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Plgeons In Oregoa are destroylng the cherry erop. Piracy bas become common along the coait f Bomba;. There U prctty good slelgblng, jet In some parU of Montana. In a new comlc opera 1 a topieal song illuatrated by a stereopticon. The phosphate beds of Florida are sald to surpass those of any oiher country. There are 425 mualc halls in London, wlth a total seating capaclty of two uuudrud thousand. Mrs. Phyllls Jonnaon, a colored woman who recently (lied In Lower Oxford, Pa., was sald to be 109 years old. It la estiraated that tbcre are more than llfty thousand families In Loudon wlili only oue room eacti to live in. Engllsh publlsbers, recognizlng themperlorlty of American printing paper, are Ueln lt In p'referencs to the home aitlcle. The catch of shad alom; the Hudson river the past spring was 100,000 over last year, while the herring catch was enormous. It Is an Interestliig fact th;it botb Stagg, ths famoua Yale pitcher, and Caldwell, stroue of the winning 'varsity crew, will devote thelr lires to the ministry. The strikes of American workmen durlnc the past three years have resultod in brlnglng one mlllion workmen to thls country to fill thelr places and earn thelr wages. Blnce the dlscovcry of eold In Victoria, Australia, In 1851, the production of that metal up to the end of 1885 amounted to $1,074,559,720. The production has diminlshed of late years. The Engllsh are said to be recovering thelr lost influente la Japan, aud may be soon expected to tak the relns from tbe Gcrmans, who hare had everything for some years back. A student at Vanderbilt unlverslty, In Tennessee, has just beat ths world'a record In high kicking, haring succeeded in hlttlng a mark at tha unprecedented helgbt of 9 feet 9) Incbes. "Indisputable poof" 1 sald to show tbat "ünde Billy" Whltley, oí Norwood, Stanley county, N. C, Is 112 years old. He attendec the Fourth of July eelebratlon there, and


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