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A Georgia Bat Story

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Two wandering bats strayed into The tSmühvUlê Neioi office Thursday aight. Tbey were very aimoyiug. o we concluded to annihilute theni. TUe itditor uriuid hiusalf witli a broom, the levii got a long flsbing-pole. and for wo hours they made the air bot, bat iida't get a bat Finally. wlien they liad givtm it up as a bad job. Ed Snellrrove carne iu and saíd he was the best bat-killer in towa. The first flouruh be ïuade sent him sturabliae over the itove; at Ibe aeoond he nearlj' knocked bis lieatl on' against the old hand-prcss; the th'rd lick he made "pied" threo columns and a half of solid brevier type, nul sent him to the ground. where he truck his heal againsi n box of old oietal inrniture and near broke hit Deck. Tu'.s time be put the broom down, remarking that "they were not tbe kind of bats ha waa'd to." So we picked ud what was left of him aod had him taken home on % stretoher.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat