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Of Interest to Women. Mrs. Burnett's "Little Lord Fauntleroy" hns reached its thirtieth thoxtBand. The MassackuRCÜn Wotuon Suffrage AssociatioD, at their last executive meeting, reported over three thonsand dollars in the treaaury. The Pundita Ramabai has brought out second edition o( her deeply-intercsting book, "The High Caate Hindu Womnn." Every woman onght to read it. Madame lima Di Murska will preside orer the fortunes of the Amerioan school of music founded by Mrs. Thurbor and other lovers of the divine art. At the Paris salon tbis year there are more than flve hundred women exhibí tors, inoluding some twenty-fire Americana. The total numbcr of femininc artista in Pari, both exhibitore and atudonts in serioiis ateliem, is a')out 1,200. The Ohio W. C. T. U. has added to its programme a peace department, in charge of Mrs. Iïannah W. Blackburn. lts object is the settloment of international difHoultiee by arbitration. Germany, France and Denmark have peace assooiations composed of women. Since the death of "Aunt Jennie," the newsboys' friend, in Cinoinnati, a movement has been started in that city to eroct a suilable and comfort able newsboys' home. The charge of it. will be given to a Mrs. JloCabe, who for many yeara aided Aunt Jennie in the care of the newsboys. Mrs. H. T. Strickler is the nominte of theprohibition party jot Salina oounty, Kansas, for register of deeds. The nomination was wholly a surprise to her. Hut slio accepted it in a graceful letter. Mrs. Stneklcr is a college gradúate, and highly spoken of by those acquamted wif.h her. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Rnilwny. Time table goin? into effect Sunday Oct. nth 1887. Tvains run by Standard Time. Golng North. i Going South. I STATIONS. 6. 4 2 I. 3 9 Pass Ex. Mail Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail r. m. p. m. a. m. L've.l Arr.l a. m p. m. p. h. 6 25 3 15 5 15 TOLEDO. 9 00 1 10 8 42 7 51 4 05 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 lï 31 7 51 8 05 4 12 6 10 Dundee 8 03 12 21 7 40 8 35 4 35 6 M Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 05 4 58 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 86 11 48 7 00 9 i 5 10 7 15 ANN ARBOR 7 15 11 3U 6 50 9 50 5 31 7 33 Lelands's 6.10 1114 6 80 p. K. 5 45 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. M. 11 00 616 5 52 7 53 Hamburg 10 55 6 10 3 88 8 30 Howell 10 20 S33 7 20 9 ;J0 Purand 9 30 4 88 7 46 9 55 Corunna 9 08 4 15 7 55 10 01 Owosso 9 00 4 08 8 1511 16 IUiaca 7 46 2 46 DS3 1135 St. Louis 7 47 2 ÏS 'J41 11 42 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 30 Mt. Pleasant 6 30 1 30 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. AU passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Traina run on the South Lyon oranch leave Ann Arbor at U:50 p. m.,Leland's at 10:00, Worden' at 10:20. and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m. ; leave South Lyon at 6:30 a. m., Worden's at 6:40, Leland's at 6:15 and arrive at Ann Arbor at 7;i:j a. m. Connections at Toledo with ratlroads diversing. At Manhattan Junction with WheelingA LakeErle R. K. At Alexis Junction withM C. R. R. L. S. R'y, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. 8. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee. with L. 3. & M. S and M. & O. R'y. At Milan with W.. 8t. L & P. R'y. At PitUfleld with L. 8. & M. S. K'y., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit. Lansing 4 Northern R. R., and O. T. R'y. At Hamburg with 31. A. Line División Grand Trunk R'y. At llowell with Detroit, Lansing & North ern R'y. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit. Grand Haven & Millwaukee R'y. At Owosso Junction with Detroit, Grand Haven & Millwaukee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. At St. Louis with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R. and Saginaw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R'y. At Mt. l'leasant with Flint A Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. A. .T ) ISI.KY, Agent Ann Arbor. W. II. BENNETT. Ge.i. I'asH. Act. BTBYBTHP NEWi w. ;. snow's LIVERY STABLE ! Xo. 21 North Main street, adjoining1 the Dnffy Block and opposite the Postoffiee. Best Tumouts in the City AT REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Orders attnded to in an y part of the city and vlcinity. Telephone connection. HACKS RUN NICHT & DAY. RINSEY & SEABOLT," No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Suears, In large amounts, and at CaslL Prices And can sell at Low rigure. The large Involee of Teas they buy and sell, Is good proof that In Qualily and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery tums out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them.


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