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TOMUCf5TICE ""' "icct wUh kicck:s KSisLil I IC i""5 knowledi cl ih -luc of newspapert, aml correctly diaplayed fcdvi To KCUI mli inlor . iilion 1 1 9 D ft JfítJCJ ' E' wüi en-ble you loailvtrii-eilüü' Wt.lU5 K l coj,suiti.0R9kssTKOISM ÜEWSPAPER A0VERT1SING, CHIOCO. HUNO'! PENSIONA CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MAÜHEWS ! Am Anuos, Mich. Afi appflcatlo'i pmjtrl7 marie. Thoifsands Of linl'ari) haTe IqM h 'nae AppHcfttioal were DOt oorreoU made. No charge uule.- sucMrfWL PSNNYRGYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of a physidar l.ashida lte lo. r csperience i: traati&i? fer'.de diaOMei. Iimei donUiiy nitli perfect euccess !-; CTor 10,00011!'.!; 3. P'oasant. saft CiToctuaL Lai..cs ask yourdr p! t tor Psunyroyal "H afers r:i t: !:ei. o P;es L: tuto, crínelo: , .,'-.;.., , (,(j ,ar; loultra. Snld !■ a 1 drasüfadL í l per fc9X. AC TiiisEiiV :,;'"■.::.'.'.-.. a. ■ - l !k,J in Aan Arbor hy ühurbüch 3t Son. G2I Toer Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, TjSOJJRAJNCE AGKNT, '.'- ' ?o.ith Main strest, Ann Arbor. The oldrst Mffencj ir tfacity. ÏJs!nllKLrü a qurtr of a cf'-r .";.'-.. -'ir- tlng lli followiup firsteins!! oor paulen, "Ui OTer fSU.MO.OOii iwU Hom Ir Co., r.f M , O nurt'nial Ins. (o., of 8. V : Niágara Ins. Cc, f N , Glrard Ins Co., of Hiila ; ''■' ' !!"- Co. "' Hartford; Catatnwvial UuiODOf J.oi.iloii, 1 mm uuiuml L. .iiduu Pd ' BTT ..., low. Uxase Jlberally adiustcil aud pivinpilj i'Hid. tX H. SilI.l.L.N. HENRY MATTHEWS Keps a First claaa MEAT MARKET ! Daler i all klnjs of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prioe Roasonablo. Thankln thwe who hare o llbnrally patronca.I me iit the pitst. 1 also cordially olivillrade rom uw putruu.i. HENRY MATTHEWS, Enron Street, Aun Arbor, Slich Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." Only DlrfC Route toMsrqupc eand t Ironand C'oppe Rexfuns of ke Superior. Trav'sing tlis Mo t Pic'ure que Por'ion of Michi;a', Th o':gh a Territory Uncquaücd for HUNTSNG. F[SHING_and_CA MPING. TwoThroupl) ErpreisTi lins cl iilv In Kach Di ractlon, to which ui-e aitai'hei KEW. Hl. SC NTANOOOMM DIOU3 OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS WAGNER SLEEPING COACHES. Tic! ets ""er UiU route ore un mie at all prlnf tl ticket uftlv.'t. I-'.mI iiifniiiia'loii n s In ri'cs. o., ouit'S of iiini.s aüd folJeis .iü be furubhed opoü cppiication to E. W. ALLEN, Gen raas nnd Tk't Aat . MKrq'ietti. M!"h KACKjjVlAC. SUMrÏER TOUR Tour Tris nar "Weck Btw#n DETñOiT AND MACKINAO .ni Brf.y WaA Dajr 3etsi::n E7R01T AMD CLEVELAND WUta fcr oup "Ficiurcsquo Maokinac," 1!!uc!ratet 0caUOü ï"oll Partlculars. K&ii-ii Vlf, Devy:l & Cieveiand Sieom Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, C. PAï. AuT., DET;O!T. M1CH. IlSr örpiïirls 0, F. AllmendingBr lauufíoturr aud dealttr in PÍM flpjraM AKD MUïIOL IKSTBDUKNTB. and Tuning a Specialty, Aliy on cillin? at thp wnrk", fnitl of Waitilng tOD i tfiruct-, au xiinnii'? óods and pnce. Icarcci.vinoyuuoi ihe Great Bargains ! I am olToririg, D. r. AI-LMENPlSnEB, ASN AHnOR Fred. Brown ! At CiüBKiai's Old Placb. fi me ! Hiq_TO.O3?s a,3=Lc3HOT LUNCH EYERY til. EBERDSCH & SON. DEÜGOISTS AXD PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DI.AI.Hlfl UI- Clifinionl, Mtufflfc Artlat'? an;ï Wht Tnowrr Meteríais, Toilet t li lnli. Trimi : to. Pars Wlies M Lipis ! Bprfal auentlon paid to 'he furnlhlne of YUysi.iRn. OlMariata, Bohoota, e(a, vltL piuloiiii''-i ani Ohamleal Apparatai, Bofacmlan Cli:n!cal UIUMWdr, l'ui.-lai Ware. l'ur S-sci.ts. eic. yhyrtin1 Prescript!nB Carefuüy Preparad t Ol iio an EOERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat