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Til I rlf COTICE ■""' mect with success re IU flüftn I lOt ..tur,--. : knmlccli;rol th valúe of newspaperí, un. I j correctly disptayed advt To scciiic sutil inforn alirui [lili 9PftC V uwill enable yon i . h!v,ii . yUSlJií Jlí UdL 9 CONSULT LORD 555 THOMAS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PENSION &. CL Al NI ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Aiibob, Mich. A5i appílcatlons propiirly marte. Thousands of dollars M.iv.' bee i lost. beauso applications wert nat correotly maile. Nooliarges uiiless succoeful. PENNYROYAL WAFERE tPrescriniíon of tt physician whc hastiada H.'o lor? experienco ii treatinj? ' asefl. ís use : Kionthly wiih perí'ect success b; over IO.iXX) ludí s. rieasant, saft cfTect'Jal. Lacles slí yourdrut r'-'t í;r Pcunyrdyil Wafcrs an t!:e r.o S-'J3tituto, or incloso po:: r"3f .rCíT-lodparticulars. Bold : c!l c'mrrists, $1 per box. A.Mrt THEEURF'TVf rilCAÜCO!, : . Míe;. y Sold ín Ann Arhor by Eherbach & Son. Get Your l'ropsrty Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSÜIUCE AGKIVT, No. 4 South Mam street, Ann Arbor. The oldesi aKfiK-.v in the City. EstabHfilied aqtiarterofa centiiry ago. Represen llng tlic foM.iwing flrstcIhvs ronn'Hiiit-s. witli ovei S;i'. iihi. mu h.-m tb. Ii Co., of N V.; t't ntiitenial Ins. Co.. of N. Y. i NiHgfiía InR, Co., of N. V.: Glrard Ins. Co., of i'lnia , Orifiíi Ins. Co.. of IlHrtfurd; Commrrcial Uuionof Loudou; Liverpool uud Londou and (ilobe. tlgr h;w low. Losses überolly adiusted and prompi-ly paid. ü. H. MILLEN. "henry matthews Keips a Frstclíi39 MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklin House. Pricos I-;is(in:iblo. ThankliiR those who have so llberally patrónsed me in the pust. I also curUiallv soiicittrade rooi iiew patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich RAILWAY. ''The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Onlv Direct Route to Marquetfe and tho Iron and Copper Kegi'ins of ihe Upper l'cuiusula of Micliigau. Two Thronifh Trams eaeh way daüy, making close coutieivious in Union Depots at ul I'omts. The terrilory traversed it famous for IU Unexcelled Huntingand Fishing Tickefp for Sile at all points via thls routw. For MipB, Fo.dora, Ktites a:id Iaformation, addicsti, E W. ALLEN, Geni Pass. nni Ticket Agt.. Murqutto, Mioh. féACKINAC. Tho Most Dolightfol suïvsriER joun S.üace Stcamors. Low RateS, Pour Trips por Week Bctweea DETRCKT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Botwoea C7R01T AND CLEVELAND "Writo foi our "PIcture9que Mackinac," lüustratei: . Coutains Pull articulara. Hüilcd rreo. Detroit & Cleveland Stesm Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. Aot., DETROIT. MICH. in ArDor örpi Works D.F.AIimend Manufauturor und dealer In Pianos, Orias, AND MUSICAL INSTUÜMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Speclalty, jiyonn calllng at the work', foot of Washington atroct, ctti ex iiniü - ({ood.-i and priües. 1 eau convince youof tlie Great Bargains ! 1 am ofTe ring. D. P. ALLMENDIKOER, ANN AttBOR Fred. Brown ! At Claekkn's Old Placb. Xjclixoxis a:n_cL Cie;ars. HOT LUNCH EVERY UI EBERBACH &. SON. DRUGGISTS AND PB ARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DKALEBS Iii - Dru;js, Mcdioincs, Chemloala, Artlst's and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trussea, Etc Pon Wines uil Lipors ! Special attentlon paid to the furninhlne of Pn.vKlclans. CbemtstK, Bchoola. etc, with philo■ophlcal and Chemical Apparatug. Bobeiiilaa Chemical (jl-isswure, I'orualaia Ware, Pure Bnft)ínta. fíe Physicians' Prescrlptiens Carefully Prepared ,l all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat