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Horse and Stock Orfners ÏRY QiinífuiniaTonic a Coaditioa Powian tor horseaout of con itlon.Loss of A.pp9tjtt, lorpldiaver, MumbllugUaii I te. iut ud at tro Votorin'ary tuarmjicy, "7 i,:il:tvctte ave., Detroit, Micii. i& veteriury fcuppües luw pnca. 'KvtWe LI VER oöèS PULS. BEWARE OF IM1TATIOSS. ALWATS ASK FOR DB. PIERCE'S PEZLET8, OB ZITTLE SUOAR-COATED 1-1 1,1. S. Beliig entlrcly vegetable, ttaey , eraU without distúrbanos tn the svstcm, dlet, or oocupation. l'ui up In irlass vials, hermetically ëi'iili'il. Alwnys fresn and reliable. As a luxativc, altcruli ve, or purgativo, these littlo Pellets give the moet perfect satisfaction. sim mum. e Bllion II i ad ai li e, f' ie Dizziue, . X. filÈ tion, 1 n) igoxt i on, vilf" 7JB Bilionn Auacks.andiill I ft, 7. deraiiíí'inciits of the fc si4' ach and bowels, are 4r Ik Kntr ly relievod and permanent ly fK Wr ewred bv the uro of Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Purcntivc Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of theso Pellets over o grreat a vnrioty of dii aera, It muy truthfully be said that their action upon tho syetem is univci-sal, not a gland or tisdtio escaping their sanativo influenee. Sold by druggisrs, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of World's Dispensaiiv Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. iWHB s offerfd by thn manufacturfy V" ers of Or. Sngc'a Catarrb ,, :. Ileineily, for a case of -mA f í Chronlo Nasal Catanh whjeh fSí;-.? they canuot cure. SÏMPTOIIS OF CATARRH.-DiilL heavy headache, obstruetion of the nuKU passages, discharges falling from the head mto the tbroat, 6ometi!ne pioiune, watei-y, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak, watery, and intlamed ; tliere Is ringing in tho ear8, deafness, haokinr or cougliing to elear the throut, expectoration of otfVnglve matter, together witn scabs irom ulcers; tho volee is chanprod and has a nasal twang ; tho breath is offensive; 6inell and taste aro impairel; there is a sensation of li.iness, with mental depression, a haeking congli and general debility. Only a few of tho above-muned symptoms are likely to be prsent in any one case. Thonsands of cases annually, without half of the above 6jmptonie, result in con8umption, and end in the grave. No disease ís so conimon, more deceptlve and dangerous, or less understood bv physicians. Uy its mild, soothing, and healinpr properties. Dr. Satfe's Catarrh Kemedy cures the worst cases ol Calarrh, "cola in the head," Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists evcrywhere; 50 cints. "Intold Agony from Catarrh. Prof. W. Hausner, the famous mesmerigt. of lthaca, N. 1'., writes: "Some ten yearsago I sufffred untold agony from cbrouic nasal catarrh. My family physician gav me up as incurable, and said I must die. My caso was such a bad one, that every day, towaids sunset, my voice would become so noarse 1 eould barely speak above a whisper. In the inoi ning my coughing and clearing of my throatwoula almoet etrangle me. By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Heinedy, in thiee months, I was a weU man, and tho cure bas been pcrmauunL" "Constantly Ilaw kliig and Spittlng. TnOMAS J. Rijshino, Esq., S903 Pint Slreet, St. Louis. Mo.. writes : ' I was a great suflerer f rom catarrh for three years. At times I eould hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eignt montbs eould not oreathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing eould be done for me. Lucklly, 1 was advised. to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh Reme3y, and I am now a well man. I believo it to bo the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to glve It a fair trial to experience astoundiog results and a permanent cure.' Three Bottlea Care Catarrh. Eli Eobbins, Hunyan P. O.. Cnhimlita Cn., Pa., eays: "My daughter had catarrh when 8ho "was five years old, very barjly. I eaw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and nrocured a bottle for bcr, and 8oon saw t.. i it helped her; a third bottle effeeted a permanent cure. She is now cighteen years old and sound and hearty." HJ FOR. S Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Catarrh, Croup. Sore Throat, RHEUMATfSM, Lame Back, Stifl Joints, Sprains, Brüses, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The raany testimoniáis recelved by u more ihan prove all we claim for thls valuablo remedv. H oot only relieves the most severe p'ilne, bul c It Cures You. That's the Idea ! DOld by DruKglsta. AU ets. SoNQ Rook umiled tree. Address WIZARD 011. COMPANY CHICAGO. ■ppp[?P It is a Perfect Cure ■ feifypj.WsS']"'1! Feler '" tuemy-flrt ■ Cc0io2LwHEADI'ii'. I tried Fba FnAYFtVER BS ÈfA alm and the effect uu tnarBjr &$$Bie:uus. Jttsi re.- B Mm ■ T. (' n 1 retbyteriaii HjjáliApply Baim into enchnosSure aniOuïckliii be permanently ciuel. T oe who havt' trniei witli the ! a t PliyK.cljtis and reviví ; imiínMit may rely upo a posuive oure orim n ■ refuudei. Wc art. liiiiiüciiil i - roí'pnnsfble an i ill make ii'OD ciad coütratts with putcnti. A. ure Ci OK RKMKDV CO., Omaha, Neb. JOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITI0N-I878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is tiie I B Best, Easioet to Use, aud CiieapwC I Sold by draggists or sent by maiL I 50c. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. I Pöftitiwft CyrflB"'- I Udlil f W UUI W Ki-iiiiMled. W w;ll ontract t o euro or pay all expense of patUnt ■ mlng here and ninke nu charge. We are fluanclaïly respon-tble. Writi ui íor prooi ol uur v..r. imi Etèmedv w absolutely unknown to any Pliv-toi, n o ju& k en m Ui. OOOKKKMÜOi ca.Ou aha. Neb. r% ixr&ITA 15 rears exporlence: 4 yeart' V A I r N I exáinínrr In U.S. Pateat'Oflfloe IMI kil I V Sendmodelorsketührorrre opinión whethcr patent c;m beiecúred. Newlok on pntents free. Reffr.'nce(i:Cm.ii spinner of Pal ent tirany othrr nitlolil of the U. 8. Titcnt Offloe, E. B.ÖTOCKIXU, Att.rmy il 1 FSr Waihi jton. D. C, DETECTI ES Wintd :n rrry Cnuntjr. .chrewd men to met onder Oar hu'.rnctionlin ourScrrt 8#rrie. Fi ■ n ■ 11M neer. HUT. Sriii!tanuf.iriar'.i-aUr5. C N.'i . .VAX UETECTiVS UL'ltlCAU. 4 Arc.U., CiocmuU. O. Hlü. t IMI, WATEIUnJ LKiHTMNS l'KUOr IRON ROOFING for ny kind of Cltr or turra Hulldluc. Write for tentimontaln froro your State, ft riirna POKTKK iSOH KOOFINÜ Í O-, riDi-lnnU, OkU DAY NÖ MORE MONEY TO QUACKS! Blanip. j, Wllb 8t ,UK!Ol „o. ék W TO 8 A BAT. Stimilrt icnrth t.OO 'CR fWSS. r.lnfntun(ler IV hors? i [tel. WrtU g9 iVeicsler Saielu lieln MuUer Co.. Hoüy, Uich. SHORT HAND at hom. Titer free. Send ioGko S.Kobkst.Iüv. aClt).Ia..turCa:alOKae. WTÑTU. P.--5-36 MI'C3 By return mail. Full Deacrlptloa LDbh Hgvtj'l Nw Tailor }.lem of Umi rnbb Cuttlss. MOODV 4 CO.. Oiaúauti. a II


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