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England is growing un?asy about tho French in the New Hebiides. A severo eartbqu tke bock wis feit througbout the islaud oí Cyprus the otüer day. Prince Feidinand snaps bis fingors at Kussia and has &et fortu to take ihs Rulgariitn turon -. 'Ihere were 10,000 deaths from cholera in Cbina during the periüd from January to June of this year. Hon. Allen Francis, United;States consuat Sc. Thomas, (Jat., who was struck by a bose cart at the recent railway disaster there and badly injured, d.o 1 on the 4th inst. White' ey 's drapery establishment in London was destroyed by fire the other day, cuusing a loss oí $l,x5J,(XM. Five employés were kil.ed by falling from a bridgo cunuecting two of the buildings. Allred Krupp, the famousgun manufacturer whose death occurred recently.bequeathed $250,000 for the beneBt of employés. His son Frecierick ha, added ï 1'J.j.CüO to ihe amount for the people of lssen. Tho town council of Essen bas voted $ 5 000 for a stalue of Kiupp. Sjr.s. Wal ace, wiie of Robert Waüace. a earpenter of Toronto, is claimant to a for tune of $5 0,0.0, left by Win. Kenneally. wbo d.ed in Brooklyn, K. Y., in lStüi. She bas every prooi of her identity and will piesem ber claim j to tho proper autfcoritie.-. King Ka'akaua of the Sandwich Islands bas 8%ned the new coustitution. This deprives Kalakaua of monarchiul pow. ers and leaves only the power to draw salary and grane pardons. Ex-Premier Gilwon escapad on a bark sailing lroin Hono u u anJ is now on hif way to San Francisco. Tlio Pope has sent an autbgraph letter in reply to the letter which be receutly recoived from Emperor William. Both letters are couched in very affectionato teruis. Eniperor William wrote that it was a grand thing that they were able ia iheiroldage to estab.ish peace between i russia and the Vaticun. Thu funeral oí M. Katkoff, the famom Ru.-sian jout na ist, touk place at Mobcuwoti the 9th inst. The open culliii was carried on the shouldei-iof the populacefrom Zuamensky to Moscow, 2) miles. Priesti and cliunsters were dressod in white. At every church along the route pmyerj were said tor the repose of the soul of the decea ed. A heavy rain fed from the time the prooession left, ZuamensKy untiftloscow was reachfd. A rib roast breakfast in honor of Mr. ■ Simo:i Camerún was eiven the otber day by i.nffa o Bul and Nate Salsbury in the marqueeof the WiM West camp in London. 'At-coreof (listinguished gent emen were present, including Chauncey M. Depew. Mura. Ualslead, Gen. Ilawley, Leonard Jeroiue and Justin McCartby. Mr. 1 be'p-, the United States minister, s nt legréis, saying that h, was going to S. otlan.i. i .nlled riba wereserved to tlie guests ou the homeliest oí platters and were eaten, I nd ui ii lasbion, with keen relisb. Willred Laurier, the new leader of the libbral party in the Dominion purliament, , n an address to an audience of from 5,0U! to 7,000 persons, who had assembled to hear hlni, said that it bad always heon the desire of himself and the liberal party to secure a renewal of reciprocity with the United States. But the liberal party while strongly in favor of a reciprocity treaty with the United States are opposea to the sóbeme of commercial union until more detinite information has been gathered as to the probable results of sm-li a radical change in the tiscal party of tbo two couutnes: