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Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets

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THE ORianSTJLI. LITTLE LIVER PILLS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Little Sugar-coated Granules or Pilis. REING VEGETABLE, Dr. Pierce's Pellets opérate without disturbando to the systcm, dlet, or occnpation. Pnt up in glas vials, bermetlcally scaled. Always frcsb and reliable. As a LAXATIVE, ALTEOATIVE, Or FÜRGATIVC, tbese llttle Pellets give the most perfect atisfaction. AlAlf UT B n B ABIT m"1 wn-i.iAllRAMicn,Esq., otMiiulcn,KcarncyCounty, % 111 U lallllflIMIa Hflll 5 I KtímKhn, wiïu-r : " I was troubled with boils for ■XllllY rHIIHIlíll 1 BUUUl I thirty years. Four years ago I was 80 afllieted with VlUIllILnIinUllb, RlIBFn I thora thatl could not walk. I bought two bottlcs - '■-'■"■ ' ■------- ; wuil-U. of pterce's Pleasant Vurgativc Pelleta, and took Üiliou Headarlie, Dlzzinc, Con"" ono 'Pellet' after each moal, till all wcro pone. By hu i:i Ion, Indigestión, Kilious that time I had no boils, and have had none pince. I have alrö Atlac ks, and all derangements of the been troubled with sick headachc. When I teel it coming on, stomacb and bowels, aro promptly relieved I take one or two ' Pellets,' and am rclievcd of tbc headache. and pcrmanently cured by tho uso of Dr. ■■■mb___-__ Pierce's Pleasaiit Purgativo Pellets. In exI T n_-, Sire. C. VT. Bnowx, of Wapdkoncta, OJiin, - plnnation of the remedial power of these IHF HEST Bays: "Your 'Pleasant Purgativo Pellets' aro tvileis ovor bo great a variety of diseases, , """ without question tho best cathartic ever it may trutluiilly be said tuut tneir action upon the system is RlTUlRTIP sold. They aro also a moet efficiënt remedy universal, not a libind or tissue escaping their sanative iufluence. Ulflflnilü for torpor of the liver. We have used them Sold by ilriifTKislü. for 35 cents a vial. Manufacturad at the ChemfcJfor years in our family, and keep thein in ieal Luborutory of Wohld's Disi'ESSARY Midical Association, the house all the time " Buffalo, N. Y. ■■-■ _ ___a____a_____._______ FOR A CASE OF CATARRH WHICH THEY CAN NOT CURE. _ __________ _- i . __ . ______ I"T"_"1 PrrL. W. Hacsner, the famous meemcrC-YMPTOMS OP _ATARE._I UNTGLD ABDHY Iítea' a grites: "Some ten ■- -, -T-JT-Uiy-tJ l_+.-.l.---T-t.--. UillULUHUURI years ago I suffered untold agony from CDnil PlTlDDO ehronic nasal catarrh. My family physiDull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, dis" "'""''■ clan grave me upas incurable, and said I fuwng'nd01"..0 ÜtttaS ttl?ietkrtenadoT18.tÍTneucous: "at eve,y day. towa d? suUtmyoïtod becehoa nuralJnt Soodv amï nutrid tlierea a?o welk wVrv and r co"1(1 aily Peak above a whisper. In the morning my coughFnflTml ■ there i? rinlnn " in the ears-aTness' or in? and deanag of my throat woukl almost strangle me. By the together with ecabs from ulcera ; the voico is changed and has man, and the cure has been permanent. a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are imp-- - " - Thomas T pmvn Vssn ewi rv u..t paired; there is a sensation of clizziness, with mental depression, PnuCTlliTIV a iJTilif Mr , JS„. "T'ni ,, ,'IÍÁ = V1 a hatklng cough and general debility. Howover, only a few of UOHSTflNTLY fiï'om " ataVrh for tlírS vS ÁÍ the above-named eymptoms are iikely to bo present n any one Ult-Vllin llin tfiSSi T ?ííild harnlv brrathp nrt w L case. Thousands of oases nnuually. without manifesting half of lUWKING IND fSlv hawkfni _n5 BD%n ÍK the abave Bj-mptoms. result in consiimption, and end in the Cmi-riun faS Xhl mmrtfs cmild iot Hr'PnthP thmií i grave. No dísease is so comraon. more deceptivo and dangerous, SP TT INC. f n'tri I thoülht nothtne cnuM f less uuilerstood, or more unsuccesstully treated by physicians. ' ' "nnT m TiiWrilv I --■ u?JL_ifa? SS By lts mild, sootntng, ana nealing properties, pr Sage's Catarrh Eemedy. and I am now a well man. I b WkTSt ifiPB riTtPPII lT"irï"lV lieve ' to bo tho only sure remedy for catarrh now manu f acE„. SAfcli A1AKKI1 M..UbVI tured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience CTRE3 THE WOBST CASIS o astounding results and a permanent cure." ...... ......... FTr"" E" RoBBras, Ruvyan P. O., Columbio. Co., Catarrh, Gold in the Head," Goryza, and Catarrhal Headacha. THREE BOTTLES Be'w%%v?yLuo1aerydbTdfv"hiwsiw "" " -_-_-------__________- - fllIBF RlTlRDII Dr" Sae's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and arT r nv TUtTTiirUVT'i TWmviVITVJfTïl UUnt Uaiannn. procured a bottle for her, and soon saw BVIjV iJL UttVixtrJ.&a üj MUMX WUJ1.JÍHJ. I I ihat it helped her; a third bottlo effected ______.__, _,-_ _ a permanent cure. She is now cighteen years old and souud Tb JHLXCJJbJ . 5O CJüKPT8. I and hearfv."


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