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P. M'KEÍtNAN, ATTORSE Y-A Ï-L A W. Collectlons prumptly atended to. Money to loan. Umi-e aud lut or sule. Ollice in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Mnin Street, opposlte the postotlioe, dualer in Fresh, Smoked and Balt Menta of all kinds. LarJ in any quautity. THE GEKMAN1A HOTEL. nomncB washínoton and pfxond J stnets. Win. I.. Frank, pro rictnr. Sam Líe moma ter traveling men. JLery room h ited by iteain. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Huron and Main streets. KeiIdeoce No 0. Boutb DItWod street. Oflice dcuit from 'i to t auJ ïelephune No 114 D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IV MASON10 TFJiri.B BLOCK. Aim Arbr.r. Oflh-e houni from i to 4 and 7 o S p. ra. Kisidence 48 Thompduu i-treet. Telephoue No. JJ. FOLLETT HOUSE. CT7 II LEW 18. proprietor. Vpsilantl, Mlch. Ir i House beated with steam. DEAN M. TYLKR, M. D. PHYSH.IAN AND SUGEON. Omce and residence over pest oflice, flrsl fl.ior. NJCIIOLS BROS. W. W. A A. C. NICHOLS, I). O. 8. Dontal oilice Masoulc Teinple Mock, over Savings tU:ik, Auu Arlor. JOSEPH CLINTON, lIERCnANTTAlLOR. Shop over Wlnes A iil Worden'. Ail work Kuaranteed or no Charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCK, ATTORNFY AT LAW. Ollice, dos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera Ilonse, 4nn Arbor, Mich. E. B. NOKKIS, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Doea a eeneral law coüocllcn and convpyaLce business. A moderate patronage Is reswctfiilly eoliclted. Office in the court Loase, Ano Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENKJN3, SUROKON' DEXT1ST. Rooms No. 10 South Main Street, oppnslte tbe First National Bauk, Ann Arbor, Mich._ WILLIAM HEKZ, JOUSTJ, 8IGN, Ornamental ana Fresco Falnt r. (i Idlog, Calclmlnlüf, G!azlD(f nd Paper Ilansciiig. All work done in the best style aud narrauted to glve satlsiactloa. Bhop, No. 4, West Washington treet, Ann Arbor, Micb. UNION B"TT ING VVOUKS. In the Union Hot! Ulock, corner of Washington and fp.ond ■tretts', An„ Arhor. Beer by t e Gcttle or bv the Case, dellvered to aiiy part of the city. 2 have also Pure Wiiies ar.d Liquors. J011N SCH.NEIDEK, Ju., Proprietor. MARY C. W UITING. ATTORN'RY AT LAW. K al Estáte, Loan. C'olieitiun and Insurai ce office. Private ccnaultaiiuii of ladies sacredly reparded OilJce 86 Eat Muron fitreet. Ann Arbor, Michigan, II. R. ARNDT, M. D. OFFICE ovpr tlm First National Bauk. Office l.oui-8 from 9 to II, a. m.. 2 to 4, p. m. Sundays from 2 to 3 p. m. Kesidence 23 South Sfuteatrei't Ann Arhor. C. W. VOGEL. EW MA.RKET. C. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Lat of Chelsua at Thomas Matthews' oíd stand on Aun street Fiesli aud Salt nieats kepi on ■ADd. FKKDEK1CK PISTORIUS, ATToR.NEY AT LAW. Official corrwspnndPnt if tle Oerman ( onsulate, Heat Estate, Collection. Insurance, Sti-anisliip and Loai gcncy, Ofllce No. 40 South JUaiu street. í! l?kiir'fncéK52StJ25S2SÏ úet Voris QoSloit -'&?1m!S%S3ÊSiNLLli " ' H'" frjiwi ? o wSpgSgy Time Table, Nov. 14, 1Ö8C. Standard Time. ■ aomo urn. ■ r TTTT .TH.. d A M g. AM. A.M. P.H. P. H.IP. M 2hl?o... _Lv. 6.60 9.00 4.40 g 15 9.K Kalamuzoo.... 1.50 9.37 12 33 2.3 Battie Cruek... %& 7.31 1.30 3.L( A, H lackion Ar. 3.14 4.23 9.15 8.15 4.5f Aim Arbor 4.i3 5.8.) 10.a 4 X 6 ( Oeiroit Ar. 6 CK 6.45 11.45 6.0i 7.80 Bt. Thomas Ar 11.16 P' ' 9.50 380 Falls View 1 19 liuttalo Ar 3.35 7.5C ____ UOINU WT. 1 rí i Mi i JLJiMilMJl A. K.l P. M. P. M. A. M. A.M. Buffalo L. I 1130 IOOOII.3; I. M. r. k Niágara Falls 1S.4Ü p. r. í Bt. luoirnu... 4.i0 110 4.46 Detroit Lv. 7 CO 9.10 4.00 8.CK 9.1f Aun Arbor..... 8.Jti!0 25 5.30 Í.52 10 8t P. M. Jackon„_Ar 9.S6 U.S9 7.10 10 52 BattkCreek_ 1.12 8.52 a.u. 1 Ealamasoo 1.50 0.45 4.45 l.iO 2. Chicago Ar 3.18 6.4O 7.00 8.0-' The New York Expiuis. a fast train leaves Ch! !Koat3.10 Kl mazo 6.58; Battie Creek, 7.33; Jackgon, 8.4. Ann Arbor, V 45; arhvinKin De trolt at 10.45 F. M. The C liioago Express, e tast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. Ann Ar burü; liatllo Creel!, 4,40 : Kalamaiuo, 5 15 ChlcaRO, 9.S0. öuuüay ïxcepted. ISatorday & Sunday excepte: rDaUy, O. W. Ruoolm, H. W. HAYÏS, v. P i a.. UUcaao. Aut. Ann Arbor. Important When yon rlilt or lear Nw York City ■it baegag, xpreasaga, and $:i carriagt blre, and atop at the Oka.vd Umioh Hotki. oppoiite Omnd Central Depot. ola rooms, fltted up at th cott of on millldu dollars, f 1 and utward par day. EuropvHu plan. Kl aior. Restaurant iuppllea wtth th bes ilonte car, stage and elevatad ruilroad to all depot. Faral lie con live botter for less monay at th Grand Union Uotol than at hit Otbar UrstrcUóí UotU ia Una citj.


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Ann Arbor Democrat