News Summary

Letianon, Ky., bad a $75. (ICO flre the other night. Wheeling, W. Va., had a $50,(0) flre Augu t24. The people of Lonoke county, Ark., fear a Negro uprising. Judge Siimuel Hill of the supremo court of Georgia, is deai. Hou. George Gardner of the supremo court of Chicago, is daad. Senator Sherman has returned froin Iris trip turough the Canadian northwest. New York state democratie convention will meet in Saratoga on the L7th inst. (Jen. Simon Bolivar Buckner was insta lid as governor of Kentucky Aug. 30. ] A disagreement among miners near i Rood Hope, N. M., resul ted in the death of four men. Four Fiudlanders were drewned at Connor's Point on the Wlsconsin shore, the other day. Une man was instantly killed and flve terribly injured by an explosión in Shenandoah. Pa. Mrs. Cleveland declines to go to New York to present the flags to the city flre department. ('oinniusioner of Pensions Black says he is not a candidato for commander-in-chief of the G. A. K. o The car wheel works in rit. Louis, Mo., wei e tiestroyed by fire the other night, at a loss of 1100,000. Capt. Cyrus N. Gray of the Twenty-flfth infantry, lias been dismissed from service lor drunkenness. Yankon has been elected as the see of the South Dakota Catholic church. A i-00,000 cathedral willbe built at once. Prince Ihokore Sahib of Limbdi, the Indisn prince now in this country, paid his respects to the presid ent on the HOth nlt. The Indiun investigating committee proposes to flnd out what is the matter with the belligerent Colorow theUtechief. It is rumored that Hon. G. V. N. Lathrop of Detroit, minister to Russia, contení, platea rasigning. He Is on his way home. Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris arrived in New York on the 31st uit. She will spentl some months with her mother, Mrs. Gen. Uraut. The James hotel of Tentón, Texas, burned the other day, and Col. A. J. Hitchcoiik, a Texas veteran of 1S37, perished in the flames. Oen. John C. Black, comniissioner of pensions, is seriously ill with inflammatory rhaumatism at the residence of a friend in Wiers, N. H. Seeond ComptrollerButlerof the treasury department has issued circular calling upon delinquent army postmasters to quare up their accounts. A. J. L timer is suing the Illinois Central road at C inton, LI., for putting his daughter off a train beeause she didn't bave seven ceuts for her fare. Alex. M.Cue of New York, the present soücitor of the treasury, has been appointed commissioner of fish and fisheries, to succeed the late Prof. Baird. Government troops have meceeded in quelling the lndian war in Colorado. One white man and four Indians were killed in the engagement the othar day. C. H. Cbaplain and James Ledwith, painters employed on St. Peter's church in Hartford, Conn., were instantly killed the other day, the scaffoldinggiving way. it is announced that the Toledo, Pooria & Western officials are refunding the amount expended by the excursionista who were in the awful Chatsworth wreek. Col. G. C. Grovis of the Second Iowa regiment, and late brigadier-general of the Kansas national guards, was burned in a barn in Topeka, Kansas, the other day. JJrs. Cleveland will be invited to review the annual parade of the New York fire department and present the flags donato. 1 by the city to the flremen. The two flags eost $1,700. Gen. Terry, appealed to for aid against the l' te, ad visos tke civil authorities to give up their attempts and tnen the military will put the Indians back on their reservations. The postal telegraph company have agreed not to furnish bucket shops with .uotuticms hereafler, and their wires iiave been reinstated on the Chicago board of trade. A terrible accident occured on the Jnion Pacific near Denver, the other day. l'ue engineer of the train was instantly killed, and the tl re man seriously, perhaps atally. injured. About 400 stonemasont of Fittsburgh jnd Allegheny City, Pa., have resolved to eave the knights of labor and join the international association of stonemasons wil brick ayers. The convict lease system of Georgia will have to go. Oov. Gordon has signed the official order to that effect. Shocking stories are told of the abuse of the convicti by the contractors. Mra. Nancy Jackson Farwell, the mother of United States Senator Charles B. Farwell and John B. Farwell, died iu Stirling, UI., a few days ago. She was one of the oldsst pioneers of Illinois. Supervising Inspector-General Dnmont bas decided that the hulls and boilers of all stcam yachts, no matter how smali, must undergo insin'ction, and that their jilots and enginetrs must be licensed. A suspension ol' work in the Lehigh coal región has been ordered. This step has 3en rendered necessary by the large accumulation of coal. A short suspension of work will be ordered in other dlstricts. Allen Rutherford, a well known attorney of Washington, is in the toilg for receiving stolen pension records. Richard Bruisor, a clerk in the ponsion office, stole the records for Rutherford, and he is also in jail. Capt. Sihis Bent of St. Louis, died at Shelter Island, L. I., afew days ago. Capt. Bent graduated at the Naval academy at Annapolis, Mil., in 1854, and served with ■ listiuction in Ferry's Japanese expedition. A big rlot between whites and blacks occurred in Decatur, Ga., the other day. '1 wi persons were killed and one mortally wounded. The marshall of the town was shot while tryiug to arrest one of the rioters. Tbe latAst news f rom the L te Indians is of a serious character. Chief Colorov iuslsta that the troops be withdrawn, or he proposes to flght, and intimates that it will be "big flght," too. He is strongly entrenched. A peculiar diseae is prevalent in north western Virginia. There have been 230 deaths and at present over 100 people are prostrated with the dangerous and mysterious malady. The drouth and low water in the spring and wells Is said to be tbe cause. Ihe City of Montreal's misting boat has been picked np, and the seven passengers and six merabers of the crew who were in it are safe and well. Tbe rescue was made by a Germán vessel nanied the Mathilde, whicb ai-rived at Falmouth August '4 with the tbirteen survivors on board. In an interview recently Robert T. Lincoln taid: "1 simply could not accept the nomination to tbe vice-presidency. To take any office at all would ba a great sacrifico of my business interesta. I most cartainly should not accept the tion for the vice-prosldency were It tendered." The president has appoint. d Prof. O. Browne Goode, nssistant director of the national museum, to be coinmissiorer ol ! flsh and flsheries, vico Prof. S. F. liaird, decease:!. Judge McCue, solicitor of the ti e isury, who was first temlered the office, declinad it because of his luck of scientific knowledge. A reunión of survivors of Walker's Nic. araguau ezpedition will he held in Louis vüle, sometíme this fall. The expedition went out In 1855. Two years later, when the United Statos captured the survivor, there ere only a few hundred remaining out of the original 4,00, ) men. There are now about 20U alive. The President has awarded Kold life-saving medals to Capt. J. W. Dunham, of the British ship Flavonus, for the rescue of the crew of the American schooner Geo. )'. Young laat April, and to Peter Pollio, first mate of the Italian barkNord America, for bravery in rescuing the crew of the American sehooner Purker M. Hooper, last March. Douglass F. Carlin, chief clerk at the Cheyeane Agency, was married in Pierre, Dakota, the otherday, to Madien Duprest' the weulthiust ludían heiress on the Sioux reservation. Carlin ii closely connected with prominent army oflicers, and wïth the Carlius of Illinois. Over l.iOJ Indians witnessed the ceremony and the festiviMes lasted three days. Prof. H. S. Whitney of the Excelsior academy on the shore of Lak Minnetonka, Minnesota, was drowned in the lake the other al'ternoon. Three children were playiug on a raft which went to pieces. In swimming out to save them he becanie tangled in the weeds and was drownedTwo of the children were rescued alive. the third was drowned. Jt is thought at the state department that a new extradition treaty between Ureat Britain and this country will Le negotiated at au eany day, as everytiiing beenis favorable to such a resnlt. Thd growing objectiou of Cunadians to their country being a sort of Botany Bay of America has induced the home government to act prompily in this uiatler. Kev. Moses Hogers, a direct descendent of John Kogers, who was burned at the stake in Kugland on account of his religious convictions in the sixteenth century who was probably the oldest member of the Methodist uiinistry in America, died in Fresb Ponds, Butt'olk county, L. 1., recently. The deceased was in his94th year and had been preaching about sevuuty years. At a recent meeting of the passenger departmentof the central trailic associal tion, it was decided to make a rate of one fare for the round trip to the grand army encampment at St. Louis, the international military encampmeut at Chicago and the centenuial anniversary of the federal constitution at PUUadelphia. A resolutiou was adopted that hurvo=t excursions should not be encouraged, and an agreemeut was reached that no arrangements sbould be made for such enterprise. Advices received in New Orleans state that the greatest ezcitement prevails in Havana, occasioned by the recent acts of Capt.-tien. Marin in taking possession of the custom house and plvcing the officials under arrest. The city is in charge of regular troops and the situatiou becomes daily more desperate, recalling events at tending the massacre of medical student in 1871. A reign of terror prevails and it i cspcoted that liavana will be declared in a state of siege. Already several conflicts have ocourred betwecn the troops and civiliant, resuiting in the killiug of some and the wounding of others. Jefferson Borden, the notej manufacturer of Fail Hiver, Mass., died Aug. 23, aged SU. He was one of the foremost business men of New England. For 37 years he was manager of the American print works at Fall Kiver and in one year cleared $900,000 under his management. When the works burned in 1867, involving a loss of $2,00ü,(XH), he had them going again in sixteen montbs. At one time the stock of the company wasquoted at $2,000 per share. His early employer, Willlam Valentine, left with him in trust f 107,000 'or his unborn grandchildren, and so remarkable was his care that he turned over to his wsa-ds no lens than $1,000,000. He was connected with a large number of business interests, in all of which he displayed remnrkable ability and the staunchent integnty.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat