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Chelsea fair Sept. '27-30. Prof. D'üoge is in Grand Bapidd. Look for Clement' s change of ad. Albert Sorg was in Detroit Monday. Bishop Harris was in the city Friday. J. S. Earls will run bis bus at the fair. Airs. Wal ter Perry is expected home tomorrow. Gus Backhaus is now nthe employ of Eugene Bebr. Prof. A. H. Pattengill is visüiug friends at Zenia, O. Geo. II. Pond has moved luto rus new residence on Ann street. Volney Chapín, of St. Johns, spent a few days iu the city last week. Burohfleld is nioely enconoed in bis new store, No, 6, Huron street. The funeral of the late Gen. E. Clark, Friday last, was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Clement, of Colon, are visiting tbeir sou, L. H. Clement. M. C. Peterson was in tlie city Monday, for the firat time in a long while. Miss Gertrude Clanoy left Monday, to attend ijt. Mary's aoademy at Mouroe. The Huron cornet band will furnish music all days of the county fair, üct. 4-7. The Ypsilanti fair commencee next Monday, and will be continued till Friday. Mrs. H. W. Hayes, after a two mooths' visit ín Centreville, returned home l;ist week. Mr. l Warden and wife, of tireen Oak, were the guests of Major Stevens, over öunday. Oscar Sohmid, who has beeu making a tour of the western country, will nrrivc home to day. The boiler house, on West Huron st.. is being pushed to completiou by Barclay & Ktseves. Jacob Rausen berger, of tuis place, bas cngaged in the uudertiikiug business in iraml Bapids. Mrs. Fannie Lymau, of Jiattle Greek, attended the funeral of her uncle, Oen. Clark, lnst Friday. Most beautiful weather. .lust wliat we wish to see during the week of our county fair, üct. 4, 5, G and 7. Thos. Burns, late of the Detroit house of correction, is serving a 10 days' jail sentence, for disorderly conduct. The univcrsity re-opens Oct. 3. Jlouses are now in great ilemanJ. The fair at Fowlerville closes to-day. "Partners in Crime," at the grand tomorrow evening. Bom to Mr. and Airs. Wirt ('ornwell, last week, a son . Washtenaw oonnty fair Oct. 4-7. Don't forget the date. Fred Braun is the owner of a handaome Mustang stallion. Jno. J. Robison spent Friday and Satunluy on his farm in Sharon. Mrs. A. J. Shively, of BrooklyD, N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Best. Miss Paulina Andrés and Mrs. E . B. Lewis, are viaiting their sister, in Toledo. Kead the advertisement of Wm. Arnold, who is offering bargains in jewelry, etc. B. S. Corbin, partner of D, Cramer, in ihe law business, says his boy is Hourishïng like a jay hawk. Francis llurphy, the great aposlle of temperaaoe, talked to large audiences in Ft. Madison, Iowa, last week. Aliss Ida Wadhams, of Mt. Pleasant, bas been visiting her brotlier, W. W. Wadhams, of West Huron street. Mrs. Nellie Wainright and sister, Miss Mary Davison, are building on División st., north of tüe r ourtli ward school. The litany and holy commnnion every Sunday at 8:30 a. m., at St. Andrew's, exoept on the flrst Sunday in the month. The Wednesday week day services of Andrew's church, will be held hereafteronlWednesday at-7.00 p. m. in Hobart hall. Jos. Murray, who for some time worked in the Oourier and Register pressrooms, died Sunday of consumplion, aged 18 years. Daniel Brownell, of Pittsfield, from three acres of ground raised 750 bushels of peaohes. He sold most of them in hig orchard. N. H. Drake returned Saturday from a three davs, fish at Zukey lake. A.ocording to Xat's report, lie received very few bites. Mr. M. C. LeBeau has begun ex cavating for a new house on Thayer street, north of his rusidence on Law rence street. Shelley E. Higgius has moved into the house on the corner of Incalía and Catharine streets, so loug occupied by Recorder Pond. In another column will be found the advertisement of Joe Martin, who bas opened a repRiring Rhop over A. L. Noble's store. The clerk of Ann Arbor township will receive woodchuck scalps at his office and residence, on the Dixboro road, Snturday, Oct. t p. m. A school girl bping asked by her teacher what kind of a noun "kias" was, replied with a blush, that it was both common and proper. - Ex. Kev. Dr. Earp will be "at hoine" evcry Monday evening for members of the pariah, and every Tuesday evening, for studen ts. during the winter. 8. W. Twitchell, of Hamburg, father of Mrs. P. Craraer, of this city, is quite ill. As the old gentleman has passed his 82nd birth day, it, may be serious. During tbe reunión of the army of the Tenneseee, W. Fred. Schlanderer occupied a carriage by the side of the Capt. of the Kevenue cutter, Michigan. Mrs. Theof Smith. nee Sadie Hutzel, returned with her baby to her home in Chicago, after a prolonged visit at her falher'a. Mr. Fred Hutzel, of Pittsfleld. Mrs. Mozart. of the treasury department, at Washington, D. C., who has bepn spending her vacation in this city, will return to active duty about Oct. 4. The regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Schutzcnbund, carne' off Monday evening. All accounts of the schutzenfest were liquidated, and minor business transacted. Wagner Bros. have so much liusiness to attend to that they could not find time to change their ad this week, but watch for tbeir announcement in The Democbat, of Sept. 30. Chas. Kich;rda did not leavc until Tuesday night for Cleveland, where he has a situation in a dry goods liouse. For the last 15 yèars he was fh the employ of Mack & Schmid. A large number of persons from this city and vicinity have been attnding the state fair this week. The weather has been all that could be desired, a little cool but pleasant though. Jno. Christian Schmid. ot this city, has commenced suit against Dr. Elias Smith, of Whitmore Lake, for slander, plaoing damages at $5,000. Jno. F. Lawrenoe is attorney for complainant. N. G. Butts, the general superintendent, will be on the fair grounds in floral hall Sept. 26 from to till 4 p. m , for the purpose of meeting parties wishïng to exhibit articles at the Washteuaw oounty fair, in this city. from Oct. 4 to 7 inclusive. Mr. Chas. A. Spokes, of this city, and Miss Mary A. Keader, of Ypsilanti, were married last week bv the Rev. Mr. Fairfield, at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Spoken, of Elizabeth street, attended tho wedding. Presents were numerous . Thursday, of last week, a liired man of Mr. Eleworth, between here and Ypsilanti, had n misunderstanding with this gentleman, and gave him a terrible beating. Constable Sutherland was summom il iiud soon had him handcuffed, aiidnii liis way to jail. Daniel Fairbanks, of California, will luik to those citizens who are interested in that stat-, at the office of the county clerk, to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. Those contemplating a trip to tLe Golden Gate will learn something of interest by attending the meeting. Aaron Parsons, of Moraine, N. Y., celebrated his 69th birthday last week. For years Mr. P. was in the employ of the Michigan Central at this place, as station agent, and his many old friends will be pleased to learn that he is in the enjoyment of the best of health. The Sorg paintiog company consista of A. Sorg, manager and superintendent, G. Stark, E. Garter, Jno. Armbruster, Henry Cole and one other. The office of the oompany, for the present, will be at 26 E. Washington street. Within the paat week they have received $1,000 worth of work. Last Saturday night some misereante raised the windows to J. Jones' residence on North Main street. and fired a number of handsome planta into the room, soattenng tiowere and dirt in promisouous confusión over the carpet. The young reprobates are known, and ït is quite probable they will be brought to justice. They should be. The Fort Madison Democrat, Iowa, says that of ail the weekly exchanges ceivea rrom iviicüigan, none are to be compared with that live, wide-awake Domoe.rat published at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Bower is a host in himself, and he gives the people a neuut paper. No wonder that the circulatiou of the uemocrat is on the inorease, as it deservedly should be. If you waut the paper that gives the most news, take The Demockat. lf you want a live democratie paper, take Thk Democrat. If yoi would have the most popular paper in the city, take The Demociut. If you want a NEwspaper, subscribe for The Demockat. It is the paper of all papers that people look to for newx, not only at the couuty seat, but throughout old Washtenaw. Mr. Con. Hilder, oue of the accommo dating clerks in the Ann Arbor Savings bank, and Miss Louisa M. Keek, daughtor of Jno. Kook, of Grand Bapids, formerly of this city, were married yosterday, at tha residenoe of the brido's father, by the llev. ,1. O. Hildoer, pastor of the Kvangelical church, Úotroit. The young couple have a host of frionds here, who will wish them well on their jonrney of life. Sopt 27tb, Uncle Tom's Cubin. Col. tíurleígh íb stül playwg in New Vork. The Milan Presbyterians are without a pastor. There was a heavy rain f all Wednesday night and yesterday. N. B. Heers, of this city, celebrated his 80th birthday, last Saturday. Wm. Graves, of this city, and Miss Annie Donner, were married Tuesday. Dr. W. R. Mead, of Petersburg, was visiting friends in the city Wednesday. Lorenzo Davis, who was strioken with paralysis some weeka ago, is very feeble. Fred T. Stimson went to Algonae, Tueoday, on a visit, and will return today. A atifT from the Wayne county house, was fly blown atthe KL C. depot, Monday. Not a house in this city to rent. This certainly speaks well for lively Ann Arbor. The Ypsilantian and Commercial will run daily papers during the fair in Ypsilanti. There will be a meeting of Welch Post G. A. K., to niglit. All members are requested to attend. We are indebted to Mike Colé for a basket of choice grapes. The same to Chauncey Orcutt. Next week The Dkmocrat will have something to say of interest to baldheaded politicians. The old briok yard would be a good selection for the proposed Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad depot. Frotection hose company give a dance on the evening of Oct. (i. Turn out and give the boys a benefit. Mrs. Lizzie Parsons, acoompanied by her mother. Mrs. Alonzo Healey, left for Dayton, O., Wednesday. Mr. J.W.Main, of Litchfield, Mich., the fast barrel maker, is in the city, and is working for Swif t & Co . W. H. Lewis will continue to run the Follett house, notwithstanding the property bas changed hands. üeo. Moorman, one of the solid men of Ypsüauti, receutly sold property in that city to the amount of $22,0u0. Johnny Camp has been taking a week's vacation. In his travele lie visited Detroit, Niágara Falls and Saratoga. Mrs. Wurster Blodgett, of Webster, is spending a few days witu Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Davis, West Huron street. Philip N. Stimsou, of East Saginaw, speiit Hunda y in this city visiting f riends. I'hil saya be is doing a rushing business. Miss Kllen Kichardson, of Milán, who has been visiting f rienda in this city, ieturned to her home the last of the week. A letter reoeived here from Mrs. E. P. Clark, of Charlotte, who was in this city some weeks a;;o, snys that she is no bet ter. County clerk Howlett will be dollarí ahead, in consequence of the mar riage law, whicli goos into effect nex Monday. It would be i trood.'idea if the neighboring stores would follow the example of J. W. Maynard, and put in iron hitching posts. Itirael Kuehnle, in the town of Ann Arbor, estimates his grape erop at 25 tous. He will also manufacture 80 barrels of wine. Ivo id Wm. Arnold's announcement in to-day's Democbat. He has everyihing in the jewelry line. And those diamonds, they are perfect beauties. At ameetingof the Washteoaw county medical society, in Saline, last Friday, papers were read by Drs. Stevens, of Detroit, and Batwell, of Ypsilanti. Albert Bucklyn, of Delhi, jumped a freight train Monday, at the Michigan Central depot, when lio slid undcr the wbeels and had a foot smashed. Read, in another column, what Mack & Schmid have to say to bargain seekers. Go and see them and be convinced that they are doing just what they say. When the time comes The Democrat will have sometuing to say on political questions, and the editor will not go from one peraon to another, askiug his or their opinión. The Sentinel thinks Ypsilanti will be sick of her electno hght. I, for one, suould think that the people would be sick of a newspaper that is eternally crying the city down. The musical director of the Grand opera house, has secured the services of Messrs. Belore, Perry, Tidd, Vesdal and Drake, of the Ohequamagon orchestra, for the coming season. M. J. Sohetterly, from the Boody house tonsorial parlors, Toledo, O., will be found on deck at the new shop on Main street. Al is an Ano Arbor boy, and knows his business. Burglars attempted to force the safe of Deubel Bros., at Scio, Monday night, hut they made a great mistake, for they did not get to the money vault, wkich only contained $3.95. They were evidently burglars. Who Told Yoü So. - The Anu Arbor Democrat eays Ypsilanti's school census shows a decrease in the school popuia tiou. That is not correct - it shows an increase. - Ypsilantian. We supposed we could rely on what the Commercial said. Mr. Frank Uil], of England, father of Frank Hill of this place, who came over about three years ago, arrived in town Tuesday. He will look around Michigan, and if he can find a place favorable to his taste to lócate, he will do so. - Milán Leader, (.'ome to Ann Arbor, and you will be welcome. The Ann Arbor Democrat suggests that the city will be unable to recover the shortage of its late treasurer, Mr. Sorg, a that gentleman had not qnalified for hiB second term, and the city had been rely ing upon the old bond, which is "n. g." Queer, if true. - Ypsilantian. An 'tis true. Read the nction of the council, elsewhere. Larry Kahoe has made the neoessary arrangemeots to carry on the postoftice barber shop af ter it is vaoated by M. S. aouthard. Mr. Kaboe is a veteran in the tonsorial business, and it ia safe to say that as he has a large number of friends in thts city, the boys will stand by him, as well as the many young men Btudents in the different departments of the university, who patronized this shop last year. For pluck and shrewdness in the theft line, cotnmeod uu to the man who drove out on the south Ypsilanti road, last Thursday afternoon, nonchalantly walked into tbe peach house of Mr. Morton, and with the eye of a oonnoisseur removed the covers of the eight baskets of peacbes, chose two of tbe fines t, put put t hem into bis carriage, then drove in the direction of Ypsilanti. He was followed, but escaped, as bis track was lost. Mrs. Mary C. Whiting, attorney, bas negotiated for the purchase of tbe very desirable property of Dr. Besaac, of Milan, said property consisting of tbe bank, drug store, and several lots. The dootor has removed to San Diego, forma, wuere ne is speculating ïu real estáte, which proinisrs a rich return. The deed came to Mrs. Whiting last Tuesday, but was detective for want of the clerk's ccrtifioate, so was returned for rectification. A western paper claims thiit three of the stingiest men in the world live in that Iciculity. One of them will uot drink as much water as he wauts vinless it is f rom his neighbor's well. The second forbids any of his family writing anytbing but a smatl hand, as it is a waste of ink to make large letters. The tlunl stops his clock at night to save the machinery. They all refuse to take a newspapiT on the round that it is a terrible strain on their spectacles to read newspapers even in the day time. It is not necessary to go more tlian 10 miles from Ann Arbor to ünd three mn wlio would be entitlcd to the same appelation. Perhaps some day Thk Dkmoorat may give I heir names publioity . The industrial ecbool has re opened in Cropuey's hall. Mills Bros, exhibited 10 head oí Holstein cattle at the state fair. Several maaons and carpenters have been on a strike for some days. Go and aee Uncle Torn nest Tuesday evening, Sept. 27, at the Grand opera house. Mrs. Hollester, of Brighton, acoompanied by her daughter, is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Calver. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haviland, will return next week, from Gogebic, where they have been all summer. Goal has advanced in Chicago 75 cents per ton, 50 cents in Detroit, and dealers here are selling 25 cents under Buffalo prices, and 50 cents under that of Detroit. Prof. Henry Sewell of this city, and Miss Isabel Josephme Yickers, of Toronto, daughter of Jno. J. Vickers, president of the Vickers express company, were marned Wednesday. Jno. Pfister will exhibit on the fair grounds, Üct. 4-7, an eight weeks old calf that has a record of having jumped a 10 foot fence. He calla it a deer calf, and lie purchased it of Geo. Keppler, of Lodi. Nightwatcbman Clark, for 13 years has faithfully patrolltid the streets of Ann Arbor, in the city, and has never lost an hour's time. If he lives until April 17, next, he will have oompleted 14 years' service. W. B. Grke, assistent business manager of Hi Henry 's minst reis, paid The Democbat a visit yesterday. His oompany is one of the vcry best on the ruad, and playea to a good house in the evening. Uncle Tom's Cabin, at the Grand, next Tuesday evening, with Fitzgerald, the famous, as Uncle Torn. Two Marks' and Two Topseys'. Popular prioes, 15, 25 and 85 cents. Reserved Beata can be secured at Geo. Wahr's bookstore. J. F. Stafford, the populnr merchant tailor, will have an important announcement in The Demgcrat next week. Those persons who wish garments cut and made in the height of fashion, are invitodto cali at l'J South Main street. New York Herald saya: Our opinión is that if a man can't be satisfied with the opportunities this country afforda, he had better etay away. We have a great deal of patience with honest criticism, but when the anarchist begins to break things and to use the knife and pistol we are apt to liandle him a little roughly. It's a way we have, a sort of eccentricity, which is apt, as in the present case, to produce disagreeablc results. Geo. Sehetterly, of öcio, Will and Cbarlie, of Ypsilanti, Al J., of Toledo, O., with their wives, and Mrs. 1$. P, Cole and children, of this town , spent Sunday last with their paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schetturly, at their home on West Miller Avenue, it being the 45th anniversary of the marriage of the old folks. It WKS a haDDV and ble occasion, and the reunión wiJl long be pleasantly remembered by the old gentleman aud lady. The following horses are eligible for the named race, at the Washtenaw county fair: Con Tuomey, bik. m. Lady ; M. M. Green, br. g , Dan; N. Sutherland, rn. g., Governor; P. Irwin, br. m., Ann Arbor Girl; Geo. Gilbert, br. g., Frank; m., Fleet ; John Coy Ie, bik. m. Qipsey; .T. Ö. Nowland, br. m., Polak; Wm.Burke,b. m., Favonte; O. O. Brush, g. g., Torn ; F. L. Howlett, sr. g., Buffalo John; Milo Baldwin, b. g.. Milo; Cario S. g., Fearnangbt When the base ball game between the Ann Arbor and Milán clubs took place on the fair grounds, I must confesa I feit ashamed as I saw youug men and old men jumping the fence, thus attempting to beat the Browns out of a few shillings. One old snoozer consented to give the watchman $1 if be would not give him away. Thos. Bonner has the names of some 20 who stole their way in at this last game, and he will be strongly tempted, if it occurs again, to let people know who they are. If Torn dont, our man about towu will. There is now in full blaat in this citj a steam laundry which can do work eqnal to any establishment in the United States, and why a man who is engaged in business here, who is dependant on the patronage of the people for a living, ahould attempt to throw cold water on a home industry, I confesa I am unable to understand. Yet I am told that such is the easo, and the flrst letters of his name are (J . W . W., and he is a member of the firm of Wagner & Co. The way to boom a to?n is not to senl work outside, when it can be done as welf, if not better at home. More anón. Dexter Leader: An Ann Arbor fruitist was ín town last week trying to contract bis grape crop al two cents a pound, but our dealers preferred to aee the fruit before contracting, so he didn't make a sale. - W. Y. Tozer and wife, of Ann Arbor, Sundp.yed with relativos in this village. - Fred Schlanderer drove over from Ann Arbor last Sunday, to see his Dexter frienda. - A. D. Seyler has had a píate front put in his store this week. - A. A. Register. Now please tell us what kind of a píate, seeing as how there are several kinda - píate glass, electro-plate, silver píate, gold píate, and others too numerous to enumérate. Mrs. Anua Keppler, died Sunday morning. She carne to this country fromGermany in 1804, and located ín Sylvan, where abe lived for five yeara, afterwards removing to 8haron, where she reaided up to the time of her deatb. In 1834 abc was united in marriage to Michael Keppler, by whomshehad eight children, three of whom are living, Martin Keppler, of Pittsfleld, Adolph Keppler and Mrs. J. F. Vogel, of Fredonia. Mrs. K. was bom in Maatern, Obt. C, 76 years ago. Her husband, three ohildren, fifteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren aurvive her. The funeral Monday, was largely attended. To the neighborsand frienda, who Ho kindly assisted during the last illneas of Mra. K., the family feel under many obligations. The Michigan Farmer thinks that irool is going to pay well for the next Eew years, and that every farm in the jtate Buitable for sneep should have a 3ock commensurate with its size. It is juite evident f rom the reporte of sales :it the principal interior markets iu thig state that wool-growers have cut down Bocks very materially. It was nnfortuuate that they did this, both for themselves and the state. There is uothing on the farm that pays better than sheep - good sheep we mean - whether üne wools, middle wools or long wools. We want them all, because we think the United States oan grow all tbe wools -wantod by manufaoturers, and of aa good qunlity as can be grown in any part of the world. We have a range of olimate so extensivo that all breeds will will be suited, and every requirement of the woolen manufacturer met. Michigan wool-growers should increuse their flock at once. - Ex The following appointmenta have been made by the M. E. conference for the Adrián district: T. J. Joslin, P. E. Addison; O. F. Winton; Adrián, C. II. Mor (tan; Ann Arbor, W. W. Ramsay ; Bliss field, W. J. Ulack; Carleton and Scbofield, D. W. Qibereon ; Chelsea, J. II. Molntosh; ClaytoD, E. P. Pierce ; Clinton and Maoon. A. W. Stalker; Deerfield and Petersburg, D, II. Ramsdell ; Dexter, to besupplied by S. II. Adams; Dixboro, E. Yager; Dundec, J. G. Morgan ; Frauklin, F. E. Pearce ; Orass Lakc, J. M. Kerridge ; Hudson, A. B. Storms; Lambcrtville, C. W. Baldwin; Lima and Sylvan. Horace Palmer; Manchester and Shar.ju, W. B, Pope; Medina, supply; Milan and Oakville, M. H. Bartram; Monroe, W. V. Vashburn; Moreuci, D. K. Shier : Munith and Filohburg, T. B. McQee ; Napoleon and Brooklyo, C. E. Webb; Palmyra, A. H Laing; Ridgeway, W. II. Benton; Saline, D. II. Yocum; Stony Creek, M. H. McMahon ; Tecumseb, T. G. Potter; Waterloo, O. L. Church; Weston, R. L. Cope.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat