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At Bieber, I.assan County, Cal., resides Mr. Thomas P. Ford, who writes: "I can truthfnlly siy T have used St. .Jacobs 011 in my famj y for ten yenrs. and find it a never failing remedy for all painful complaints. ' ,lo ophine Slippher.l, Mrs. Florence's datghter by her first husband, is to marry ■j. a . '1 :i ;:obleman. J.ost wenlth may be replaced by indus try lost knowlelge by study. lost health by medicine, but lost time is gone forever_ No task is well performed by a reluctant hand. Mr. F. V. Rush, Adrián, N. Y., says: "My fnther was very lame with rheumatism. Mow after using St. Jacobi uil he is no lamer than lam. He wascured." Prii e cents. Nothing is to be esteemed evil which God and Nature have lixod with eterna! sanction. _ _ Wanted.tlie address of every student who has evernttended Davenport Busine-s College. AddresB, ,1. (_'. IJ; . v, Davenport, Ia. A man with a wbeelbarrow on the sidewalK is not very popular, but ho generally carries everything before him. Will it Dcstroy the Liquor Trade? The great u efuliiess of the Moxie Nerve Food in cuiin? drunkards has made it the mo4 popular thuis; in the country. It is avored into a lueious and probably is the most popu ar beverage in the country tod.iy. J he (iea'ers siy It is more iirofltable th n )i uors, and hamdess. The gay, vountrmnand lubmun break up their intoxica! ons with it now, l efore Éjoing lióme and t:ie usual give away 01' a racket enn bo spoiied with it in an hour. But the nervous. t red out women are its bet eu-itomers. Most people think it will lead a grent moral re orm in drinking. The drugzists say the sa!u is the lurgest ever known. Boston Post: A St. Louis man has caten eleven restaurant pies at one sitting, and, strangc to re ;i'e survives. TVijktful Wiste. .nnsumption carries off in thousands of virtims every year. Yes, thousands of human lives are being waste i that might be saved for the tact is now established that consumption, in its early stages, is curable. Dr. Pierre's ''Coklea Medical Disrovorv" will if in used in time, effect a pcrm.'irient cure. t has no equ il as a remedy for bronchitis, couglis and colds. ts ettlcienoy h s be n proved in thousands of car es. A' 1 dr :ggists. Detroit ' ree Press: An engaging smile- Alover's grin at bis fiancee. ''Te wise to-day : 'tis madness to defer." Don't ne;r eet your couïh if you do your f.ite iiny Ie that oi' tiie count'ess thousan 's wio b ad me likewise, and who today i 11 eonsnmpt ve' gr ives. IS'ightsweats, spittin ol l lood. weak lungs, and coosuinii. i ii i:sclf if t iken in tima can be cure 1 bv the uso of Dr. Pierce's "Gol len Medical lis overy." Tliis wonderful preparation haa ;o o nal as a rnrnedy for lung and throat di e ises. All druggists. Wbiteha'lTimea: The key to a lover's heart is often fouud in a lock of hair. The hugo. drastic, griing, sickening puls are ast being superseded by Dr. i iarce's "Purgativo Pul ct." The i eman's smüe U talked of as a new hade in sumiller fabrica. EjQcate Your Sons. Fndow them with a legacy that they cannot squander, ly sending them to be educ tel at the 1 NIVKKSITY OF XOTKE DAME, an in titution now in its 44th year.and un. ■nrpassed for its complete advanfago to impart to yoursqns auJ wards athorough commercinl (busin6S8i course. which is a tüstm uishel featu -e of Notre Dame Univi'isitv. or a full couro which comprises ('la sics, 1j.w, Science, Mathematica and Mu-i . B] ecial sdvantages are offered to Students of the Law Dbpabtmbnt. TUE MIN'IM DEPARTMENT, A Feparate instltution (St. Edwatd's Hall ' ior boys under 18 years of age, who are tausht by the BIStl B8 OF THE HOLY CR0S3, under whose maternal care they pass neariy the tutire day in receiving instruct:ons in tho e ementary branches of an nu' sh ediicttioii. toetliei' with a fundamental knowledgo of Latin, 1 rench, Cierman, ocal Maslc, Violm, Piano and Drawing, prepartory to enterin? either the .'unioror i-enior classes of tho Uniyersity. Board, waebin((, monding, tuition and entrance fee for session of live months in Mittim Department l O.On. 'J he eightyseventh session wili O]),-u Tuesday, fciept. 6th 17. Hef'ore concluding where to place your sons or wards send íor a catalogue, which will be sent tree, and you will find full particulars as to Course of Stucly, terrns, etc, with illustrations of the main buildings of Kotre Dame. Address, Rkv. T. EL ii, C. 8. C. Pres. l nhersity Notre Dame, Ind. People who want to know whether it is pronounced ''neet-her" or "nythcr ' will nud if tLey investígate, that it is neither. fo Opium in Piso'sCure for Consumption. Cures where other remedies fuil. 25c. Bign in n New York resort: "No excuse if found wiih another maii's hat." Fa. a's Árnica 0 1. The bost snlve in the world for Burns, ■'o:inis and sores of all kinds, iioils, Felnii- Chilblains, l'rozen l'eet. Files, barber'i Itch. Sore Kyes, Chapped Hands, Sore Throit Seald Ilead, Pimples on the Face, and all skin diseases. For I.iver Complxint, Slck Ueadache, Contipation. u-e e's Maiidinke Pilis, Al. ovo remedies so'd by druiigist or sent by muil for 5 cents by C. W. Bnow & Co., hyracuse, N. Y. Notbing can 1. more bound.eiH than a true woman's lore except, perhuj.a tliut same woman's appMite. Hartford Post: 1 ha yonng man no lonjter swingfl nn the front í? ttj. fie p uys tha "ieuce ' with "love" in the tonnia court. Har768t Kx'irsions. the Burlington Route, C. B & O I'. R., wili geil, on Aug. ;0 Sept. JO. nd Ocu 11, }íarvet Excnruon Tickets ut ne tor the round trip to principal (tumis m Nebraska. Kmisa-, Minne ota in I Da ota. Limit, thirtv day-i. lor ticket anrl :nr ther inforniation ooncernin ■: the e excursión, cali on the nearest C. B. & V-, Ticket Agent. One of the finest qnnlities ín a humín being is that nic1 'eni o" delicficy whioh renders ít in poaxlble fur himevor to be an intruder or a t oro Pi'itE Cod Livfh Olí. maiio r in seloeted liver.-. on sea store lv lia an!, haanlS t'o., íi. . &boluleiy pure und sweet. Patients precr i; tu :lï others. Physicians have docided it superior to any other o Jj in market. CHlPPHD II vnds Facf, Pimples and rough skin cure i bv using Juniper Tar Soap made by Hazard, Hazard & Co., New York. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Hcadachc, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, RHEUMATISM, Lame Back, Siiff Joints, Sprains, Brtises, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The niany testimoniéis reoeivetl by ua more theD prove all wc claim for thls vahuiblu rrniody. It uot only relleres tho must oevpre p'ilns, but It Cures Yoü. That's the Idea ! Bold by Drujítíistí. ."o ct. sng Iïook mailrri tree. Address W1ZARD OIL COMPANY CHICAGO. READ TH1S! A $3 WASHIXG MACHJTXE PREE I Last year wo piaceü upoa the market ihe preatestlabür-8aY!nL invontiou of the 19th century. It waa a Pelf-opcrating Vusliln; Mnrliiue. It washes the clutUintr clean WITHOUT THE WASniïOARDOK Amv KIKOINU WHATEVER. Weadvertis-d a f''v % il red frea to Introduce them, and tlirouL'h t.. ...o Tree samples soïd over 80,000. Otie'lady in Chicago (Mra. McDermott,33SV. 15ch St.,) was so well pleased witli her sample tiiiit she becaxie aa agent and sold over 1200 la four inonths. W. C. Hiimill, Bttx 357, Toronto, Oat, ordered over COO after testin his sample, wa havo scores of Just such eiatnples a tiiis. It pnys " to cast your bread upon the w.itorft. 0UK OREAT OFFLR. Tlila ye.irwe Intend to eell not less than ONE MILLION WASIIKRS, and to do this we wUl flrst start offby (JIVINg AWAY IüOO samplciL All Wfï ask of these who receive one in tnat they will i plve it a LïoiJ trial, and it saüslactory ' mend it to their fnonds. Asenta aro coiniDf? money. We have sevenil who are maklnfí f 10 perday and upwards. " First come, first served.1' So f yoti want one from tho lot we aro solne to give awy, send ua your name a-id aIt]ress at once. AddrcFR, MONARCH LADNDRY WORKS. 420 Vabash Ave, Clilcago, 111. (?-fer.tlon papcr. ijfiTliii l Mil (K ifiWWXlé SiokKsadache, l Constipatlon, pBp Dyspepsia. It Coolstheftïf.ot; it 0768 deliht; It sharpens up the appettte. It aids the liter (I-' tl Ar'i st'm. 1 'i b tue i':-e ie beart. All " is TAKIÏAXT'S ííKL'l'ZER can becured. Horse and Stock Owners TKY QuinquiniaTcnis CondiUon Fcwdon Kor horses out of c-on lition. Loss of Aopetlte, Torpid Livor, Stumbllng üatt. Dl stem uit, Bw, i'ut uJ at Detroit Veterinary Pharmacr, -'T .utarette aro., Detroit, Mieh. Z V'eteriuary Supplie luw prlcos. ■p'rLY.olWT IIOUSANDS It „aythat pWFEVERlSJ U ú L-lüdlll Ddllll jfc, yvuÈ cured ttem of Sfc'ffl HAY-FEVER yVëutAl M'P'.V Balm into each nostrll. IJMARLIN REPEATINC isc-r- RIFLE Si'iÏÏWÜÜteK BEST IN THB cúrate and abioIntolyS WORLD! safe. Made ia all sizes for Jp larg-9 or smali game. OH tek BALLARD Hfe' Collrrr, lliinlliir "J Titrert niflei. Hv BeBd for lllu.l rstcd i'lulu=nc. "M Marlln lire Arma co.,.ew llaven, Con n. Sfor Shot CltnSjJfcBQ gs. RIFLES o jft Z and Plstol. fWAs ior fieeWVai''t ? ■ bI % Illustrated 3V O R 1 - Ideal MTg Co.Nn i'3sl Box 10M 0, Kow Haven, Conn. X ' pTERBRÓlSTpi Leadlne Nos. : 14, 04S, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Salo by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOX STEEL PEN CO., Torks: Camdep, X. .!. 26 John St., New York. OneAKent(MerchaniOnly)wan:ea Inererjtownfar Ynnr "Tanslirs PO"ch" fs . i.:ir In le omine mor poi ul:ir every duy. C -nr drummers doift DOthör usanymore. 1T KmTrnv,W.Brr,P. Address K. W. TAUS1 1.I. fe CO., Cbleas. "Tjjj CURES WMttii AU LLSE FAl"s"Tn ■■■ Iicát C'uimh syrii. Tules Mod. Use WSÊ ', In time.' Pold bv rlrnegtste. ffcf CA I rrJ I examlnerlnO.S.l'utentOfflc Int Uil I O Scmil model orski'tfli lorft-ee opinión whether patent can be nared. Newnrnfc on ftee BererenceaiOnminlMloner nf Pat ents oran vut In-r olV-'.il.iMhe H. S. P.itcnt Oftiee. E. B.HTOCKINO, Attorney, 11KS:, V,ai inton, I. C. P"ayhFmore money to quacks! I win fcii'l ron 1-P1 "uu wl Pre. icrintlont lor all Nervoa, Uuroiuo aiw Cuuimon S aociuents tíotf-,'' stampa. jjj, Wla_ st ;llV .uiiuu, ia. A TO A DAT. Snmrtrtt icort SI. SO V FREE. Ijiirswit it't'lrr thr tinrsfn ftet. WrlU UU i, :n Hein Holdm Co...'lollu, MtcA. W. N. U . D.--5--35 UtnOIUriO Milo It. HtciemACo., Walk. I lutftun, Cleveland, Detroit uuü CUlctttfo


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