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Kefore t he broaking ud of camp at Isiiin i Lake tho lollowing was read to the troopa on dresa parade: Ji'MN Kuur. ,TSOS, August S, 1S87. OKDBB N. '-!. The oonimnniler-in ebiel, wita unquali Bed i leasure thanks and oongratulates the Ainiiu.iii state troop upon the splendid miccoss of the annual encainpment. 'loo nmcti pi'aists caunot be accorded the couimand lor the zeulous and couscientiom niaiiner ia wblcb both rank aud üle have dii-ciNir.Ljt'.l tlu'ir respoiisibilitie and dutieti. lt is no exaggeration to say that you havo niaintaiiiau that high oider of soldleriy dejioriinunt and discipline that wairants the assertion beiug made tliat th.s has beeu a modei encampineat. The i in run. ons of discipline have been reducei tu the minimum and enthusiastic emlfiivor to se:ure the bighesc ] ossihle ienents from tbe ariLri and duiies ot tho camp nas been rai.ed to the maximum. li.e brigade conimi.n Ier and the regimental olucera are euntied to the kiighest for resulta aeiureil, but it raust mi; be lnrotteu tbat great approbation is duo to the enlisted men for the cueerful marnier in w.ích they responded to the efforta made by thoe in auchority toraise the btundard of deportment, ot thU eni .iniiinieiit to the liih degree ot perfection attiiined. Vithout thw co-operation oE tüe enlisted raeu the etforts oc the olliters wouid have been faL less successfui. Tlu! iiighencomiumsthe camp hasreceived from the presa has been tu ly merited, and you liave ricbly earned the tliankj and cornniendatioii of the utate. By oraer of bis Excelleacy, Cyrus G. Luce, cominander-iu-chief. l. B. Ais int. Adjutant General. Sandusky in Kuins. The greater porción of the thriving little towu of Sandusky, Sanilac ouuty, is in ruins. Fire broke out in theCarson house barn in that place about U o'clock the other rnornmg. Tlie wind blowing stroug irom the southwest, earried it into the kuiiiiíí rink, miliinery shop and Carson's Hall. Frora ïliere it went across tha street to Moore's buildiuji, occupied by Hugh McKeith ns au agricultural hall aud dwelling. It next blewiulo tbebuildingowned by tha Moss estáte aud occupied by Mr . Uoag, for a store, and Charles Teriry for a dwelliug. By it was con trolled trom goiug iarther east. The wind shifted wiii-n the lire 'a about to tase in the Lharbiak.ey and Doyle dwellings, which were onlv sa ved by brave work by women. 'iue lire got so hot th it it scorched the end of ;oiTib' hotel. The loss is estiniated atubout ?2U,WJ. A Loii? y.iurrel Ends in Murder. Auother terrible tragedy is added to the list. of easualtiea for Kent county, by tha suooting of Charles O'Hara of Wyomiug township, by Charles Macard. Fora year past a feud bas ezisted betweea the two Macard brothersandO'Hara. Two months ago ano t lier quarrel arose, in whicu clubs were freely used, O'Hara getting badly Leatcn. He cauued the arrest of his assailunts. but tbey were released on a small laymeut aud costs, but the grudge has iuce existod, terminatingina quarrel the other day nnd resulting in the murder. Macard and his brotner both gave themtliem-selveii up to the sheriff, and said tuey were ass.iu.teJ by Ü'Uara, wuo poiuted a mi at luem lirst, aud that Charles Ured in sell-deieuse. The murdered man is. iijipiu ÖÜ yearsold, and his murderer about The eoroner's jury found Macard guilty of winui raurder, with bis brother VVuiiaui Hurard us ucoessory. Trayedy in Camp. As a special train was coming into Brighton o.i the afternoon of the Öth inst. the ciowd in waiting were horrified to ee a line looking youug soldier either throvv himseif or fall across the track a e w feet in front of the locomotivo which with tbc teuder and the first wheels of the I .-enger coach passed over his body, cutliug uim in two across the thighs and leuring o cu bis abdomen. It was then iliscovered that the unfortunata man waTüomas Brown of Company H. First ReiiBont (Ëmniett H fles) of Jackson. He was .u yeurs Oi ag was single uud lived with bU parents. By trade He was a machinist, i.ut was temporaiiiy out oi work. JustiCd i'oweis ol Brighton held au inquest, and die verdict of. tlie jury was that it was a ' of suicide and tnat uo blame could be atimhod to tliu railroad company, or the miiitury authontie. Must be PnrJfled. The state assembly K. of L., at the annual meeting ia Muskegon adopted the lOliowitiK resolution on the question of (jurilyjng tbe bullot: fVTierejt, Tlie eorruption of the ballot by bnbery, bulldozingandfraud is under the present system, becomlng so glaring as to iniperil tree iust i tutiong ; and, ivhrfjnx, A bilí to piuiiy tlie elections ind guard agaiust abuses óf the electivo ranchise wus ïntroduced in the last egisature, and althougu it received the cordial ijipori of tlie t'Xfcui i board of the tate assembly and over 100 locáis, it was .mally voteJ down, thereby workingharm o every honest e.t'cior: therefore b6 it hetuivat, Tuut tliii state assembly delares lts purpose to, tliat every representative and .senator nominated ior ihe uext legisiuturu must plndge himselt ■ o voto . ur a bilí covering the points coninined in the defeated bill if they expect 10 bave the vo:e of tlio Knights of Labor. Kniffhts f Labor dñicers. At the couvention of Michigan assemblies of knigbts of labor, hold iu Muskegon, ihe following oöicers were elected for the uusuing year: General master workman, U. E. Barnes, Lansing; worthy foreman, VV. F. ShaCfer, Grand Kapids; recording nul fínancial secretary, T. M. Sheriff, fvalamuoo; treagurer, H. J. Al en, Schooloraft; state statistician, Judson (jrenell, Uelroit; eiecutive board- John Streigel, Detroit; Aaron Welsh, Jackson; A. A. Ge.dhoff, Grand Rapids; D. Vau Winkle, Baltle Creek, and A. E. Lawrence, Coleïnun. BoarJ of appeals - The Rev. L. H. squires, Lansing; W. M. Barnes, Marshall; J. D. Wilder, Kalamazoo. The bl ■ Drongbt. Helow we give an extract from a letter writteo last week by as good a gardner as there is in tlie state of Michigan. He writes from Uillsdale county as lollows: "Ever sinoe June 18 the only water wliicu myganien has known has been tliat whieli we havecarried from tho well. We now ii.-i vc indiuatious tliat the well is dry ■ ng up, an 1 the garden is burniu up as Ui ul(Ii scor -lied by flre. The most recent intt liik.;etice that can be obtained here shows tu.'it what is true of gardens of r.rucl; in Michigan applies to every state in til northwest, white the damagë which tlio lirougfat lia done to corn and the finer iruitü ohm bardly bo nveroitimated." il Beeaoao fa GIrl. Krank Clurk and John quar rcled over a iil at the Salvation Army in Katon Kapids the other night,and when LOming out near tho Eaton Kapids housa Williams ilrew a revolver and shot Clark in the lolt side and escaped. V ark die 1 uno hoor later. The victim is a son oí ñ'iUiaoi Clark, a prominent farmer, living six miles east. Williams was arreste. i and laken to jail iu Charlotte to avoid Lynchlnic CONTENSED STATE NEWS. Korust fires are ragiug in many portions if the state. A business nien'8 association has been Conoed Ín A.shlcv. A no voolen mili is to be erected in rravorse City this senson. Mineral paint of a superior quality has 1eou íouud uav Wiiuioat. Fire has destroyed nearly f5,000 worth of fcnres in (Jratiot county. Daniel üronson, a resident of Plymoutli for the past (i(l ycars, is deart. Tlioiniis Mi-Millus, a Corunna coalminer, had his neck broken in a car jam, Ruinored that a stock company is about to take )u il of the Flint Normal school. Mr-. Lavoy of LakeL'nden wasstruck by lijlhtningtheotber day and instantlykilled. Charles Cumming, a resident of Bolle vue towuship, Efiton county, since 1S36, isdeadLyon & Son, paper dealers of Kalamazoo and I'ldiuwell, have been obliged to suspend. A company will be formed at Allegan to , manufacture Duthie's patent oscillating ! va. ves. A big convention of French societies of the upper península was held in Isupeniing the other day. The state school for the blind at Lansing will reopen lor the reception of pupils on Wednesday, Sept. 14. Miss Ella Finchman of Petoskey has gone to Bulgaria vvhere slie will spend live j eurs in inissionary work. The Hon. Alphus Hardy, president of the Detroit, Lansing & Nortiiern road, died in Boston on the 7 Mi inst. Wm, Forsytli, charged with assault with intent to kill Isaac Newton at Carrolton by sbootinp, bas been discharged. Barbanabus E. Chupín, a leading business muu of JacKson and treasurer of the Jacksou, Ft. Wayue & Sagina w road, is dead. Fire bas been burning in the Calumet and Heeia mine for tome time, and iu d n sequence over 1,000 men are out of employment. loldwater will hold a special election September 6, to vote upon tüe question of bonding the city ïor $üj,uüj lor putiiu? in water works. The Yaüey City planing mili and adjoiuing property in Grand Hapids, to the auiount of i-M,000, was destroyed by flie the other day. The voteraus of the upper península wit have an annual "boan bake" at Calumet August ïT, under the auspiccs of Style.s aud Ueno posts. Murat (Stoker of Kouth Eureka, lost a e barn with cropH aud two lire. Los 2,UOÜ. lnsurauoe (1,800 in thelouia mutual. Jacob Kchleuker of Jackson was out huuting, and the breech-piu of lus gun blew out iujuriug bim soseriously that lie died the next day. A new viilage is being platted by O. S. Bond oí Toledo, on tection 1, 4Ü-3H, on the east branch of the Uutonagon river. lt wiil be cailed Bund. Chas Cuibertson, living near Tecumseh, niourns the loss of hij barn aud contents, and üju bushels of wheat, whica were burned the other night. Houry Wildinau and his brotbor of East Sagina w bave been iuformed that L427,000 awaits tliem in England us -oon as the can prove ihemselTes the rightful heirs. Over $120,100 worth of lumber at Lakeside, near Muskegou, was burned on thi lOth inst. Tbo lireuien worked bravely to subdue the tlauies, but were handicapped by heavy wind. The saw mili, salt block.aud 3,500, 000 feet of lumber belonging to John G. Uwen o( East Saginaw, was destroyed by flre the otber morning, involving a loss of $150,00u with ouly about $70,000 msurauce. J. K, iSiack of Pinconning, whose son was found dead on the Michigan Central track uorth of that place,believes that his boy was foully murdered and the body pluced on the track to hide the crime. i'ire destroyed the oat stack and part of the wheat stack of Frod McNair, a farmer living neur Hastings. 'lbe firo caught from the sparks of a threshiug engine and scriously threateued that portion of the city. The encampment recently held at Island Lake is the best in all respects of any ever be.d in the state. TLe rowdyism aud drunkenness whlefa has heretofore characterized the state eujampment, was notieeuble this yuar by it. alsence. The oíd Nluth Michigan infautry wil' hold a reunión at representativo hall in Lansing on August 31, and certiiicates for reduced railroad íare can be secured by applymg to Capt. A. M. Dobbleaere, the regiinental secretary, at Lansing. (Jar iSprings, Hand Lake, several places in the vicinity of the Saginuws, St. Iguace, Grand Haven, East Tawas and variuus po int in the "Thumb" report duaslrous lires eutailing serious losses upon the farmers und property ho.ders. The stato inspector reports the mam - factu"re of salt or July in the folio wing couuties: Mauistee, 101,4üi bbls. ; öaginaw lUj.ï'jr; bay, 92,541; Iosco, 8J,4yi; Unro , Ütj,b71; St. Clair, 21,013; Masón, 1S,7O: il. - land, 4,3-5; Gratiot, 9jO. Total, 41HS,TÖ,. In May last a man named George Kc - plt-r disappeiued f rom Bay City. Now comes Sheriff Conklin and otfers ÍÍJJ for Keppler's body if hu is dead, t.'iOO for the convicti n of bis murderer if he has been murdered, or Í.5Ü for satisfactory evidence vï his being alive. The proposition of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortb Michigan railway to lócate tbir shops at aud make Uwosso the heud quarters of their road, providing the city would assist tLem t'i 0.! worth, has been approved by tho Owo-so common council and a special electi -mi cailed for Au gust 22. 8ays the Kalamazoo TeTegraph: The boom in divorce suils surpasses unythin; ever before known at this season of the year. An average of ono a day lias been btgun in the clerK's oitlce for some tims past. This is all owiug to that new and stringent law which goes into effect Sep tember SB. The geological survey officials gay that they have beeu unable to gather any facta about the recently reported rich bnds of gold in Michigan telegraphed about th ■ country. Ihey are inclined to the belief lhat Michigan people will get richer by coutinuiugto pin their i ai: b to copper, iron and .salt. Cephas H. Dresser, an old resident of Hill9dale, was instantly killed ly being tbro n from a buggy a few days ago. Mr. Dresoer was 72 years old. He had been a resident of Hillsdale for over 40 years and a justice of the peace for 30 years. He wns au eider in the Presbyteriau cuurch and a man highly e-teemed by all. Klmer and William Connors of Sand Beach are under arrest charged with grand larceuy. The crime consisted of stripping the scbooner Soa Foam of rigging and supplies at White Rock July 'M. Elmer is a gradúate of the reform school, where ha went two years ago for robbing a vessel. The stolen property has been recovered. The board of noutrol of tbe state schooi for the blind, has appointed Hugh G. Race superintendent of the school to succeed Mr. McElroy. His appointment is for one year. Mr. Hace was formerly a messenger in the house of representatives, and for two or tbree years has been a teacher at the school. All of tle old staff of teachers is retained with one exception. George Hawley, son of the postniaster in Lyous, carne houie from lonia the oth er night. Ho got off the train at Lyons, and is said to have been intoxicuted. Tbe next moruiuf? his body was found on the railroad track, horrib'.y mangiod. It is supposed that be started for Collins dur iog the night aud was unable to eet out of the engine's way. He worked at Collins. Some heliere thor ■ was foul play. Samuel J. Matbcra, Col. Jas. Packards and otber Cleveland capitalista and mining men have secured a 40-year leaso of the 40 acres of ground next to the Lake ' Superior iron company gold mine, six milos north of Ishpeining, paying $10,000 down. A company to be called the Michi! gan fumpany is being organized. aad ! mining wiH bsgiu at once. Capt. Frank P. Miller of tho Cleveland mine will be i superintendent of the new gold mine. Albert l.eaf of Coldwater, was badly hurt at the depot in Hillsdale the other i mornlng. He was a member of company ! A. Michigan State Troops, whicb was en the morning train on its way to tlie au nual eucapment. As the train drew lnto the yard in Uillsdale. Leaf, who was in the baggage car, jumpcd from thecar and feil partly under the car. The wheels caught liim .nul his hcal was badly cut, and lus shoulders and back were badly bruised. A barn bolonging to a Polander by tbe name of Vuchuck, living about two miles from Brouson, was burnedthe other after noon. It contained about 200 bushulsof wheat, 300 bnshels of oats and 100 bushels of corn, besides several tons of hay and straw. The flre was set by a three-year old child. Some of the unfortunate Polanders and the mother were badly burned about the face and bcdy trying to save thelitle fellow whom the mother supposod to be in tbc burning building. DETROIT. MARKETS. Whevt, White ....$ 71 @ TK Red 72 C WW CoRN.perbu 4i (i 4 K ÜATf, " '.9 @ 3l Barley 1 lo ( 1 15 Timothï Bbed 2 0') (o) 2 10 Clov er Seki, per bag 4 tiO @ 4 65 Feei, per cwt 1Ü 00 M18 f0 Flolr - Michigan patent... 4 ;0 M 4 75 Mithigan roller 8'5 tö4(0 Minnesuta patent.. 4 5J @ 4 75 yinnesota bakers'. 4 t0 (? 4 L5 Michigan rye 3 35 @ 3 .0 Apples. new, per bbl 1 -:0 ($2 00 Peackes, perbu 2 00 @ 2 50 Chjcbuibs, per bu ü SO (' 3 o;) Pi.LMiS, perbu .....2 25 @ 2 5) Pkahs, per bu 2 50 (i :t '0 HroKi E a KUIKS " 2 !25 (cü 2 50 Blackbbrhibr, per bu 3 75 (u) 4 00 Bea.ns, picked 1.5 (gl 0 " uupicked 1 10 (! 1 20 Beeswax 25 ( 18 BUTTBR 17 & IS ('iiEESii. per lb 10 irf 11 Ukied A 'i i.Es, per lb -KC'? 'i i:ogs, per doz 12 (S j2 HoNEi,perib S () 11 Hops S2 @ S0 HT, per ton, clover fi 50 (g 7 00 " timothy 11 0 1150 Malt, perbu 0 o 76 ( INIONB, per bbl 3 '.5 (oö 3 50 PoTATOBS, perbu il) @ (5 Tomatoe?, '., bu boxes 1 Í5 ( 1 30 Polltky- (hickens.per lb.. 11 C4 12 Gee e (g 10 Turkeys 9 & )0 Ducks ]or lb ö (rt 7 Provisions- Aless, Pork 16 15 (tlfl 50 Family lli ÜS Èlö 5) Extra mess beef 7 51 (è 7 .5 Lard 7 7% IJressed hoss.. C 5J (w 6 75 Hams 13 W M Veal, dressed.. 6 (,'i 7 Shee, dressed 7 (.o! 8 l.nmbs, " (S 10 Shoulders 8 v$ H% Bacon 10 @ 10): Tllow, rerlb.. 3 (g 3y2 Hides- Green Citv per lb... i W V% Country HU 7 Cured 7%i}$ 8 Snlted 9 bheep skins, wool.. 25 @ 50 LIVE STOCK. Cattle- Market steady forgood; rommnii, shode ïower; shipping steirs. $: @4 i5; stockers and feedeis. $. 5,(g.i; cows, bulls aud mixed. $ 8i; bulk, i .0 ijii 75; Texas cattle, i 1 ÍU3 40; Wyoming half breeds, 3 40. Hoos - Market slow; oommon easior; rough and mixed, ï4 t)-7"5 S; pucking and shipping, $5 10 i5 i0; üsht, $4 005 26; skips, tAdi 50. BiiEKr- Market stronper; natives, $2 50 1 8"; western, Í3 (tb.i (iü; Texans, 2 50 ((3 50; lamba, Í4 'Jan 75.


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