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About m'dnight on the 20th inst, John Dwao of Kast agiiiaiv, a fírenian on the Flint & I ere Marqiiït.e rnilroad, was shot dowo by BODie person at present unknown and iliod the next day. Dwan was walking ou the street in compiny with a fhend, wheu from in front Uiere were four iliiih .?s followed simu taneous y with sliarp report-. Lwau lell to the ground with a groan, a bu let hnving struck him in the right sido of tho forehead directly over the evö anii abont an inch below the roots of the bra:n. The ball in;,de a wound two nche.i deep, froru whkii the brains oozed. During the day Dwau visited Holly in conipany with the employés of tliu lint de i'eru Marquetto railroad company. The excursión train reached the city on rhe return trip about ' :8) o'c.oik in the even.nK, and Dwan aud tiree coiupanions afterwaril walked aüout the city. At a saloon the party met several printers, with whom the rai road boys drank and exchanged greeting. it is said a dispute aróse over a trival matter, but uothing serious resuited and no blow weru .-trui-k. The party soparated before tf o'clock, agreeing to meet again at 11, and Dwan and friend starled lor Arbeiter park. On the sidewalk suriouncling the park, those two and otlier men, it is tliouglit the printers, cros.-.ed each othor's patband words ensued over two girls. Who they were or what grounds for a juarrel existed is not kuuwn. Tn next heard of Dwan was wiieu tlie siiots were lirod. Albert Kagan, the frieud ot Dwan, Albert Fiuley and W. O. Urahood were urrested on suspicion. Tne two lattur are tramp printers. No weapoD louud and theevidence conDeollDg tne parties arreted for the murder in sllght. Dwan was '3 years old and a single iu:.n. WüL ERLNE WHISPERINGS. 'Ibe Wier trials cost lo co county about Deer aro unusually plentitul in the upper peDintu'a. Prof. C. E. Johnson oL tho l.ansing business college, is dead. Bancroft oliera sl',00J bonin to any suitab e manufactory. Maj. Jesse L. Berch, a well known citii.cii of Juckson, is dead. K. H. Ferry, one of the oldet residents of Howard city, is dead. Tlie Lake Snor company wiü build a uüw dtpot at ïliree Hivers. l'atri. k Early of Allegan, dropped dead of heart disease in Muskegon. ilarin l'üllen, a wife-beating brute of Kegaunee, goes to jail for 9J days Tlie Michigan Central will build a new depot at Bay City to cost $100,000. Nashvilie has an improvement associa' tion organizad to boom that town. Motilan lljmp, a li. K. & l. brakeman, was küled near Flaiuwell the other day. Col. Cliarlus Monroo, íor many years a resident ol Kiüsdale, is dead, age 83 years. Tliis i ear'. shipmenta of ores from the Lake Bui trior distrioC is the largegt ever made. Herbcrt Day. a well known musician of Kalainazoo, iell dead in the street the tther day. Cliarioite will orj;anize an independent military eompany composed entirely of ex-oidiers. John .Masan was crushed to death be' iiïtrn two ca:s loaded wilh steel rails at Aluckiuac City. 'lhe student's chrisiiau association at Ann Arbur hus reeeived lf,UOU Irom an unknown donor. Homeateaders are pouring into the iands torleited by the Marquette, Hougn ton & Ontouason. Silos A. Harne-i, on of the most prominent men ia Katou couuty, died in Char lotte the other day. Joseph Laeombe, a miner was killed at the MUwdukfe mine in Negaunee by a caving in of ground. ie. nuw üies 30,000,OUO feet of pine will bave been cut, skidded and hauled in the Meiiumiuee vicinaxe. Tlie uuniial reunión of the Eighteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, will be held in Teoumseh, August 't. Ai) tiles and David Taylor of bt. Joseph bave been tined $10 eauh for bhooting wood cooU out of season. Statu benator J. Uorman was mairied in Chèieea tiie other evening to Miss Nllie Bingbain of ihat place. The animal session of tne Michigan conference, -M 1". chuich wiü be held at IV toskey, commencing öept. 7. Upper península huuters say the game law relativo to deer will be violated frei.uent.y during september. Mrs. iluiun Fuhrman, living near Lake 1 aroor, waa uitten on the leg by a rattletnake, and died the next day. Win-. Stree;er has been appointed assist" ant superintendent un t state agent of the btate pabilo 'hooi at Coldwater. Tho fourtii annual reunión of the soldiere and saiiora of northwestern Michigan occurs at Reed City Sept. 6, 7 and 8. 'jhefirt unnual state encampment of the patriarchs militant, I. O. O. F., was bekl i ii Bi Isda'.e on the lTtli and Ibth inst. Miss Mary Irene tloyt assures the citizens oï Kast Saginaw that she will not intorfere Wlth ber f ather's bequests to that i o .vu. Two men were killed and two others terioualy injured by a falling rock at the Lake Superior mineinlshpemiug the other nioruing. Miss Kuth Gentry, late junior in Michigan university, goes to De Land university, Florida, as preceptress and teacher of mathematica Jlrs. A. T. Prouty, sister of ex-governor Kansoin, iliedat Kalamazoo the other day. Mie was Si years old and had lived their linlf a century. Experiment show that the clay mines neai F.usiiing furnish excellent material for making íire brick, tile, stoneware, paiDt anil cement. litv. Lewie 1'. Esselstyn and wife of Lanulng, liave gone to Teheran, Persia, under ap]ointmeiitof the American board of foreign missions. Tlio state board of charities request magistrales to cease fining disorderly persiins and give them the full extent of the law for incarceration. The (J. B. & I. Co. is inpecting its 800 bridges and taking great precautions t accident during the present epiemic of raüroad fatalities. Hcnry Umlerliill of Milletts, whose wife was killed by a Chicago & Grand Trunk pas enger train a few weeks ago, has brought suit against the company. Atlorney General Taggart has givon his decisión to Dr. Baker of the state board of heaith, that whoopingcough is included in the law requiriug physicians to report dnngerous communicatie diseases. The furniture and other effects of the Michigan Business college at Flint were old at sherilï's sale recen tly to satisfy a nortgage held by ex-Gov. J. W. Begole. A communicable disease of cattle in iris township, Kent county, has just epurted. It is believed at the state "i liealth office to be anthroz or lant postule, and is dangerous to m is v.1,11 as beast. niiners of Marquette county are askKir the appointment of a mine in. ,j .■■■lor. ander the new Breen law, at an ,_;,;■. y date. The demand will be complied with. A mlning inspector has already been appoiuted in Houghton county. John C. Wolverton, a wellknown and highly osteemed resident of Flint, is dead, aged 47 years. He had for many years been a great suft'erer from wounds re1 coived in the war of the rebollion, and to t lus cause is as.sijjned liis untimely death. A special eleciion was held in Owosso the other day, on the question ot bonding i the city for $25,000 to secure the Toledo & Aun Arbor rallroad shops. About a two1 1 1 1 1 ils vcic was polled, the total vote cast being 740. For the loan, 67S; against the loan, U4. A niece of H. L. Guest of Lowell, canio over froni Lngland on the City of Rome a wiek ago to live with her únele, but has not made her appearance at Lowell. She was on the vessel and disembarked all right, but from that poiut no trace of her has been found. A valuablu norse stolen severaldays ago froni Kdward Wright of Thoinastown, ibaginaw county, has been recovered. ïhe supposed tli lef is Fhillip Kees, aged 15, now under arrest. Horse stealing has Leen going on by wholesal recently al1 around Saginaw. Mrs. John Brunger, wife of an old and respectad resident of Charlotte, was out in the garden cutting cucuinbers from the vines. Shu accidentally slipped and feil on the knife she was using, the blade entering her breast just u'jovo the buurt, killing her iustautly. Dr. E. A. A. ürange, the srate veterinariau. says the disease which has broken out auiong cattle in Adrain and vicinity is undoubtedly tbe "Texas fever" or spleuetic fever, which is commouly known us Texas fever, but says also that there is no danger of it spreading. At the K.Uun county lair this fall sev eral prizes will be offere:!: Forty dollars for tbe best drilied uniformed camp Sons of Veterans aud IM for the best drilied brigade of young ludies. Also $50 for the champion base ball club of tbe county. i lus ought to briug a big crowd. Niue years aga Charlas Truman of Lakeview, lost the use of his left arm by injuries received from a falliug tree. He was hunting neur his home the other morning aud was accidentally shot in the right arm. Amputution was necessary. Xruinun was iormerly a lumberman. Timothy O'Brien of Bay City, aged about l'J, was shot in the leg the other night, by a woniau name Annie Erickson. She claims that U'Brieu had been bothering her, and af ter repeated orders to leave the premises she shot through the door with the result stated. The woman was arrested. It is said that the Chicago & Northwestern ruilway, whose present terminius is in lshpeining, will extend its liues to Champion and Kepublic. Surveyors are on tbe grouud now. A now and very rich iron district wiil be tapped. At present the Duluth & fciouth Suore is tho only road having access. E. Hewelt, attorney for Mrs. Margaret Anderson of Horton, began suit by declaratiou, in the circuit court in Jackson the other iia v. against the Lake Shore railroad compauy for $15,(XX) damages for an injury the complainant received last November, while getting off the cars, crippll&g her for Ufe. The F. & F. il. railroad company con" témplate building a liue from Grand Rapids to Petoskey. Ïhe road will run through Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana and Mason couniies in as direct a line as is feasible. The autborities desire a short route from Grand Rapids to Chicago Milwaukee via Ludington. Miss Kunice Barclay diedatthe Tremont house in icksburg the other night. A post mortem reve&led inflammatiou and physicians testiiied that tbe young woman came to her death from the effects of an abortion produced by poisou of some kind. The jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts, adding adininistered by some one unknown. Secretary Lainar has included the Flint & l'ere llarquette and thj Marquette, Houghton & Untonagon railway cornpanies in the rulings applied to railroads called on to show cause why the indemnity withdruwals heretofore made for the benefit of the companies should not be re voked and the lands restored to the public domaiu and opened for tettlement. The sherifL' of Saginaw county has offerod a reward of $50 for the apprehension or iuformation leading to the arrest of the murderer of John Dwan, and it i„ authoritatively stated that the man witü liim when the shots were fired will not be considered implicated in the crime, the hope being that he will give the information which an entire community desires. A. W. Mariis of the state hatchery, who is with tbe commission now examining the lakes and ri vers to ascertain the conditioii of the various plauts made by the state, caught a white fish in Pleasant lake, nearTnree Ri vers, 20 inches long, weighing ",' % pound-, It was as fat and plump as any ever caught in Lake Michigan. Indubitable proof that whitefish will thrive in inland lakes. A meeting of the stalt board of agriculture will be he!d on August 30 to decide upon a course of actiou in the coinplications between Prof. Johnson and the agricultural college students who are trying to run hint out. Johnson is the efficiënt professor of practical farming, and sometimos his lectures include a requirement that the boys shall study the theory and practico of hoeing corn. The annual reunión of the Ninth Michigan Cavalry was held in Cold water on the 17th iust. The day was devoted to exercises and social intercourse at the operahouse, and in the evening a banquet, toasts, etc., wound up the program. The new offleers elected are the folio wing: President, Maj. George H. Turner; secretaryand treasurer, W. A. Blye. The next reunión occurs at Cold water, August 15, 18: 8. Hurriet Friantof Grand Rapids has been granted a divorce from her husband Thomas Friant on the ground of extreme cruelty. She also gets alimony of $05,000, which will make her worth about $100,000 in her owb name. The couple started humble and hard working at Muskegon, twenty five years ugo, and in lumber he amassed a comfortable fortune, which the court decrees he must divide with his wife. The differences in the Friant fanuly which cause t lis separa t ion are of sev eral years' standing and are very unhap py In detail. The old board of directors of Bay View Assembly were re-elected as follows : A. Winchell, Ann Arüor; G. F. Hunting, Kalamazoo; H. Hitchcock, Detroit; K. B. Tupper, Grand Rapids; E. B. Fairfleld, Manlstee; C. A. Gower, Lansing; W. H. Stier, Komeo; A. J. Aldrich, Coldwater; E. A. Hougb, Jackson. Johu M. Hall of Flint, to whose arduous labor the success has been so largely due, was re-elected superintendent forfour years. The 1 bly will probably continue three weeks nèxt year and the departments will be enlargnd. Over 6,000 perrons have atteuded the entertainments this year. Mrs. Macard, wifo of one of the men charged with the murder of Michael I O' Hura near Grand Rapids a few weeks ago, ia in the county jail on an order of Just ice Westfall for contempt of court. The oxamination was in progress when the question of allowing her to testify ! came up. The court ruled that she could answer questions only so far as the younger brother was concerned, but not to the detriment of her husband. Wlxm the prosecution called forthe question she utí terly refused to reply and she was committed. iíhe bore a babe in her arms, un I the sight is one that has created great talk. The sixth annnal reunión of Battery G. Lanphere's, was beid in Coldwater on the i lOth inst. Forty were present. They en joyed themselves visiting and by a steaniboat ride on the Coldwater river. A banquet was held in the eveningat the Southern Michigan hotel. The new ottieers are: President, K. M. Wilder, Coldwater; vicepresidents, S. M. Barron, Tustin; P. Os I burn, Litchfield; Chas. Baker, Hillsdalo; secretary, K. E. Lewis, Coldwater; treasurer, Wm. Hurst, Coldwater; executive committee, A. Van Antwerp, Daniel Cook, Wm. Hurst. Coldwater; W. H. Palmen Kansom; Monroe Barney, Kalainazoo. The nezt meeting will be held at Coldwater August 8, 1SS8. DETROIT. MARKETS. Wheat, White $ 77 @ 73 Red 73 M Í Corn, per bu 40 (ei 45 Oats, " ï9 (j 30 1 25 (u) 1 3U Timothy Bkbu 2 05 (i i 10 Ci.ovkk Seüd, per bag 4 47 4 70 Feed, per cwt 12 00 O12 50 Klouk - Michigan patent... 4 25 (S 4 50 Michigan roller 3 75 (g 4 U0 Minnesota patent.. 4 5J (a i 7 Minnesota bakers'. 4 00 @ 4 25 Michigan rye 3 40 (o) 3 50 Api-les. uew, per bul 2 00 (ig 2 50 Ckabap'ples, per bu 75 Peacue-, per crate 2 50 @ 3 ( Pli'ms, per bu 2 25 (u i 53 Peaks, per bu 2 50 (e 3 00 HUCKIEBKHKIl .8 " 2 50 (ij 3 00 Beaks, picked 2 00 2 10 " unpicked 1 '0 (ij 1 20 Beeswax 25 2S Butteu 18 (S 21 Cueese, per 1b 11 (! 12 Dkied AfPi.Eü, per 1b 4L(g! 5 '. Koos, per doz 12 (02 13 HoNEY.perlb S (og 11 Hops 32 (g 80 Haï, pertou, clover 6 50 7 00 " " timothy 1100 MU 50 Malt, per bu 0 @ 75 ONION8, per bbl 3 ö @ 3 50 Potatoes, per bbl 2 L (tg 2 50 Tomatoes, o bu boxea 1-5 (a 1 30 PotLTitï- Uhickens,per lb.. 11 (! 12 Gejse (í 1Ü Tuiüeys 9 $ 10 Uucksperlb C (g 7 Pkovisioss- Mess Pork 10 00 (ttlfl 25 Family lö 25 (1Ö 50 Extra mess beet 7 50 (i 7 75 Lard 7 (g 7% Dressed hogs.. 6 50 (tLj 6 75 Hams ,.. 12 Ui y Shoulders 8 te! Si Bacon 10 (g 10i Tallo w, par lb.. 3 ($ 8% Hicbs- (Jreen City per lb... 6 (! Country ,. 6X@ 7 Cured 'ÏHê s Bultod 9 bbeep skins, wool.. 25 @ 50 1.IVE STOCK. Cattle- Market stronger forgood; commonsteady; ibipping steers, t3 204 96; stockers and f e Iers, $1 75ft3 M cows, bulls and mixed, H 2!xji;Z ÜO; Texas cattle, Y1 753 40; Montana uattle, $3 sU. Hoos - Market strong rough and mixed, $4 7(1, a 5 05; packin and snipping, (5 10 ((5 40; light, 4 655 85; skips, $3 25(g! 4 00. Sheep- Markot tteady; natlves $3 75 @4 40: western, Í3 203 70; Texans, $3 3 05; iambs, $45.


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