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Sccrctary FairchiM has ts-ued a circulnr letter to custotns oflicers in wliicli lis I says: 'The conditlon of the approprlatlon j for defraylng tbe exjenses of collecting the revenue for custotna demands tlmt the boM'ne.-is of (he severa I customi co.leethn dlstrlctsbe tiansacted wlth tho strletest regard to economy. lt ts tberefore direct; ed tiiat uflkera having tbe autbority to nomínate persona for appoinlniem In tlie customs service m:l the dlsbursement oí pub'lc funds8ha!l makesuch recommendai ons lo the i eparin ent as will cause the I least posslble expeudlture co:isis'e:it wilh a pionipt transacción of public business." Ilujjh G lmore, ajjed 'JO, an employé of ; tlie Michigan Central railway eompany, ! switching In the yard in St. T-'iomas, (nt., jumpel on the running boord of in eivgine and started on it to cross to the ether side of the track, hut sllpped and feil wlth hls body ajrossthe rail. nis shrieks alarme I Englneer Cowley, but nhen tlie engine was stopped Gilmore's body was foiin I on the track, cut completely In halves. Gilmore was a natlve ofMitchell, f)nt., wherehis friends reside, and his body was sent. A musVrat dng a hole in'c oí the (■anal ai out a ml Ie above Nabhua. N. EL, and ca. ?e.l a disastrons fleod. The torrent swept away into the woods, eanying trees i nd all the was e f round to the Nashua rlver behlnd. The river rapidly r se and covered !iy tlie ye low foam for a müe below. The milis Immediately ■-hut down. and the e is 110 tellin? whcn thcy will resume work, as the damage will take weeks to repair. Tle Rood has thrown 3.C00 employés out of work for an Indefinlte time. The tus Oriënt of Buffalo, fonndered in Lake I'rie on t!ie eth inst. Mio leit Toledo on the Ist inst., for a tow, and wa-; seen near Point au Pelee the next day. Hie was ownej by J. Hag n of tho p:opreüor Nahant, Uanlol i.yons and John David of Falrhaven, Mich. There were ix per-ons on board who vferu lost, inoIudlQg I.yons and David, who wero captain and engineer of the boat. fcho was valued at Sj.i.OOO. At the M'oman SuiTrage party's head" oiar.ers in NewTork, legal oplnlons liave been made public irom ex-(.:hief Justice Green of Washington Terrilcry: ex-('lii f Jnstsce McDurdy if Connecticut; ex Chief Justke Colé oí lowa; ex-Juilpe Waite of Chicago; ex-JudgeCulver of lirooklyn.and otnerequally distinsuished lawyers fully in.iorsing Jir. Jlamilton Wiloox's claim that women a:e legally entltled tovote, The national farmers' alliance, at its animal sts-ion in Minneapolis, eleted ths fuilowing officen for the eiis,:iii year: President, ,T. Burrows of Nebraska; vtcepresldent, ex-Senator U D, Wblbng (,f Illinois; aeerfttary. August Prst of lowa: treisurer, .). .1. t'arlong of Minnesota; lecturer. A. H. Chase of Dukota, The uext meeting will la heU In Des y'oineü. By the explosión of a boiler in David YouiiK's saw mili thrce miles from Armada, (Jhlo, George J ape. Perry Lape, Siinon Young and Anus Voung were blown to i and instan'Jy kilte 1 ;nd Mrs. Slmon Voung, who was 200 yar Is froin he mili, was serionsly injiirtd. The cause f t!ie esp oslon is unknown, ai eve yone about liie mili w:s killed. Mr. Samuel llalsto-X the Iayman In tho M. E. church who started lbo syatem of piayinj? bands somo yoars a?o, clied in Brooklyn this week, He was a dry foods merebant. befare he b3came an evangelist, and aOQnired a comfortable pro'perty. Alter taking ur preachinghe contiuucd it iiiiiil prevented by increasiog age. Secretary Lámar has declded that the Wlteensln Central rallroad wis entitled lo ilsfirant of land fnni Portase to A hi ni, Wla., and directed that patents íor the same be issued. lie denledthe appli ation of tlic road for a suspension oí Ihfl recent order of wit' drawal imtil tun a I could adjiist lts grant, Whlle President Cleveland's carriasc was passing In !jt. Louli, Mrs. Cleveland was siartlod by tlie sudden appearance of a hot pancake Ln Ikt iRp. 'i he pólice nulekly arrested the cakemaker, Annle S ix, a comely young cook. who explained ihat 8ómething impelled her to hit Airs. Ueveland with a pancake. Mo.her Mary of the order of the Saerod Ileart and provlnc'al ot' the order of the üco I Shepherd for this district dieJ at the headquarters of the oideriQ St. Louis. Aio., the o her day after a brief Ulness Her SGth annlversary as provincial was eelebrated on Thuraday, Set. 29. Rear-Admiral Chandler, commanding tl. e Aslatlc s(iiadron. wri tus from Naga-a ki, Japan, that lie will senil a ship immedlately to Konage Island, of the Caroline group, to Investígate the native massacre of bpanlards and prolect Americaii Interests and missionaties. James MoCurrle, a California '43er. 'caves S3, 000, 000 t his sister and brotherin-law, of Atlanta Ga. When on hideathbed lie had wrlttef) them for nionej to ease alleged poverty. In order to trj Ihoir frlendshlp. They sold a cow anc! sent the cash. The Commercial Bulletin's fire record for shows an agcreg.ilo lo B oí 97,987,900 against $6,500,000 in teptem b r. 1886. Total for the firat nlne months of the current year is 308,188,500, agalns' 88,400,000 íor the correspinding period of 188.5. I). ISrown. au elderly farmer of Waco Tex., claim-; to lie heir to an Immense fortuno In tho t herokee nation. lie alienes tliat his grandfatLer was :i full blooded Cberokee Indlan and tho owner oí large pos essions In the Indiaa country. A dastardjy attempt was made the other day to wreek a train loaded witl woincn and cbildren on the Illinois & St. LonlB railroad at ücileville, III. August I rail', an 1 .loo Gahr, tinder indictmcnt for a like crime, have confcsed. Tho nat'onal repnbllcan club of the Dlstrlo! of Colutnbla has perfecteJ Its organlzatlon wlth A. M. Ciapp &. president: C. Hice; sccretary; ila or A. C. Kic.-anls, treasurer, and a vi. o preaideni for e.ich state and terrltory. Seor-tary 1 amar haj decided tbát r grant att cl:es to the Northern Pac! u railroad from ncar Portland, Oregon, t( Puget Sound, a dlstance of hu miie-. Tiiis decisión reverses Comm'ssloner Sparks. lá-Gov. WUIIam c. Waihburn o Greenfield, Mas.. drnppcd (leal on th platform i t lie oiry hall in Sprlnnflelrl Maa. at the mornlng sesslon f the board Of fore'gn mis ioi.S the o lirr mmninj;. 'I he ( anadian s. al ra have ben fo ind uilLy of ii'cal Beal-flsbtng and the icLo.ners ar.d skins fornid on board h ivt Men declared forfeited aud turnod over t the United Siates, The trouble among tho Crnw Indiana la said to hú cntirely ii:e to the prenl i ns niiuence r the Sloux, wl-,o are oppo e to the scve.alty policy of the govorument. The mother of Thomas HughB, "Toni Brown, "died in Rugby, Tenn., theothci Dornlng. lli-r son Thomas returned to England a week ;igo. Fmploying printers of the fnüed S and Canaila wlll moet In Chicago Oct 20)li to discuss the demanda of the typo'raphical union. Arthlir 11. Snell, r,ot:nt; paying teller of he Fulton bank cf Brookiyn, i.s sliort in iis accounts over S12,000. He has bren uruted. Ah Fho, a Chinese lai'.ndry man of Nen Yí.rk. has bpen arrested for entlcing lifo ;irls luto hls thop for Immorxl purposes. fctate Attorney Grlnnell of CblcaKO lins eslKiied to accept the judj.oshlp tu v.ii'jh ie was receully elected. . Mflbei Trapp, or üvid, N. Y., wa : ini:cii lUTpriaed lbo uthur day, us sue was Lre .klng cg, wit!i vbtcb to uiako cake, when trom one of Llicm [;,ed a llvcly llttle serpent til luchos :o!i, hid as laigc as a jcood-slzcd kpitllDK-needle. Tlic kUUit'x of iqnlrreb, prairie dojs, bcars, monotaln 1 ons, rol , s, iinil coyotes is qalle an expeuslm tem In tlio yearljr budget or Prom Jan. 1 ij August, 1SS", tlint Iciritorv pald lo bouutlei tor tlie kllliiij; ol tlie saine S9J,0J5. !0 A boller Inspector In noclicster, N. T., Jolm Kellv, had sc;uce!y got in ooe suuUun of a Jo"!-'' ■ bat city, oo Frldur last. wliuu tlicother KCtloD explndod, blowtotbe ImildI"ff lo atouis and ioieinjr Uie sectlon tbat Kelly waa In so dosel; arouud bim tüat inouk eevcii bours to jjet bil body out. At tlie fanera] r a dtoUnicalsbod membr of the Botton bar itso happened tbat a prominent mau wbo liad beeu oppoted to tlie deeeased for a number of jc:us traa npproacliud by a eommotj actiuaiutauce wbo salJ: '-A sail rent tliia isl I wili not detain tou, ai I uppose you are pnuiü lo t!io funeral." "Ob, no," replied the lawyer, 'but I npprorc of it. I approve of it." In Palettlnc, Tex., last Wednesdaj nlht, Mr. John Ramp; ai:il : ticli;l!bor cüinbed a b;: tree to Watcll for o Te About inlilnlght the iro'Toa appeared. Tbn DelRbbor blazed awaj at them, mul tarned jjst In tiins to see Mr. drop to tbs gronnd a dring man. It is 8uipoc ilnit tlie Lrlgger ol his sliotgun must !'.ve caaght on a twig, Anyway, La liad shot bimsrir fut.illjr. "An EnMsli iiovt-1 lable-luxnry Is known as "puüel bread," nbleli is dedgoed to liueatea wlth chceso, niül is propared lu tbU mamier: Take a loaf of f csii y-miidö bread, and whlla U Is Vet wurm pull tbe inside out of it ia plcocs ihe s z; of yo:ir li.url or smiller. Put thec nto tbe ovcii ana buk iiicm a delicate brown. Wlien cool Ihey ure crUp and at f uil of flivor as a nut. I. is s::' to bo deliciou3 and temptioj; to ;i repetltlOD. ■ - Charles Dlckcns, jr , who sto lectura in this country, s abnut as unlike what tho public would expect in a son of Boz as a parlor match is like a comet. His round face and rather fceble cMt i features are scarcely redeemed by a 'arge pair of spectacles and in hla delhery bo liat nciiher physical nor dramatic power. Roscoe Conkling having leen aolicitoil to deliver a series of lect res n California in aid of the (Jrant monument fund, writes a friond Ín San Franoiico that the professional demand on his time rt'Ddcrs it impossibla for liim to undertake sueh a tour. Alico Beeman, a colored bolle of New Haven Conn , has shocked the members of the colorud colony there by marryin a heathen Cbine. She U tho danghter of a prominent colored minister. Jndge II 1 1 ton keeps 26 horses at Saretoga, and y.t lie walks a great deal in fine weather. Prinoe Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg. Is a entl u-ias:ic natural st. Be possetsea on of the finest ornitliologlcal collections Ín tl e World and a notable collectlon of preeious stones. 'My frlends, " said a tempersnee leelu o:-, lowering his voiee to an Impresslre whisper, "If all Umi grogthops were at the liottom of the sea. whn' ould be the result."' And the answer carne: "Lot oí people would get drowned. "- Puck. Cleaily they do not know at Boston wiiat a gooit, ripe watermelon is. The Ilcrald displays lts lnoranec by recoramemling that it le eaten wlth silgar. Do they In Koston pnt vitiear in their coffee? lt voi;ld lo pn-cisely as reasonablo


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