
From Pbilipsburg. Pa., Mr. R. M. Cross, writes, hriefly and pointedly, thus: "Your s. Jacobs Uil has cured mo of neura'gia of the face and head." Price Fifty cents. Paul Dean lives with hls mother at 417 Kast I'iftecnth street. He is a printer; he also vouehes for the trnth of Ihis story. Some time sinco he bought a large lien. The o'.hor day hls mother bad company and the fiwl was sacritieed. It wasnotcd tha the binl was umisiialiy heavy, and on dressing it two fully developed egjjs, each oontaini: c a eliicken in an ad vaneed stage of devt'lupment. This we believe a novel feature m hen story. - -Jamestown News. If it were not for the fact that the narrator of this is a printer we should be inclined to disercdit it. Mr. H. Cari, 139 Fourtli Street, Troy, N. Y., says: "My daughter h d a sprained ankle; t. Jacobs Uil cured her in a day or two. My son had rheumalisni about nine years aeo. St. Jacobs üil cured him;he n-s not been affected since." Pnce Fifty cents. Mrs. Flaherty: "Phwat's this, Mrs. McGuinness? Ye're but jist married to a new husband and it's comin' out in a new morning driss ve ave!" AIh. McGuinness - "Olalwlz mint to wear mourning for ponr Mike, btit Ot niver had the money till now. McGuinness is well fixed, praise the sa'nts!" Comrades! il Aboard! Headquarters dep rtment of Iowa. Gra' d Army of the i epublic, has selected the Cnicie; '. 1 uilingtnn d, (, uincy railroad as the offlci-il route to the encampuient at 1 1 L uis wliic meets e temher 27. 2 . ai anl :ü. 'ihrough -pecial tr inss will be run over the Burlington route for this o cas. on, afforling sup rior accomnioduti ns tor those attind ng the encj'mpn ent. All post6 at.d comr.ides are invned as far ns p s-ib'e to p; t oni.-.e the C B. & v raüroad on ihis occasion, and thereby make h ■ sele t on of route unanimous." Hatos will be as low as by any otheline. tor tickets and further information apply to any ticket agen of the C., B & Q., or conneting Unes. If you are good you know it; if you are bad everybodv knows it. Edncate Yonr Sons. Endow them with a legacy that they cannot squander, by sending them to be educi.ted at the mnVCB8ITf OF XOTRE DAME, an institution now in its 44th year.and un. surpassed for its complete advantage to impart tq voiirsorn and wards athorough commercial (business) course. whieh is a distiuuuisheil feature of jS'otre Dame Üniversity, or a full course which comprisea Cla sics, Law, Science, Mathematica and Mu.sie. S[iecial advantages are offered to Students of the L.vw Dici'aiumen r. TDC M1SIM DEPARTMEN'T, A separate instltution (St. Edward's Hall' for boys under l'ó years of age, who are taught by the SISTERS Of THE HOLT CROSS, under whose maternal enre they pass near y the entire day in reeeiving instruct.ons in the e ementary branches of an tut; ish edticition. to .ether with a fundamental know edge of Latin, Irench, Uerman, ocal Music, iohn. Piano and Drawing. prepartory to entarin? either the ■ unior or fcenior classes of the Uniyersity. Board, wnphine, rnending, tuition and entrence fee for session of nve months in Minim Department $i 0.00. 'ihe eigbtyseventh se siun will open ïuesday, fcept. 6th lvj". Before concluding where to place your sons or wards eud for a catalogue, which will be sent lree, and you will find full particu ar as to Course of Study, terms, et ■., with 1: ations of the main buiidingH of Notre Dame. Address, Rev. ï. E. Walsh, C. S C.. Pres. University Notre Dame, Ind. Lightning l;no kcd over three men who were itting on a box iu front of agrocery sture in Paiterson, N. J. One of them was tenseless. 'J he otber two exclaimed, "Leggo ! l'm coming riüht home." WORTH KNOWINC. The worst Scald or Burn can be cured without a 8i:ar if Cole' Carboliaalve Is promptly used. It Instantly stops the pain. Sold by Druggists at 25 and 50 cents. Bystnnder- "Doctor what do you think of thi-man's injuries!" Doctor- "Humph! Two of them are uudoubtedly fatal, but as for llib r t ol them time a one can teil." 3 months' treatment for 50c. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggistg. Prince8s Dolgorouki, widow of the lat Czar, was once a Spanibh actress. Fa. o's Árnica 0:1. The best salve in the world for Burrn, Woands and sores of all kinds. Boils, Felons. C'hilblains, Frozen Teet. Piles, Barber'i Itch. Sore Kyes, Cbapped Hands, 8ore Tbroat Pcald Uead, Pimplei on the Face, and all skin diseuses. For Lirer Complaint, Bick Headache, Consti pation, use l'aae's Mand rake Pilis, Above remedies so'd by druggists or sent by mail for 5 cents by C. W. Bnow & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. "Women are unrea-onable creatures, " observud Brown, as he ordorcd another round fo tlie boys. "Xow there '9 my wife. ïofore we viere marricd, whcn I went to see her shealwaya thought it was too early for me lo co hoinp. I)runkcnn988 Totally UnnecessaryNo man has any excuse for being a drunkard now. not even iheplea of an overcomingli iuor appetite. Neiiher is it necessary for any man to break down from an ovorload uf business or a woinan to be nervous and tired, while harmless Moxie Nérve I'ood cnn be boiiglH for . ;. and EO f ts.. a u irt bottle. The flnest beverage on tlie market, it is slowly and sure ly s inpfizing the rum fiend into small (laarterj becau e it pnys the rum seller a Inrger profit,is more popular than li mors. re min s no license and can be solil like soda. The women swarm after it. It did not come anv too soon. Kvery druggi-.t sella it. _ Lawyer - There is a fenrful wind coming in at that win o, urtlce Boy- .Sure. an' I will jist opon ither wan, too. so the wind eau go on turough an' not lothfryou." Wanted. the addreR of every student who haseverntt mded I i venport Business College. Address, J. C. Din ,l)avenport,Ia. A New Moxlno paper, appreciating the virtue of accur.v y in tlics mattors. re cords that 'her tirad spirit waa relea-eil from the painrarking body, and soared a oft to eternal glory at i. 'M) Denver time." An Eng ish statitician say-s t'.iat the marrierl men live louter and live better lives t an bachelors. Ainong every J,0i0 bachelors thore are ys crimináis; among marneel men the ratio U only 18 per l.UJO. . "T Would Tiiat I Were Dtai!" cries many a wretchod housewife to-div, as, weary and disheartened, the lorces herself (o perform her daüy tank. "It don'tseem as if I oould t et through the day. Thi-i Hroadfulbac'i-ache. these frightlul dragging down ensations will kil me Is there no reliefí ' Ves, madam, there is. Dr. Pierce's "Kavorite l'rescription' is an unfailing remedv for the complaints to which yonr sex is liable. It will restore you to health again. Try it. All druggists. Lightnina; struck near n tree ogainst which a Negro boy was eanin? in Atlanta recently. and he has one mad {rom the efforls of the Bhoote. Dan rer &head! Thore is dantrer alie id fnr you if you npgloct the warningq wh ch nature is giving you of the approach of thefell-destroyer onsumption. 'ight sweats, spitting of blood, lo-' o' appetite - thesesymptoms have a terrible meaning. Vou can be cured if jou do not wnit until it i too late. Dr. Pierce s (ïolden Medical Dis coverv.'" the greatnst blood-purifier known. will rectore our lo t health. As a nutritivo, it i' far superior to cod llver oi'. All druggi8ti. Dinicultie strenthen the mind as labor does the bodv. Delicate di eies of eilher sex, howi'ver Induoed, speedily and radicallv cured. Adlre' in conhdenee, World's Dipensary, Medical As. o iution, Buffalo, Man atfribntps his misfortune to bad luck, and bis suocesa to stirewlness. B. ir. TartêUl ■ Co., ■ I Iihvo rTn t.' i ciffara Hr mixteen years and I c mliier yoor "TaisiU'a Punch" tho best 5c d,'ar I e e aaw. John W. Aitkct. DniRl't, f-''nniaie. Pa. A school girl being asked by her teacher wh t kind of a noun kiss wa, replied with a I lush that it was both proper and common. íor Dyspepsia, IxnioB'TioN, depresslon of Spirits. General debility in their various torins; also preveutive against Fever and Ague, other intermittent Fevers, 'Ferro Phosphorated Klix r of Ciilisaya,1' ma'le by Hazard. Hazard & Co., N. Y., sold by all druggists; best tonic for pationts recovcring frora lever or otuer sickue.-s. it has noequa). Isn't it strane that girls of the period are never inoiined to come to a fuli stop. If afliictcd with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Tbompson's Eye Water. Di Uïgis s sell It. 25c. WEBSTER'S ünahriilged Dictionary. I DICTIONARY, 118,000 Words, 3'.KX) KnerTings, GSZETTEER OF THE WORLD, of !8 000 Titles, an,l a ■7, BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, .w.At of nearly lo,uo Noted Person, '""-"i ftLL IH ONE BOOK. Contalns3000 moro Wonlsand nenrly2000 more IUustratioDS than any olher American Dictionary. C. & C. HERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfleld, Ma. DROPS y ■ TREATED FREE. HftvetreAted Dropsy anrt it. complicatlonn with the most wuixlerful nuccess; uw rentable remedies entlrely harmless. Rcmovo all syniptoin of dropsy in eipht to twenty days. Ciire patiënt? pronounced hopti'Ki Ir. the best of physíci&ns. From tíie ílrptdottethesynrptoniíraplJly dlsappear, and I n ten days at loat two-thirda oí all oymptoms are removed. Soma may cry hüinbng wlthont knowfn anytliing about ft. Remember It doos not cost yuu anythlng to reatlze the merit of our treatment for youimdf. AVe ar constantly cnrinsr cases of lonjf fttandinc - case t)i.- iK-rii topped a nomber of times and the patiënt declared miablo to llvoa week. Glve a full hlstory of case, name, aj?o, sex, how long Híllictexl, Ac. Send fofree pamphlet, contnintiiii testimoniáis. Ten days treatment furnieheci FREE by mail. If yon order trial send 10 cents in stampa w jay pot taire. Lpilpy (Fita] poil Uvely cured. (tVMcntiunthispaper.j tH. H. GREEN & BONS, H. 1V., S50M Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. RADWAYn The CREAT L1VER . STOKACH REMEDY V3 For luo ome of all disordernof theStomach, Li ver' Bowets, Khluey. Bladder, Nervous Diseaeee, Loss of Appetite, Hemlache, Costiveness, Indlnstlon, BiltousueHS, Fever, Iuflaiumation of the Bowels, Pllec, and all (JfrHnvnieiitrtoi'thointernal viscera. Páreu veetAhle, coutaining no inercury, nilnerala or dewtonOU drugs. Price. 55 esnta per box. Sold by all dmggiats. DYSPEPSIA! ÜR. RADWW'S PIIjLS are a curo for thia complaint. Tliey restore etrength to the stomach and enahte it to prefonn ttafunctions. The symptoms of Dyspepsia disappear, and with them thcliabitity of the sy stem t o contract diseasee. Take the medicino according to directiona, and observe what wa y in "i'alseandïrue" reepectiug diot. 4"8t;nd a letter stamp to OR. R. A DIVA Y êi CO., No. :ï i Warren Mrtii, Pivvr York, for"False aud Truo." Be ure to st RADWAÏ'S. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Bnllds up the broken-down oonstltntion, ptirlfles the blootl, restorini; houlth and rhor. Sold by ürugfiists, S 1 a bottfa. niurTODT Hun For the relief and euro of all palns. Congestiona and Intíaniiitations. HO ets. u buttle. SS. EABWAY t CO., 32 WAE2S1I ST2SJT, SEW 70BÏ. -■- ui ■ hui ■ il iiii--
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