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The President's Trip

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The pre.sMential party consisting of l'residout and Mrs. Cleveland, Col. Lamont, W. s. bissell oí liuffalo, Dr. J. T. i ivunt of New Vork. two journalits representing the presa assoeiations, nnd au iirtist lor au Illuatrated weekly, left VVu bington on their lonz Journey tbrough Ihe west and south. The train moves everjr wherc in an orb.t "l ita own, wituj out regard lo tcbedulei or time cards. At all way stations umi hamlet which were not favoied witii a stop f rom the distinguished party, groups of people Btood on the platforms and etnbankments mul Balnted the passing traiu, and In many pluces the president sto-i upon the platlorni of the train and b wed nis acknowledseineuts to the pcople. At the large places Wi.ere the train xtopped people gathere;i at the depots in immenoe rrowia nnd grpited the I resident and Mrs. Cleveland with, eotbnsiastio (heers. At-everal pnces the truin stopjie.1 long enough to i'.ve people u clmnce to shake hands with ,: President and receive a bow and n n lle f rom bid winsoiie wife. Tha tlrst Mop of any lengtb was made at Pittsl.urg. .i Koon na tho tr.iin oame to a stop Supt. Pite 'ni con luctttti tho ludies of tu W. C. T. V. to Mr.;. Cleveland and Mrs. 1'. II. Jonas presented a beautiful floral testimonial wLicn hnd leen prepare I hearing thuse words, ";n thee shall all the uaiion. of the einh be lilessed." in the the various demociatic ornanizaiiou , the mam bars of whiob had been drawn up in llm tor Mima time crowded upon tho platform o( tlie re;ir car upon wbicb tno oresident bad taken his positiou. Thpy were pnthnsastic nnd tiio president hadan oppoi tnnity of know ing wlmt lJitr.sjurg enthagiasin means. 'Ihe train wai'od luit fivo minutos and as it piissod alu g the tracks of the Pan Handle railway and into the of the tunnel westward bound the crowdslowly dispersed. The president, n he parted frora the last member of the ritizens' as BOCiation said that he had seon iist cnough of Pittsburg to induce him to pro mise that in the exrly future ho wouid return to sre more of it. Uaybreak ut tbe socond day of the journey fonnd tbe presjdential party in western Uhio, ï.ear ( ol ambas. IVlisn they rcached that city, althnuh it was carly morning. fully 2.0(W poojile hnd assembled. The president ros awake, an I stppped out OD tria platform and acknowlouged the greeting of tbe crowd. At Richmond, índ., a lialf-acre of salid bomanity awalted tho arrival of tho train, and tho live minute stop was all too short to allow but a few to bhake hands ■a-ith the nalion's cxocu'.ive. Tbero was r drizllng rain falllng wben the preridential train reaohed lndinnapo lij, where tiie lirst pablic domonstration ecoarred. 'i he nlouds soon lifted, and the president's good Inck broulit nim a burst of Bunsbine tho procession formed and marched to the stato honse n berfl the president's party tot ether with lifty of tbe nins! prominent ofllceholderg, includiiig memoerfl 01 congress, were condnrted ton stand erected tor the occasion, and t hare in tbe presence of about 25,(100 people gat hered aro uDd the place Gov. Olray introduced the presi ;ent to the mullitude nnd madn an appropriate and hnppy addros f weieome, in which he gáld that tho jieoplu of Indiana ha i eatiiere 1 t. ereet him, rot simplv liefayse he waPresident Cleveland, but beca use he was tho chief executive of tbe United fcitates. Ue regretted the faot the late ic-e-i resi dent ilendricks had been CHlleil awav by death, 1 resident Cleveland replied iu a Bttmg manner, exprassing lus grutification on tüinxaliie to great tho peop'.o of that state, ruferring iu a feeling uiiim.oi' to thu public life of tbe late iee President 'Hendrfcks. The parting episode was a xteutorian invitation audible alove tho cheors of the multitude to Come Again Grover.'' to wbicb the president raised his i ut. and smilingly bowed his thanks. The lent an I .Nir.. Cleveland expressert themse ves delig ted with tiia warmth and cordiility of their reception. Two or three thousand persons were asKeml!ed at the station nt Olreon t.'ast.e. juI., and paid their respecta vooil'tirously as tho train ran past at a sW'W rate. A long train load of returning grand army ravn stood upon a riding, the passeqsrers in whii-h crowdud its platforms and windows and waived aud shouted tbeir sal ! utes. At Torre Haute, Ind., a crowd of several thonsands persons thronged thw track and plattorms nnd made the diseinbarkment of the party dirticult. The jiresident was recelved ly Senator oorhees, ex-t'ecretary 'lhom])pon nnd a committee, and witli his companions was tlriven to the normal schooi building, ia front of which a stand had been erueted for the formaüties of the re%eption. The populace seemed on lire with entbusiasni. Thousands of nationxl Mügs were llying from the windows nlong the way, and many buildings wero elaborateïy decoratod with bunting. Fully 2O.OJU people were assembied in the Buuaré. Hun. Piiehaid Thompson delivered the ftddress of welcome. nd tbe president responded in a few well chosen, congratulatorv words, after whiob the party drove to the depot and took the train for St. Louis. At Kast St. Louis tbe party were met by the Mayor nud citizens', and e?.corteu across the bridge. A bánner stretclud across the bridge at the Mis souri line gave Weleome to Missouri." At the enti unce to the city a dense mass f people blocked the roa 1. but a charge of mounted i o ice cleured t!m way and the rheers alreudy great s wolled into an ovittion as the party passed the gatos atthe western emi of the bridge. The beantv of the city, resplendent iu u perfect, nijtbt, illuniinated by a tpyriad o. lights, protected by globes of scariet, green, amber, w in and blue. ail decora ted in prolu sion with buntinff, opene to view as au oriental estival. ÍSeíore tlio president lila.eil a transpareucy of himseli, and on tbe ttreeta to hls left buiig tbe tranxparencios of (irnnt umi Lincoln. For a dozen blocks hii unliioken line of poople stood on either side and poored fortli a volume of sound as one voice. ijeaving the orowd behind, the party tnrned irom Washington avenue and dpove out Locan l'lnce lo tue home of Mayor Francia o, Vandeventer Place, whoso tuest tho president and wite were in the first rsumiay of thelr trip. The day was sent verv (tuietlv. 'i he president and lus wife attondui the Washington avenue Presby terlan eburcb. At the co30 of the service the president was üscorted trom the church immediately, the congregtttion In tlieir 8eats to allow eaiy egress. The pnrty wero driven to Jlayor Krancls' resiuence, i where they dined, and at i o'olock tney look u drlvo tu Mr. Henry tshaw's famous botanical garden, roturning early. ïhe eveniiig wan pasied qaietiy vt the Mayor's home. On Monday, the Sd, the president, who had until tuis time been ho guest of the inayor. becanie the guost of the people. They went Brt lo li:e fair groiiiul. It was" childrtn's day, and the youngsters were out in g eaf. [orce, 'i'liey, witb mothers, nurses anil iiietids, jiacked the f seata of tbe amphitheater and the sur( ruuuding p 'Oineiiade to the noiubar of lO.ÜUO. A l.rass Imnd in the pagoda in the ceuter mtempted to make Itseli beard, hut the Bhi ill-volced cougregation made everything but tbe bass drum inaudible. 1 he visiturs lid nut aligbt. After driving round tho ampbitbeater track a halt was made, and Mis. Cleveland was presen ted by the lady superintendent of tue kiuder gartcn schools with c handsonje basket of Bower. Tbe cbildren, led by the band-;, sang "Hail Colunibio," and the cortego, after a drivo througb the fair giounds, made its way back to the city, wuere they went M.ioctly to the Merchante' Exi iinnge. wbere ilayor Francia vrelcumèd the President to the city. After the lresi :ent'8 respons the baad played u uational air and tbe prcsidontinl party filed out the entrance aisle that bftd been kopt open liy the poliep. Kram the oxchange the President and corupanions were escorted in their carriage through the principal business streets of the city, the ride lastinjj nboiit au hour. After lunch at tbe hiiidrll hotel, the doors of the reception ' parlors were tb owu open, aud tho public were admitted to shake the band of the President and Iris wife. and before the doors were closed I r.cMily 10,000 people had grasped the iiient's hand. Mru, Cleveland wus richly ciad in blue snrah slik. wbich had a figure Of n 'd rosebuds and green leaves. It was medium deco lette trimmed liberally with lace, and had f uil lace slooves to the i liows. Severnl rows of coral beads adorned her neck and a diamond brilliant glittered at her throat. A score of tho leadiug society ladies of St. Louis issisted her. During the stay in St. Louis Mrs. Slnry Bcnnlan gave a reception to Mrs. Cleveland, weien was attended by the leailing society people ot the" city. At ■ the close of the reception Mrs. Cleveland Í was diivou to iLo buts!, her Mlriaga ] Ing litorally buried in flowers. the gifts of the t-chool cliüilren. In the evening the president was driven j throuch tlie iilumiiritoiJ strcetsoi the citv to the expositio, and atter the loturn the president was serenaded, and made tho Brst politioal speech that ha.i been made on tin? trip. Tuesday the 4th letween '.' nnd 0 a. m. the pre-ouent kept 'open lionsu ' nt tne 1 o!d court house, shaking hatuli with all wli j delire I. 'i hu president nnd wife umi üöMnvited guest were liieu tnken on hu ■ excursión up tlie river. the lioat returuing at noo and the giMsta were niiin dricen ; to the fair groumls wliero they luncbud i mul were showu the exhibas. At 5 o'c'.oc ; tho viitor dined t the hotel and Uien viewoil th? vel el prophets p ir;ule irom the balcouy of tlie Lindeli hole . A httlo later a ronimittee escorted inem to the veiled prophet.' ba ) liich concln led t e program, and the party depaiied for (. hiiago on their s] ecial tra n t inidiiight. lully f,uoj men. wotnen urn] cbildrea gatbered at tlie depot tu welcome tb; President to Chicago. Tlie procexsion at onceformed and took up lbo line of uiareh to the reviewing stand. 'Ihe moineut tnti President sjot into the rnrriage lie took oif hi lint and bowed and smi ed us tlie dealening cbeers wout p. When tbe i eail of the procession rea lied the auditorium the president and tho reception coiuuilttes took their places on the revlewing -tu,.d It lis uijotit 10 o'rlock u hen tho last of th procession hud jiassod in review belore th. I resident. Mayor Rocbe, tben ad'lfessing tbe 1 CtfMdent. welcoiuin biin to Cbicago, Tl e l resident responded. The evciiing of tbeir fint day in Cbicago, au exclnsively fwell Pereption was Kiveii at the Coliirabin theatre, wliere an immenae thron; paid tbeir respecta to tha distinsi'ilied conple. The second day of their stay in Chicago the President and his wil visite l thj ftrounde of the nationa! ennanipment. A rapid diive paGt the twoor tlirt-o thouand trooj'S iiruwn up in line. n tlimideríhí; salute trom tlie artillery, nnd bows to tliecou]ile of thouaand spectators in t. e stand, completed tbe cereuionieH nt th encamppent. After tho visit t th; enoainjiiiK-nt President expvexsed :i desiro 10 see the bintoric .ïlo f the 1 i ;: - market magsaore. The Presidont's corriage wssiiumediately tornnd f rem ÏVasbiiKton boulevaf.l and drivcu rapid i y to the st'nne, Mayor Rorlio dencribeq in 1 i'icf thonii gtaphio terras tho details of tho terrible trngedy. Tl o l'refiident was theu drlren to thu'donot, her Mrs. Cleveland liad preceded tínn, umi Ihey were suon on tlioir w.iv to MnwauKse, where a reception fiilly the equul of any which hnrl l.eeu ton Ier od him, awaited the executive. Speocbe-i, n review of tlio parade, mul hands aking mndo up the Mrs. Cleveland had left tho procession eariy in the aftornoon and in tbe evening diiii et the ïesidence of Jobu I-. Mitchell, rcfcidont n::,nager of tlie soldieri' I o;i:e. The dinnor party was conüned ti tho rnlef zuest at) il ben ladies. From boro Mr. (JiuToItind van ilrivon to the reside nee of James Kiied land on Urand avenue, whoro shu gavo i public reception, l i-tinj nntil ain# '■lock trheu slie wns 'lrivon to tliA Plttukintan !:ouse, here sho Uutened tu U toat at the ïuercliBnts' baaquet Iroiii thu balcouy of the disner hajl, Jut SSdguests at dqwn nt tbe banquet teudored by the luerchnnts' mmouiuliun '" tbe presitont,molu in' uieD ot uil un i a. The dining hall was elabórate' f 4eoirad with fen.s and palms. Theguets reiunin . (i standing until tho arnval ofthuohbj gaestofttbe evenint;. Mr. Oevelioid en tered upon tbe arm of Mr. C'. E. Andrcw. president of the tuorchnüls' nwociation. r. Andrews made tUu nJiirus-i oí ■.! come and the presi.tent rospou.iel brio v. Daring the second tl.-iv iu'.vi vraulio HuPresident nnd wife went to thu oiiiSuva home. W hen the cavuicaiie arrucd t tho home the mairaed wero drawn into lino and salutcd th t'roaidout und wife as they drovu dowti t!o iino and ï, tlie cahnon on the green av::rd n lront of the home bui'.di:: lueanwhilti booming forth the presidentia: cljte. The time left before the cleparturc oí the train i; iriefthntno stop was made aiit 'he carriage drove very rapidly througb the south sido of the city and ñp into tbe resílleme portion of the scveuth ward to ihe lake park where the haudsome driveay led down tho Northwestern depot where an immense throng had gathei'ed t.o cate & gliuinsa of the party. Jurige Colc, chief jus tice of Wiscousin, welconied the Vresidont and wife to Mttdison, and at tho close of the t-peech making tho president and party entered th capitol building whero for over two hours tlie people poured in. Altliough Madison bas a lupulatiou of on!y r.',0 0 or 14. ü Ü. the surrounding country hmi sent its thousands and the reception lacked nothing in tlie way ot numbers. The president peut 80me time ot tho county fuir grounds, where the thouaandi of peoplw gave liim a cordial revpption. e soon joined M t. Cleveland atihu residence of Fogtmastèr eueral iilas. Ju the ovening (. oionel and Mrs. Viias gave a dinenr to the 'resident, and among tho guests wero O'overnor and Mrs., Chiof Justice Cole and otlierdUünguished guests. 'Jhe Presidentes recept ion ut the capítol in the nfternoon was very sevei-e upon blm, nuil ho was coinpelled to withdraw his hand on account o the extreme swelling. The second Punday of the absence from Washington was Bpent quietly in Madi . son, as the guest of Fostmastor tieneral Villas. Thoy did not even go to church, greatly to the disappointmant of the crowd wliicb filled the Episcopal cburcti. President and .v rs. Cleve.and left Mndison, VVi?., lor Kt. Pau', l.iun., at H o'cl' ck on ihe mornlng of the lUtn init, The party reached fct. Paul ut "i ;ü in tho eve ning. The run Irotn S adison to Kt. Paul wns, urnií, lúa iiiuM en ovHUli} nilv .- jouriiey the partyhal expcrenul since leaving U'hs iuton. All nad been re-t il. and were in tha best of henlth and spirit, tlie weather was nll tliat c uld lie desired. and Mie regiou ; tlirougli wbicu tho tra vuilere pamed is oue l of the p.easaiitost gections of the noitiiwest. All along the route ;eople were eatbered in K''oup and cbeered Inslily u tbc piusido tia) traius paaned, and at plncos w oie live miuiite ato, s were ruada hartd hakings too placo. Klowerxwere lirought u Urn. i lenta d, and when siiu rached .-t. Paal the car wcs literaüy a bed oí rosos. A iartra ero wil gathered at the lopot, in -t. Paul. 'i'im gueats ere escorted m once to t!"e Kyan liotcl, wi.eie tho i'rosident and wifa were Intro mee to tho :ayoi who deihorwd the customary address of welcome. to whiofa tho l'ros doit brieiy resp nded. After a i-rlak drive arounl t e i-it.v tlie party retiened to thu liote , ar.d tlie genornl receprion to tho pabilo beeatt. tol. Uockweil introducing the citizeim to tli l'reilon: and wite. (ion. Kuer and tal) in ful i uniform from i-ort Une lint; ml tho n omher.s of the military order oí the I.ovi! 1-enion woe atnOUK those who uttemlad the reception. The peu].le cauie in throngH ii nd pas ea in revjw at Hik rate ui ui o t one hundied a minuto tor abo at two lioirhavinK mi opportonitj to seo apresidut at clost' ri.n e but ih1 to shake hl Imn.t. Tlie next day after thoir arrival iu St. Paal, they were sfcaiu taken (orailrivij hbout tba city, and to the rariouM poiuta of intere t in the surroundiug coli (-en. . ohn V Reo. tho newiv 6 ected oviiuinunder incliief ot the (4 A. R occupying a carriage witii t. c prexideut and wife. The purty eft for MinnoapoÜa at nooi on the uth Both the President and Mrs. i iRvelanr'. expressed thenuelvea ïiphly plensed witü the visa tg ?t. l'aul. Mr. CiüVe.un . wan particularly enthusi-istic over the splendid advancement of the city sinco ho lived there ns a school girl ot il an odyanuonient only cqua.cú l.y her owu briUiant desliny. Thu party arrived in Minneapolis abotii 1 o'clock on the afternoou of tiio '.]ii. After lunchcon the party look can and escorted by a división o; pólice an : ■; numlier of citi.ens incarriage view .1 tho h'ner business and residenue portion oí thu ity. Afti-r the drive was finiehed be was conducted to the Lakony o; the botei, introducid in duo form by the -Mayor, and deliverod a brief udiire, but gufflcieutly well seasoned to tuit the jialuto ol tho averaga citizen of tho rival city of fct, laul. iuimediately after the exercises at the hotel the party proceerted to tle exuosition ebcorted by the miütary. Tho i resi dent 't introduced to tbo throug and spoko brlefly about tlour milis mul oniiRrants and prosperity, und afovv other matters ot sreat inteii'st lo MinneapolU. At the close Of these remullís the purty returued to the hotel, dined. mul ander military escort proceeded tutne depot anú took tho Uujii ior dm ;ha. lVilliam BetheriUKton.awenltby farnicv nino miles eas-t of St. Thomas, Ünt., boat hia wlfe, und, thinking he had i:illed hor, tlirew her Into a welt tlz feet deer. '"to nianafied to crawl out aim wade her way to a neigbhor's. the wil dit. Hetherlnuton, l.eheving l.o had u ordered tooit a dose of paris green, ith KUicidal intenfe He was puiujiod out but ij. iu a entical coudiUou.


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