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August Birke has a gas well. Plenty of spring water uow from seven wells. The restaurant, opposite the postoffice, is open night and day. Larry Dunn has been in Detroit for several days, visiting friends. Miss Elvira Sumner and Jas. S. Handy, are visiting friends in Saline this week. Dr. ShurtlefT, of Partello, Calhoun oounty, has been in the city for several days. Judge Cooley is having laid, a stone walk in front of his residence, on State street. Hiram Kittridgo has the contract for moving the new boiler to the water works. Fred W allace expects to return to Chattanooga, 'i'enn., sometime next month. D. W. Amsden has sold a half interest in the wood and brick business to Geo. Colhns. Martin Vogel has a handsome delivery meat wagon. It was manufactured by Wagner Bros. A new brick residence is to be built on South fiist street. by Sao. Ivoch, at a oost of $2,000. Union services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Sermón by Rev. Childs. Jno. Koch has sold his house and lot, in the second ward to his brother Christian, for $1,800. Wagner Bros., are goiug to build an addition to their carriage manufactory , on Second street. Base ball to-day between Ohelsea and Ana Arbor on the fair grounds. Game will be willed at 3 p. m. H. T. Morton, who owns a farm near Pittsfield Junction, had sonio 60 rods of fence consumed by fire. There are persons here who use too much water, and then find fault because they cannot have more. Misses Eliza and Rose Hayden attended the funeral of their cousm, Harry Vhay, in Detroit, Sunday. Ex-regent, Andrew Clemie, has been declared insane, and committed to Jontiac. His case is hopeless. Kuch & Halier furnisked the chaira, autique ash, with plush covers, for the Ann Arbor Arbeiter verine ball. Circuit court commisaioner Dolan, of Lanaing, is viaiting oíd friends and relativea in this city and Northfield. Aid. Sutherland, of the lust ward, ia doing good work, grading atreeta and laying üag and atone crosa-walka. Mra. H. Anderaon, and two danghterB, of Fhnt, are viaiting Mra. Anderson's brother, 8ain Jacklin, for a week. Jacobus & Son, have taken the contract to build for L. Gruner, a $1,400 house on the old Maynard property. Miss J. Cannon, has been viaiting friends in (rand Rápida and Muskegon, the past week. She is home agam. On the first of August, about 1,000,000 bushels of wheat oL the Ii8ö wheat erop, was atill in the farmers' hands. J. E. Heul, of the Courier, returned from hia bicycle trip, Sunday. He was absent from the city aome four weeka. N. B. Covert and wife, leavenext week for loma, to viait Mr. C's. eon, who travele under the name of Fred f'elton. Clarence H. Bailey, of Midland, haa been in the city thia week. He is the Bon of J. N. Bailey, formerly, of the Argos. Miases Bertha aud Paulina Kuebler, are viaiting friends in Jackson. íhey will also visit in Marshall and Battle Creek. Great picnic at Wnitmore Lake to morrow. Also meeting of the pioneer society at the same place. Ten tbousam people are expocted if the day is fine. V. Q. Suow Btill has his livery with Jas. Robison. A change, though, wil probably soou take place, perhsps be fore another issue of Xhk Democrat. Query: Wüen will that sidewalk on the north side of North street, from De troit to División street be oompleted Perhaps tlio aidewalk committee wil look into the matter. Frank O'Hearn, Jas. Duffy, and Fred McOmber, are spendin their vacation at Whitmore Lake. Joe. Polhemuf takes Mr. O"Hearn's place, as mai carrier, until his return. Mre. Mary D. Harán and daughter, o Green Bay, Wis., are the gueste of Mrs Chas. Poland. The opera house begina to look better Prof. Ford haa purchased a f .r)50 lot a Petoekey. Mrs. Earl Ware ia at Clio, this state visiting f rienda. S. Keegan's examinatiou has been continued until Aug. 22. Frank Miuuia came down from Jackson Mouday to spend the week. Misa Bulle Suier, of Owosso, is the gnest of her aunt, Mrs. P. B. Ingalla. Bro. Beakes, of the Argus, has retnrnec from a visit to his parents in New York. W. H. Ellia, a son of Stephen Ellia, of Worden's, is located at Clarion, Charlevoix county. Dr. Ryder officiated at the union services in the Baptist church, laat Sab bath evening. Wm. H. Lewis, the popular landlord of the Follett house, Ypsilanti, was in ths city Monday. Thos. Devaney, of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chas. Poland, of the Fifth ward. The attention of the street committee is oalled to the great necessity of a railiug on the Pontiac street bridge. Paul Snauble, who has been oast in :he interest of the Michigan furniture company, reporta a fine business. Gus. A. Gerner, for several years in :Le employ of J. Haller & Son, is en,'aged in the jewelry business at Chejoygan. Mre. Lawyer Whiting has nearly dis;osed of the household effect-; of Mrs. Mary E. Clark, East Huron street, preiaratory to Mrs. Clark's removal to Brigbton. The scaffolding in the M. E. church was slid down from a window, toboggan Rtyle. The (rescoiug is elabórate, and the edifioe puts on aünished appearanoc, very creditable to the designers. Company A, M. S . T., voted Monday evening, to attend the big blow out at Adrián, under the auspices of the Q. A. R , Thursday, Sept. 1. There will also be an excursión on that day. The A. M. E. church held a social at the pastor's - Rev. Mr. Pope- last week, regailing thetnselves with ice creara cake and other "goodies," the proceeds going for the benefit of the church fund. Mr. and Hru. Ralph C. Whiting went to Manchester the tirst part of the week to look after Mrs. Whiting's farming interests of between 1Ü0 and 14Ü acres, said form abutting Manchester village on the west. A. H. Hines bas decorated A. Kearney's esidenoe most artistically. Ue Is also at work putting on the finishing touohes on V. A. llclntyre's store, and he has also be contract for decorating Edward 31ancy's house in Ypsilanti. They sprinkle their lawns in Ann i.rbor with bullheads We sprinkle 'em ritli dust. Bullheads are better than uat for lawns. - Ypsilantian. How bout sunfish. The chief of pólice can nlighten you on the subject. The people of the city appear to be making extra preparations for boarding ind rooming students the coming winr. Rooms are being fitted up tastenlly, with an eye also to comfort, bo bat they cannot fail to please. We understand that Dr. Frank Kraft ias au eye on the position of coart tenographer for this circuit. We know ïim to be eminently quahfled for tbe lace, in every respect, and think both ench ani bar would be very fortúnate n seouring Lis services. It is a nice thing to be able to go to be various watering places during the ïeated term, but we notice that many ome back sick, and in this respect they iré no better off than lesa fortúnate morals whose exchequer or business preludes them f rom going. Jno. D. Porter, for the past 33 years in the employ of the Michigan Central ailroad, as boss mason, died suddenly üonday night, of heart disease, at Exnger & Boes' hotel. He was a man (i2 ears of age, and had with him men uner bis employ for 25 years. What has become of the Teachers' institute, of thig county? For the meetng to be held here this week, great prearations were made for them, rooms eecured, and meals engaged. One woman got up a capital dinner for twenty, nd not a teacher made their appearance. Aid. Ware has been in the employ of be M. C. R. R. for eight years, up to nd ineluding Saturday last. During tiis time he has not lost a day, and feelng tnat a little recreation would do him (ood, he has gone on a four week's visit o Rochester. During his absence he will take in Saratoga, Hyracuse, and posibly New York city. There is to be a special meeting of the board of managers and standing committees of the Washtenaw county agriultural and horticultural society in the lasement of the court house, next Tueslay, A tig. 23, at 3 p. m., sharp, for the iransaction of important business relating to the ooming fair. A full utteiulico is desirud. Mr. and Mrs. ï. F. Leonard, whose lives have both hung ia the balance for months past, seem to have taken a new lease, Mrs. Leonard having been successfully treated in Detroit, for cáncer, and Mr. Leonard, whose ribs, limbs and anatomy generally, was smashed in a runaway, is now able to ride out and oan beor bis weight on his limbs without eruicues. Jas. Barclay and Richard lieeves, have nirchased theold Gratton property on West Huron street, for $G,000, and will put up a boiler shop 40x80 feet. They will also run Ihe foundry and machine shop, and in time will employ some 40 hands. They are young men, practical mechanica, and should receive the encouragement and support of every business man in town. Here is success to the new enterprise. The McMahon circus is expected here about the last of September. John S. McMahon, the celebrated rider and propnetor, was formerly a Washtenaw county boy. He is strongly supported by some of the leading acrobats of America, and has now one of the best circuses on the road. - Ypsilantian. Jno. and his brothers are old residents of Sharon. One of the boys etudied for a preacher, the other graduated from the law department and the wrestler attended the Normal school. Dr. Haskell, in his Sabbath morning disoourse, announced his disbeliof in mind cures. At the time that minióles were in vogue, they were a necessity, but iow physical and natural causea are the levers for the removal of inflrmities. While disease is a result of an infraction of nature's laws, it may with the blessing of God, througli the submission of the sufferer to the divine will purify and chanten the soul, till the very lineamente of the countenance beams mith a seraohic lustre. The proposition of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Railway to lócate their shops at and make Owosso the headquarters of their road, providing the city would assist them $25,000 worth, was Monday night approved by the Owosso Gommon Gouncil and a special election called for August 22. The Business Men's Association, which numbers seventy membcrs, are workmg hard for the enterprise and the citizenc are very jubilant over the matter anc expect to carry it by a large majority Forty acres of Und hw already been donated by individuáis owning property along the river front where the oompany wish to lócate them. The Muskegon branch of the road, which is now unde: construction and also the main line, wil be operated from Owosso. The oom pany will employ, to start with, 100 men in the shops. All train men will also be located at Owosso. This means to Owosso an addition of 1,000 inhabitants within the next year. Never before in the history of Owosso's prosperity üa there been so much unity of feelinf among all as there is over the propose donation to the new road. Free Fress This is the way other cities do business and it behooves Ann Arbor to be u and doing. Qlorious raina the past week. The circuit court is in session . Dr. McLachlan spent Sunday in Holly. Jno. Collin's post office address is Dexter. This paper is only 81.25 to subsoribers outside of the county. Albrecht Qwinner and family, are rusticating at Xiush Lake. Mrs. C. A. Mellor and ohildren, are visiting at Brantford, Oanada. Samuel C. Wooster, the oldest printer in this section, was in town Wednesday. Jno. Ferdou bas sold bis residence on State street to Prof. H. Wade Rogers. Ed Eberbacb, the popular hardware merchant, is catching large ñsh at Rush Lake. Connor and Webb, the pick-pockets, have been held for trial in the circuit court . A tar walk is being put down on the north side of the Second ward school house. U. B. Wilson, many years ago of the iirm of Maynard, Stebens & Wilson, is in the city. A. E. Golmer and G. E. Furness, will M passengers per s. s. "Nebraska," áept. lst. The bay pony owDed by Prof. Demmon, was stolen f rom Wm. Burke's pasare, one night last week. Prof. Pattengill has sold his sorrel jolt to Jas. Deyo, of Jackson. The horse is a splendid roadster. Wm. Belcher aud bride will be passengers per State Line, Pennsylvania Sept. 8, to Hamburg and Leipsic. Master Eddie Hudson, who bas been risiting at Chfton Springs and other amous resorts, returned home Monday nigbt. Henry Herpo! scheimer, of Lincoln, íeb., paid a visit to Henry Krause, rtonday. He was on his way to New fork. Frank Vaudewarker caught three eels 11 Silver Lake, Tuesday, the largeat one neasuring four foet, two inohes in ength. jCongregationalists, were in the asoendant at the Baptist church, Sabbath norning, their cuurch being closed for a )rief vacation. The Toledo road will sell excnrsion ïcketa to Adrián during the G. A. R. ncampraent, at one and a third fare for ;he round trip. In our last issue, we should have said ihat Company A, instead of CJompanv I, firet regiment, took the prize in the ilent drill contest. Sed James has the contraot for laying he stone sidewalks in front of D. R. Ichaier and H. J. Brown's stores, on South Main street. Persons wishing to visit Petoskey, rom Sept. 6-17, can purchase tickets at lie Toledo railroad depot, thií city, on Sept. 6, for 88.70 for the round trip. The Southern Soldiere and Sailors' asociation meets at Three Rivera, Aug. 3-26, and the Toledo road will sell ickets, for the round trip, at one fare. Rev. L. Berdine, of Lafayfette, Ind., will preache at the picnic, Sunday, at 3 'elock, given by the A. AI. E. church. Sxercises in the grove adjoining St. 'hom as Catholic cemetery. H. Kittredge has been allowed $1,000, y C. Alack, for loss oooasioned by fire o his livery barn. He expects to commence rebuilding next week. He will ooupy the new barn with his livery. Burglars entered Dr. Darling's resience Wednesday, and stole a silver watch. His pants, vest snd shirt were Ibo taken, but were fouad a short disance from the house, the following morning. Great improvements are being made n the north end of Main street. House re being put up, yards and roads 'raded, and what is now needed iï a lidewalk f rom the Toledo railroad bridge 0 North street. Asa Allen, the mail carrier, as he was as8ing Dr. Palmer's residence, one day ast week, saw great commotion in his )arn, and about 25 men trying to get up 1 horse. The animal was about dead, mt Allen cut the halter, and the horse s alive -to-day. So much for thoughtulness. The following verv handsome notice appeared in the last issue of the itichnond (Michigan) Democrat: "The Jetroit Evening Journal is rapidly geting to the front as a hustling daily paper, and is by all odds the very best aper in the city, both in point of news ervice and editorial abihty. Politically independent, ïts editorial comments are fearless, honest and pointed. Hon. Jas. S. Gorman, state senator rom Monroe and Washtenaw oounties, was married, Tuesday, to the accomplished Miss Nellie E. Biuicham, formerly of Dundee, at the Catholio churoh in Chelsea, by the Eev. Dr. Riley, of Detroit, secretary of the insh land league of America. Only intimatd friends and elatives were present. After a trip around the lake, the happy couple will ettle down to farm life in Lyndou. President Willits, of the Michigan agricultural college, opened th commencemet week program yesterday. He preached the baccalaureate sermón in the college chnpel. His subject was "Asceticism, or Muscular Christianity." There was a very large audience in attendance, composed of college studente, townspeople and alumni. Clase day exercises ou Tuesday and oommenoement on Wednesday. Willits is the ex-congressment from this district. The republican papers are repeating the fact that president Cleveland vetoed an appropriation of $500 to the G. A. R. of Buffalo while he was mayor, to prove that he is an enemy to soldiere. Mr. Cleveland vetoed the bill because the city had no rigbt to appropriata money for any such purpose, though a very worthy one, and he at tbe same time gave of his own hard earned money $50, to the G. A. R's, for their decorations. It was just such vetoes and just such honest liberality that gave him the next year the governorship of New York by a vote of two to one almost. "Young man, when you jeer at a lady passing along the street or haunt and startle her with your glances, does it ever occur to you that some other scoundrel might insult your sister, your wife, or, in coming years, your daughter, in the same infamous marmer? How would you like that ? Would you think it smart? Would you regard it as manly or an evidence of blood? If so, you ought lo be kicked from one end of the continent to the other and horaewhipped back again."- Exehange. The above item, it seems, would he appli oable in the case of the bus driver who was bouuosd yesterday. The Ypsilanti Light Guard, Corapan y H. Fourth Regiment, M. S. T., celebrated the üfteenth anniversary of the organization by an imprmptu reception given at their armory Friday evening. After music by the city band the Guards gave an exbibition drill, and acquitted themselves tínely. After the dnll Capt. Hyzer was presented with a handsome silver water service given by the memberg of the oompany. This was folio wed bv refreshments and short speeches by members of the State troops and citizens. Oompany II will attend the G. A. R. enoampmeut at Adrián, Thursday, September 1. üur man about town observes the cruelty practiced by the baggae wagon drivers upon the horses. They are pul through on the doublé quick, no matter how tast they are going, the whip is plying all the time, and t'iese whips have long lashes which reach to the ears and eyes of the poor equines, anc are simply instrument of torture. Oh for the pen of a Uarriet Beecher Stowe to show up the unmercitul anima drivers, the same as she did the whip masters of the slaves of the sonth. The authorities should look after this matter and if they do pot, some Henry Berj should rise in his might and insist upoi a modiflcation of treatment. Dr. Collum is laid up with a fracturad leg. The Democrat will be 10 yeara old noxt Friday. Ex-supervisor Shurtleff has been quite ill for sometime. Mra. A. M. Fall, and Prof. Delos Fall, are the gueats of D. C. Fall. Thos. Blake and Wm. Allaby are back f rom their Euroepian trip. Butter 25 cents per pound, and a good artiole acaree at that price. .Milo Pulcipher ia home from Missouri, on a visit. He likea the western country. Washington Alexander Columbus Lymburner is taking a trip around the lakes. Misp Zada A. Rhodes, has resigined the position as teacher in the fifth ward school. Hon. A. J. Sawyer, Prof. Knowlton and C. K. Whitman and families, are camping at Cavenaugh Lake, near Ohelsea. In another column will be fouud the advertisement of Jno. Loney, whose restaurant is full of good things to satisfy the inner man. The capital stock of the Washtenaw mutual insurance company is now $4,517.570, with a memberahip of 2,248. Annual asessments will be declared the 31st of this month. We have received Wood's official railway guide of Michigan, for August. It (tontaina, in addition to the time tables of the different roads in the state, a large amount of valuable and interesting matter. It ia a queation whether this city will vote $5,000 to be expended in booming :he place. Everyone is interested in ;he matter, and the result will be awaited with interest. Aug. 26 is the time flxed tor the special election. On Sept. 7th, Fraternity and Golden [{ule lodges, F. and A. M., and Washtenaw Chapter and Otsengo lodges, I. O. 3. F., give an excursión to Detroit, Lake Üt. Clair and return, for $1.25, for the round trip . Boas Granger will cater. A transcient worshiper at the Baptist church, Sabbath morning, was aurpnsed o see the backs of all the pews unadorned with cards announcing pew owners, and upon enquiring learned hat the cburch was purely afreechuroh, each corner being entitled to chooge bis own aitting, though as a matter of fact, amaliea uaually occupied certain aeata n preference to being aeparated. At irat, every third seat was free, now opional choice is the rule, the finances for he expenses of the cburch being placed n envelopes by the patrons, and gatherxi up by collectors on the aecond Sabath in each month. Suoh church lemooracy ia refreshing in these days of ohurch neuro-pompoaity. The ninth annual picnic of the armere of Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland and Livingstone counties will be held it Whitmore Lake, to-morrow. The ollowing programme will be interperaeá with music: Prayer by S. W. ïird, Whitmore Lake: address of welcome, Hou. Wm. Ball, Hamburg; address, Gov. Luce; paper, Mrs. Benamin Kelley; paper C. G. Starks Vebster: recitation, Miss Slary Lord. Business meeting, election of officers.] etc., on the grounds at 10:30. Dinner n the grove at 11:30. Programme excercises at 1 o'clock sharp. In connection with the picnic the Washtenaw county pioneer society will hold ita innual gathering with headquarters at ;he Lake house, Whitmore Lake. Prohibition was beaten at the late election in Toxas by (rom sixty to eighty bousand majority - a vote of two to one. The people of Texas have done viKcly and well. They have avoided a reign of drunkenness, crime and ex)etise, in their good state such as those who have never lived in a prohibition state can scarcely comprehend. When all moral and rehgious inüuence is given up and only the law is depended on to make men températe and good citizens, then comes a Saturnalia. Law ) reventa nobody f rom drinking, and as t in a measure causea the drinking to be lone secretly, and of the strongest ïquors, it immeasureably increases drunkenness and its attendant evils. Texas has indeed done wisely. A fire warden is the latest. A man is :ijic through the country representing limself to be an ofBcer of this sort. Vhen he flnds a farmer with a fire upon lis premisos he informa the guileless pranger that he must accompany liim to :he nearest magistrate and consider himself under arrest. The farmer does not want to be arresled or go the tiouble and expense of a trip to the official, and after a httle talk the bogus oflicer kindly contents, (or u considero tion of a snm of money, to let the farmer oS and gives him a receipt stnting that the fire is purely one of accidental origin. This jeems to be so outrageous a scheme that it could eosily be seen through, but there are several instances throughout the state where honest grangers were made dupes of the above nwindler and wish their names to be withheld from he


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat