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Stockholder8' Meeting. The animal meeting of the stockholders of the Star Mountain Mining Company will be held at the ofllce of tho company, on Monday, Oct. 17, 188", at 11 o'clook a. m., for the purpose of electiufj a board of directora for the ensuing year, and for transactrog such business as may properly come beforu the meeting. W. W. Whedon, Secretary. Ann Arbor, Sept. 29, 1887. Wq JU W mÍMM&i Mm Store I give theBIGQEST BAKGAINS in the County in the Furniture Line. Cali, Bee and be Convinced. No. 11 Eaet Ann Street, six doors East of the Postoffice. REMOVED I I Have rewoved my MEAT-MARKET! To more commodious quarters at W TSo. 1 , Detroit Street, Where I shall keep on hand Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Prices Reasonable. XAVER ZACHMANN, Ann AitBoii, Mich. M. P. VOGEL, Eight years with Henry Matthews, has opened a Meat Market AT No. 18 Eti8t Huron St., And will keep on hand Fresb, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, aud Game when in season. M. VOGEL. Ann Arbob, Mich GEÖ. OLP S 1'KOPKIETOU OP THE New Livery Stable Boardin? and Farmers' Fed Barn. AX BaxtcrV Olil !Stunl, !ornor Hitron an 1 Socond Sticcls. rURNOUTS ALUNEW AND NEAT. Charges Roasonable. Telephcme Connectiun. BemeTn "ber THATTHE POSTOFFICE AND BATH ROOMS WIN Continue to Run as Usual, with "LARRY" KAIIOE. Who for the Last Four Years has been in the Employ of E. M. Southard, as Proprietor. Bath-Rooms Open Sunday Morning SATISFACT1ON UARANTEED. Millinery AND Dress-making. FALLSTYLEOF HatsanlBonnets. DRESS-MAKING BY THE Taylor System, CUTT1NG AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. MISS J.C ANNON. No. 14 North Main St. - - Ann Arbor. Mack & Schmid's TRAOE RESORT - DOR - Harpía Seekers. Londod down with tho ncüost, choicesf, nud cbenpest prcxïuctions, aud the bost of evcrythmg tbat goes to make ap h first class DRY GOODS STORE, of all the requisito to uinko customers thoroHglily satisüed. The bargaius tbey )ITor will scltlo tho Most Important Question of' the Present Day The Saving of Dollars and Cents, and one hour at their store will teil more than we could in a page of advertisement. Go and Sec Tliem. A pereon being asked why he had given his daughter in marriage to a man with whom he was at enmity, answered: "i did it out of pure revenge. " Jno. Eisele, Koeps AIIIKinds of Fresh G wies AND Canned Goods. Th5 Best 5O cent Xea in tlie City. lo, 2 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN MÜEHLIG, UNDBBTAKER. BOOMS No.35 South Main Street over A. L Noble's store. BESIDE1VCË 51 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich, JOK MARTIN, alo with John Muehlig, and still occupying the samo rooms, Is propared to 'do all kinds of puolstering and Finishing dono on Short Xotice. Leave your orders for anything in the FURNITURE UNE. Shop over A. L. Noble's Star Clothing House, 35 South Main si., Ann Arbor. New Restaurant ! JOHNLONEY, Propriotor. Varm Meals Seived. Cold Lunch, PigsFeet, Pickled Tongue, Tripe, and Oysfers, etc. Restaurant] open f rom 6 a. m.,luntilll2o'clock midnight. No. 23! North Main St. ANN ARBOR CITY BOTTLING WORKS WASHINGTON STREET. 8CHILTZ, PILSENER, Peninsular Beer, London Ale! and Porter. have a large stock of Beer Iiottles, piuts autl quartn for Family Use. felephone No, 48. Orders Promntly Attended to W. F. SCHLANDERER. P. O. BOX, 131, ANN ARBOB. HAINES BROS.' PIANOS. h HAINES BROS.' PIANOS. -" z z HAINES BROS.' PIANOS. LJ lliiiiics Itros.' Piauos. U -J -I Q ll.UNKS BROS.' PIANOS. Q . ESTEY OROANS. ESTEY ORGANS. ESTEY ORGANS. 5 O C (0 ESTEY ORCANS. ) ESTEY ORCANS. See the exhibit of Pianos, Organs, Musical Merchandise, Sbeet Mubíc, Books, eto., etc., daily at my Store, and at the County Fair, October, 4, 5, 0, 7. The "Square" Mnsic Dealer, LEW H. CLEMENT. 25 South Fourth st., - Ann Arbor Mioh. Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stock Pattern wlth u8 and can be nad in sep arate pieces as well as sets and matcbed foryearsto come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Grockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - - MIOH. Wo come before the poople with the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings intirely oo nuinerous to mention f or the outfltin of the floe dressers. And as we have the ervices of one of the best cutters, and also our oat makers are among the best, enables ua to ilease the most fashionable dressers. Now all we have to say is come in and we will gu&rantee you the lowest prices in the state for flrst-class oods. No trouble to show goods. Rememberthe place, No. 6 East Huron Street, four doors west of heCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Palace Grocery ! I have just received a fresh new stock of Canned (oods, Both Forelgn and Domestic, whicb, I can sell at QREAT BAROAINS. My Fine Teas and Coffees ARE UNEXCELLED. have the ftneBt and most complete stock of STUDENT, LIBRAR?, HALL and STAND L-A-IMCIP S f any one in the county. Also a large lino of Crockery, Glassware, and Decorative China. 'omO and purchaso while the selection is comilete and convince youreelves that I give the 5E8T BARGAINS of any other store in Ann Arbor. 2O Bars Babbit's Best Soap forSI.OO. FREDT. STIMSON. 0. 9 North Main St.. Ann Arbor, Micii. EXINGER & BOES, Proprietors of the EXCHAHGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW. TERMS 11.00 PER DAY. n connection with the Hotel are Barn , Accommodatious. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 8 Washington St. Have on hand a co'-i pte stock of everythin„' fhe Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at Oaslb. IP:rpoes And can sell at Low Figures. The large Invoice of Teas thev buy and sell, ia good proof that n Quality and Pr!ce they Give Bargains. They Eoast their own Coffees every week, and one but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turna out excellent Bread. Cakes nd Crackers. Cali and see them. H. LAUBENCAYER SELLS Bottled Beer In Pints and Quarts and delivered to any part of the City Freeof Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or leave orders at the Postoffice. The Palace livery - THE l'ïnesi aid Best Tnrnonts IN1THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE Stsa,tleJAS. E. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Arm Arbor Mich. Telephone N0.31. EUGENE OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, -AND - Notary Public. Moneys Collected in any part of Europe. Drafts issued and paid. Correspondent of the Imperial Germán Consulate. Cincinnati. Agent lor the American line of steamers running bet ween Philalelpliia, Hamburg, Liverpool, and all the principal aporta in North Germany; of the line between Nw Y orle and Rotterdam, and of the New York and Breinen Line. Power of attorney legally made out, for any place ín Europe, and money collected on claims. OFFICE: No. 8 West Uberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. The Best Coal in the City. For Both Hard and Soft Coal cali on M. STAEBLER, NO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Teiophone No. 8.


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