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CinciunaU Times-Star. One of the most interesting inciden ts of the late war is that told oí General Lytle just before he received his fatal wound at Chickamauga. He had made hia brilliant charge into the midsfc of the enemy, where all chancea of retreat were cut off. Suddenly he thrust his hand into his coat pocket, drew forth a pair of kid ulo ves, and began putting them on. Asked by an aide the reason for his movement, so unexpected under such thrilling circumstances; the General answered: "Don't you see we are surrounded and that there are but two alternatives left us - to die or surrender? For my part I propose to die like a gentleman." He drew on his gloves and soon after feil. Those who knew General Lytle in Cincinnati knew bina to be the most punctilious about the appointments of a gentleman, but no one ever supposed him capable of such incomparable cool13688. Harper'a Bazar: "Cur'us 'bout mo, Mac - I can 'membah demos' insignit'cant ting dat eber happened since 1 wah two yeah ole. F'iinstance - " "1 Ry, Pone, does yo' 'member anyt'in. bout dat ha'f dollah yo' borr'd ob me ■as' yeah?' Mlsi Kose Hartwic't Thorpe. anthor oí the pcem, "Curfew Must Not Rinir Tonififht," is oinc to California to live Jnp Colonne ( iictte says that largo of pig iron are being exported froni Swnlon to l'enn-ylvania for railway Kn.tein Orejjon wül this year have the largftst wheat yield ever l.nown They talk of over 7j busüeis per acre alone the bnnke r ver. Mr, ('lev oland s now undergoing a severe orileal at thn hauds of dreasmaker? and millii-ors preparatory to her cominè western trip. " New Jereer is losing many raluable horses by a disenso unknown, thougb Borne atti ibute the loss to local lmpuritii and improper care. llrs. HendricUs says the late Vico Prssiuent did not teep the letters he racrived on po itienl ubcts and 6eldom wrote any himself. He was a wiser politician than a good many otbors. Biity veterans of the state soldiers' home in MieMcan have been pronounced uble to support themselves, nd will probably be di iuised at the neit meetine ol the bourd. " Akron, Ohio, not only grinds out oati for our b? eakfast bui it furnishes matchf to light the fire with. Kixty millions of the latter are said to be made there erery day exce, t Sunday. By means of an airgtin Prof. C. L. Mees has found ti at to drire straws into pine boards and hinLory bark, as is often done by tornadoes. a velocity of 120 to i7j mileg u hour is nccL-siary. The ftniet Villago of North Branoh in a Fluttar of ExcitementOíer tho Case ofLevi K J. H. Vandecar. North Branch, Mich. Dear Sir The remedy thatyou recommended me to take- 'Ilibbard'sRheumatic Byrnp"- U a wonderful medicine. I have leen troubled for ten montbs with rheumatism, contine I to my bed a portion of the time. and ecu'd move neither hand nor foot to dress niyseif, und have doctorad with all of the be-i't doctor within reach of me, und reeeived no benefit. I have used five bottles and am entirely cured. Your p asters used in conneclion with the Byrnp hnve entirly removed tbe pnins from my back and hip and are truly a revelation to the wor.d for the cure of" all rheuniutic tronblos. I have never found any medicine that acts upon the stomach, liver and kidneys so eiïectually and with as benlthy resufts. There is nothing like it for a tonic and nppetizer. Yours truly, May 24, 8S7. Lrvi K'. Uastle. Hibbard's Kheumatie Syrup is put up in larK! packagos and is the greatest Blood runner Known. lts peculiar combination tnikes it a great Kamily Remedy. For a dyspeptic, bilious or constipatöd person it has no equal, acting upoa the stomaoh, liver and kidneys in a pleasant and healthy manner. Kesd our pauiphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedies which enter into its composition. Trice $1 00 per bottle; six bottles $5 00. For sale by alldruKgists. The tnb-irco erop is reported ruined bv the heavy rains. The i-riee of the flve-cent cifjar, however,will not be atfected. - Lynn Item. _ How to Market Manuscript If you hnve any original mnttter, essays, article. poems, sketche", short stories, or pen-and-ink drnwin s that you wish publisbed. send two-cent stamp to National Literary a: News Bureau liox A. 72, Kew York, and they wlll send vou a circular explaining how, and on what terms, they wiil dispose of yonr minuscript to newspa)er or magazine publisliers. They are personally cquainted with the editora of all the leadiug ne wspapers and periodicals in the UnitedT States, and, knowing the style of matter wanted liy each, they can dispose of any literary matter that posesses merit t.inl do so more quickly and obtain botter price than the author could. As a ru'e departed spirits are not so much fenred as those that have ust been turned loosö from the bonded warehouse. -Chicago Ínter-Ucean. Only Thirty-six Per Cent of those who die from consumption inheiit the disease. ]n all other cases it must either be contraeted through carelessness; or, accoriling to the new theory of tubercular parasites, received directly from as an infectious disease. But in e ther cuse, Dr. Fierce's ''Golden Medical Dis-covery" is a po-itive remedy for the disease in its early stages. ït is delay that is dangerous. If you are troubled withshortnessof breath, spitting of blood, niglit sweats or a lingeringcough, do not hesitate to procure tbis sovereign remedy at once. Smitli- I hear Mrs. B. hasreturned from the country. Brown- Yes, ''the melanrho'.y uays have come, the saddest of the year."- üoston Budget. Tl e Spiendor of Dross and the artificial effeets of cosmetics, no matter how defty applied. can uever make beautiful or attractne one who is subject to emacintion, nervous debility, or any form of female weakness. These must be reaehed by inward application. and not by outward attenipta at concealment, and the ladies may take hope frotn the fact that tliousanrïs of their sinters have made themselves more radiant and beautiful by the use of Dr. Fierce's "Favorite Prescription ' than they could ever hope to by the uid of the appliancos of the toilet. The fact that a man's brain grows lighter as he gro ws older is considerod a curious thing. His brnin is suppo od by the community to be the lightest when he is about 0 years oíd- Detroit Free Fress. The c'e n ing, antiseptic nnd bealing qualities of ür. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequalled. Mo., Hns wonderful resources- two trunk railroad, three more coming. The best soil and ciimnte in the state. Spring river aflords p.euty of pure water and good drainaK ■ he best of schools and churches. : est of land can be bougm at fu ly !ow priesa (íet there quick before sho ri e nr.d gi-t the rise. l'nly to be feen to be a p ecinte . It will betlie same as buying i f.irm near Kansas City thnt has mufle so many rich. For information and particular, V. Smai.i Jic, Kansas City. The other day a young man lost his niiml lrom smoking iig:irettes. This should not iintit him for continuing the Kveniug Wisconsiii . Eound to Live Forever, A great many people thought the Moxie woulii run out in a year or two. After I two yeara it is the sal s have doubled every three months trom its appearance, and the Interast in it to day in sciuntifie eirelos In something marvillou. A fow [lays ago ten leading physicians, tonie o( them e 1 nown professors in our great eollege-i. put in sworn allidavits before a United Ut nies court. in a trial against an I imitator o;' the goods, alegiug that the Moxie Xerve Kood l:ad fulfilk' ! uil it is ad vertised to do under their own administration. There is a mnn in BulTalo who has a horse named "Mugwump. '' He says he gave liim that name lecause he interferea. But Uiggins is itill there!- Life. Mknsman's Pbptoxiziíd BbbfTosic, only preparntion of beef c-unlaining its entire DOtntious properties. it ei ntains liloodniaUiiiK. force generating. i'ivaluable for indigestión, dyspep-ía. uervous prostration, all forms of general .lebility; all enfeebled conditlons, whether result of exhaustion, nervous prostiation, overwork. or acute diseises: pi-rticularly if resultin" from pulmonnry complaints Haa. Hazard tt Co., Glotis., Kew York. Bold by druggists. A magazine writer lias been discussing the question : "Will the coming man read Ijooks!" Kot if be has to nurse the baby while his wifo attends womens rights convention.- lal s Hiver Advance. Firat Citizen- T tell you a countrv can't 1 o governed on abstract princip'es. SecondCiti-en- That depends, I should say. on how full a treaury there is to abstract írom. - Mew Haven ews. A railroad journal savs the "wooden bridges must go." They don't need any advice. The wooden briuges are standing not on the order; they are going with a rush. - Birmingham Age. Young Housewife- What miserable little eggs aeain: You must really teil them. Jane, to let the hens sit on theni a little longer. - Union Signa!, One younsrster- We have a nice canopy top to cover our curriage. Üther youngster- That s nuthin'. AV e have a chattel mortgage on ours that more than covers it, pasays.-Tid Bits. Pufrilist John L. Sullivan is to be immortalized in marble by a Boston sculptor. ITCHINO PILESSvmi'toms - Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratehing. If allowed to continue tumors form.whichoften bleed and ulcérate, becoming yery sore. Swatttb's Ointment stops the itcliing and Meeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors, lt is equally effioaciousin curing all Skin Diseases. DK. BWAYNK íc SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swaïne's Ointment can be obtained of druggists. Sent tjy mail f or 50 Cents. Tutor- Tommy, whnt is the chief characteristic of the hippopotamousl Tommy (wlio likes to go the He alwavs has his mouth open for peanuts.- Philadelphia News. Monmouth, Hls. we have beau selling Smith'sBile Beans for ovor a year. and have fonnd a ready sale for them; and they give good satisfaction to thoss who use them. SPR1GÜS & BRO., Druggists. A lady dropped a pin on Chestnutstreet. Philadelphia, the othor day, and people came running around the corners to learn . the cause of the unusual noiso. - Life. ('artersville. Ga., Nov. 6, '86. 1 have been handling Smith's Bile Beans for more than a year. and my trade has ' been pleased with them from the start, or first introduction in this place. Every one speaks in the highe-t terms of them. 1 conld get a numberof te timonials if necessary. M. P. WORD, Druggist. Fond Wife-Would youbelieve that Mrs. Eccles, next door, speakssevea langu ages? Fond husband- Certainly 1 would; she's got tongue enough to speak fifty.- Harpers Bazar. Cisco, Ter., Nov. 11, 'Í6. Smith's BilO Beans have un immense sale here, and in nn experience of many yenrs in the drug businos-, 1 have never sold nny pill with more general satisfaction, Smitlfs hile Urans. Kespectfullv, JMJ. Ï. CREECH, Druggist. It is a neok and neck race hetween Chi cago and Detroit, and either would break its neck to win. - Dinaha Kepublican. Best, easicst to use nnd cheapest. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c. There are still some Seminóle Indiana i living in the everglade región of Florida. 's Árnica 0 1. The best salve in the world for Rurns, Wounds and sores of all kinds. Hoils, Kei ons, Chilblains. Krozen ieet, Files, barber'a Itch, Sore Kyes, Cliapped Hands, Sore Throat. Scald Head, Pimples on the Face, and all skin disenses. For Liver Complafnt, Sick Headache, , Constipation. use I'age'a Mand rake Pilis. ' Above remedies so'rl by druggists or sent ■ by mail for Ü5 cents by 'C. W. Snow & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. ' Q ñ m r LI T O 15 years' experlence ; 4 years' WA r N I 'x.imluer!n(J.S.PatentOffl'-f I n . I Uil I O Sviul.iiodplor sketch for frce opinión wliethcr patent c:in b' Reourod. New book on patonts fre1. Rferenc8:Coininls8loner of Pat euts iiranv oüier nMHalof the U. S. Patent Office. E. B.STOCKING, Attorney, 1 1 FSt.. Wnghlnirtnr. I). f. OneAgent(Merehan" Onlr)wanted in overy town ior Tourla'it nvolce of 'TanaUl' Pnnch" 80 cluurs carao 'n yostcrduy. I was out of thera for half a (tav nivi niui to '-'n on 'he Governor r.ra OTipany or milltia t ent a ríut. llave alreatly retallad i Wcr"1 K.c. M.,N,.Er.TJhl,o,„.Neb. ! AddressK. W. TASSILL CO.. Chiroco. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Catarrh, Croup. Sore Throat. RHEUMATISM, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bmscs, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. Tho many testfnioniitls receivpd bv us move than prove all we claim for this valuable remedy. H j not only relieves tho most severo pains, but „ It Cures You. That's the Idea ! DOW by Drni'vi't.H. :Ocln. Som; U'.kik nritled frec Address WiZARD 01L COMPANY CHICAGO.


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