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Profit-Shnring1. The great sonp manufacturinf; firm of Pro. t.r .v Gamble ui Ciucinnati. üave entered i to an ngreement with tbeir enip:oe by wbich he latter ara to shire in th prolits of tii business in ad.Iii ion to their wanen. This action wís voluutary on tlie pirl ot tiit? tirm nnd without soliitation on the part of the employés. The l'.ven ng lost of thnt city reiers to Dew departiré as follows: 1 hu ï.i in o i Prot tor & Gamble, their employé , t e city of Cincinnati. and the toilet of the who e world are to ba congra ulate 1 upon the inauurntion by the rmabue nu nüoned o. a prnctioMble and mui'.iii' v Lenei.cial ohenie of proflt-bar in. which iuc u les all the mail arm v of emili ye t.f Ibis gr ut ap-makin firm. Jrrocter 'V Gunble are to te conratuated i ecau'-e they have buund their empoyes to their int.resi; twcausi they hae kwe-teni d the r own residiieof prufit bv the ons i' usness tb t tbey receive It into unenvied possession bpcause they have t e cooücionsNes tiiflt thñy are not on y helping to clean uji the wor d of m ni!;ind. Int also cont' ibuting to the oheer al and hopef ui so ution of the ereat pioilemof pro. t distrihution; and beöiiu.-e every lover of his race, he uses a onkenf orysoap, wiilgive nn approving tothe Bnu which has joined hands it b iia employés in the proüt of its produotioüa The employs nre to be congratulated, because. with no responüibility for the lossos of ti-.e enterpiise and uo capital at ■take. they will nrst sure.y get their wage. an I will ihereafter get a uitabla -li'irc in the proflts of the undertaking. The city of cincinnati is to be congratulnted. because it isto have an opportunity to witnesa tii ? practical operution and result- of p.otit-'h :ring on a very large scale; liecause tbe examp e, nght at ho'ue, is likely to bs fo.lowed by many, it not most. ether indusirial estiblishiiients of he city. t;nd lecause it augnrs the introduction of a i appior feeling on the part of the manual lab of the city, whose protection nnd oinfurt sliould be the city s fir-t cuio. 'lhe toilers of tho whole world are to be congratulated beoauM thisexample shows that the old heathen 'oclr iih of "let alone being demolished. and that an era of mutu&Dtv and fair dealing is at hand. Xt is long sluce tlie papers of f 'incinnati h-ive been i.blo tochionlote so pleaant an item of local new. Jt is beiter to -hare profits as we (toalonjr thin tohoardthem tili we d e. and then b i ueatli th m to the public; and iniinitely better than to trans in i t tln'in unearned to our iamily decenditnu. Nearly 50.0JD farms have bepnopened up in KJUisai during the past year. If aflik twl wl;h pore eyes usc Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Di ungís s sell it. Ü5c. John Barden has been a regular subscriber o. tliti Kut and (Vermont) 11. r.iid, that puper ays, for 9 ye:ira. WN1. HANSCOM, Oshkosh. Wl., who was forsevcn years so nffllcted with piles that lic wal onable to altend to bnstnew,u entirely curcd by the use Cole'g Carbollsalve. l'rico 25 aiid Ocents, at Dmgglstg.


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