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For the September erop report the ecratary of stato has received 695 returns, f rom 552 townships, ■i'.V of theso returns being from358 townships in the southern four tiers of counties. The total yield of wheat ia placed at :."J.wü.74y busbeU. This total is found ly mulliply iiiK the acreage in each county, as returned in May by the supervisors by the average per acre os shown by threshers' records. The number of acres reported in the soutbern counties is 214,217, and in the state 230,628. Independent of the record kept by threshers' correspondents made a canvass, and report from the northern counties 1,610,903 bushels threshed from 120,193 acres. Computing by county as before the probable E' roduct obtained for the state is ',100,217 usbels, or ij ,.'. bushels more than found by using the averages obtained from threshers' records. The qunntity of wheat reported marketed in August is 752,741 bushels. Of the 1S86 wheat erop 13,sO:!,7U0 bushels have been reported marketed to dateThe total taken from threshers' records indícate that the average yield per acre of oats in the southern counties is 28 and 3S1U0 bushels, and of barley 19 and 7J-100 bushels. Fotstoes are estlmated to yield 29 per cent of an average erop in the southern counties, :'i per cent in the central, and 45 per cent in the northern. Average for state, VS. Of winter apples there will be about one-halt', and of late peaches three-fourths of an average erop. Atter.danco at the Agricultural College. The agricultural college catalogue for 151-7 has juut been issued. It shows a list of 323 students, aa follows: Fost graduates, 11; seniois, L2; junior, 47; sophomores, MS; fresbmen, 124; specials 23. AH of these, save the specials, are four year courses. An analysis of the attendance shows that 47 come from outside the state, fifteen from Ohio, ten from Indiana, four Irom Wisconsin and New York, two from Pennsylvania, and one eacb from Arkansas, California, Conneeticut, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts and Oregon. Japan is represented by flve tudents. Fifteen are ladies. Fortyleven counties of the stat are represented in the Michigan attendance, Ingham leading the list and followed by Wayne with thirteen students, Calhoun, Genesee.Ionia, Uakland ten each, Jackson and Ottawa üine. The indications are that the coming year will show an increase over the past year'd list. WOLVERIXË WHISPEBINGS. lonia had an $S,OJü flre on the llth inst. Forest lires are burning flercely about Koehler. 'ih Sagintiw & üurand railroad is being urveyed. The Michigan military academy re-opens with 126 students. Iiüv. Luce ays he fa vors Hobert T. Lin:oln for president. Senator and Mrs. Stockbridg hare returned irom Kurope. It is leared that typhoid fever will be:ome epidemie in Lansing. Number ight gas well was struck in Port Uuron the other day. A new cottage is to be erected at the itate industrial school for girls. C. W. Witham of Convis will build an (100,000 opera house at the "Soo." Tbere wc re ti ve Japs among the students it the agricultural college last year. The new Michigan Central depot in Lalamnoo will be ready October lst. .Mrs. Clarinda C. Moulton of Ht. Louis waá found dead in bed the other morning. Kt. Louis wants a first-class evoporator, md is willing to give a bonus to secure ne. John Johnson of Kelly's Corners, near Tackson, was killed by the cars the other iay. Mrs. Nancy Vaughan of Charlotte was cilled by the cars near Reed City the other ïight. The state board of agriculture will meet it Jackson Sept. 20, and at Lansing September 29. Caldwell & Landon's larga wagon shop it Traverse City was destroyed by lire the ther night. The Tuseola county Bohemian oat cases lave been adjourned till next term of the ircuit court. Prof. Glenn has resigned the superintenJency of the Muskegon schools because of 'ailing health. Ex-Senator Ferry, who failed in business n 18S2 for $L500,OUO, has paid off L200,OOJ jf bis indebtedness. Tbe Fifth regiment of Michigan Volun:eer lnfantry will hold its reunión in Fowlervüle Sept. 30. Buildings erected and in processof erection at Sault Ste. Marie the past eoason ire valued at $600,000. A tl5,0OU hotel is to be built at Oak Bluff near Caseville, to be ready witb the openng of the üeason of '8$. Alfred Sutherland of Ishpeming, was truck by a falling tree, the other raornng and fataüy injured. !■'. Blair of Edwardsburg, Mich., was 'ound dead in bed at the Brunswick hotel in Búllalo the other morning. It costs an average of 20 cents a mile to run a locomotivo on Michigan railroads, ind a ton of coal goes 25 miles. Miss Ida Jackson of Belleville, Ont., has teen chosen as one of the teachers of the leaf and dumb institute at Flint. The next reunión of the soldiers' and sailors' association of northwestern Michigan will be held in Traverse City. Albert Wells, the Saginaw boy who actidentally shot himself in the mouth a few days ago, bas since died of his injuries. Miss Ida Jackson of Belleville, Ont., has been appoínted a teacher in the Michigan instituto for the deaf and dumb at Flint. Dr. h. L. Conkey, a well-k nown veteriuary sargeon of Dowagiac, is under arrest charged with steahuR nine head of cattle. Judge-elect Charles D. Long of Flint will represent Michigan at the constitutional centennial celebration in l'hüadulphia. The contract binding the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan company to lócate lts shops at Owosso has been sigbed. President Cleveland has written Mayor Chamberlain that he cannot visit Detroit on his western trip, but that ha may come later on. Farwell has votd $12,000 for water workg. There were oaly soven oppoaing votes, whiah shows Farwell has bat few retarders. ARents of the drive-well patent claim ants are rigorously trying to scare the farmers of thls state into payiag them royalties. A motion to divide the Michigan M. E. conference into two, was overwhelming defeated at the meeting of the conference in Bay City. A sanitary convention, under the auspices of the state board of health, Is to b held in Owosso, Tuesday and Wedneaday, Nov. 22 and 23. While John Hchweeberger of Lansing was feeding a threshing machine a stick flew np and penetrated his right ey, dectroying bis slght. Hoy Goldie, a four-year oíd son of Wat. tSoltli of East Maglnaw, fU frea tb shonlders of a plásmate and was so badly tnjured that toe died. Gov. Luce has appointed E. W. Allen of Marquette, agent to select land for the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagoñ j road. Tice John Uornby, resignad. Tbe celebrated Moson case, which involves some $t0,000 resting in the titles of certain Saginaw kinds, will be triad in Genesce couiity instead of Sawmaw. The curfew bell will hereafter ring at Be!ding every night except Saturday and j Sunday at 8 o'clock, whon it is expected every store and business place will close. The oldest fcnce in the towship of Mendon, St. Joseph county, is on the David Fullor place. It was built more than . thirty-five years ago, but there U no sign of decay. Mrs. Army Lawrence, one of the oldest pioneers of Kalamazoo county, died in Climax a few days ago. Her father, Judgo Kldred, was one of the flrst judges of Kalamazoo. W. 8. Vreeland of Flat Rock has sold the old Vreeland farm at that place to Louis Longfrey of Omaha. Neb., for $10,000 cash. Mr. Longfrey was once before a resident of Flat Rock. A good erop of tobáceo has been raised at the state house of correctlon in Ionio, and it is to be cured under the supervisión of a Kentucky expert who has a room at that institution. A piece of roeit was thrown 2,000 feet by a blast in sbaft No. 9, Calumet and Hecla mine, and in coming down crashed through a house, landing at the feet of an old lady who sat knitting. Frank Urangcr of Detroit has been arrested for a.lultery with Mrs. Sopáronla Rogers of Muskugon at Orion in November, 1886. has a wife and íour chlldren in Detroit. E. B. VVood of Lansing has a map of Albany, N. Y., made in 1S54, the surveys therefor having been made by Jay Gould, wbo is now rich enough to live without wofking at his tradn as a surveyor. The Caro fair association will give f CO in gold to the couple that will be publicly married on the fair ground; o in gold for the best, fat, red-headed baby, and $5 more to the best baby not red-headed. The men in Mitchell Bros.' mili at Cadillac have struck for 10 hours. Tbey were working 11. The flrm had recently raised wages 10 per cent, but the men wanted shorter hours at the same rate of pay. A Milwaukee company gets the contract for building the Belle Iale bridge. Five other companies failed to comply with an important clause of the specifleations, and the Detroit company 's bid was the highest one made. Charles T. Gorman of Detroit put in a claim against David Preston's estáte for $9,000 damages for being kept out of possesslon of certain pro perty in thetown of Lake, Cook county, 111., during Mr. Preston's lifotime. Thomas Kelly, foreman of tha Thayer lumber company, has shipped in 30 Swede f rom Chicago to workiu the lumber woods of Aliusaukeu county, and tieo. lloore, lumberman, has brought in 40 more for the same purpose. Oscar H. Chew, a brakeinan on the Tole, do, Ann Arbor & Northern road, b, struck b; the overhead bridge under the D., L. & N. road, between lioweü and Hamburg, and instantly killed. His home ii in Shelby, Ohio. State Senators W. A. Atwood, John Western, B. F. Cotharin, Charles H. Bowker, Dr. G. V. Chamberlain, R. E. Morton and Geo. N. Porter of Flint, are the trustees of the newly organizad "Michigan mutual life insurauce association of Flint. ' ' William D. Loomis, who is a conductor on the Saginaw branch of the Michigan Central, was struck by a switch while leaning frora the train to discover a hot box. He was thrown between the engine and the cars and lost his rigbt leg below the knee. Charles Lytle, a Cannon township, Kent county farmer, was struck by a Grand Rapids & Indiana train while drivlng across the track near Belmont. One horse was killed and the other badly hurt and Lytle was so badly injured that he died the nazt morning. George Borunierfield of Lansing, who disappeared some weeks ago and was supposed to have come to his death through an in températe use of water, inasmuch as he feil into the middle of Lake Erie, bas been heard f rom. He ia in England and expects soon to return to America, gl'he safe in the hardware store of Fletcher & Son at South Haven, was broken into the other night and nearly $l,0C0 taken, $400 of which belonged to the Matonic fraternity and a small sura to the village tax collector. The money was ra ceived too late to depositin the bank.; The Chicago & West Michigan fruit trains are doing an immense business. The other night the American exprese company shipped 30,548 packages of peachos filling 2 cars and ths regular passenger took 8,987 packages besidesFennville sent out SS of the 21 carloads. Harry Hockatellow ormerly of Coldwater, was l urned to death in Fremont, Neb., recently. During the burning of a livery table in that city he wassuffocated while trying to same tome stock. He was a member of the 19th Michigan Jnfantry during the war and was a good soldiar. Both William and Charles Macard, who murdered Michael O'Hara near Grand Rapids on Sunday night recently, have been held for trial in tho Kent county circuit rourt. Bail was refused. Both were much disappointed by the decisión, as William is only charged with being accessory to the crime. Dynamite was placed under a photograph gallery at Kast Ta was the other night, shattering it badly and breaking the windows of Richard Bros.' store, Quackenbush's, the postofflee, Mark's. Hudson's and Wenzer'i stores. Thls is the secund attempt at blowing the gallery up. No clue to the perpetrators. The followine offleers were elected at the meeting of the state business men's association in Flint: President, Frank Hamilton of Traverse City; vice-presidents, Paul P. Morgan of Monroe, and SLamfrom of Owosso; treasurer, L. W. Sprague of Greenville. Owosso would like to be the scène of the next meeting. A steam tbresher at work on tha farm of Thomas Bourns, in Dover, seven mllei from Adrián, set flre to a barn, reauiting in the loss of all his outbuildings with thelr contents, lncluciing 100 tons of hay. Loas $5,000; partially insured ia the Farmers' mutual. His fine residence was saved by great effort. Hon. Grove H. Wolcott, John Gaebelin, William Wilson, Thomas J. Conely, M. W. Robinson, William Sopor, Richard A. Hobart, Ben O. Bush anti William Palmer of Jackson, and two members of the Mason military company, will constitute tha Michigan rifle team who will contest at the great military rifle match at Chicago. Herbert Sager, aged 20, was killed by a I gun shot wound while bunting August 2?, near Scott's Station. It was supposed he ■ was killed by the accidental discharge Of his own gun. It is now believed that he was killed otherwise. Herbert Garfleld, 1 comrade, professed they were separated at the time, and that Sager was dying when Garfleld heard tba Urine and flrt reaohed him. Thore Is intenso excitement Id the villaje of Killmaster, Alcona county. lor about teu days the Killmaster and Ta was uiining compony bored for gas, when a powerfol vein was struck at the depth of 230 feet. When lightsd the fiame shot in to the air uearly 100 feet, out of a seven inch pipe. Everybody is elated at the outcome. Another well will be suuk at once in the hope of striking oil. VV hile the men were flring a blust at th South Jackson mine, near Negaunee, some timbers that were supporting the roof of the mine were looaened, and a large quantity of rock and timber felL, instautly killing a miner nanied Thomas Sandtrcock. Fourothera heard tbe crashing of the timbers and escaped with but slight injuries. Sandarcock was a married man and leaves a widow and three children in England. The citizens of Marshall have had a seasation precipitated npon them which is a surprlze of somt magnitude by reason of the social standing of the parties involvod. Wm. H. Klston, one of Marshall' respectad business men, hn filed an application for a bilí of divorce from his wife, alleging improper intimacy betwecn her and Kev. Wm. Rilcy, a Methodist preacher. Other developments will probnbly follow. The contract bas been let for a water power canal alongside the rapids of iSt. Mary'R river. One thoasand men, who have been worklng on the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic railway, wiü be put on the job at once and the work will be completed in sixty days. The canal will be about 2,000 feet long, flfty feet wide at presant, and later will be widened as the demand shall require. The power from this canal will be used to propel the streel cars, run elevators, printinR presses, etc, as well as the olectrio light company's works. Prof. J. Kussell Webb died at his residence in Niles the other morning. He wal 63 years old. Prof. Webb was widely known among teachers as author of primers and readers now in use throughout the country, and the originator of the word inethod for teachiug primary scholars. He was bom in Watertown, N. Y., grad uated from the Albany normal school and later carne to Michigan, settling in Jackson county, and next in Niles in lixJ'J. He was for a time a resident of Minneapoiis and subsequently served as principal of the Indianapolis schools. At an early hour the other morning ar extra freight train movlng east, in charg of Conductor A. L. Loveland, and M. J Jones, engineer, collided with a freight train going west, in charge of Conductoi Vealey, W. B. Ga vel, engineer on tbf Chicago & Grand Trnnk railway, thre miles west of Charlotte, wrecking 18 car and totally demolishing both engines l'he only person injured was Charles Strong, flreman on the engine No 18, wbc was cohsiderably cut and bruised but not seriously. The accident li attributed te the train dispatcher at Battle (.'riek. Th' track was uot clearei for regular traffi until late in the aftsrnoon. DKTBOIT MARKETS. Wbsat, White t 77%@ 77% Red 73X(ei 73% Conx, per bu 44 & 45 Oats, " 29 @ 80 Barlet 1 25 (d 1 80 riMOTHTSEKD 2 05 W 2 10 Cloveb Seed, per bag 4 05 w 4 10 Feed, per cwt 13 00 gl3 50 Flol'B - Michigan patent. . . 4 25 @ 4 50 Michigan roler 3 T5 ra 4 00 Minnesota patent.. 4 50 4 75 Minnesota bakers'. 4 00 W 4 25 Michigan rye 1 50 1 75, new, per bbl 1 00 gl 75 Ckanuerhies, per bu 2 00 @ 2 25, per bu 50 .5 Peachbs, per bu 1 50 @ 1 'r. Pi.fM, perbu 2 0J (4 8 00 Pears, perbu 3 50 dg 4 00 Beans, picked 2 00 (S 2 25 " nnpicked 110 (120 Beeswax 25 (S 30 Butter 18 @ 20 Cheese, per lb 12 ( 18 Dried, per lb ■X@ 5i Eoes, per doz 15 O 16 HosEï.perlb la OT 18 Hops 8a fik 80 Hay, per ton, clover 6 50 @ 7 00 " " timotby 1100 (1150 Malt, per bu 't 0 @ 75 Umions, per bbl 8 6 ($ 3 50 Potatoes, perbbl 2 25 ($ 2 50 Tomatoes, jer bu 40 @ 63 Poultki- Chickena, per lb. . 9 w 10 Ueese 9 @ 10 Turkeys 9 (cj 10 Ducksperlb 6 (A 7 Pkotisions- Mess Pork 16 00 18 25 Family lö 50 @16 75 Extra mess beef 7 50 (S 7 75 Lard 7 @ 7% Dressed hogs.. 6 50 @ 6 75 Hams 13 & U% Shoulders 8 @ %}.t Bacon 10 (3 10 Tallow, perlb.. 8 (g 8X HiDii- Green City per lb... 6 (5 6} Country 6X(s 7 Cured 7}4(g 8 Balted 9 Sheep skins, wool.. 25 @ 50 LIVE STOCK. Cattle - Market itrong and 10c bighxr; sbipping steers, $3 10@5 16: stockers and feedars. $1 75(tf.1; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 25@2 75; western rangers, t2 253 55; Texas cattle, $2 H5(3 40. Hoos - Market active and steady; mixed $5 15(i5 50; heavy, $4 90@5 tO; rough and skips, $a 6Ö@5 10. Sueep- Market slow; westerns weaker; natlves, $ 7fl@4 2,"; western, J3jj3 (15; Texans. Wjti ); lainbs, f4 2i4 75.


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