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Real Estate Transfers

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N.G. Butts to W. B. Smith, city, $450. Alfred Miller to Sarah E. Miller, Lodi, $1,400. W. C. Ayres to Nelson Rice, Shlan, $6,000. E. A. Calkins to Henry Marsh, city $1,600. Martha M. J. Root to N. G. ButtB city. $425. E. & O. Luick to Dorathea Wener city. $800. Julián E. Bucklee to M. Stein, Ypsi lanti, $95J. Artlmr Covert to Erne8t A. Eehberg city, M.0D0. Mack & Schmid to Oiiristian Martin oity, $],0,. Wert;ey Westfall to Natban Pierce Lima, $8,500. Chas. H. Merritt to Beed Darling, Au gusta, $1,200 .loseph E. Phillips to Geo. M. Russel Augusta, $öl0. Mack & Schmid to Abraham C. Voor heis, city. $á,UU0. Oliarlotte E. Winegarto Elizabeth M Eisele, city 735. Ludwig Schendt to Jdo. Feuerbacher Freedom, $1.0U0. Elvira J. Whitman to Helen C. Swift Tpsilauti city, $9,750. Sarah M. JoBlyn to Helen C, Swifi Ypsilanli city, $1,400. Abraham Cole, jr.. to Isoah H. Cole Ypsilanti town, $2,2")0. S. W. to Elizabeth A. Dorr Manchester village, $á,50l). Daniel and Anna J. Stark, to A. anc L. Gibson, Ypsilanti city, $700. John G. Moeclile (by sberiff) to J. D Fleydlaulï, adminisirator, Lima, $1, 277.10.