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Death of a Distingrnished Jurist. i Judge Daniel Goodwin died at bis borne in Detroit a few days ago. Judge Goodwin was bom in Geneva. N. , Y., on November 34, 1799, being seventh in ! dcsront frora Ozias Goodwin, who settled ! at Hartford, Conn., tn 1635 and third in descent on his motlier's side frora Timothy I Colllns, the flrst pastor of Litchfield, Conn. I He was educated at Union college witb I William Seward and Bishops Potter and ! Doane, and was graduated with high honors in 1819. He practiced a few months t In Geneva and removed to ludían, where he lost ono lung throngh consumption. In 1625. on tbe deatb of his father. Dr. Daniel Goodwin, in Detroit, he removed to that town. On the admissi n of Michigan to the unión he decliueii the CniteJ States district judgeship, althougb pressed to accept it by almost the antire Detroit bar. He served, bowever, as district attorney under Jackson and Van Buren, and in that capielty rendered bi-i life unsafe for some time by his prosecution of the ''gympatbizers" of the socalled patriot, who rebelled in Canada in 1837. During the Toledo war be served as quartermaster general, with the rank of co onn!, and throughexceasof labor at tbe Dearborn arsenal injured his spine severeiy- Krom 1843 to 1845 he was udge of the Michigan supremo court. Iriim 1S51 to 1:81 be wa judje of the upper península. practicing law in Detroit during the winter. In 1850 he married Julia Merrill, a descendant of Gov. Bradford of the Mayflower. He leaves one son, John M. Goodwin, and au adopted son, now David Goodwin of Chicago. State School Report. As the business yoar of state institutions closes now on the 30th of June, instead of Sept. 30 as heretofore, we have been permitted to gather the following ilems of interest regarding tue work of the state school for the nine nionths onding June 3 J. There have been 180 children received during that time, and 150 indentured, 15 have been adopted, 24 declared self-supporting, 87 restored to parents, 2 returned to counties, 8 became of age, and 4 girls married. There were no deaths during the time. At the close of the year tLere were 83 children in homos on trial, and 213 in the institution, whieh was 21 less than it commenced the year with. The cost of running the school for nine months was $27,600.63. The larger items of expense being, salaries $7,753.73, clothinff, 8,988.87, fuel $3,523.64, meat and fisl {7;.'.y, repairs $1,518.3$, schools $l,316.7i, flour and meal $79J.31, groceries $887.25, arm and barn $1,591.28, butter, lard and eggs Í63S.94. Tho. expenses indícate tb e same low per capita ctut that has charcterized its past history. - Coldwater Courier. _ Fatal Explosión. A terrible boiler explosión occurred on the farm of Ly man C. Curtís, uve miles from Kunt, the other day, with the following results: Daniel Stenges, dead; Lyman ö. Curtís, probably fatally injured, being badly scaldod; Will Rockwood, soriously scalded and otherwise injured; William Teachout and Harry Kekley, scalded; the three last mentioned will recover. Three young ladies who were watching the threshors at work when the boiler exploded, were teverely but not dangerously scalded. Low water in the boiler, which was neglected while the threshers were trying to extinguisu the Manies in the oat stacks, is raid to huve been the cause of the explosión. Died in a Dentist's Clialr. Krs. John Hughes of St. Louis, died wbile nuclei' tho infiuence of auesthetics in a dentist's cnair a few days ago. The deceased was ahout 45 years of age, and had taken inorphine in considerable quantities of late years, which tact may have influeneed the fatal effect of the mixture of alcohol, chloroform and either which was given. The lady called at the dentist's office in the forenoon and wished to have chloroform administered, bat the dentist, J. F. Goss, declined to do so, telling her shemuüt have herfamiiy physiciau to administer the chloroform. In the al teriioon she called again with Dr. L. A. Proper, wlio administered the iatal compound. A Michigan Mastodon. Jacob L. Buzzard and others, while digging a well for James Orant, in Williams. Bay county, struck a large deposit of bones three feot under ground. They were ofgigantic proportions and were tliought by the men to be the ussoous remains of a mastodon. Many of the bones decomposed when exposed to the air, but a number of them have been preserved and they are the wouder of Williams people. One bone apparently a tusk, is six feet long and flve inches in diameter at the base. A hip bone measures 1 loot in diameter and a rib fouud is '. % feet long. The jaw was also found. lt is % feet long. Th flnd is the lirt of the kind in the vicinity. Disastrous Fire. The works of the Anchor manufacturing company, at Ailchorville, near Detroit' were destroyed by fire the other morning. causing a loss of over $300.000, with only $t .1,000 insurance. Upwards of 500 work men are thrown out of employment. The fire was caused by superueated steam. The works are to be rebuilt at once. WOLVERIXE WHISPERINGS. The fire in the Calumet and Hecla mine is under control. Sister Mary Joseph of the Convent of Mercy in Big Rapids, is dead. Prof. U. H. Evaus, proprietor of Evans' business college, Adrián, is dead. Murtiu Fallen, a wife-beating bruta of Negnunee, goes to jail for ÜO days Col. Jerome B, Eaton, for over 40 years a leading citizen of Jackson, is dead. It has been several months since any one discovered a clue in the Crouch case. Chas. Smith. a Swed, was killed on a logging railroad near Cadillac the otber day. Miss Isabella French is the new principal of the Michigan female seminary at Kalaznazoo. Five prisoners escaped from jail in Flint tbe other morning by crawling through the roof. A $14,000 fire occurred in Nashville the other night. The flre was caused by a broken lamp. Twenty thousand people attended the farmers' picnic at Devii's Lake, near Adrián, Aug. 25. Mummery & Van Kuren's creamery In Flint was destroyed hy fire the other night. Incindiary. Michigan's wheat yield is estimated at 19,2"iO,1O7 bushels, an averag yield per acre of 11.65 bushels. Instructions have been issued to carry into effect the resolution of the indemnity lands of the F. & F. M. railroad. The large barns in the rear of the Michigan Southern hotel in Coldwater were destroyed by fire the other day. The Quincy stamp mili at Hancock has been obligerl to ühut down for a month on account of broken engine shafts. üeorge R. Shatto of Flint, has purehased Catalina lsland, near Los Augeles, and will erect a mammoth hotel there. The state game warden's report shows I that there were 25 riolatloni of the game laws during tbe raonth euding Aug. 2S. Dr. Wier of Oscoda, recently acqultted of the murder of Mable Clark, will, it is rumored, be tried fer a criminal nssault upen her. The county of Sagina wand the business men of the city offur rewards aggregating f Í2.U0.I for the apprehension of the murderer of John Uvan. The Tawas City postoffice and telegraph office burned the other morning and with thcm all letters, registered mail and $IJO.) in cash. Loss unknown. Albert Ray was excavating earth on a farm six miles f rom Battle Breek, to bury a rock weighing 10 tous. The rock feil upon him crushing him to a jelly. President Cleveland gaya he cannot oome to Michigan on his trip In October, but later, when he can spand more time, he will be glad to visit the state. George Keppel, the Bay City man who disappeared so mysterionsly gome time ago, has been found near Holyofce, Mass., where he has been visiting frienda. ■James Nickey of Terubusco, Iud.. was robbed of (1,6)0 on a Wabnsh train near Milan the other morning. He was on his way to Adrián to attend theencampment. Albert Fuller, living near Ovid, had four horses killed by a train on the Grand Haven & Milwaukee railroad. He proposes to make the company pay for the equines. Frank Henderson of Kalamazoo, dealer in society goods, uniforma, etc., has re ceived a note from Mr. Revisor Indridi Einarkson uf Hevkjavic, Ieeland, asking for the price lists of soma of bis goods. John Woods of i-aginaw solJ into slavery 3C years ago, has just heard that his mother is living in Virginia. He has gone BOuth to see her. Uhey have not met sin: e he was gold into bondage. E. H. McQuifCg, a widely known banker of Flint, died there the other day. He wa. a charter member of the Fliat nationa bank and prominently identified with public improvements in that city for the past thirty years. Wm. Elwess, locomotive fireman, ran from the cab of his engine to the row ctcher, juniped off, grabbed up a baby that was lying on the track and jumped asida just as the cow-catcber grar.ed his heel. This took place in Edmore. The father of Patrick Corbett, a young man who was run over near Birch Run recently, believes his son was murdereü and the body placed upon the track. He is trying to eet the sheriff of Kaginaw county to take steps in the matter. Three per.-NOns, Ralph E. Crum of Vieksburg, Dr. Clarence Spicer of Long Lake and Mrs. W. H. Clermont,have been arrest ed for being concernsd in tbe deatb ol Miss Eunice Barclay of Vicksburg, who died a few days ago from the effects of au abortion. Beth Guthrle of Battle Creek, his wife, child and a f riend cspsized in four feet of water in Goguac lake tbe other day as the party were disembarfcing. The fright produced hemorrbageof the beart to Mrs. Lancaster, one of the party, and she died almost instantly. George Miles, a man about 50 years o: age, was found dead in his bed at the Rust house in Farwell, the other morning. An inque8t was held, wbich resulted in a verdict of death from fatty degeneration ol the beart. He was buried tbe next day. His relatives or friends are unknown. Elander Colwell of Jackson bas gone raving mad. He was yardmaster during the terrible Michigan Central accident nine years ago, and the remembrance ol the aft'air has cuuaed hU insanity. He wat tensured for criminal carelessness by the coroner's jury. He has been removed to an asylnm. While Fred Kruph, an outsider, was watcbing tbe circularía the saw mili of R. üaithness in Montague, the saw caught a slab and buried it agaidst Kruph, striking him in the abdomen, thro wing bim tbrough an adjoining window, from which he feli some twelve feet to the ground. He was terribly injured, and will probably die. "Blinky" Morgan, the burglar who is now in jail at Raveua, O., for murdering Detective Ilulligan, and who while being capturad at Alpena, shot Sheriff Lynch, bas been indicted for robbing the postotflce and a jewelry store at Hart, Oceana county. This is the crime for which Mor. gan was iraprisoned when he broke from the Grand Kapids jail. Luthor A. Furlong, who was arrested at Luther recently by the sheriff there, who thought hs was McGarigle, the Chicago boodier, says that he was cruelly treated having shackles on his hands and legs and was kept locked up in the sheriff's house. He further states that he has brought 8uit against the authorities who offered him f2,500 to compromis, but he wauts $5,U0J. Senator Palmer addressed Clinton county pioneers the other day. He spoke graphically of Michigan's development since pioneer days and related interesting facts about the early and subseqentepachs in Detroit's history. "The Anglo-Sazoi. race," he said, "is the type of the pioneeiprinciple and acomparison of the results of early settlement in America by the Huguenots, Spaniards and French and others will bear out the statement." Frank Norton of Adrián, aged 30, went to the residence of his mother, Harriet Norton, a widow, the other night, and attempted to murder her with a pocket knife. A younger brother interfered and received a cut in the hand. Two male roomers held Norton until the arrival o the poliee. He is addicted to morphine and was under the influence of mor. phine and whisky combined at the time. He has served a term at Ionia for grave robbery. At the tweutieth annual reunión of the F.ighteenth Michigan, in Tecumseh, thi following offlcers were elected for the en suing year: President, Capt. Ingersoll : first viee-president, DeLos Le Baron of Toledo; second vice-president, H. W. Stevens of Tecumseh; third vice-president John Purdy of Hillsdale; secretary, Darwin Warren of DoTer; treasurer, L. B. Wolcott of Tecumseh; chairman of committee of arrangement!, Charles Hogers of Adrián. Adrián was selected as the place for the next annual meeling. IVilliam Arnolil of Durand, passed a $1 bilí raised to f 10 in Lausing the other evening, and was arrested as he was taking the Grand Trunk train at midnight, by Detective Abuis, who has been on bis track for several motiths, during which tima he has made a cboice collection o, raised bilU passed by Arnold in varlous secciona of the state. Arnold was lately arrested in Port Hurón ou a similar charge, but was released on telling the offlcers that he obtained the bilí from a circus foliower and did not know it was loaded. President Sherwood of the West Michi. gan Agricultnral society, bas decided upon one very important attraction, additional to the regular display. Great in" terest having been manifested in the state ever since the Washington national drill of troops occurred, his project is to have a grand military contest, to occur Friday the last day, giving $500 in prizes, divided among the three successful companies. At least that manjr state troops, besides home companies, will have to enter. Every indicatlon points to one of the most success" ful iairs ever held, notwithstanding it oocurs the same week as th state show.


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Ann Arbor Democrat