A (íreat Show. The famqus and widely popular Hi Henry's Minstrels will appear at the Grand on Thureday next in a protrramme replete with newest novelties. - Their roster is a heavy one embracing artista of established merit among which are Messrs. Frey and Phillips, the heavy ■weight dromios of minstrelsy, Messrs. Norton and Coleman, Irish Comedian and solo dancers. Mr. Tom Donnelly, ecoentrie comedian and end man, The only Roselle in unrivaled personation of témale lovliness. Lorettu in graoefnl delineations, entitled "Silenoe aud Fun." ürke, in feats of juggling, intricate balancing, spring, eto. Prof. Walter Ilyde in artistio violin aolo. Hi Henry in his distinguished coruet solo. Messrs. Basset, Maynard, Beufer, Adair and Gibbons in beantiful vocal seleotions. Messrs. Ilydo, Koss, Umstead, Wmget, I3artb, Joyce, Otenger, Marshall and Deau, in concert orchestral renditions, the whole forming a reñned artistio and entertaimug performance worthy a liberal patronage. Secure your seats, now on sale at Geo. Wahr's book store.
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