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Entire farms in Texas are under water, owinjf to the floodg. Kecretary Fairchild has resumed active control of the treasury. Alexander B. Webbof Missouri has been uppointed l'. 8. counsel at Manila. Gen. J. T. Rae of Minneapolis is the new commander-in chief of the G. A. R. Prairie fires in the vicinity of Winnipeg are causing ettlars considerable trouble. Ex-Gov. Alex. H. Holleyof Connecticut, is dead, ged S3. He was governor in 1S57. The tobáceo erop of Indiana is only one third of a erop becauso of drouth and trost. Oscar Neebe, the anarchist, has been put to work in tha harness shop in Joliet prison. Nearly 50,000 bushels of wheat in Wheatland, Dakota, were destroyed by iire the othor day. It has been determined that the next encampment of the CF. A. 11. shall be held in Columbas, Ohio. An election was held inTennessee on the : 'Oth uit. The prohibition amendment was defeated by $10,000. Michael Davitt, the distingnisliod Irish agitator, arrived in New York on the lst inst. He was warmly welcomed. William Kussell Kever, the oldost gradúate of Harvard college, died at Flymouth, Mass., a few days since, aued 96 years. Henry Beer, a Bohemian stone cutter of Lincoln, Neb., shot and killed Augusta Seifest because she would not marry him. The steamer Kims was burned at Mem. phis the other day. A passenger named Bunch from Illinois, was burned to death. Six of the Indians on the San Carlos reservation in Arizona have surrendered, and are now under guard awaiting trial. There is a heavy demand upon the United States treasury for small coin. The demand comes from all sections of the country. The emigration commission at New York propose to instituto a radical change in the methods of conducting affairs at Castle Garden. James Gordon Bennett of the New York Herald, will soon begin the publication in Paris of a paper to be known as the European Herald. Judge Barrett of New York has decided that boycotting of a non-union laborar by a labor organization is punishable under the law against conspiracy. Col. R. F. Lowe, managing editor of the Galveston, Texas, News, has been arrestad for violating the Sunday law, by employing printers and publishing a paper. Miss Sara Jewett, the once brilliant actress, has been compelled to apply to the actors' fund charity bureau for aid to purchase the necessaries of life. Morphine did it. The Lincoln, Neb., Fire Insurance company has failed aftor one year's business. The loss to ütockholders, it is said, will reach $100,000. A receiver will be appointed. State Attorney Grinnell of Chicago claims that Inspector Bonfleld is in New York for the pupose of securing Herr Most that he may be placed on trial in Chicago. W. J. Strong, ex-Secretary of State of Louisiana, has been sentenced to two years in the state penitentiary and to pay a fine of $4,500 for embezzling luuds of tbe etate. Capt. Black and Mr. Solomon have begun work on their petition to the United States suprema court for a new trial of the anarchists. The petition will contain 2,000,000 words. Samuel Johnson, the defaulting treasurer of a powder company in Montreal, was persuaded to return from ügdensburg, N. Y., and when near Montreal jumped from the train and shot himself. While insane, Rev, Henry Clements, a Free Methodist preacher of MiUersburg, O-, placed tha muzzle of a gun in his moutb, touched the trigger with his foot, and blew off the top of his head. James Young, the murderer of H. V. Allen of Sandwich, UI., died of consumption in Joliet prison a few days ago. Another man has been imprisoned for the crime, but Young confossed he was the guilty p u rson . The verdict of the coroner's jury, who had been on the bodies of persons killed in the Dubuque, Iowa, train wreek, censures the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road and Assistant Train Dispatcher Hogers. Commi8sioner Sparlts has recommonded to Secretary Lámar the restoration to the public domain of about 5U0,C0U acres of laúd in Minnesota within the second indemuity limita of the Northern Pacific railway. The reven ue cutter Bear reporta the seixure on August 'M of the British ichooner Ada, with 1,910 seal skins, and the American schooner AUie Alger, with 1,COO skins. Kubsuquently the American schooner Candy was taken, with 1,700 skins. The inter-state commerce commission has submitted to the secretary of the interior its estimates for the next fiscal year. They are as follows: Salaries of commissioners, $37,500; salary of secretary, $3,5000; all other necessary expensesi $159,000; total, fJOO.OUO. The present appropriation is $100,000. jGov. Moonlight of Wyoming territory in his annual report to Washington says that, contrary to the general belief, the territory ia adapted to f arming as well as grazing purposes. The present population is b5,000. Soft coal is found in all parts of the territory ana valuable oil lields have recently been discovered. Gen. Crook's report of the recent Ute uprising is an arraignment of the whites engaged in the trouble, showing that they were the agitators in every instance, and that the Indians only resisted to save the lives of tliu women and children and their herds. The white% broke faith with the Indians numerous times. Articles were filed at Uarrisburg, Pa., a few days ago, consolidating the New York, Chicago & St. Louis and the Fort Wayno & Illinois railways, the new corporation to be known as the New York, Chicago Sí St. Louis railroad company. Daniel W. Caldwell is president and the capital stock is $30,000,000. A United State Marshall sold in Viclcsburg, Miss., the other aday, 1SO,000 acres of land in that state to satisfy a judginent of $750,000 in favor of William H. Thompson, trustee of the estáte of Uenry Clews of Ntiw York, against the Salem, Marión & Memphis railroad. The entire parcel of land was bid in for $12. 000. The foilowing state ticket has been nominated by the New York greenback party: For tecretary uf state, Kev. Thos. K. Beecher of Chemung; for comptroller, Sylvester Tripp of Duchess; for state treasurer, J. Madison Hall of Madison; for state engineer and surveyor, Edwin A. Stillman of Ontario county. Mr. Milburn, a prohibition nifmber of the Tennessee legislatura, being utj Greenville, in that state, remarked that the peoplo thereabout bad sold out to the whisky men. A youug person by the name of Wurd imprudently disputed this proposition aud intimated that the legislator was a liar. Whereupon Mr. Milburn imuiediately shot the s oung mau dead. The public debt statement issued Oct. Ut shows the total interest-bearing debt to be $1,058,530,012; debt on which interest has ceased since niaturity, $8,924.367; debt bearing no interest, $1,676,103,950; totai debt, less available cash items, $1,300,796,0 2; debt less cash In the treasury October 1, 1887, $1,225,526,306 ; cash unavailable for reduction of debt, $22,094,830; total cash in the treasury as sho wn by the treasurer's report, $478,836,512. The late General Hazen's will provides Muit in the con tingency of the second marriage of his widow, one-half of the estáte shall be iet apart and becomethe property of their son, John JU-J.. Hazen. Tais with other provisión! referring to the sister aud brothers of the General, have had the effect of embarrassing Mrs. Hazen in the exercise of her functions as exeoutrix, and she has therefore asked for a judical construction of the will. Secrotary Lámar has reversed the decisión of commissioner-general of land of fice of February, 1886, in the case of Donald McRay vs. the Northern Pacific. The question at issue was whether the Northern Pacific has grant of lands from near Portland, Oregon, to Puge1 Sound, Washington Territory, a distance of about 40 miles. The commissioner found the company had no grant. The decisión of the secrotary reverses and ñiuls that by a joint resolution congros-approved, liay 31, 1S7C, made a grant of land between the said points. It is said 1,500.000 acres are involved. Commissioner Coleman says vhe reports continue favorable in regard to the sorghum sugar industry both at Fort Scott and Rio Grande, the sugar improving in quality and quantity as the work continúes, and that there seems to be no doubt that a genuine success has been achieved by the new procesa. He says letters are pouring in from all parts of tbe country asking for full information in regard to cost of machinery, etc, and there is every prospect of a great sorghuni boom another year, which will revolutionize the sugar industry and in a few y ears emancípate our nation from foreign nations for sugar supply.


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