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ift invcnicE -""' mee ■■;i; "" Tü RU VcHTlSC ■■':-: of h vatue oí nej.-rs. mul -j coi. ed aU-t To seiure sucl. iptorn uion gniflft]CI V aswillcnablc yuii .,.! -nljli! fc"i Jiïtt Udli I CONIUJJ LORD Lö YHÖtë$ KEWSPAFER AOVERTISING. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY QjO.LJÁTTHEWS! Ajtn Aubor, Mich. Att appiieatlons prnporlv made. Thousands of dallara li.ivv beau Uisl becatlM applications were not correctly mado. Nu charges unlesssuceoafoL PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescripción of G. physlcian wiir hr.s bad a life lo:i? experiinci iu tiTO'-ng femóle tUscases. Isusoc' mouthïy "vvi'.ii perfect success by over 1U.000 3. Flcasant, safe, OfTectuaL Inicies askyourdrug r-t for Pennyroyal wafers am: tjiïro r.o suGtitute, op inclose post nnoforcraledparticulars. Sold bi ell rtirTTists, ÍI perbax. AtWrcv THEEUEEKAC-UCAIj CO.. DnTBOlT. Míen. t3T SoU In Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son. Get Your l'roperty Insured By C. H. MILLEN, IJVSTJJRPÍCK AGENT, No. 4 South Jfain strect, Ann Arbor. The oldost ageucy in the city. Establlshed aqunrterof a century apo. Repres6DtiDg the fottowinjï flrstclass compmolen, wiih over $.'iO.OOO,000 assets. I'ome I". Co., of N. Y.; U ntinrnlal Ins. Co., of N. Y .; Kiatnira Ins. Co., of N. V.: Citard Ins. Co , of l'liiia., Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; ComOKTi-ia) Unton oí i-ondon; Liverpool tfUd Londou axul (jlouu. SÈ?" Knii'5 low. Losses Jiberolly adjustril and promptiy aio. U. H. JULLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Kesps a Firstclass MEAT MARKET! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklin House. Prioea Rcaonable. Thankin? thnse who live so liberally patronsed me ín the pust. I also cordiully soliciltrade roiu uew patrüus. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Ulich liMlrilil RAILWAY. ''The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Onh' Direct Route to Marquetro and the Iron and (.'opper Begion8 "f Hie Upper l'emusula of Michigan. Two Thronsrh Trama eaoh way daily, niakiug close couiieiT ioua in Union Depots at uil Points. Tue tirritory traversed 3 famous for ita Unexcelled Huntingand Fishing TIckels for Sile nt all polnis via thls route. ForMips, Folders, liates aiu Information, addras, E W. ALLEN. Gen'I Pass. and Tlckot Agt., Marquette, Mich. iV:'ACKINAC. Tio Host Delljhtful suiviivrERjroüR Palaoc Stoamers. Low Batos. Peur Tripa per Weelt Bctweeii DETROIT AND MACKINAC Aad Every Wèék Day Between [iVROIT AND CLEVELAND "Write for our " r-icturesque Mackinac," lllustrato. Containa pull rartieulora. ICiiled ïTeo. Detroit & Cleveland Stean Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMS, Gcn. Pass. Ast.. DETROIT, MICH. Ám Arlior ora fforfs D. F. Allmendineer Manufacturar and dealer In Pianos, Oíais, AND MUSICAL IN'STRÜMENTa . Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anjona callinc; attln -.vork-, foot of Washington Street, eau ucamiae f;oods and pricea. I can couvince you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am oCTerlng. D. F. ALLMENDINGEB, ANN ABBOB Fired. Brown i At Claeken's Old Place. FI É8 ILiCL-a-O2rs am_cL Ceja.xs_ HOT LUNGH.EVERY EAY.; EBERBACH & SON. ; DEÜGG1STS AND PHARMACiSTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEA1KB8 IN- Drug;, jMotliftiios, Chemical, Dye Htuffk, Artist'B and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Aiticles, Trussos, Etc M W1HB8 aii Lijirs ! Special attentlon paid to the furnishin; of Physiclans, Chemista, Schools, etc, witb phllo■ophical and Cl.einlcal Apparatus. Bolieuiian Chemical QUssware, PorcalalD Ware, Ture Reagents, etc. Puysleians' Preserlptlöns Carefully Prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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