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The People of Like County Wild With Ex_ citement Ovor the l):Bcovery of the Eighth Wonder of the World. T. HelTernan, Bala win, Mich.: I have had rheumatism all over my body and limbs for iwo years. Have doctored with some of the most eminent physicians in (rund Kapids ;also spent three months in the Keed City Hospital : during the time I wan unable to go up or down stairs most of the time. 1 sulfered terribly. By your advice J tiegan taking Hibbard's Klieumatic Syrup, and from the first it seemod to touch every place in my body, effecting my whole system. I at once began to improve; have taken four bottles and am entirely cured. I belieye it to be the greatet medicine in the world for a family remedy, Yours truly, Ju!y 20, 1887. Cu irles Rowe. Kvery word of the above Is true and the man is never done talking about your medicine and the wonderf ui cure it has effected. Yours respeetfully, T. Heffiïhnan. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is put tip in large packages and is the greatest Blood Purifier known. lts peculiar combination makes it a great Family Remedy. For a dyspeptic, bilious or a constipated person it lias no equal, acting upon the stomach, liverandkidneysinapleasant and healthy marnier. Read our pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedies which enter into its composition. Price (1.00 per bottle; six bottles Í5.00. For sale by all druggi&ts. Clusters of nuts intermingled with tulle aro a novel trimming sometimes seen upon Legnorn and Manila hats. White and cream musllns are seen wlth strlpes of red or blue stars. The trimmings match the color of the stripes. "Be wise with speed; A fooi at forty is a fooi indeed !" So said Young. t-traw's show which way the wind blows, and there are a score of symptoms any one of which shows the existence of catarrh. Neglected, it will rob the blood of its purity and the system of its strength. (.iet Dr. Sage's Catirrh Remedy. It cures even longstanding cases, as thousands testify, and sbould be used for colds in the head, which of ton result in conflrmed catarrh. Crimson, dark blue and white are all in high favor fortulleeveningdresses. Loops of ribbon are the only trimnitngs. 'Oh, It Wat Pitifnl!" Of course it was ! Ho tried one remedy after anthoer, and finally gave up and (lied, when hls life might have been sa ved by Dr. Pieroe's "(Joiden Medical i ery" - the great '"Consumption Cure" which, if promptly emyloyed, wiU soon subdue all threatening symptoms, such as cough., labored breathing. night-sweats, spitting of blood, etc , and restoring waning strength and hope, elTectually stop the poot consumittive's progress gave-ward. Is it not worth trying! All druggist. French dressmakers are making white costumes with a polonaise or blouse, with triniinings of culored vilvct. lts thousands of cures are the best advertisement for Dr. f-age's Catarrh Remedy. The oondition of Henry Probasco's gift of an (?,UOU fountain to Clifton, ühio, was that it should flow free forever, Fa.'i Arnloa Oil. The best salv in the world for Burns, Wounds and sores of all kinds. Boils, Kei ons. Chilblains, Frozen Keet. Piles, Barber's ]tcb, ijor Eyes, Chapped Hands, Sore Throat. Bcald Haad, Pimples on the Face, and all skin diseases. Fot Lirer Complalnt, Sick Headache, Conatipation, use Page's Mandrake Pilis. Above remedies sold by drugrists or sent by mail for 25 cents by C. W. Snow & Co., ' Kyracus, N. Y. Yoimg Han, go Home Sober. If you 11 have your racket In spite of all your fatlier and motber can say to you. and 3'ou are ttshamed o( it enuugh to want to conceal it; now if yon mu-t do it, and havent moral „stamina enoiigu lo bohave youneU Iiiiip the dlsgrace ol your intoxioatiou by ta!. in a mug of Moxie Nerve l'ood nn "liour before Rohif; home, and it will polisb up your rfsjjetabi ity with a sobor -off in an hou:'. It will do fend veri ugninst y nrselt and stop that growlng appetite for liqnor that will eventually get awuy wlth yonr manhood añil honor. Jf you care uothing for honor or a good name, it will pre vent the world a seeing it Every druggUt and soda I0udtain will sell it to you at half the cost of liquor. The Washington Critic says that probably half the pre ent population of the United ÍStatoá were born sinr-e the war. Piso's Remedy tor Catarrh is agreeable to use. It is not aliquid or snuff. SOo Vermont has ten living ex-governora, of hom four are eacb orr SO years old. Pire Con Liver On. made from nelccted livers. on sea sl'.ore. by Ha ard, Haard & Co.. N. Y. Ab-olutely pure and sweet. Patients prefer it to all others. Hiysicians have decfded it superior to any otber oiLj in market. Ciiappbd Hands, Face, and rough skin cured by using Juniper Tar Koap made by Hazard, Hazard & Co., Nair York. Whon ivrltinff to Advertlser picase hay you saw the til rirt Miu-nt In this l'iinT. Cures Neuralgia, Toothachc, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore ThroaL RHEUMATISM, Lama Back, Stift Joints, Sprains, Bailes, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The many testimoniáis reeeived by na more than prove all we claim for this vahmble remedy. It not only relieves the most severa pains, buk It Cures You. That's the Idea ! rom by DruKiflBts. iio et. 8ong Book malled frfl. tddross WIZARO 011. COMPANY CHICAGO. iNVALUABLEföT í!pt LADIES and 'P' CHKDREN. Von'll flml it gooil to iejulate TIií; orans 01 both uniill aii'i reat; Itohec SickHea tache, an i the woe InTAKRANT' SELTZER pcoplc flnd A rtuieoy and treut couibtned. OneAKent(MerchantOnly;wanted in erery townfor Your Tanslir Punch" ."k; oitrar Is kívIiik good 8ati9ïttCt:On; the boya are "ca'Chiiifc on." Ai.voui) ft K;iKi:it, DruKKii-ts, KMora. Ia. "TansiH'M Pancli" is the ixv t einar we have ever sold v the money. C. E. ltiTTEit &. CO., Neosha, Mo. Horse and Stock Owners TRY QuiaquiniaTcnis GonditionPcwdgrs Kor horst' uut uf comütiun. I.uss of Appetite, Torpid Liver, StuiubliuK Uait, IJiCuiuper. Ktc. l'ut. ud atDtjtruit Vüterlnary l'harmücy, 'ï Lafayettu Te.t Detroit, Mlcü. t3T Vuteriuury ïupplles luw prloes. B f(lL NEVEK SUCH 0Íf j JJS. KAIIGAIN KKFORGWl OV- REPgAT'NC RIFLE ' vH t New from Factory. Westakeour Hrciit:itioiio('47yc-arson this Kille, and Jx fuarante it th lïriit oflTer ever TLY made. Seml öc. In Htamp for Illustrated D lOO-img?! Desoriptlre Catakviw. una, kíhi, Bcrolvers, Pfsbfna Tackle, BlcycJe. sport i uk ikmIs, Ac. JO11N P. LOVKLL ARÍttS CO., Itoston, Maas. CSTERBROOK STEEL LeadingNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Uorka: Camden, N. J. 26 John St„ New York. FRAZER ULE GREASE Best in the World. Made onlj' by the Frazer Lubricatu- Co. at Chicago, N. Y. i 8t. Louis. .s„ld cvcrywka HPTlyI ElyV Cream Baha ■ SitóuÉsCl Is Worth 1000 t0 ny ifefjéJ VIaii,Woinan or Child [LXIi OATARRH. K-y'jA 'Vpp'y Balra into cach nostrll. SURE CURE DISCDVERED FQR GATARRH WBWLauderbach's Germán Caiarrh Remedv, M M. ifiéTll. SampUi frec il Drumim. Mailcdfor 10c. imUiijp. TUUlBiKUb (Ittïu iiuc. lh dic-oTtry of thu rndhixl of fc-f.tnunt. Evtrr miil brh.ii laltri from sraleful Prj Bcuáts iwH u itstTAitsTF 3 Beat OhikIi Synip. 'l'uuteegfKKl. Use B til 'irr 1 I" ..■■!. M DA T tfj I V exi.MinerlnO.S.PatentOfliM Hl bil I V Semi model or sketch (or fre opinión whether patent i-;tn b6 MOOrod. New bfKjk on patents l'roc. ReferencesiConimissioner of Pi enu m ïny othcr oBicial of the O. S. Pati'iit om. E. ÍV8TOOKING1 Attorner.. 1 1 l'St.. Wu. iu:on. P). '. DAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS! I will send yuu a 12i pageU BuOK liith Pr. criptions lor all Nervmis, Uuronlo and Coiumon Sf' acc'dcu" "ií'SBSaéftáí stamp uu VV1. ,, u „,,ukeu. rfls. _- PI-AOH IJT THE WEST Jf ) ,toget a ltushtt'SflE'lucation.lüara Ji& si j X Stwrtliand ur Spencerlan PenfjJW manahip. Í3 at the DKTR01T VyCCyJl BÜ8INÖ9 VNIVEKSITY, Detroit, Miclu Estab. isw. Elegant cntnloguo irte. a9BBBBBBaaBMaaBBJBBBJ A Por I pt]TlH IERS PASTII 8 rrVctSrcHVflSS: ]giJMB'l'mfB- PrUCiAUC OfHcers p:iy, B unty procured, CHSIUIIO) i .■■ reliered. 51 jreara pmeticp. Sueco s ur no fe.e. Wrlte fur circular and new luw. A. W. Mct'oriulck fc Son, WuihtitKton, 1. Oi uutl Clnclnnutl, Oblo. HITCIIT0 B- A. I'. LACET, DS I tra I J Pateot Attorneya, WanhliiKr ■ Bl ■ 0 um, D. C. Instructlom and ■ oplnionsou patontabllity tree. 30 yra. experleiioa. PruCinilC fm Medican Warandí'nion Veterans. cnoiUNo il,, ii m. .,.,,..v ., v.hlnlllun, Cleveland, Detroit and ChlemCO MTO SS A DAY. Sampln tcorth at. 5 PUBS. Lints nol under the horse'ifeet. Hrifci llrcwsltr SaMu Rein Mulder Co...Votly. JftcA. Ini n 11 worth tSQOBor iwoiid. Pettit'KyeSahe UULU iswortbtlOUU but is jolil at 2S cents a boi. JÑ7n. U. D.--5--39 nPIll M Habit ClirOd tl;cur;leror.i7MrHl III ITI Ir.r. J. u. 1HKT01, ik Wr. Olnliu, .


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