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The City of Mexico was shaken Ly an earthquake the other dny. Michas! Ünvitt says the only crime j petrated in irelind is erletion. Turkey is being urged to sustnin the appolntmeat of Prinee Ferclinand. John Ruskin, tb famou-i Eng ish author and art critio, has bekome insane. Recent events in the Kritish parliament make the question of an Iriah parliament a prominent one. Glad ton charaotprizes the ! tion of the Irish national 'eague as a near ' a dec'arution ot war on the ! Irish people. Speaing o' t!:e es'ab'.ishment of an international arMrrati:n tr aty, John Bright says Kneland aml America should ead in the good work. All Mgns point to a return to power of the G adstone Pornell alliance, and in Uie ovent of sueoess In that direc, ion an Irish parliament i-.inevi able. A yacht capsized in the F-nglish channe the nthr morninp;, and 15 persons were drowned. ïhe sume day a yacht capsizel on tho Tiiames, and 1Ü persona found watery graves. 6 adstone's motfonfor an addressto the Queon. praying lor a nullification of the govcrnmenl's proclaiming of the Irish ] national league, was rejected by the bouse of coinrnons. the vote standing 2ü2 to 1&4. j Th-j Kabbabish tribe has defeuted the Derviches i t: e öaggara country, killing Í l,"00 of them. The Abyssinians are ; ing against the Dervishe,via Sennaar. , The Nile is very high and tb water ia still nsing. The government of New South Wales having i ff;red 80,000 acres of lnnd to any mi.-Bionay society that will undertake to civilize the nativos, the Pope has directed that imuie'iiate uttention be paid to the otfor in order to forestall Protestant : eties. 4The P.ussian gorerninent has taken ' casion to apjirise the staffa of teachers throughout the empire on the re-opening oí echoole attr Tneation of the ado) tion of r.'v and stringent regula tiooa desi-nei to check the spread of repub.icau principies in Russia. The London Times protests against the I treatment to which Briti.-h sealers in ring Sea are subjected by the American I authoiitics in Aiaska, and suggests that the government send a cruiser to Alaskan wuturs to secura strictly legal treatment for British vessels. A few days ago a nihilist dísguised as an oflicer of the guards approached the imperiai cariiBge on a journey from öt. Petersburg' to Kranoeselo and flred a revolver at the czar. The first shot missed the czar, but tlie second perforated hij coat. The czarina hassince beensuffering from nervous prostration. The Mlnneapolii Journal's Winnipeg special says tbat letters from Fort Chlppewa state that the starvation of last winter caused several cases of cannibalisni. One oíd woman admito haring killed and eaten her whole family at Little Red river. Starvation and cannibalisni are reportöd froin Mackenzie river. The London Da;iy Telegraph commend the American peace memorial and saya: ''There should be no question buraing enough to justify war between tbe two great Knglish speaking nations, who are of common blood and have a common language and literature. lf the memorial proves successful it might lead to European international arbitratlon. ■ Prince Víctor, son of Prince Jerorao 1 onaparte, has issued a manifestó at Brussels in which he condemns the con:ervative jarty of France for supportiug the opportunist cabinet. He describes the present condition of his party and exprossea his views as to the proper course to be mrsued to accompiisn the end in view- the restoration of the empire.


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