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A lillas gray wolf was shot near L'Ania j the olherdoy. A buhine-;s men's a;scation has boon I forme J in Leroy. dituid Kapidsfaaa about $50,000 promlsed toward u perinanent t'Xposition. sintiilist of southeastern Michigan wiil ui Benton Harbor íJov. 5-6. Klushing i enjoying a boom, and all bemus.- of the diseovery of lire clay aui coal. _obn Roigle of Charlotte was fatally injuiV'i by leiug ruu over by a truction engine. Gieonvilio has voted to issue bonds for fcü,U0U for the purpose of putting in water worka. Mra. Wilüam Haynes of O'.adwu has ust completad a quilt coutainiu 10,3üJ b.ock. J. . Wanar, a real estáte ageut of East Beginaw, w.i3 picked up dead ou the straet thu other day. Two uew muuufactories wlll lócate in Owo sa, uiviiig euiployuient to between 2JJ aaJ mi uioii. The tUird congressional dUtrict press awoclfction wiil UolJ a meeting iu Charlutte Uctouer 17. The Michigan board of pharmacy wiil mojí at Lansiug, No v. 1 aud 2, to examine would-bo druH'8'''' Kaiumazoo t-ounty farmers are shipplng iu coru tor leed, the erop haviuL been al' most .líaüuro theio. Kiint lius a local tramp ordinance with a bail aud chain attachment, henee Fliul oei-'s VLiy few trampj. litu. Alger has giveu íl,050 toward the erectiou of an equetrian stutue of Gen. JjUgau iu Washinglon. Juy UallatC oí New Hadson liecame do ranged bec-íiuse auattempthad been made to rob him aud shut himseif. Wni. Cuals, a livery mau of Buchanani ,uiud l'roiu the Kaiamazoo acconiuiodatiou aud was instant. y killed. Kegulur passungur tralli.; will very aoon bo established on tlio Dulath, .Soutü Shore & Atlautic road to tho "Soo." John Coryeti oL Buy City, a we'.I known sali burer, s:iy3 that thure is natural gas ander tue wnole Sa,'inw Valley. The Breadsley Sereen conipany has buen orgaimed iu 1 lint íor tbe manufacture ol wmJo.v screeus aud woodeu ware. li. C. Weloli is building u hardwood mlll, '■ij miles nurtij ui Traverse City. It wili i-ipst uucut iS,üXJ wiion completad. Jlr. Audiow Eidredgo of Corunna, who ua teen beJ-riddeu overthree years, saya íhe has been hea.ed by the faith cure. City prisonera at Marquette are compullad to work one clay on tbe strjets íor each dollar of flue imposed upon tbam. Kegular traiiu will ba ruuuing on the Graad Rápida brauch of the Detroit, Lansing üüortheru railroad before Jauuary Ist. A stock company with $10,000 capital, bas beun organizad in Bancroft to manufacture ilunuugtoa! automalie car jou pier. J. tí. Edwards, mi IrouMountain banker íias tailed. lie bas leit tuo town, and lurM aro suma wbo claim he bas iolljwed ücUarigle. Jacub Raines, an aged man of Grand Uapids, ia niiuüat distracted over tbe loss of ÍÜ15, wUich was btolon from him tho otbiii' night. Tbe lirooklyn, Jackson county fair asjoclatiou's proporty has boen sold by tae sheriff, lt was bid In by JoUu VV. Sharp tOT u liltle ovor üi,MJ. Kx-Conressuiau Corastock of Grand Rápida oftaiv to dónate '■ acres of laai oppositu tbc soidicrs' home tor a sito tor iiie xposittoD buildings. lix-Congressuaau Ccmstoik of Grand Kajjids, olïurs to douato %0 aurus of land opposite tbe odieib' home, to help the pumiaii.-nL expositioo along. Charlus Macard oL Uraiid Hapids has beeu couvicteJ oí manslaughter in the hooting of oíd man U Hara in August .ast, and sunteuued to four years in Jacksou. liearge Kcott of St. Louis, left his home about six weeks uk-j, because of family iroubies. liis body was found hangiug .rom a live iiuar tbat place a few days aot'rom tha Uctober erop report, it is caiucii ibat tbs average rate of tliu wbeat yield in Micbían in V.ó bu. per acre. Uariey uveragod in tbis state 1U.5 bu. per acre. l-'iuJ Edelman, a young man living naar ibree Kivers, went out icto tbe tieid the utber morning aud was not seen again antil uigat, when be was found lying dead. Tbo law pruhibiting the sale of liquor withiu a na. e of tbe soldier' home is opeuiy violated, and the board of mauugers ure asked to see tbat it is stricty eutorced. Ura Doolittle and his son Clarence iiave ueon convicted in the Midland circuit ot bnrnlng a baru at Averill. Ura goes to stato prisonfor Üve years and Ciareuce to oniajor two. The JJetroit bonrd of trade, through .udge Cbipmuu, will appeal to tke iuter stam couimerce commissioa against dis urimination in favor of Chicago in regard to íroigbt ratea. Osour Keitf went hunting witb a rifle and shot tbe ranirod into biu side. It went uearly tbrough bi body and the charge pierced ius arm. lle died of bis injurie uear Tbree rlivers. Clement Kobo, aRed 50 yeara, a wiper in the Flint & ïera Marquetteroundhouse in Last Sagiuaw, was strucx by the pilot oeam of a passenger engine on the Bay City división aud killed, lle was an okl soldier aud had buen in the encainpment ut liay City. He w as lutoxicated. V hile clearing out a dram on hij place neir Lexington, J. H. Thompson discovered a bed of limestone rock. Mr. Thompson took out perbaps o cord. Jt is in layL'i's of tive or six iuchesin tbicknoss, and rom one and one-balf to two feet iu (vidth, aud two and one-balf to four feet in lengtli. lie has uot yet developed it sulüciuuily to kuow tbe eztent of tbe de. posit. Gov. Luce appointed the following dele;ates to tbe uational farmers' convention, to Le held at Chicago November 10-15: ■ üeo. A. Kussell, üirard; Anderson j bell, Ann Arbor; Ihüo Farsons, Detroit; tl. D. Platt, Ypsilanti: A. C. Towne, I Frairieville; Jason Woodman, PawPaw; H. Uaylord Holt, Cascade; ii. il. Trowbridge, Pontiac; and H. C. bherwood, Watervliet. The teoth ot a mastodon have "bëên found on tlie farm of .Nicholas Demary, aituated seven miles northeast of Alma. One, apparently alower tooth, measured ta4 inches across tbe top, that is where it apparently set against the upper tooth Some of tho teoth aro perfect and glossy, the ename! having been well preserved, although the lionc-s of tbo animal are very much decayed. The report of tlio state salt inspector shows there was Inspeoted during the month of Beptembcr 455.751. barrels ot salt in Michigan, distribu ted as folio wj: naw county, 119, I barróla; Bay, 91,804;! Manistee, 93,4; Iosco, 44,482; Huron, ' 41 ; St. Clair, 60,449; Mason, 25,707; ' and, 2,856; total, 455,751. Since the beginuing of tbe üupectiou year, December 1 1 last, there bas been inspected 3,293,618 barrel. Joseph Allen, a. convict in the Jackson prison, committccd suicido the other duv, by stabbiiiK himseif. Allen niM bis son j were both couvicted of murder in Ibe ' 8econd degree iu Vau Burou eounty over j 17 years ago. The old man bas for somo time been despondent.and a few days before hisdaath hehad reeeivel a letter from lus wife saying tliat hÍ3 young daughle: had been run over by Ibe cars, and thU added tu his despoudency, caused biui to take bis life. A terrible accident occurrod on the Chicago Sc Grand Trunk raiiway, near Edwardsburg. E. P. Reed, a blaciLraith, and well known citizen, hnd taken bi daughter Addie to (range to tako the fast train, lle had stnrïed home, and wbeu near Ei'warJsburg, on a irossiujc. the same train on whlch his was, running at 4U miles an hour, Btruok him and so injured him thatbo (lied two hours later. Mr. Keed was a prominent Uuson and was buried with Masóme honor-. Last February the cothiug store of J. M. l.enhoff of Kast Sagiuuw wa. badly daraaged by tire. The stock was iusure l in the üonuecticut of Hartford, hbceaix of lirooklyn, Insurance Company ot JÑort.i America, Londou &. Globe, but the insurance couipanies deolincd to pay the nmount clainied by Lenhoff. Tbe latter assigned tho claims of $11,375 to Gorgo W. Alorloy, who has eonim.'uced suis through his attorney, Congresstnaa Tnrsney, against tbe companiM tor tbu umount. In the case of tho gang of toughs whose riotous coii'luct on the steanur Alaskt while returuing from l'ut-n-;!ay to IV truit last BUmmar canse 1 a panlc atnong the passengere and resulted in the seriou injury ií severa! persons, Juilge I3rowu of the United Btato district, court has ducided that the oíTouáe was comtnitted outside the jui'isd.ction of the court, inas mucb as the vessel. at the timo of cho riot, or mutiuy or p.racy, wa iu (Jnadiau waters. Kegardin ths qaestlon m to wheiber liquor casej nader the oíd liquor law can , be prosecuted under tho now law, the stato suprema court says: "We have no i doubt that all of the oilenses committed under the okl luw, whether proceudings had beeu begun before the new law took effect or not, can ba pro3Clited and juuished as lf thero were no new law." The case was taku to tho suprame court on '. an appea! from a decisión of l'olicü Justice j Miner of Detroit. J. i. GibLs, an old man who for years has lived alono in a littie caliu about six miles from Ka'aiuazoo, was geuoraliy supposed to have considerable tnoney. Tbrse men entered iiis house the olier uight and by thrvats and intimidations made the old man toll where hts money was liideu. 'Ihey fouml his wailet in uu old p:tir ofpnntaloons und ecured ilüj in mouoy and ï-i i'J iu checks on Kalamazoo bunks. The old man notified the shenlT, but u . yet there is uo cue to the roblers. Albert Fraser, aüas Sutliff, wi3 Fentenced to state's prisou in ie ' or a erimi ual assaultupon a woman. lio ruine from St. Ciair and was to stay tifteeii years. Ten years later be escaped, whtu John Morris was warden, and ha been at large ever siuue. Ou tbe Huilmaster Howe of the prison went to Sf. Ciair and arreted Frazer, who was found out there. Uo is now returued and sars that he will make a legal t:;;nt on the question whether his seutence expirad üftoen years frora lidi. The supreme court lias bandea down a decisión iu the case of tno J.icksou. Lansing & Sajrinaw railroad company vs Crozier D.-tvidson. The deci.iou as flrat rendered unseated the title to over 20,000 acres of land; but tbe supreme court seems now disposed to reconsider tbeir Brst decisión and tbrow the cae open to Turther argument. A large number of and owners iu Bay. Arenac and Ugemaw counties are greatly interested iu tbis de cision and it affect? the title to over L5J,000 worth of land in Uay county. A party of capitalists from Unicago and Alton, 111., have c)o.sed a contract for tbe (lurchase of tbe National water plani of Jackson, witb the intention of convertiug it into a plant for the manufacture o; the new light and fuel known as the Fahnehkeln incaudeEcent gun light. The own the patent and have money to opérate it. Tbey will furnish fuel at Tac per thousand cubic feet, and for iightiug purposes for 11.26, and proposo to put it into ïouses, and remove it if uot sattsfactory The enterprise bas met with favor, and u number of Jacksun capitalists are inter ested in it. ïbe court house at Boyne City was des troyod by ilra tho othor uight, witli al. titles, records, etc. The safe wa founti open, and there are strong suspicions tbat the work was incendiary. Tlie building was insured. Tho location of the county eatin Charlevoix county was the oeca ion of a hot fïght. ]t s'tnmored down to EaBt Jordán and Boyue City, eacb ocated on the waters of Pine Lake, on at he head of South Arm, the other at the ïead of the laku proper. Tho contost Ie tween tbem was very bitter,and when the lecison in favor of Boyne City was made there was talk of violenco. DETROIT MAKKKTS. Witeat, White $ 74 @ 75 " Red 74 (U 44' 3orv, per bu 44 (I 45 Oats, " '9 (la 2JX 1 38 @ 1 80 Timotiiv Sebd 2 03 (ii. 2 0 Cloviïk Si:ki. er bag 4 (0 ( 4 05 Feed, per cwt 13 00 (a.iy 2j Floub- Michigan patent... 4 25 & 4 50 Michigan roller 3 '5 (a 4 00 Miunesota patent. . 4 50 (; 4 75 IJinnesota bakers'. 4 l.ü ( 4 Ï5 Michigan rj-eperbu 47 (ji) 46 APn,ns. new, per 1.1)1 125 (uj 175 Chanbkkkie.1, per bu 2 00 (ii) i 25 Pkacuks, per bu 1 i0 M 2 (X) QuiMCB8,perbbl 4 00 CS 4 GJ ' Peaks, per bbl 8 50 (c 4 U0 Bkans, picked 2 00 (a :■ „: " unpicked 1 10 e i 20 Bkeswax i;j (u) 30 Buttkk 18 (tj L0 Ciiekse, por lb 12 (ú 12W DuiED Apioles, per Ib '-í(? S;í Egos, perdoz 16 (($ 16 JioxEV, per Ib. 12 (55 18 Hops :a c? 80 Uat, por tou, clover 0 50 (a) 7 0.) " " timotby 11 0t MUSO Malt, per bu '0 @ 7" ÜNIONS, per bbl 2 50 M 2 75 Potatoes, per bu (5 (3) 70 Tom atoes, per bu 40 Oí 5) Pülxtuï- Chíckens, perbl.. 8 ( 9 Oeese 8 & 9 Turkeys 8 ( 9 Oucks per Ib 6 (úr 7 Puonsioxs- Mess Pork lfi 00 (a;16 25 Family lü 75 (17(0 Extra mess beef 7 50 (5 7 '.;" Lard 7 7% Üressed hogs.. 6 50 (111 6 7í Hams 13 @ Bhoulders 8 (. Bacon 10 (g 10',í Tallow, per Ib.. 3 (m 8' Hídis- Green City per Ib... 6 M o''-í Country tX@ 7 Cured 7s(sá 8 Salted 9 Sheep skins, wool.. 25 @ 50 LIVE STOCK. Cattle- (iood natives stady. Shippins teers, $2 75(á4 75; stockers and feciier., f 1 4i(2 95; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 2S g3; Texas cattle, $1 50(a,t2 bO; western rangers, $2 lu(3 15. Hoos- Market steady; mixed, (í 25(J? i 75; heavy, 4 4Oia4 b5; light, $4 SJta4 80: rough and skips, (3@)4 10. Shbsf - Market slow, cominon lower; natlves, ía 7fi@4; western, Í3 0.a ' (,; ïexaa, f 3 503 ti5 lamtis, 45 2a


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