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Tho kllllng (jf squirrels, prairie dogs, liears, 1 raountaln l.ons, wolves, and coyotes Is quite au expeuslre Item In the yearly budget of Montuna. From Jen. 1 to August, 18S7, that territory paid in bountles for tuo killing ol the same SOiJ.O.T). 10 A boller inspector In Rochester, N. Y., John Kp.1v, bad scarcely got lu one section of a doublé boller ui that city, onFiilay last, when i the oLlnr sectioii exploded, blowing the building to alom) nnd forciug the eectlon that Kelly was in so dosely arouud him that it touk teven hours to get hls body out. In all parta of the country the domestlc■ervlce difflcaltT is reSuclus: many families to "flrst principie" or totho custom when omen did tlieir wn work with the help ot young girlsfrom thn nelghborbood. Colorcd labor la asmuch a cause of dlslurbauce in the south, as well hs In the nortb, as the white. Therc Is a vest destruction of blrds In Florida. Hunters Tislt the Diaces and kilt lh(r blrds by the wagon load. ïhey are used chlefly to supply the London market with plumage. A visitortells of one hunter who boastcd of killing at oue ncsting-place ISO o!d blrds, leavlng the young and unfledged birdi to perlsb. At tlie funeral of a distlngulshed member of the Boston bar it so happened that a prominent man nho had been oppojed to the deceased for a number of years was approuched by a : common acquaintanco who sald: "A sad , event tuis isl I will not detain you, as I suppose you are golug to the funeral." "Oh, i no," replied the lawyer, "but I approye of it. I approve of it." In l'alestine, Ter., last Wednesday night, Mr. John Rampy and a nelgbbor climbed a ble tree to wateh for woives. About midnlght the woIvcb appeared. The neighbor blazcd away at them, and turned just In time to see Mr. Rampy drop to the grouud a dying man. It is suppodcd that the trigger of bis shotgun raust have caught on a twig, Anyway, he had hot himaelf fatally. "An Eullsh novel table-luxury is known as "pulled bread," which is designed to be eaten with cheese, and Is prepared la thls manner: Take a loaf of fresbly-made bread, and whlle It Is yet warm pull the inslde out of It In pieces the s!zo of your hand or smaller. I'ut these into tlie oven and bake them a delicate brown. Wbrn cool they are criap and as full of flavor as a nut. It Is said to be delicious and tempting to a repetltion. The United States sub-treasurv makes It a practlce to close on all holldays that are observed by the banks and clearing-bouses In New York city. The rcason is that whlle the banks are closed the treasury can transact no business of moment and ïnlght as well close as keep open. Po intímate is the relation betwfiMi it nnd the bauks that when the latter closes. íor a day the sub treasury ia iorced to observe a law that It Í3 not legally bound by. A citizun of Galnesville, Ga., whose pet cow auddenly showed symptoms of going dry, consulte! a cow doctor, who declded that she had the "hollovr tail," and spilt the tall, luserted a quautliy of salt and turpenting and bound it ui. Going out the next day to see huir the cow was gcttlng along tha owner caught a half-tjrown pi, which he had kept In the same lot busllv engaged in 6UCking the cow, and thls accounted for the falling oft of the milk. He at once took the bandage off the unfortuuatc cow's tail. 8ays The Xevada City (Cal.) Uerald: A gentleman informa us that he uoticed to-day in a creek near the western boundary of town slx small boys, ranin in nge irom 6 to 12 ycars, who were eugagcd in miniug. They had an old-fashioned locker like the pioneer used, and the way those youngster workcd would surprise anyoue who has ever noticed the look of discoutent that comes over the average boy's face when he Is asked to do work round home. Thclr countenances beamed with satisfaction and dirt, and they were on the jump. One boy managed the rocker, another stood kuce-deep in a pool aud with a longhandled dlpper made of a lard can nailed on to a broomstick pourcd water luto the rocker, whlle the others busied themseives picking, shovellng, and carrylng dirt to the rocker. The boys are evideutly trylug to raise K stake for the fair. DYSPEPSIAAND GENERAL DEBILITY Yiald to the Wonderful Curativo Propertiei of Hibiiard's Bheamatit Ey up. T. E. Woo'sey, M. D., Beliaire. Mich. : My wife ha-! for some time been aiïected with dyspeteia and it nttending troubles. and I have bceu all run down íor a long time with what is called "general debility." We havs both docto ed and have taken highly adve tiae'i medicines, for somt time butrecoived no benefit, but by your advice we commence ! using Hibliard's llheumtitin Sv up and we vant to say to the pub'ic thnt it has given us gieater reüef than anything we have ever tried. It is a great blood reme:ly and you should not hositate to recom mënd it. You 's truly, Nicholas Uabdner. June 25, 18S7. Hibbards Rheumatic Syinp Is put up in largo packasre-i and U the greatest Blood Furifier known. lts peculiar combination makes it a great Family Kemedy. Fora dyspeptic. bi.ious or oonstipated person it h-is no e mal, aeting upon the stoinach liver and kiduoys in a pleassnt and hetilthy manner. l!ead our pamphlet and learn óf the great medicinal valué of the remedies which enter into itsc mnosition. Frice SI. 00 per botte: U bottles for i0J. For sale by all druggJ8f. A rubber solé for ladies' suoe, remov able at pleasure, is ouc All sulïerers with such chronit; ailments as livor clisease, dyspop-ia, blood diseases. cough, consumption (scrol'ula of the lungs), and kindrad di-teaset sliould know that Dr, Fierce's "(iolden Medical Discover}-" is their bet frieud in su ;h deep aftiiction. It comis to soothe, aüeviate anl cure. Dr. Holmes says the Englih people are talier, stouter and healthier than New F.nglanderSj Don't You Know that you cannot aMord to neg'eHthat catiirri' l-ou t. you know that it may lead to consumption. toin-mnity, to deatli Don t you know th ie it can be oasily cured: iion't vou know that while the thousand and one nostrunis you have tried havo utterly failed that Dr. Sage'-. Catarrh Hemedy is a cor tain cure! It hns stocd the test of years, and there are of tliousau Is of gratoful mi and women in all parts of the country who can te tity to lts oiüciency. A!l drug gi8ts. Algernon Charlea Rwinburne is in fai ■ ing i::iith and is leading a quiet anl re tired lite. The WU1 Kot Do It-S Those w'o once take Dr. Pierce's '"Pleasant Purgativo Pelletts" wilt never consent to use any other oathartic. They are pleasant to tike and mild in their operation. smaller thm ordinary pills and incloied in glas vials; virtuos unim paired. Bj drugsists. It is said that a brotber of Mr. I'helps. United States minister to England, is a tai'.or nt !■ loux Fall-s, Dak. FHK '.-'I' U i: HAXT8ÖXL : A goiin ine Meersohaum Pmoker's Set, ilivi piecei , iu 8itin lined plush oa e Address at on e K. W. Tansili. & Co., 5" State Siieot Chicago. Weekly payiuent of wages is now re(uired by law in Connectie ut A New Projict bv tho Brcwjrs and Bottlers Since the Moxiö Nerve ooi ha take the county b storm, and in viow oí the fa. 1 1 at lts usefjiness has settled t e i i t at it hus como tq stay, and lm already become the leading beTerage of the counlrv and requires uo lii'cnt'. nor doe any h'irm, some of tie leadme bre have propos d to Dr. Thompon to eroct a gigantic company one fifth as iar_u a . the Uuiness Ale Uomjiany. of Ëngland ast a starter, and give each bottler and forewe control of a etTtain amount of sto-k . monev re eived from atoo sales to o into the treaaury and bec:me t':e oomm m propeity oL the company. nnd the interest on its iuvestment t; b.) usod Coradverti-ing. Invoit at Lamar, SLo., Tbe young Kansas City of tho west. For particular W. Small, Jr., Kansas City. Mo. Cari S hur is said to be permanently orippled bv the result oftUelal on the ice last wiuter. 3 moiiths' treatment for 50c. Piso's F.ctn edy for Catorrh. Bold iy drnggists. Princess Dolgorouki, widow of the lat Czar, was on l' b Bpaplfih atress. ra o's Arnioa 0 l. The best piilve in the world for Ijtirns, Wounds and s-ore-. of ali Uiiuls. Eoüons, chilblains. brozen cct. Piles, Barber'a ]tcb. Soro I'yes, Chapped inmb. Sore Throat Prald Hend, Plmplsa on tlie l'ace. and all skin diseases. For Livor Conipl.' int, fiic!: Headach, Constípation. use Vat,e'i Mandrake illa. j Abovo remeilics o d by drQKffista or sent by mail for -5 ceuts by C. V'. buow & Co., Byracus, N. Y. CURRENT EVENTS. f Tlir ' : in Nero !, aud weighcd stxtv-flve In au au m ín Belium 534 competed, e ercd statiou aloníí t ;]■■ h ■ . ii!. At Chnrlo . K. I., thero are sil brothers wl rcrge over 77 years, al] oí wjiuin are arty. Tbe artificial fruit io be ufpd for trimmin; winter Iju!1 costuniGS are soft, iastcad of behig as bard a so much rock caiiuy. Co' ■■ .:! ulo by filling tho frame of an ulJ suluniug-wlieel nith cathedral plass. 'I Uu ivludun trame (ollows tbe outliues oí Uie wlieeL Women aro at preseut glven to poetry la ■ ; Ij svrious, too, ' ud Is lluri'fore not a very enconraging sijtn ior tliu 1 : b Farmers ruslding on the lowor Sacramento report that i!;'1 scale-bug, so numeróos and destracLlve dnrlne the past two or tbrec years, Lus thisseaaou lm st disappeared. An onlinarv elcpbanl prodneca 123 pounds ofiyory, wortli L6). Kni-m i consumes 630 tona (ol hun Shuffield onii-;lilrd), for whicb, t i3 neceas ry to Ui 1 1 12,000 clephants yearly. Color bllndoess Is twico ns conamon uruong Qua.'a-rs ns it is among tbc rost of tbe coniniuuity, owíiir to thelr havlng dicssed in drab for generatloot, and iLua disused tbo color sense. Five lumdred liKshds of pcaclics ars estlmatedtobe baugtiig on tbe treta at Bedford, Mii.-s, wbich dlsprovcs tbe prev.Liliu Idea tbat Ne? England Is uot a fruit-produclng section. Gcu. Miles' swi.r.l s on ezhlblUpn at TucBon, Arlzona Uatiy Mcxicttns wbo liave not learoed of the accident t the reucral are going nto ïucson to bco "lbo mao tbat coaquered the Apaches.'1 Farmers of Ulster county, Naw York, are beIng Tictlmized bj sw ndlers, wbo obtain tbcir s:gnaturcs in some nay, wblcb afterwarrt appi3ur appeude l to promises to pav, wbicb aio uci;otlute(l by a ihinl person. Tbc papéis of a civil suit agalnst "Kid" UcManus, oow In the Brldgcport, Conn., jall, for the recover? of tho property stolen at Faircblld's jewelry store, wcre rorred Jlouday. I The damagea were tjlacjJ at 110,000. A Newburgh, N. Y., younje (roman, Miss Jessiu Sbay, pianist can play clujlity elassical i plcces aud two concerlos fro:n momory. Sho expects to riuike ber debut on the musical stage tbis fall ander the dlrectlon of Thcodore Thomas. iTon DT8PBP8IA, Ismöh TÍOS, depresslon of Spirit?, (ieneral debility in their varii ous t'orms; also provcMitivo againgt Kever I and Ague, other h c Fevers, '■Ferro riiophorted llixir of Calisaya." made l.y Hazard, Hazard & 'o., N. Y., eold by all drnf(gÍ8ts; bost tonic for patients recovering f rom l'ever or other sickness, it bas no equal. IPP Colcis, -r V Cough8, HjMjL .. iA SoreThroat, ÏIBBp""B t Hoarseness, IL-, Stiff Neck, HMPVHBPRHl Bronchitis, i BUUMkMjbbmScr Catarrh, BpTTvift5B Keadache, HASSnLJUH Toothache, I m Tlaiillmi Rlieumatism 1 9"KSË'pMlsS Neuralgia, Ast h ma, II Bruises, Bi Sprains, qxiicker than any known remedy. It was the flrst and istheoi idy that inatantly stops th 1 most exoruetatlDg -t and lioLuDs, üLomach, Bow6ls,oroth6ri Uinds ororgans. No niattei or excrnclatlng thepatn tio Rheamatic n rm, Crippled, Kervour. is'euralgic, or prostratuü with tlisüaaua may suffer, RADWAYS READY RELIEF irtll p.fford Instant ease. BOWEL COMFLAINTS Thirty to fï.ttv drops in hnlf atumblerof wator wlll in iv few min:: is, Sour Stumaob. f the Ileart, I titburn, Blek Jlcftdaclie, Dlarrliea, Dyaeotery, OuUe, Wind ia the Bowels, aud all Interna! i a TUere ia not a remedial agent in the worldthnt wlll cure V' ir Malartoos, lïilious anu I by KaUway's PUl4t ao qvnek ns Ilad ' ief. Flity cents por Bottle. Sóld by drugpists. DR. RADWAY & CO., N. Y. Proprietors of Radway's Sarsaparillian Resolvent end Dr. Radway's Pilis. W MM AILS "YOU? Do vou foei dull, lanpuid, low-spiritcd. life loss, and ludcscriMably iniíeríible, both phyalI cally and mentally; a sonsa of i fullncs3 or bloating after eatins, or of "goneI ueta," or oinpUni-ss of stomach in tbe mornted, bittor or bad tasto in mouth, irregrular ii;pctitc, dizziness. frequent hoadnolK'3, bluriedcycsisbt, "lloatius Bpecks" beforo the ua prostration or cxbaustion, brritabllity of temper, hot llusbes, alternating witb chüly sensations, Bbarp, bitinif, transient pfiins uere and there, cold fcet, drowsin 'f3 after meals, wakefulneas, or dlsturbcd e; I nnrefreehlngr slucp, constant, Uidescribable oí dread, or of iinpendincr oalamlty ? If you huve all, or any consldorabio numher of these aymptomSi you nro öuu'ennjr t'rom I that mofit common of Axnefican inalndics - j Uiliou8 Dyspepsia, or Torpid Llver, iisaociated I with :ion. The more i coniplicatcd your diseflae bas fcecome, the ijrcaier tho ninnhor und diverfilty.of eympI toms. No matter wbut Pt;iro it. baa re. Dr. Pierce'sííoltioji rtlcalciJ iSiiscovcry will subduo it, U coi'diug to directions for a reasonablo lengtb ! time. Jf not oured, complications miiluply nd Eonauniition of tho IjUH!, SJnn ! 'iseasés, Ileart Di Rneumatism, Kldi other eravo i maladlea aro quH ■ set in and, sooner or later, induce fatal toruiinatlon. Dr. IMercc's i:ollcu Bïodïcal Dis: covcry ucis pov ion tbe Livcr, and throiiicb tbat nnr.t. blnod-purifyins organ, i lean mts and impurltlee, from whatever causo nrisliur. Jt is equally effloacious In ;ip Ung upou the Kidneys, and other t ccretory orpans, cloansing, strengthenlng, an I helling thoir li.seast_'S. Aa an appetizinë, restnratire ton , it nroinotcs disresnou and nutritioo, thereby tmilding up both Hesh and streng I h. In malarial di-. I this wonderful medicine bus gained groat cclebiitv in ouiing Fever aud Ague, ChüMs and Fever, Dum i Idndreodiaeasee. J)r. Picrcc'u Cioldou medical Discovcry CURES ALL HUIS9ORS, from a common lütch, or Eruption, to the oi-st Scrotula. Salt-rheum, " ï'cvcr-sores," Sealy or itougb Skin, In Bhort, all diseasca causod by bad blood aro oonquered by this powerful, purifylng, mul invifforating modi(i:ii'. Orcat Rating t . ■ in':ii under lts benign InHuence. Bspcoially has it manlI j ee, Bcrofuloos Bores and Svrelliniffi, Hip-jolnt Disenso, "White SnelJioi or Thick Neok, and Bnlarged ulandB. St nd ten cents in stamps for Treatise, with colorcd . o-i su.ti 1 1 amount ior u Treetlse on Borofulous "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." by U8lng Dr. Pierue's t;o!icn Medical Dfscovcry, and good ditfOBtion, a fair Bkln, buoyant spirits, vital ■ Btrength und bodily bealth wUl be establlshed. CONSUMPTION, wbioh ia Sii-i'ul:i oftlio Li:n$rs, is arnstpd and oured by I . n taken in tho . From its inar veloua power on ■ tl Is terribly Fatal discasc, when flrst ■ now world-famed remI hought seriously of e al ." but toned that name aa too restrictivo for a mod i, !i"in iLs wonderful oom . iïlti-rative, or blood-cloansii otoral, and i nuii ; I. not only as n remeos tion, but for all i ironie Ili: -v'UM's Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For AVonk Lungs, pittingr of Blooci, Í i noss of Breath, il Catarrh, Iiion:is, aud kiudred : 'is, it irf au iliicienWt i Sold hv iruegifts, at Sl.OO, or Six Iiottlcs for 5.OO. tüf Send ten cents in stampa for Dr. Picrcc's I book on Consumption. Address, Worla's Dispsnsary Medical Asssciaíion, 6C3 Plalil St., BUFFALO, N. Y. ulor su pp! y PfJH Litlle Gíí]es(VCHicl] cfltedprd 5! JjmbH will do clotheigcar. Aa ëjïtna ömkdwf:jijy fy 'J(e 'ilLi 'AWfí%! ThL CHAKtyojRn Compí mmHHHRHKnDisonlcre'.l Stomarh, pÜp Constipated iLibit. A Remody ffblch qu'Pkly charms The In ■ ii tin tiio mothert tirtns, , wiii'e d.o ping ase will ftrive to dratn lrin i'io oiilct doe- con' a Th KI1: ■: , viM'iXW sí F.TZEU flne Abiossinu iro.'cs to mo : HBP?rv?!8ft Y' Will S.ivt' ftfoney HPCflfAU RWW}! Tina. Pain, Troable Lri Ely's Crni Balín. Mwkf&j'i'tii&Sl Aniil Ealm Into each nostri!. KNLuM lïHitus, a-.-Gremwlch9t.-Nr ÊCR. HO3EHSACKS NEKVOUS DfcBILlTY FILLS. A uure nu't safe Bpeclflo Uu weaknnas tind íK'bill:y oí the ncrvoua systein, anrt general cxhaustion arlslns from linprudence, xcossea aml ovcrvvnrk of boily mul brfttDg o&mlng phjRlcalftnd mental weato nest, los" i't BMivnory mui inrapaelty. CitreH Olil mid Younjr. Plica 91 por Ikx. Propnred and for sal at Dr. Hobenicic8 ï.obortorv. No. titíti . 2d jst..IMiili d r I plila Ln. Send for et re i: lai CSTERBROOK8 LeadineNos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÓOtC OTEEL P!ÏM CO., 1 7ork3: Camdeu, N. J. 26 John St„ New York. Ecrsobb, Ï&19 aai Mm, If In want of Vctorlnary Medicines, orlf you want your favorite recipe fliiod by a compotoat persou. lf you bave a lame or Sick Horse or Other Animal, Callatorwrlte to tho only drug stci-o (ÏOTOtctl to tho wnnts of tho horse or other domesUO animal. DLTBO1T VETERIS. KY riI.lRUACY 'Zl Lafavotte ave Dutroit, rdicii. ■ f.(F%te sevkb s ;n Oif 1 %JJS%. l!Alt(Al; !'.!1 OI-.EI 1 ftlJt' JEPËATINC RIFLE Bi Pjt New from Kactorr. We Rtake onr Breputiitimi ct'47 '.'■■nis íin this l.'iílu, and gi gnnrauU-p it the Viffffst nfF. v rvrr TtípP niHd(. Bend (Ir. in xtainpft tor lüusiratod 1" lOO-pajce DwrcrlptlTe CauUodue. (luns. Rifles, KeToivers, Klshlns Tackle, Rlcyclea, Hportlnf Ooods.&o. JOHN P. LOVKIX ABMS CÓ., Botton, Mm. FRAZER AXLE BREASE Best In the Wtfrld. Made only hy the rrszer Lubrlcmfcr Co. 'jX CJiicuïO, N. V. L St. I.ouis. oJ everyxiherê (SryfV) y "lAsliiTclvi uretUnGO daysbvür. flöiVp r 3Ü flor neV. JU aanct!clicïU BUJILIJbL'J-- IcPTi nm.rninl Ini'M (JuaruntevU'he flHIHPrVgyflSonly ono In tho worlUfnneratlng tn998Ba?@ acontiauous Klectric Mngnetia A Tyw-'cnrivnt. Sclentlllo, Powerfal, Durable, Vv' ontfnrtJiblo ail(l Effect ive. Avoiil frauds. 4 overíí.OOiieiMTd. SfnfU.anipforpainjjhleti ALSiï F.LÏX'fKKJ UKï.TS FOft IIAEASKH. C2. -SiJiiE, iNVENTGH, (BI WABASH AVL.. CHICAGO SURECURE DISCOVERSE) FOR GATARRH ■VLauderbach's Germán Catarrh ,'emedy.JHLJl. Prictil. Smpi Tree ! Un:litl. Müc-!forlOc. in.Umpi. TUGlttANDS tlKKU aioce the dicovrr7 f tui. inrtiiud of treitmrnt ETeiT nil brii.1 kttrr. ftom Er:cfiil peraon niRRii b. s. i.Ai vkiuuiu w.. hnit. I. i., i'.s-i. f;! CUSES WHERE All EISE FAILS. U Beat Congh s-mp. Tasws k(i. Usc H 151 intime. Soul bv drnagtyrx ffl_ UA I Wfi I cxámliii'rmU.S.IV.tciitOraca I n I kil I w Ben -oh rorfree opinión wlintlK-r patent ■ Dboseoured. Nf-wtwok on patents frre. Keffn-ni" 'tiC'om'nis'itoiic'r of Pat em.s orany orher nffleinl ol tl e U. s. Patent Ofllce. E. 1Í. STOCK ISU, Attoraey. 1 1 FSt., Washington. í). C. PAYNOMOREMONEYTO QUACKS! I will sond you & BJ-p Boo wiüi pr. criptions ior Bil NervouB, Curoolo aim Cciiumun 5tamp8 i . i, .. m. tv ukeo. Wl. 7-n "PLACn IN TnK WEST" 7Ji& st i X Shortliimd or Spcnoeliao l'.nflSJ} mamhip, ia nt the dictuoit V CJJ I BDSINKÈS UNIVEB8ITY, Detroit, Mlch. Estab. int oUlogu tne. :'il,v: i-eueffor ASiülIlai K1DDERS PASnLLES.rrlcc85c yiiiu IUUUÍ.IIO rWO 1 II.UL.P. gTOWELll A COk PCIIClntlIC Offlcerm' pijr, B nnty procnreU, vHolunOf 1 rollered. Si yeari Irac:icc. Succe s or no fee. Writo for cirt-u ar ::i'i nevr law. A. "%V. ]ïo'o:-inHk fc Son, lVuliingloit, 1), C nuil (. iucintuitl, Ohiu. AAI PCUCM WAXTED b7 th oWert. HbErlllnS.ll ttrcMt and best knn 1# Nurserle in tlie Wost. Perioannt pot:tins; good pay. Outntfrce. BTAKK NUI;Si;i!IES, Louitiina, Mo. BA tiVdiVtt' 8. A. P. J.ACET. MH I pro I % Pati'utAttorncys, Wasblnjr- ■ l" B 0 (on, 0. o. iimtructions and ■ oplnlonson pntentnbility frke. SOyrs. eiperienoe. PEIICinilC At . Meriran War and l'nlnnYeterans. CROlUnd Milu Ii. Slrvrn. .t ( .... Vuhluclou, l'lcvclunil, Dctruil aud CliU-uifo. !■" TO 5S A DATf. Sana ei worM I.GO Jk iïTfi1. f.iiifsnotV', . i?. lfri W v llreuiler üafelji Hein Bolde Co..'Joli, WicK. AAflMJ .VO.Y777. y(.7e; I Mil T KB ■ lnc ni 1 1 iM. 1 :iii!]k! '). lbWU Au.;re,!.l 1' BR0NSON, J)elroit.Micl. PÍ1I n IsworthW per R. Pottlt'sKycSalvoisworth UuLU HOOU,I aboi liy dealers nDIIIM Habit Clired mtltturTtimBTvv UrlUIri Prof. J. 3. CiaiOS, ïtiS Ward, l'lsriaaU,O. W. N. U. D.--5--43 _ Wiien writiug: to Advcrtisers ploaso y jou siiv tho atlvcrtlseiuent ia thU Paper


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