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Manitoba tlour is being shipped to Scotland. C hicago si cialists havo nominated Capt. Bl.:ck for state's nttorney. Eight inches of snow feil in the vicinity of the Black Hills, Oct. 2. d. Daniel Kennedy, flnancial editor of the Pittslurg Dispatch, is dead. Betb Bemis, one of New England's bost known manufacturera, is dead. Fully 30,031) people attended the opening of the Texas state fair in Dallas the other day. The experimental sugar station in Louisiana has been completely wrecked by a cyclone. A cablegram announces the death of W. E. Sheridan, the well known actor, in Australia. Stanton, Va., had a [heavy snow storm October 26. St. Louis wants the national republican convention. Gold has been discovered about 40 miles north o( Grand Marías, Cook county,Minn. Kxperienced physicians and nurses are ncoded at Tampa, Florida, to battle with yellow fever. Cali.'omia demócrata are "figgering" to have the i;ext national convention held in an Francisco. Menied that Mexican ports are closed ligainst United States vessels on account f cholera at Now York. Three men were killed at Ellenwood, Dakota, the other day by the explosión of i thre hing machine boiler. i touiporury building capab'.e of seating ,jGO persons ia to be erected at Louisville. Ky., for tho Moody meetings. Apaches in Arizona are running o. i : toclí bolonging to settlers and otherwise making them considerable trouble. 'ihree boys were instantly killed by the i x plosión of the ovens at the japanning works in Bristol, Conn., the other day. 'iho state department at Washington is drapcd in mourning as a mark of respect to ihe memory of the late E. B. Washburne. The liumaue society in convention at ochester, adopted resolutions nondemning Pasteur's niethod of treating hydroi'hobia. diarios L. Phillips, president of tho delinct Columbian bank of Philadelphia. ba joined the American contingent in ■ Ruada. An appeal has been taken to the United tates supreme court to test the constituliouality of the Iowa and Kansas pruhibitiou laws. The western waterways convention, lield iu Memphis, Tenn.. favored a schema to connect Lake Michigan with the Missis.- ippl river. VV. W. Turnbull of Glasgow, Scotland, has been chosen right worthy grand templar of the I. O. G. T., vice J. B. Finch, deceased. Ueorgia's legislature adjourned on the .Ut inst., after a four month's session without adopting any of the public mea ares discussed. Secretary Bayard will soon marry Miss Markoe, a lady about 50 years old, who .as for man y years held a clerkship in tbe stutd department. Willium R ed of Pittsburg, the most ex. pert mineral and oil inspector in the United States, was drowned at Somers Point, N. J., the other day. Tampa, Fla..appeals to the public for aid to relieve the sufferings of tho laboring ulass who have been out of work since y olio w fever appeared. Saw, thingle and planing tnill of C. C. Looinis oL Little Rock, Ark., were destroyed by fire the other day, and about $--0,000 worth of Iu:nb3r burned. The Hon. Lewis Wallbridgo, chief justice i:' Manitoba, died at Winnepeg tho other mornine;, aged 71. He was speaker of the dominion parliament in 1 63. A battery of six boilers ia the Lawrenco roa works at Ironton, ühio, exploded tho other morning. Four men were instantly killed and 30 others were terribly injured. The $0,000,000 su i t against Jay Gould and llusseli Sage, as trustees of the Kansas Pacific railroad securities, brought by siopij & Heno of Amsterdam, has been d L8( outiuued. ii. F. Jones, chairman of the national republican committoe, has issued a cali for tho committee to meet in Washington, uec. 8, to fix the date for holding the next national convention. The united labor party of Chicago has indorsed the nomination of Joseph E. Uary for judge of the supreme court, and L. K. Boyera for state's attorney. It was Judge Gary who sentencedthe anarchist!. Mts. Jules Arnoux of NewCastle, Penn., sets up the claim tbat she is a daughter of Jean (jirard, youngest brother of Stephen Girard, and asserts $75t',0l0 is due her and flve other heirs by Girard collego in Phila. delphia. The followiug is the atsessed value of stock in Texas: Horses and mulos, 1,193,523 head; value, $8,221.171. Cattle, 6,741,,m head; value. $46, 735, 614. The decrease in value from cattle of last year is about íti,OO'J,0OO. Ajbloody fight with Indian Territory vigilantes took place near Wawoca the other day, and 15 men were killed and many more wounded. Affairs in that vicinity are in a very Btrained condition and further trouble is expected. Premier Norquay, now in New York, is said to have closed a contract for the sale of $250,000 in provincial bonds, and this. with the Ï3 0.0J0 sub-.criBed by citizens of Winnipeg, will enab!o the work of the Hed River Valley railroad to go on. Üuring September Iast48,161immigrants arrived iu this country, against 39,917 iu September, 1S86. During the nine months of the present year, onding September 39, ,11, OU) immigrants came to this country, against 294,597 duriug the corresponding nine months of 1 VlThe annual report of Gov. Church of Dakota, shows tho population of the territory to be fjti ,-iTT, with an assossed property valuation of $157,054,35 . During the past six years more than 30,000,000 acras of land hüve been entered. About 24,000,000 acres of pub. ie land are unoccupied. Suit lias begun in the United States court in behalf of the United States against th trustees of Trinity church, New York, forimportingunder a contract to preach the Rev. E. Walpole Warren, an English clergyman. The offenses charged is tbe vioiution of the contract labor la w, and tho penalty for the offense i $1,000 fine. 1 urious windt did p.reat daniage to vessels on the lakes on the 23d and 24th of October. The bargo Oriental sunk near Port Dalhousie, and her crew of flve men are supposed to have perishcd. The Zach Chandler went down on the 23d, but her crew was reseued, after a night of great peril. It is thought that the barges Dolphin and Morris aro also lost. An (-Hort is to bo m .de to units the coal miners throughout the t;itii e country into ene national organization. There are at present about 20U,000 coal miners in the country. Of this number 50,000 aro meinbers of tbe knights of labor and 14,000 ar- in the federation. The remaindcr are unorganized and every offort will be made to bring them all into the fold. Gov. Martin f Kansas, has eommutod to six months in jnil and to pay itiOO the sentence of J. T. Btewart, the young raan of Wichita, who was recently found guilty of selling OS glasses of beer and sentence. 1 to pay a fine of $1UO and to serve one month in jail for each offenso. The accumulated flnes amounted to $;0,S00 and the time to 6eventeon years and four months, The einploying printers effected a permanent organization at Chicago the other duy electing Theodoro L. De Vinne, New York, president. Thomas Williamsou of Detroit, was made one of thesvice presidents. The conveutionadjournedto meet in New York, üctober, 1888. The convention failed to agree, the union unaniuiously refusing anything less than its demands- nine hours at the present wags.


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Ann Arbor Democrat