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■ASONIG DIRECTORY. LNs AiinoR Commaxdsrï, No. 13- Meets flrst Tuesdayof ead: moiith. W. W. Xichols, E. C.: W. A. Tolchard, Recorder. Washtenavt C'h.ute.:, So. 6, R A. V- Meets flrst Monday ot'each mntn, C. E. Hiscock. H. P.: Z. Hoat'h. Bacietary JlliCHlUAtf CE.VTKAL. TKAINS EAST: Mail 4SSp. m Day Express S 8J p. m New York and Limited Expresa 9 45 p. m Atlantic Expri's 4 35 a. m NiKlit Express 8 08 a. m Grand Hapids and Detroit Express 10 i a. ni THAINS WEST: Mail bliia.m Day Kxpress 10 2 a m rhioago Express 'i'ü p m Qraud Bapiüs and Kalamazoo Express 5 30 p. ra F.veniiig Express !t 12 p. ra Pacific Expess IO38p. m The New York and Limited. Atlantic, and Night Express irains east, and the Chicago. Evenine, and Pacific Express trains west, run 9very day in tbe wee!:, Suodftys included. TOLEDO AND ANJÍ AKBOB. TliAINS NOKTH. Kxpress Passenger . . 7:15 p. m Passenger Mii.m Mali Pass 'nger 7:1 ia. m Local Kreight ll:3Ja. m T1ÍAIN5 SOUTH. Express Passenger . 7:15 a. m Passenger 11:30a. m Mail Passenger 6:50 p. m Local Freig t 10:i5 p m A passeneer train leavcs thls city fr Soutn Lyon at 8:50 p. in., returnins1 arnves uere at 3:80a. m. AMUSEMENT. THE GRANeTÖPERA HOUSE 3 NIGHT ONLT 3 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, OCTOBER17, 18 AJÍD19. THE US DRAMATIC Co. Entire Cbange of Programme each Evening. Popular Prices, 10 and 20c. only. No extra charge for reserved seiits, now on sale at Geo. Wahr's bookstore. p RAND OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIOHT ONLY. Friday, October, 21st, 1887. "Raiis are raiment when worn for virtue's sake." - White tíluve. Grand Production of Bart'ey Campbeü's Great Play, the Wliite Slave. The New York Stnr Cast! Entire New and Mngmticent Scenery! Startling Mechauieal Effccts and the Wonderful ItAlN STORM O.-' REAL WATl-.R! Admission, 75, 50 and 35. No extra charge for reserved seats, now on sak' at Wahr's Bookstore. AioüifflElr; W Schools begin Monday, Sept. 5th, and WAHR'S BOOKSTORE will offer over 500 Second-hand School Books at astonishingly Low Prices. Having puroliasod these books durius the dull summer montha, we eau afiord to sell them at prices within the reach of everybody. New School Books at Lowest Prices. We have the fullest assortrnent of School Pads, Blank Booka, Mathematical In: atrumeiïfs", and all School Supplies, and at L0WE3T PRICES. Secoud-Hand Scho il Books Bouglit and Ezclianged. CEO. WAHR, The Straight Book Dealer.


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