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Fact And Fancy

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A rollle dog was recent)} Bold Id Engiand íor $1,000. Nlne uew cometa wure observed during tha year 186. Ailzonla produeed 16,000,000 pounds of copper Ust yenr. The California orange erop this year tu 900,000 boxes. Wyomlug haa the begluulng of a natural fat and oll boom. Ilelp scarce and wages good in the Walli Walla liurvcsl-Hclils. Tbe tips at a I. mg Branch hotel are flgnred up at $30 per montli. One of Boston' fatorlte barbers bas juat retlred fter Ixty years of service. At Seattle recentlj elght liundered woraen were recistcred as voters, despite tbe ruling ■ of tbe courU soine time ago tbat women are not ToUrs tn Washington territory. Susau Conley, of Analomink, Fa., rose la ber sleep, cllmbed the cowcatherof a Phtladelphia and Krie entine, and took a teu-inile rido at tblrty miles an bour befor shc awoko. Tbs labor strikes tbat developed la July laTolred dlrectly 17.UO0 persons, an Increase of 6,000 over the same month last year, wblch wal 1,000 more tban in July of the prevlous year. ! Sportsman hare flocked lnto northero California in such nuinbers that old residents ssy there are now more fisherman than trout In tha i streams, and tblrty or foriy rifles to one deer. Siuall favors are evldently gratefully received by the editor of a Texas paper who Inserts thp eheerful Item: "Uncle Charley Dobbs bas uur thauks for a lárice, deliclous bet" Aprlcot wine Is now belng made on tbe Paeilic coast. The Virginnia ÓUy (Nev.) ttrpriu says it is a good wine, "richlv flavored, : deur, and eüervesceut as the best I pagne." A Hunterdoa county, Pennsylvanla, paper States that old Sylvla Duhots, tbe famons black woiNaa of theSourland mountain, is stlll spry and on foot, although proofs exist that she has secn ber 123d birthdny. It costs very llttle for teachers to lire in ome of the Malne towns. In Concord pedagognes are boarded for 93 cents per week, and In Bingham for tl. But then consider the starratlon salaries they recelve. The Russlan aeronsut Cakvicbe claims to hare at last invented a perfectly navlgable balloon. In order to preserve the secret of lts construction he Is haring the varlous parts of theballoon built Indifferent couutries, Tbe largest bunch of bananas on record was shlpped to Mount Vernon, N. Y., one day last wetrk. It measured four feet in length and welulicd four bundred pounds. Some of the bananas measured alxtaen inches In lengtb. Washington territury bas considerably reduced lts former indebtedness, and is now In an easler and healthler coudition than for many years, and there is also a steady gain of population from a destrable clasa of Immlgrants. Tbe llttle Indiana at Pjramld agency hare names whlch they ougbt to be proud of. Among them are Mark Twalu, Prof. Young, Andy Jaokson, John Logan, Jim Blalne, Dr. Dawson, Emma Nevada, Adelina Patti, and Clara Morris. Says The Boston Herahd: A tallor who II lneenlous enough to Inrent a scheme for summer clothlng for men whlch will leave out the starched shirt, and still be neat and beconiing, wlll merlt the pralse of uiany sufferars and ought to malie a fortune. The lncome of Arcbbishop Corrigan Is estlmated at $40,000 a year. Tbis Is gathered from the cathedratlcum, a tax of $300 a year on each cliurch ia the archdlocese, $3,000 ' ary from the cathedral, hls palace and ! ses, and a tax of $1 on each burlal in Calvary cemetery. A fish in tbe Oulf of Mexico has the pecaliarity of always haunting old wrecks and tunken plllng, and frequently swims around the wharves. It Is called the Juneflsb, I cause it does not appear till tbe month of June, tuough It remaln all sutnmer. It Is chlelly caugbt naar sunkeu wrecks.


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