Keystone Prohibitionists

The Pennsylvania state prohibition con. vsntion was held in Harrisburg August 25. Aiter the convention was regularly organizetl, the platform was reud and adopted. It denounces the liquor trattic and deinands the prohibitiun of the same tiy constitutional amendment; upbraids the present great poütical partios for tlieir cowardice to meet the saloon pow er at the ballot box; favor protection to American labor and capital, the restric tion of iinmigration, as against pauper and criminal classes: the reservat;on of the public landt for actual se Uiers; proper (id iic. i tion with the retention ot the bible in the public school; .uut pensions to denendent soldiers or their families; civil gervice based on personal cuaracter and otlicidl fitness, and a wise, economical administration of public alTairs. The plat form also favors equal taxation; arbitration in labor disputes, and woman suffrage, and denounces the "contiuuntal Sunday." Simon H. Chase was nominnted for supreme judge and Capt. V. C. Irlsh for state treosurer. The collectiona in the convention forcampaign purposes were nearly Í2, i,u. VVolfe made a bitter speech against the press, which, he said, vu muzzled by the coiporation.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat