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Little Liver Pills

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PELLETS WUV ÍM o o o PkO VS THE ORIGI3STJLL BEWARE OF I3IITATIONS ! Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Llttle Sugar-coated Granules or Pilis. BEIXO ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, Dr. Plerce' Pellets opérate Without dlstnrbance to the system, diet, or ocenpatiou. Put up iu glass vials, hermetit ally sealed. Always ïrcsH aud reliable. As a LAXAIIVE, ALTEBATIVE, or PITKGATIVE, these lltlle Pellets glvo the most perfect satisfaction. "tm_ I Oini# llfüniiniir nrl „Tbíia Ramtch, Esq., of Mtndtn, Kearney Cmtnty, f-VTTHX mlllf HtflIilllMlB BflllS I JWebrasfta, writes: "I v&s troubled with boils for L%. UlLllV LnUnUSl I n I l 'irty yeare. Four years a?o I was so ntUictcd with WOV. wlWH llbinUnWllli, llIRFn I tllcnl tbnt l could not I oohrU two bottlcs TBST mmm J wuiiuu. of ur perce'B pioasimt Purgativo Pellets, and tont 'eë ïïillonn Headachr, Dizzíuoss, Con" one 'Pellet' after eadt meal, till all were grono Ily IV-ge' TttL tlpatlou, Indigo! ion, Bllious that time I hud no boils. and hnvo luid iioim since. I linvo also IV Twytvlf. Attacks, and all aorangements of the been troubled with siel; headaelie. When I feel it coming on, J mnff stomach and bowels, are prumptly relievcd I take one or two 'Pellets,' and am relieved of tue litadacbo." v Ik HSS a'} P'-rmanontly curcd by the ueo of Dr. - ,, i, X Piereo's Ploasant Purgntivo Pellets. In exl T d_,_ Mrs. C. W. BnowN, of Wapaknneta, Ohin, I planation of the remedial power of these IMF HFST says: " Your ' PIcaeant Purpative Pellets' aro Pellets pvor so great a variety of diecasi-s, j " without questiou the beet eatliartlo ever It tnay trutlifully be suid that their aetion upon the sygtem is ! RlTUlDTIP ld. Thcy aro also a most cflieient remedy universal, not a spand or tissue e6capin)f thc-ir sanative Influcnce. UAlliAnilUg for torpor of tbe liver We have used tliem Sold by dni(rKist8, for 25 cents a vial. Manufacturad at the Chemli J for years in our fauiily, aud keep them In leal I-aboratory of Woklu's Disi'Exsaut Medical Association, the house all the time." Búllalo, N. Y. FOR A CASE OF GATARRH WHICH THEÏ CAN NOT CURE. THPIMB OF riATARRH. I BntLB telt [SíBrSS PRflM RlTARRU chronic nasal catarrb. My farnily physiDull, heavy headache, obstructlon of the nasal passajres. dis' eian gave me up as incurable, and sai'd I charges falling from the heid into the throat, sometimes pro" must die. My case was such a tad one, tuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious. mucous. that every day, towards sunset. my voiee wpuld become so hoarse purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes aie weak, waterv. and J could barely speak abovea whisper. In the morning my coughinflamed; there Is rhifring in the ears. deafness, hacking or ina clearing of my throat would alniost strnnirle me. By ths coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of otfensive matter use of TSageB c?taITh Remedy, m three months, I was a well together with scabs from ulcera; the voice is changed and bas man' and the cure has been Permanent. e nasal twang: the breat.h is offensive; smell and taste are imf"""1"11 m__.. t t -n . -. paired; there is a sonsation of dizj.iness, with mental depression, PnuoTiun V e, t? J. KnsntNO. Esq., tW3 Pine Street, a hacking cough and general debility. However, only a few of UUHSTflNTLl L ■""" Mo.,w rites: I was a grreat sufthe abovc-named syrnptoms are likely to be present in any one Uiuiirnin nm I!ror iro m uT'ïï tor tVroe At case. ïhousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of IUWK NG AHD tlme?, ' Í011 hard'y breathe, and was conthe above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the etantly hawkw and spitting, and for the grave. No disease is so common, more deeeptive and danfrerous. üP TT NS li Pí i mouthe coulil not breathe through Jess underetood, or more unsueuessfully treated by pbysicians. n_HlL„___ he "fstrils. I thniight nothmg could be By its mild, soothiner, and healing pi-operties, . „ _, „ . . ,done Jor TL"ckily, 1 was advised to try j - - -. j)r Sape's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I beni SK.E'S ÍMT4RIÍII KFlirni' lieve it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufaovmu OAtoüa nuil jUiillLVI tured, and one has only to glve it a fair trial to eiperience CUHE3 THE WOEST cases of astounding resulta aud a permanent cure." Catarrh, "Gold in the Head," Goryza, and Catarrhal Headache. I ÏHREE BOTTLES 1 8álnSS?Cr?3SiF" rê "" fillRF RlTlRRil Sae'8 Catarrh Remedy advertised, and 8OLD BY DRUGQIST8 EVERYWHERE. V UAiannn. procufed a bottle for her, and soon saw "■"'■"" i- - 1__ _J that it helped her; a third bottle effected PHICE. SO OEKTTa Sn?hS3t?f "" U DW eigbteen year8 M and Und


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