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Pith And Point

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It is better to viso with í lic lark tlirm with tin bant pin. - BurUngtou Fret Prets. The man who propcls a wheelbarrow seos h;s work altead of bim all the Uní ■. - Boston Courier. 'ïïu! efforts mnde by Boston girls to i improve tlieir into.leet somehow seem to warp their abape. - Puck. It is much harder to safsf? n man who lights wiih liis monlli tiinn 011e who uses a gun. - Maco i Ttíegraph. Tlio orster is like a man in one re[ speet. He in of little iish muil yon get i liim out of his bi.'d. - Boston Courier. A Nevada man who started out to look lor a gr beur fonnil li 111 n t me foi dinner - the bear'a diuaer. - I ; Puck. Violet - Ma, how do puoplfl know tliat its n man in the OioOU? Mother (sailli ) - Uouause its alwavs out nighu. -l.ife. A JersHjnian'a idea of-cIebrlnr the : gloi'ious Fourtlt is to coree toNftw York ; niel speuil b.s niouey foi' oysler sluws. - l'uck: Jay Gou'J will be out of the stock , market wüen thu anglo of duaih puts 1 j liim out, and not bcfore. - Lailiuiore Amertean. Thp cio-;t f:siiionablo waist 's tho : blou, made audaoiouslv long and idiotically oloée-dting at tbo bolt. - 'jurg Ilerokl. Tht! b'nt nationat Víanle giiar.intee deposit is tliQ ileposit of tin; uw ndllns management ín the poniteqtiary. - t. i Louis liepublicun. Mr. SpreokeU, the sngar man, seems j to be tlie person who is iryiog lo ra sa eane in the Sxn'iwicll islauds. - . vtlie ( 'ourier-JonmaL Reserved power In a man mny not be srcii, bnt t is frequentlv tliore. A ; liceman slit:iig oh hifl beat is full of it. - Sew 0 teans PiC'iyáne, Cv rus W. Fielil is discovering how sharpor Ibao a sorpent'í too h ii is to i he. the ander ilo_i in h Lliaukless ■ 1 cate. - MissouH liepublicun. Tho folka who swoulnteti on tho tboor.y tb at Jay Gouid was u rory s:c: i man are nuw tnkitig inedioiue in alio puthic dosea -Ne York Uraphic It is a melanoboly fact that the brilliant banker who is spokun of as ' ' ycning Napoleon of ti Dance" always i ïinds bis Watorloö sooner or later. - lJhiladelphia i'tess. Accord ng lo Minster Carter, Kalakaua ia líe, licoauso hu COOtl'ols llio I arnn. Probubly lie also controla tha oniv microscope powerfnl enougli to Diaku tiiii armv visible.


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