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A Xarrow Escape. I was suddenly taken very ill at Eagie Lake, this state theother day with cholera morbus and used morphine to no avatl, and grew worse and dispatched a messenger for a physician who brought with liim a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoe Remedy, and gave me a dose whlch relieved me nstantly. I firmly believe tliat to it I owe my life, and to the physician wlio was unpreiljudiced enough to adnilnister it when all olhers failed. 1 re[eat agiiin, 1 owe my life to your great preparatlon. 1 remain yours gratefully, G. D. Waite, Prescription clerk with Charles A. Gray Waterville, Minn. Ask your drngglst to order a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DL arrhcea Kemedy for yon. It is only 25 conls per bottle. No family can alTord to ie without It during the hot weather. riunisantls of lives have been saved by it. Tl e Kew Ve'iían: There fa nothi'ist rlmt tiuli in tlie way of Sant i e's owth so niiirh : s the j. rices at whicb real etuto U lield. i Ta the Pydney (Australia l'ghthouse iï the Urgest electric light in the worid. jl has a ower of ls0,0(0 canilles, and muy bt seen from ships fifty milos out at 'sea. 'J he next .arge-t is in the lalai d' Industrie and lu.s a power of 15U,iOO candes Tbelargest (jiitiu America i íMlOjcand.e power, lt is ut i n Jo e, Cal. Will le found an e 'ent rem dy for sick liead che Cart r s I iltle I iver , Un. Tliouands of lo ters from peop e tvho h va used them prove this fact. Trv them. Pohert Coilyer the late Henry Ward t'ee'her the reatet man in the pulpit sinotf .Martin Luther. Obstinate Constipat on Riadily Yields To the regular use of Carter's Little Liver , Fil s. State Senator Kendri'ks of Syracuse, N. N ., says: "Good coinmon i genius." Mbnsmak'8 Peptoxized Bef T iNir, only preparation of beef conta ning its entire i ut uious proporties, t tontaina l.loodmaking. forcé generating. inva uable for indigestión, dyspep ia. nerv.m I tion nll forras of general debility: olí ' enfeeble 1 conditions. whefber res.ilt of exlHti8tion. nerrous prostra'i n. i Work, or ec te ritse'ises: particulaiiy if resultin t from pu'monnry comp'ni its. Ha a 1, Hanrd & Co.. Projis., Xew York. holJ by druggists. Itisromputed that China has'453,000,C0U p op e. Mr. Georee R. Fima Is siid to have contributed to the col .mus oí a'most every important periodital iu i' ngliind, Tiso's Remedy for Catarrh is agreeable i to use. It is not. a liquid or snufif. 50c Vermont has ten living ex-governors, of whom four aro each over SO years oíd. "Pope on hopo over." How m my deüoate lauies theie are wbo, whi e tuey i ttena to tiieir daily duties. do so witli acuing he ds a sei s of lullne s, pain in the back and ilevessed s]ir.t-, who are 'only about ' a the phra-e is i Soni! diiy they go int a decline," and leave their ehil ren niolherles. To such we wou d say, ■( heer up. ' Timely use of iJr. 1 iere s 'Favorite i rescri tion"? ■ retts hjI lema e irreal larities weaknesses, i and kindred i..ections easily. [ leasaut.y I and quickly. The only müionnire of African linae in this c; untrv is ou c LaCon, a liench c.uadioon of .ew Orleans. A1I dispases of lower howel, incTuding pie tumor radicíily cur-d. íiook of partici lar í, 0 cent iu stamps. V ord s Dispenary ieil c 1 association, 603 Main ktreot, buffalo, .. Y. The H'cerman tunnel near I.onisvüle, . on the Mid.aud ha ju-ít been completed. ]tii i,tOJ íeet in length. Chron c nasal cstarrh postively cured by IJr. ivage s i emedy. 1 Mathias Spitlo? of Wyandotte Kan., a ful bloo ed V yandotte n liin. is worth over f 1.(0 .0 0, and i, the richest ludían in the L'nite i titates. Pa e'a Árnica 0 1. The bpst snlve in the world for Burns, AVoumls nnd oí all i inds. Boils. i el on Ch lblnins. rroen eet. Piles. I ai b' r s Jtch. foro 1 yps. C'liapprd 1 ands. Pore Thront Scald Head, Pimples on the lace, and ali skin d:.-e ees. For I ConipI int, Sick Headache, Con-tipation uo i a e's Mand Ue I ills. Alovi' remedies -o d bv druvci-itsorseiil by m.ii for .5 centa i y O. Ur. buuw tv lo., byracose, '. Y.


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