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TO■nlfCDTICC dml '"twith successie AU I til I IdC quites .- IcnowlcdfK ol lh vatue of newspapers, mul a cofrectly displayed advt To setu.e uch inforn:tHll 1 1 1 H H P 3 H 1 1 I V ' asw,Hcn.-ibleyoiii:ulvcM,-.-JUlJBUPwUOt ï consult LORD sss THOMAS HEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. yÜTTHEWS ! AttV AitnnK, iMich. Ah appitcauous prupiTlv made. Thoiioands of tlollniïi li ivt tw.' . M-u o- :Aute appücaliona nol uorrecily made. No cuartea uuless suceCKtful PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tprescripüon of a physician wtc bas had a lire 1c. 7 exparienco in treatinefcriaJo ö. .ceses. Isusc( portect suecess b; over 10,000 la J' s. Picasant, safe ciTectr.aL. Lauics askyour driii. r".t tot Ponnyroyal Wafors an l_l:e r o st-stitute, op lnclose pos. crofrccaledparticulars. Sofd bc!l c?ni(Lísts, i por box. AO.drcr THEEUREKr":ilCALiCO.. ' Mrcn. ; OT Sold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach Sod. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSXJJBLIVCE AGKNT, Ko. 4 flouth Mam strect, Ann Arbor. The oldest apf ncy In tbe city. Establifhed aquarterofa ceDtury ago. Ke-Teseiitint( the followlnx (irstc)msh compaufes. wilh over J.'iO.iKlO.UOii assets. Home li:s Co., "t S Y.: C niiieiital Ins. Co., of K. y.j KiRtscia Ins. Co., of N ; (iimrd InR. Co, of Pliiia Oiimt Ins. Co., of Hanford; Commrnlal Union of London; Liverpool aud Londuu and Ulobe hn;- low. Ixsses Ilberally adjusipd and prumpil) pald. O. 11. 1U1.1.KN. HÊNRY MATTHEWS" Keps a First-clAss MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. 3?rlco i:-:iniiiiiI1. Thankin thoae who have o lleraUv patrónei me In the past, I algo cordial! v solicil Irade ron uew pairous. HENRY MATTHEWS, Euron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich RAILWAY. 'The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Onlr Direct Route to Marquetre and the Iron ! and Copper Keglon of cbe Upper Península of Michigan. Two Throncrh Traína ench way daiïy, making close conueí ions in Union Deputs at all l'oints. Tbe territory traversed Is famous for 1U Unexcelled Huntingand Fishing Ticttem for Sale al all poinrs ria thl route. For, Fo.dörs, Rales aai Information, adirü, E V. AI.LKN, OD'I Pa, and Tlckot ALl.. Miirqu-ite. Mich. KACKJNACo The Kost Delichtful SUiVIPlER TOUR IilacO Steunen. Lcw Kates. Tour Trip per Weeli Betweea DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Brary Woelt Dy Eetween DETROIT AND CLEVELAN D Writo for our "Picluresque Mackinac," Illustratee Coatolss i"uU Fartioulars. Kiüecl Pree. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMQ, GCN. PASS. AGT., DETROIT, MICH Am irüor Orpii Warks D. F. Allmendinser Manufucturer and dealer In Pianos, Orois, AHD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Timing a Specialty. Anyoni callInK at the worlc, root of Washington ■troet, can ooiIh and pneoa. 1 can conviuue you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am offering. ■ P. F. AM.MKNniNnKII. ASN ARBOR Fred. Brown ! At Ciiarkes'b Old Fl Ü i Ijg_-ULOxs azD-dHOT LUNCH EYEBY UI EBERBACH & SON. DRUGGISTS AND PB ARMACXSTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEJLLEBB IS- Drue, J 1 ' t i i il 1 m, Dye stuiTsi, ÁrtWi and Wax rinver Materials, Toilet Artiules, Trusüuo. Etc Pire Wmes anfl Liunors ! Special attentlnn pald to the furnlshlne of Puyslrians. (hfinlsrs, ScIiooIh. etc. with ptnloophlc&l and Chemical Apparatus Bohemian Chemical Olaaaware, i'orclln W.Are. fura BaKnrii. etc. Pliyxlcians' Preacrlptlens Carefully Prepared M all Uours. EBERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat