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The resiient artillery association of Michigan held its second annual reunión in the senate chamber in Lansiug the other day. Representativos were present from nearly every battery leaving the state during the war. Tbsy eleeted offlcers, indulged in handshakes and reminiscences and had a banquet in the eveing. It is nearly iiupossible for an old artilleryman to establish a claim for pension now not having a surgeon's record. He was a good man in hualth. but an outcast in ickness getting attendance from whonisoeyer he could. __ W0LVER1NE WHISPERINGS. Manisticiue is boring for natural gas. Peter Sniith was found dead in bed at youth Haven. The "Zoo" is about 17 hours rida from Detroit by rail. There is an exodus of Nile citizens to" ward California. Ground will be broken forthenew depot at tbe "Boo" this fall. James Scott feil dead in his chair at Sault Ste Marie the other day. There is no clow yet as to who flred Charlevoix county court house. No less than a dozen Michigan towus are after Lansing's stove works. The basket factory in Muskegon was destroyed by lire the other day. Several Indians have been arrested in Arenac county for shooting deer. Itske Musmen of Muskegon, gets three yoars in Jackson for manslaughter. A colony nummering 135 persons lef t Grand Rapids the other day forPasadna, la . Mrs. Cynthia Sweet, a Battle Creek pioneer, was found dead iu bed the other day. Townsend is the name of a new town being located between Lake üdessa and Bnnfioldj ■IJolm Pretcherof Hersey was found dead iu his bunk at Haley & Covert's camp near Harrison. Archibald K. Kinnear, a soldier under the lirst Napoleon, died in Kalamazoo a few days ago. Manistique has a six-inch stream of pure water running from its newly bored artesian well. lioth the Shelby fruit evaporatora are running night and day, and are still belund in orders. It is rumored that Hev. Fr. Baart of Marshall is to be the new bishop of the Detroit diocose. Col. E. J. Ensign, president of the state military board, has resigned and will remove to California. Elk Rapids wUl f urnish a freight busi. ness of $150,000 a year and a cash bonus of $3W, OUü íor a railroad. The Fruit Preserving compauy of Moutague, i: surprising the stockholders beyond all expectations. 4A gang of thieves stolo about forty rountls of peppermint oil from Seth Vroman, near Vicksburg. The budy oí John Cordon of Bay City, missing for several days, was found the other morning in the river. Gov. Luce has added John Barber of Edwardsburg to list of delegates to Chicago national farmers' congress. The improvements made in West Bay City this year by the Michigan Central company amuunt to about {100,000. Calvin Hall of PawPaw, aged GO.hasbeen arrested for an attempted criminal assault 'uu an adopted daughter la years e f.0 The course of study in the Saginaw high school isn't complete enough to admit pupils to the univer8ity. Must be flxed over. Senator Stockbridge purchased 100 acres on Mackinac Isle for $10,000 and will build suinmer residences there and inake a beautiful park. V. II. Jlattison of Ioniaand A. O. Hyde of Marshall have been appointed additional delégate to the farmers' national congress in Chicago Nov. 10. Mrs. -Martha Mansfield has sued the Occidental hotel of Fiint for $1,000, charging that liquor was sold there to her husbaud after she had forbidden it. Tracy Woodward, aged 12, of Coldwater, was shot and killed by Maurice Jones, a companion. The shooting was accidental and Jones was cxonerated. Rumored that Don M. Dickinson of Detroit is to be appointed postma3ter general vice Mr. Vil as, who has an eye on the secretaryship of the interior. Perrinton gave $1,000 bonus for a grain elevator, $500 to the branch factory of the Estey manufacturing company, aud now holds out $2,00J for a roller grist mili. The Ohio hybrid wheat scheme is being worked in Michigan. The wheat sells for $15 a bushal, and the scheme is something after the marnier of the Boneman oat fraud. Dr. Kedzie examined the stomach of Frank Green who died near Lansing recently after taking tooth ache medicine and hot whisky. The doctor dotocted the presence of aconite in sulUcient quantity to produce death. John McGrath, conductor of the construction train on the Milwaukee & Northern railroad at Repubüc, was run over and instantly killed by his engine the other night. He leaves a wife and family in straitened circumstances. A Jonesville miller has been obliged to protect bis water wheels from eels by ineans of a netting of wire. The eels would be ground up by the bushei until they clogged the wheels and it bocame necessary to stop the mili to clean out the dobris. The trial of Mrs. Genvieve Morris for complicity in the inurder of Lawrence Breiman uear Sand Beach last spring, resulted in a verdict of "not guilty." Mrs. Morris' liusband confessed the murder but exculpated bis wife, and is now doin a term at Jackson. Dr. Lafevre of East Jordán, discovered a diabolical scbeme to burn his barn recently. A woman's stocking filled with matches was found in ono of the mangers, it Leing the apparent design to have the bite the stocking, Ure the matches and cause a mysterious fire. It is estimated that from $500 to $600 a month is sent out of Jackson to purchase tickets in the Louisiana State Lottery. Of this amount about one half is sont through the Jackson agent and the other half though the postollice. Many Jackson ladles buy tickets every month. Itske Nuismer of Muskegon, who during a quarrel on the night of the 4th of July last shot his 6J-year old father, who died the next day, has been convicted of manslaughter. Young Nuisraer claimed that tbe shooting was done in self-defense, as his father tried to cut him with a knife. The mechauical and ongineer department of the university has sent a carload of machinery to the Chicago exhibition, being the work of the students alone. Jt includes engines, lathes, etc, and was ent at the request of the managers of tha exposition. Príl. C. G. Taylor went in charge of the exhibit. The body ot Capt. John Curran of the lost schooner Havana, came ashore near St. Joseph the other day. He did uot eem to have drowned, and his head and body are badly brulsed. As all his monoy was gone and a valuable ring, as well, there is a strong impression that he Uad been foully dealt with. A runion of ex-prisoners of war took place in Owöftso on the 12th inst. The iol lowing otBcers were eleoted for the ensu ingyeRr: President, H. Beesley, Itha ca; vice-president, L. C. Mead, Ovid; sec ond yice-president, L. J. Barnard, Ithaca; chaplain, J. S. Preston, Lyons. The next meeting will be held at Ithaca. The university attendance is now 1,507, against 1,44'2 for tho corresponding date last year, divided as follow.s: Literary da partinent, 654; medical, 305; law, 291: dental, 103; pharmacy, J0; homeopathie, 64. The attendance willreach I.tëtoto date. The increase in the literary department is 28; pharmacy, 23; dental, 21, and homeo pathy, 5. Under a law enacted at the last legisla ture, keeping a house of ill-fame, or soiic. iting girls or women to enter sach a house for purposes of prostitution, is no longor a simple misdemeanor, but is a felony, punished by a term in state prison not exceeding five years, or by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or both such fine and im prison ment. Prof. VV. H. Payne has accepted the chancellorship of the university of Nash. ville, Tenn., and president of the state normal school, which fonns at present the literary department of the university. He will continue nis classes at the univor sity in Aun Arbor until Pebruary, when he enters upon active duties in bis new field of labor. President N. G. Cooper and Secretary A. A. Wilbur of the Michigan society of New York veterans, are engaged in getting up a roster oí all soldiers now residing in this state who enlistad ia the state of New York. Veterans oL this description are requested to send their names and addri'sscs to the headquarters of the society at Sturgis. Co. B. Forty-iourth Illinois Infantry, which was raised in Coldwater, held its first reunión in that city on the 12th inst. Twenty-flve were present. Officers were elected as folio ws: President, Israel F. Covey, Muskegon; secretary, Benj. F. Kalph, Coldwater; treasurer, P. Cavanaugh, Coldwater; executive committee, - L. S. Daniels, J. C. Dubendorf, W. SJoles, Coldwater. The alarming increase in the number of patients admitted to the asylum for the insane froin Kalamazoo county, is a subject which staitlcs the supervisori. This tem of expense alone is $6,290.74. There have been 5U insane people sent to the asylum from that county since last Oct., 21 have been sent away, six have been turned over to the state, two have died, and 27 are still under treatment. The second annual reunión of the First Michigan engineers and mechanica of the late war was held in Representativo hall in Lansing on the 12th inst. Over 200 members of the regiment were present. The oflicers elected were : President, Wm. P. Innes, Grand Kapids; vice-president, Uurreu Manning, Tallahoma, Tenn. ; sec retary, Fayette Wyckoflt, KastSaginaw; treasurer, Geo. J. Koster, Lansing. Twenty-two years ago Mrs. Albert A. Stone, áaughter of ex-Congressman lomstock of Grand Kapids, and ber husband were drowned along with 153 other people on the steamer Brother Jonathan. The steamer foundered while en route froni San Francisco to Portland, üregon, and was neveragain seen until a few days ago, when her rotten huik was fouud upon some reefs, 20 miles off Cresent City, Cal. James Hall, Edward Spencer and three other men employed at McGregor's camp in Cheboygan county, started on a fishing and hunting expedition. Hill was in advance and carried a rifle over hisshoulder. In some manuer the weapon was diseharged. '1 he bullet struck Spencer in the forehoad, tearing his skull to pieces. He was 32 years of age, unmarried, and has relatives in Tuscola and Sanilac counties. He was buried at Cheboygan. The next meeting of the Michigan board of pharmacy for the examination of candidates will be held in the capitol building at Lansing, Nov. 1 and 3. The amended law inakes it necessary for those desiring to become "assistant" pharmacistg to pass an examination. That for registered pharmacists will commence on Tuesday and continue two days as heretofore ; tlit for assistants will commence Wednesday morning and finish the same afternoon. The following changes have been mad at the university: Prof. C.N. Jones has been made professor of applied mathematics at asulary of $2,200, and the executive committee was given power to appoint two instructors in mathematics. Drs. Vaughau and Herdman have had their salaries increased to $2,0J0. Volney W. Hpaulding, professor of botany, is given the full salary of $2,200, and Secretary Wade's salary has been increased to $2 200. Frank Schiller, an aged Germán living near Bowinan. Mecosta county, went out to do somo work on his pig pen the other morning. Ho was absent so long that his friends beca me alarmed, and a search wasiustituted. The body was found lying in tue pen, and the hogs fighting over it. Tl! noso had been bitten off, the eyes torn out, and an ear gone. The hogs had torn every shred of clothing Irom his body. Schitter suffered from heart disease, which caused his death. Henry H. Smith, the journal clerk of the house of representatives, has presented to Secretary Fairchild, on behalf of the citizens of Charlevoix, a petition praying that a gold niedal or other testimonial be presented to Miss Mary Wakelield of Charlevoix, for bravery in saving the lile of a child. The secretary of the treasury is authorized by law to graat medals as a reward for bravery in life-saving, and the citizens of Charlevoix think that Miss Wakeflelil's heroism should berecognized. Seventy-two survivors of the First Michigan shurpshooters met in annual session in the senate chamber in Lansing on the 12th inst., and olected the following ofilcers for the ensuing year: President, E. J. Buckbee, Chicago; first vies president, Geo. W. Stone, Lansing; sec. ond vice president, Joseph Stevens, Buf falo; secretary, K. V. Noyes, Lansing, and orator, Frank Wuipple, Grand Rapids. A banqunt was held in the evening. The next meeting will be held in Grand Kap ds on the second Wednesday in Ou tober, 1SSS. The grand ehapter of the Eastern Star of Michigan held its ninth annual session in Grand Kapids a few days ago. The folio wing ollicers were elected for the ensuing year: Matron, Mrs. A. A. Matteson, Middlo ville; patrón, C. Waterbury, Ionia; associate mat ron, Mrs. Oscar L. Davidson, Grand Rapids; associate patrón, Dan W. Sawyer, Quincy ; secrotary, Traverse Philjips, Hastings; treasurer, Mrs. E. S. Penjleton, Sturgis; conductress, Mr. F. Jennie Gunnis, Detroit; associate, Mrs. J. S. Conover, Coldwater; Ada, Mrs. E. Finn, Quincy; Ruth, Mrs. Spring, Lansing; Ksther, Mrs. J. W. McPherson, Detroit; Martha, Mrs. C. M. Putnaiu, Nashville; Electa, Mrs. D. W. Rupert, Sturgis; chaplain, the Re v. B. S. Fratt, Grand Ledge; warden, Mr, M. A. Downin, Bay Citv; marshal, Mrs. S. L. Marsh, Quincy; sentinel, Jacob Dewitt, Grand Ledge. The ehapter will meet in Grand Ledge next yoar.


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