iinsey's grocery, on Èast Huron street, ;he firat of August. Burt Shoemaker entertained seyeral of his friends Friday evening, at his residence in the second ward. There was plenty to eat and drink, and the time ras passed pleasantly. We will wager an old hat that the statement made by the Herald that 500,009 pounds of wool had been purchased in Chelsea, is not within 250,000 ounds of being correct. Paul Sipley, for the past two years a resident of Reed City, has thrown up his osition, and returoed temporarily to lis old home in Ann Arbor. He expecte to lócate the nezt time in Detroit. The excursión train for Toledo and 'resque Isle, over the Toledo road, Sunlay, leaves this city at 8:55 a. m.f stanlard time. The trip by boat from Toedo to the island is a most delightful one. ünly $1 down and baok. The university mail is delivered by an employé, the same as m the past. But or this the carriers could not make their ounds in season. When the studente eturn the government will probably see he necessily of inoreasing the present oroe. Hutzel & Co., will put up the drinking ou n tam in the court yard. It will tand just at the edge of the walk leadng to the south door of the court house . t will be supphed with ice from a basin elow, similar to the Bagley fountain in Jetroit. Next Monday the regente and a delegation of the faculty of tbe medical department, will, meet representativos of he medical profesaron id Detroit, to liscuM the plan for the establishment of aolinicin connection with the univerBity, in that city. Monda?, S. T. Sumner traded a horse, cart and robe for a horee and top carlage, with a atranger. The following day he ascertained that the rig had been lired from a livery in Saline, which was eturned to the owner. Now Seth is ookiug for his property. Philip Qatz, who carne to this city soiue se ven moutha a go, from New laven, and went to work for Winans & stafford, and afterwards set up business or himself, jumped the town Mondav night, carrying with him cloth for a f 35 coat belonging to J. F. Stafford, and mts belonging to Willis Bliss, W. Miller and others, bosnios leaving a numer of nupaid bilis. Airs. Clement ia A. Gorselius, of the ?ourth ward, died Friday last of general debihty, at tha afceof 77 years. She had een a resident of the place 52 years, and was an exemplary christian woman. She was a member of the Episcopal church, where the funeral services were held Junday afternoon, the Rev. S. Earp officiating. Three children survive her, wosons and a daughter. Edward is a citizen of Midland, and William and Cornelia Corselius live in this city. TheT. A.&N. M. Rv., will run another special excursión train from this city to Preeque Isle and return next öunday. Fare for the round trip, including boat ride to the Park, $1. Presque Isle is the most popular and jeautiful point for excursionista west of S'ew York, and is visited by thousands ivery da. Immense sums of money lave been expended on the Island to make it attractive and pleusant. The steamera plying between Toledo and ;hese beautiful grounds are perfect palaces. The fare for the rouud trip is i mere trille when the beanties and jleasures of the trip are taken into con sideration. Mra. Francia Wilson, of Philadelphia, is in the city canvassing for "Down the Great River," a very interesting work by Capt. Millard Glazier, embracing an account of the discovery of the true souroe of the Mississippi, together with views, descriptivo and piotorial, of the cities, towns, villages and scenery of the banks of the river, for over 3,000 miles from its headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico. Sometime ago Mrs. Wilson was left a widow, and as she is desiroui of pursuing her medical studies, she takes this means of earning suQicient money to enable her to complete her education. The book would be a valuable addition to any library, and the price is so low, only $2, that it comes withiu the reaoh of all. The act amendiug the game law approved June 25, 1877, and given immediate efiect. provides that no person shall hunt or kill any deer in this state save only from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1; provided that in the upper península deer may be killed between Oot. I and Nov. 15 only. It shall not be lawful to kill at any time any deer when in its red coat, or fawn when in its read or spotted coat, and possession of suoh deer or Bkin shall be prima facia evidence of illegal killing. It shall be unlawful to kill or capture any deer in the waters of any streams, ponds or lakes, or by the means of traps or pitfalls, or by the use of an artificial light. Any dog seen following on the track of a deer at any time, can be killed at night, and the owner of suoh dog shall have no redress. No wild turkey shall be killed except in October, November and December of eaoh year, and woodoqck, partridge, rnffled grouse, wild duck, wild goose, or other wild waterfowl or snipe save only from Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. No other provisions of the previously existing game law were changed. The newsboys atruck Wednesday. Prof Harrington is in Central America. Len Hatcb, M. D., will lócate in Plymouth. Prof. Langley will sail for England in August. Rev. Dr. Sunderlaü'l and family are at Devil's Lake. Mre. M.G. Bower has gone to Oren Lake to spend a few weeks. Prof. M. E. Cooley and family, left Weduesday for Fairport, N. Y. Mrs. M. C. Whiting will engage in the practice of law in this city. Miss Carrie Baxter is visiting at her úneles, Dr. E. JI. Hale, of Chicago. Henry Myers, of Adrián, is visiting his brother Charles, of N. Fourth street. Oh for a good soaking rain to cool the parched earth, and the people thereon' Mrs. Fred Wood of Pittsburg, Pa., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F. N chola. Mrs. Jane Mack, of Detroit, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. liolit. Leonard. Mr. Ingersoll and wife, of Owosso, were tlie gnesta last week of Mrs. K. Leonard. Dr. J. M. Martin and family, leaves to-day for a few weeks' visit, at Quincy, this state. Kobt. Leonard, who has beeu visiti ng his family for the past week, has returned to Marión, Ind. Edward Henry, charged with pocket picking, waved examination yesterday, to the circuit court. Mrs. J. W. Hulbert, of Chicago, and daughter, Mrs. Webster, of Micliigan City, are in the city. Albert Sorg is offering great bargains in wall paper, ourtain ñxtures, etc. His ad explains everything. The furniture for the use of tbe mail carriers, arrived yesterday, and has been set up in the postofiioe. Geo Haywood is in jail for running a ïorse out of the county, on which there was a ohattle mortgage. L. D. Lennon, of the fifth ward, arought in yesterday, the flrst green corn seen in the market . Cornelius Gillespie, for the second ame, has been adjudged insane, and was aken to Pontiac Monday. Work on the new laboratory of phyaics and hygiëne will soon commence, and be pushed rapidly to complet ion. A stone gutter, on the north side of StHto street, between the depot and JMorttt street, is oeing put down. Elisha Jones and A. H. Pnttengill have been made full professors ot Latin and Greek, respectively, in the university. A . F. Hanson has opened a law office in the old Slawson block, in the rooms formerly ocoupied by the late J. N. Gott. Arthur and Cari Jones, Flarry Bandall and Frank Sutherland have gone to Independence Lake, for a week's sport. Sheriff Walsh was in Toledo yesterday. During hia absence, J. C. Preston had charge of the jail. Joe is an old ïtandby. Company A will give an excursión the laet week in July, to Lake Erie. Fair for the round trip only $1.25. Full particulars next week. There can be seen hanging in the show window of A. Sorg, the fiuest pair of ourtains aeen in many a day. The painting on thein is by the artist Kehn . Pres. Angelí read a paper yesterday before the National educational assooiatiop, in Bession in Chicago, on "The Holation of Universities to the Public Education." A house on Miller avenue, owned and occupied by Mrs. Haniple caught tire yesterday, from a lamp exploding. It was put out with a few pailfulls of water. Loss about $100. Herman J. Eisele, who has been engaged in the grocery business for several years on Detroit street, died Wednesday, of consumption. His many f rienda will regret to learn of his death. The directors of the Ann Arbor gas and fuel company will soon canvass the city for stock, and a limited amount will be offered at $10 per share, the par value being $50. The offlcers have reoeived one bid for boring, and expect two more this week. Mr. Nimes, who bored the three wells in Ypsilanti, is of the opinión that as good mineral water can be found here at a depth less than a thousand feet. At a meeting of the regents last Fridaynight, Geo. V. Guudlach, M. D., received tüu appointmeot of resident physician and snrgeon of the university hospital, salary $450; ward master, Geo. W. Lacea, salary $300. P. Scully, nurse, $300, ward mistress, Miss AI. E. Sinclair, $300, nurse, female ward.Ernestine J. Hicks, $300. Jas. M. Martin, M. D., assistant to chair of obstétrico; assistnnt to professor of Materia Medica, Thos. C. Philips, M. D. Power was given Drs. Maclean and Palmer to appoint their own assistants, salary not to exceed $100 each. Dr. P., dean, was also allowed a clerk at a salary of $200. Dr. C. G. Huber received the appointment of assistant demonstrator ot anatomy in the pathalogical laboratory, salary $450, The salary of C . G. Taylor, superintendent of the mechamcal laboratory was was raiscd to $1,400, an incrcas of $400. The title of Prof. E. L. Walter was changed to professor of Bomanic Languages. Calvin Thomas was made professor of Germán, salary, $2,200. As assistant in organic chemistry Jno. F. Eaatwood will receive $192. Appropriations for the several librarles were made as folio ws: General, $3,500 ; medical, $1,000; law, $500. Appropriations from the contingent fund amounting to $6,000 were made for the conitruction of desecting rooms and a dead house.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat